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1、each other and other processes6)Custom placement: you assign each benchmark process with attendent child processes to processors7)Custom placement: you assign each benchmark and attendent8)processes to processors9)Note: some benchmarks, such as bw_pipe, create attendent child10)processes for each be

2、nchmark process. For example, bw_pipe11)needs a second process to send data down the pipe to be read12)by the benchmark process. If you have three copies of the13)benchmark process running, then you actually have six processes;14)three attendent child processes sending data down the pipes and15)thre

3、e benchmark processes reading data and doing the measurements.16)Job placement selection: 117) 再接下来就是指定内存,本次指定为 512M,如下Several benchmarks operate on a range of memory. This memory should be sized such that it is at least 4 times as big as the external caches on your system. It should be no more than

4、 80% of your physical memory. The bigger the range, the more accurate the results, but larger sizes take somewhat longer to run the benchmark.MB default 2814512下一步为所要运行的子集,默认为全部,本次我们用默认值即可,如下lmbench measures a wide variety of system performance, and the full suite of benchmarks can take a long time

5、on some platforms. Consequently, we offer the capability to run only predefined subsets of benchmarks, onev1.0 可编辑可修改 for operating system specific benchmarks and one for hardware specific benchmarks. We also offer the option of running only selected benchmarks which is useful during operating syste

6、m development.Please remember that if you intend to publish the results you either need to do a full run or one of the predefined OS or hardware subsets.SUBSET (ALL|HARWARE|OS|DEVELOPMENT) default all 最后出现如下画面即为测试开始了,下面只需耐心的等就可以了。Confguration done, thanks. There is a mailing list for discussing lmbe

7、nch hosted at BitMover. Send mail to to join the list.Using config in 2013年 11 月 11 日 星期一 10:06:07 CST Latency measurements 2013年 11 月 11 日 星期一 10:45 CSTCalculating file system latency 2013年 11 月 11 日 星期一 10:49 CSTLocal networking 2013年 11 月 11 日 星期一 10:08:29 CSTBandwidth measurements3测试结果查看测试完毕执行 m

8、ake see 可查看到测试结果报告 Lmbench 的结果及其说明、本次测试结果如下cd results & make summary percent 2/dev/null | more正在进入目录 /opt/performance/lmbench3/resultsL M B E N C H 3 . 0 S U M M A R Y(Alpha software, do not distribute)Basic system parametersHost OS Description Mhz tlb cache mem scalpages line par loadbytesuser2-VT3

9、 Linux i686-pc-linux-gnu 1598 88 128 1 Processor, Processes - times in microseconds - smaller is betterHost OS Mhz null null open slct sig sig fork exec shcall I/O stat clos TCP inst hndl proc proc procuser2-VT3 Linux 1598 647. 1873 4330Basic integer operations - times in nanoseconds - smaller is be

10、tterHostOS intgr intgr intgr intgr intgr bit add mul div modser2-VT3 LinuxBasic float operations - times in nanoseconds - smaller is betterOS float float float float add mul div bogouser2-VT3 LinuxBasic double operations - times in nanoseconds - smaller is betterOS double double double doubleadd mul

11、 div bogoContext switching - times in microseconds - smaller is betterHost OS 2p/0K 2p/16K 2p/64K 8p/16K 8p/64K 16p/16K 16p/64Kctxsw ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw*Local* Communication latencies in microseconds - smaller is betterHost OS 2p/0K Pipe AF UDP RPC/ TCP RPC/ TCPctxsw UNIX UDP TCP con

12、nuser2-VT3 Linux 106.File & VM system latencies in microseconds - smaller is betterHost OS 0K File 10K File Mmap Prot Page 100fdCreate Delete Create Delete Latency Fault Fault selct*Local* Communication bandwidths in MB/s - bigger is betterHost OS Pipe AF TCP File Mmap Bcopy Bcopy Mem MemUNIX reread

13、 reread (libc) (hand) read writeuser2-VT3 Linux 759. 1214 833. 2874 1517.Memory latencies in nanoseconds - smaller is better(WARNING - may not be correct, check graphs)OS Mhz L1 $ L2 $ Main mem Rand mem Guessesuser2-VT3 Linux 1598 正在离开目录 /opt/performance/lmbench3/results4相关测试结果参数说明如下ID测试分类技术参数中文名称测试

14、结果测试项描述1BasicTlb转换缓存88转换后备缓存的页面systempages页数2parameCache缓存行字128高速缓存行字节数tersline节数3Mem存储器分存储器分层并行化par层并行化4Scal并行负载并行执行的 lmbenchload数目5ProcesNull简单系统(单位:s)简单系统调用所花时sor,call调用(取间(单位微秒)进程号)6ses简 单 IO简单 IO 操作(空读I/O操作(空 读写的平 均)写的平均时间)7stat取文档状态的操作 s)取文档状态的操作所花时间8Open clos打开然后立即关闭文档操作打开文档,然后再关 闭文档操作所花的时 间9

15、Slct tcpSelect 设置Select 设置 所花时 间10Sig hndl捕获处理信号捕获处理信号所花的时间11Fork procFork 进 程后直接 退出647(单位:Fork 进程后址接退 出所花的时间12Exec procFork 后 执行 execve 调用再退 出1873(单位:Fork 后执行 execve 调用再退出所花的时 间13Sh procFork 后 执行 shell 再 退出4330(单位:Fork 后执 行 shell 再退出所花的时间14Basic float operatintgr bit add/mu整数位操作加乘除(单位:ns)整数位操作,加, 乘

16、,除,等的运算所 花时间ionsl/div/求模操作mod15Float/浮点型操(单位: ns)浮点数操作,加,floatadd/mu乘,除,等的运算所operat乘bogo16Double双精度数双精度数操作,加,double操作加乘除17Contex2p/0k2 个并行2 个并行处理 0K 大tctxsw处 理 0K小的数据所花时间switch大小的数ing据182p/16k2 个并行处理 16K 大处理 16K小的数据所花的时间192p/64k2 个并行处理 64K 大处理 64K208p/16k8 个并行8 个并行处理 16K 大218p/64k8 个并行处理 64K 大处理 64K

17、 大小的数 据2216p/1616 个 并16 个并行处理 16Kk行处理大小的数据所花时间16K 大小的数据2316p/6416 个并行处理 64K64K 大小24Local*Pipe本地管道本地管道通信延时时Commun通信延时间25icatioAFnUNIX26latencUDP本地 UDP通信延时时ies27TCP本地 TCP通信延时时28TcpTCP 建立106TCP建立连接并关闭connconnect所花时间并关闭描述字290k0K 文 件(单位: s )0K 文件创建删除VMfile创建与删所花的时间create除/delete3010k file create / delete

18、10K 文件 创建与删 除10K 文件创建删除31Prot fault保护页保护页延时时间32Page fault缺页缺页延时时间33100fd selct对 100 个 文档描述 符配置 select对 100 个文档描述符 配置 select 的时间34本地通信带宽方面管道操作759MBs本地通信带宽方面管道操作速度35n bandwiFile reread文档重复读s文档重复读取的速度36dthsMmap reread内存映射重复读取内存映射重复读取速度37bcopy(libc)内存拷贝内存拷贝使用 libc38bcopy( hand)内存拷贝手工拷贝速39Mem read内存读2874MB/s内存读取速度40Mem write内存写1517MB/s内存写入速度41MemoryL1L1 缓存L1 缓存操作延时42L2L2 缓存L2 缓存操作延时43Main mem连续内存系统内存连续操作延时44Rand mem内存随机访问延时系统内存随机访问操作延时

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