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1、s frenzied real estate market.在80年代上半叶,日本公司基于东京股票交易所的疯狂升值和疯狂的地产市场在全世界扩张。5. With intellectual property now accounting for more than 25% of U.S exports, protection against international piracy ranks high on the governments trade agenda.在现代美国的对外出口中,智力财产已占有25%的份额。反国际盗版在美国政府贸易日程表上被放在了重要位置。6. Some economi

2、sts hold that Asia has begun what will be a lengthy journey to stability and recovery, a process which will last for at least the next year.有些经济学认为亚洲已经踏上通知稳定和复苏的漫长道路,这个过程将持续最少十年。7. Now the official trading and business currency of eleven European countries, the euro wont be the official cash currenc

3、y in these nations until January 1st, 2002.现在,欧盟十一国中官方贸易贸易欧元,在2002年1月1日前将不会在那些国家中成为官方货币。8. Before I came here, I learned from a TV program that Chinas foreign trade has developed remarkably and the kinds of export goods have much increased.在这之前,从一个电视节目中我了解到中国的外贸已有了飞速发展,各种出口物资大大增加。9. Without sufficie

4、nt evidence to support, your claim is untenable, and we can see no point in pursuing it further.没有足够的证据支持,你的主张是站不住脚的,也没有必要进一步去坚持。10. Although we are keen to meet your requirements, we regret that we are unable to comply with your request to reduce the prices as our prices are closely calculated.我方虽非

5、常希望能满足贵方的要求,但遗憾的是我方不能接受贵方降低价格的要求,因为我方价格是精确计算出来的。Exercises C-E1、尽管我们对过去的贸易合作感到满意,但还有扩大双边贸易的可能。我此次来访的目的就是探讨发展双方的贸易前景,讨论过去所出现的一些问题Although we are satisfied with the past trade cooperation, there is still possibility of expanding bilateral trade. The purpose of my visit this time is to inquire into the

6、prospect of bilateral trade development and to discuss some problems appearing in the past.2、我们相信本公司极具竞争力的价格、完美的设计及产品极高的品质,必将确保销售量的稳定上升。We believe that the competitive price, perfect design and the supreme quality of the products will ensure the stable increase of sales volume.3、世界银行的使命是建立一种机制,为恢复和发

7、展经济提供长期所需的外汇。The mission of the World Bank is to establish a kind of framework to provide long-term foreign exchange for economic recovery and development.4、债券实际上是发行公司的一种长期债务,公司要隔一定的时间,比如说一年或半年,会利息给持有者。Bond is actually a kind of long-term dabt of company of issue. The company will pay owners interes

8、t at certain intervals, for example, one year or a half.5、从以往来看,中国开展对外贸易的目的在于为自己的工业化获得资本货物,克服国内生产的严重短缺和瓶颈以及促进其政策和外交目标的实现。Seen from the past, the purpose of Chinas developing foreign trade lies in gaining capital goods for its own indutrialization and overcoming the serious shortage in domestic produ

9、ction and help to achieve the goal of its policy and diplomacy.6、在今年的前三个月中,这个高科技开发区批准了总价值为一亿七千美元的十四个来自台湾的投资项目。In the first three months this year, this high-tech development zone approved of the 14 investment items from Taiwan with the total value of 170,000,000 dollars.7、我们坚持必须遵守我方条款,若无法做到这一点,十分抱歉,

10、我们将不得不取消定单。We insist on your complying with our terms. If you fail to do so, we are sorry that we will have to cancel the order.8、近年来,中国政府制定了一系列法规,为外国投资者提供了更多的方便。In recent years, Chinese government has made a series of laws and regulations for the covenience of foreign investors.9、我们主张在一切国际经济事务方面,发展

11、中国家都应有充分的发言权。We maitain that the developing countries should have enough say in any aspect of international economic affairs.10、我们两国在农业、渔业和地质等领域有着光明的合作前景。Our two countries have bright prospects of cooperation in the fields of argriculture, fishery ,geology and so on.17 Education Exercises E-C1、 Furt

12、her education includes all kinds of educational studies and activities, formal and informal, except full-time secondary education and university deucation, for persons of any age beyond compulsory school age.继续教育包括对超过义务教育年龄的人所进行的各种接受教育的学习和活动,无论正式与否。全日制的中学教育和大学教育除外。2、 US public primary and secondary

13、schools have always been financed by local taxes levied by the city or town.美国公立中小学一直都是由当地市镇的税收提供资金的。3、 In university course selections, women are entering some professional programs in increasing numbers, but their participation remains low in fields traditionally choose by men: engineering, mathem

14、atics and sciences.在大学课程的选修中,正在涉足某些职业项目的女性日益增加,但是在传统上由男性所选择的工程、数学和理科领域,她们的参与率仍然维持在低水平。4、 Education is compulsory from ages five to sixteen and public education is free to all children in the elementary and sedondary grades.五至十六岁接受教育是强制性的,公办教育对中小学的所有学生都是免费的。5、 Public schools, which provide education

15、for about 88% of American children, have brought the American ideals of universal education and equal opportunity for all closest to realization.为大约88的美国儿童提供教育的公立学校使美国人普及教育、机会均等的理想基本实现。6、 American education on the college level is provided by more than 3,000 institutions. They range in size from ver

16、y small schools serving only a few hundred to huge state universities with student bodies exceeding 40,000.美国的大学教育是由3000多个机构提供的,其规模有只有数百名学生的小学校,也有学生总数超过40000名的国立大学。7、 Universities are regarded as ivory towers and consequently enjoy total academic freedom. For instance, university authorities are in

17、complete control of admission, the contents of the curriculum, teaching methods, awarding degrees and the appointment of staff.大学被视为象牙塔,所以完全享有学术自主权。比如,学校方面完全控制着入学、教学计划内容、教学方法、学位的授予和员工的任命。8、 English Language Teaching Contacts Scheme for China List is a British Countil China on-line discussion group f

18、or Chinese English language teaching professionals with an interest in developing themselves and sharing views on ELT.“中国英语教学研讨接触计划”是为志在发展自我、交流英语教学的中国英语教学职业人员而设立的英中在线研讨团体。9、 Experts say that private consultants are gaining in popularity because more high school students want to go to college and fee

19、l they need a competitive edge to help them get in.专家们说家庭教师越来越受欢迎,因为更多的中学生想上大学同时感到需要一把利刃帮助他们进入大学校门。10、Oxford University attracts schools from many parts of the world to join its teaching and research staff, and also values important role of overseas graduate students in providing intellectual, stimu

20、lation and creating and maintaining academic links with colleges abroad.牛津大学吸引着来自世界许多地方的学者加入它的教师教研队伍,并且重视海外研究生在增进知识和与国外大学建立并保持学术关系方面所起的重要作用。17 Education Exercises C-E1、落后的教育和人才的缺乏是妨碍中国成功实施西部大开发战略的最大障碍。The backward education and the shortage of qualified personnel are big barriers to the successful f

21、ulfillment of Chinas intensive development strategy of the wetern regions.2、中国即将加入世界贸易组织,中国的教育必须满足国际交流的需要。Since China is on the verge of entering into the WTO, its education must satisfy the needs of international exchange.3、教育部、财政部和国家发展计划委员会于近期联合颁布了一项公告,规定改变我国农村地区的学费。A recent proclamation jointly i

22、ssued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Development and Planning Commission states that the tuition fees in the rural areas of our country will be changed.4、在今年毕业的四百多名研究生中,已有约三分之一选择了到中国西部地区工作,为我国的西部大开发战略贡献力量。Approximately one-third of the more than 400 graduate stu

23、dents who received their degrees this year have chosen to work in the western parts of China in order to contribute to our countrys grant development strategy of the western regions.5、这是一所国家重点大学,宽阔的校园坐落在南运河边。能否被录取要看学习成绩和个人表现而定。It is a key national university whose broad campus is located near the ba

24、nk of Nanyun River. Admission depends on the applicants test scores and their personal qualifications.6、十月十八日教育部的一位官员在福州说,到2005年中国的大学生将在今年的基础上增加两百余万,达到四百多万名。An official from the Ministry of Education revealed in Fuzhou on October 18 that in 2005, the number of Chinas university students will increas

25、e by more than 2 million. This years figure amounts to more than 4 million.7、由中国教育国际交流协会主办的首届中国教育国际论坛于2000年11月10日在北京举行。此次教育论坛主题为“二十一世纪信息技术的发展对教育的挑战”。The First China International Forum on Education sponsored by the China Education Association for International Exchange was held in Beijing on Novembe

26、r 10 2,000. The main topic of the forum was Challenges to the Education from the IT Development in the 21st Century.8、教育部近日发布了教师资格条件实施办法。根据教师法的规定,只有具备教师资格的人员,方可在各类学校和其他教育机构中从事教学工作。The Regulations for the Enforcement of Qualifications for Teachers was issued recently by the Ministry of Education. Acc

27、ording to the stipulations of the Law for Teachers, only those who are qualified can be engaged in the teaching job at schools of all kinds and other educational institutions.9、今年的研究生考试报名工作近日结束。据悉,今年研究生报名规模大幅度增长达12万人。其中硕士生为9.5万人。今年的录取工作将比以往更符合招生计划和考试结果的实际情况。The work concerning this years application

28、 for the graduate qualification test has been finished recently. It is said that the number of the applicants this year sharply increased to 120,000, 92,000 of which were for Masters degrees. The admission work this year will be even more suitable for the admission plan and the actual examination re

29、sult.10、全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会日前在北京宣布,计划筹资一千万元,用八年时间组织西部地区的一万名农村小学教师完成小学教育专业大学自学考试。The Guiding Committee of the National Higher Education Examination Program for the Self-taught announced recently in Beijing that they would allocate ten million yuan for organizing ten thousand rural primary school teachers in the western regions to fulfill the junior-college-level self-taught examination for the specialty of primary education in a period of 8 years.18 Environmental Protection Exercises E-C1、 To save humans and other creatures on earth, to protect the natural environmen

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