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1、Part . Vocabulary and Structure (55 points)There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section . For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D .Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blackenthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .11 . I haven􊳰t seen the fi

2、lm, I know ve ry little about it .A .After B .As C .Although D .Before12 . You saw Jane at the evening par ty , ?A .we re you B .was she C .didn􊳰t you D .did she13 . The numbe r of the people applying for the job increasing .A .ar e B .is C .is being D .are being14 . Babies ar e from diseas

3、es by their mothe r􊳰s milk .A .avoided B .kept C .protected D .pr evented15 . Mothe r told Mary late for school .A .not to B .did not be C .not be D .not to be 157 16 . He r father two yea rs ago .A .had died B .was dead C .died D .was died17 . The t eacher spent almost the whole afternoon

4、the students􊳰homework .A .to go over B .go over C .going over D .went over18 . The students laughed the silly answer s they had put on their t ests .A .at B .from C .to D .over19 . I know nothing about in the army .A .she working B .for her to workC .he r having worked D .her having been wo

5、rked20 . quick , or you􊳰ll be late .A .Be B .To be C .You must D .You s hould21 . They usually have less money at the end of the month than at the beginning.A .which is B .which was C .they have D .it is22 . The picture r eminds me the time we spent together in New York .A .of B .in C .for

6、D .to23 . We are looking forwa rd to a t rip to your count ry .A .take B .taking C .be taking D .having taken24 . May I stay with you going back to my par ents􊳰home tonight ?A .because of B .so as to C .in spit e of D .in st ead of25 . It will not be long before we again .A .shall meet B .w

7、ould meet C .meet D .will be met26 . He spoke so quickly tha t I didn􊳰t what he said .A .ca tch B .mis s C .listen D .r eceive27 . I r emember to help us when we got into t rouble .A .once offe ring B .him once offeringC .him to offer D .to offer him28 . We can obtain k nowledge f rom other

8、 sources books .A .beside B .besides C .apa rt D .in addition29 . is known to the world , Mark Twain is a gr eat American writer .A .T hat B .Which C .As D .It30 . Althought John was the eldest in the family , he always let his siste rcha rge of the house .A .use B .hold C .make D .take31 . Her Engl

9、is h is very good . She can s peak English bette r than in her grade .A .any one B .the oneC .any one else D .othe r student32 . The enemy t roops heavy losses in the bat tle .A .suffered B .r eceived C .accepted D .met 158 33 . I go to bed until twelve o􊳰clock tonight .A .shall B .will C .

10、don􊳰t D .won􊳰t34 . it is ve ry late now, these managers ar e still wor king in their office .A .As B .When C .If D .Although35 . It John and Kate who helped me the othe r day .A .is B .was C .are D .wer e36 . They ar rived home ve ry wet , as they had walked all the way the r ain .

11、A .in B .below C .under D .into37 . He is clever young man he can speak about ten foreign languagesA .such . . . so B .so . . . thatC .such a . . . that D .so a . . . for38 . If you want to telephone him, you􊳰ll have to up the numbe r in the book .A .look B .see C .find D .search39 . Im

12、2848;m af raid nothing I can do about it .A .it is B .is C .that is D .the re is40 . When John in London he went to see the London Bridge .A .came B .r eached C .ar rived D .got41 . The house is da rk; the Browns to bed .A .may go B .should goC .should have gone D .must have gone42 . I don􊳰

13、t know where going .A .is s he B .s he is C .she will D .will she43 . I think tha t was the reason the football team lost the game .A .wha t B .how C .which D .why44 . My sister is used to with all the windows open .A .sleep B .sleeping C .the sleeping D .have slept45 . There left for us to eat .A .

14、isn􊳰t anything B .isn􊳰t somethingC .is anything D .a ren􊳰t anything46 . In spite of the noise , he went on working nothing were happening .A .because B .as if C .although D .wher e47 . Not until the game had begun at the spor ts ground .A .he ar rived B .he didn􊳰t

15、 ar riveC .did he ar rive D .would he a r rive48 . Elect ricity is great use in indust ry and everyday life .A .for B .of C .in D .with49 . Most Chinese like to drink tea . But some prefer coffee tea .A .to B .for C .with D .against 159 50 . You had bet ter the teache r about this .A .ask B .to ask

16、C .as ked D .as kingSection B􊷂Mistake SpottingEach of the following sentences ahd four parts underlined and A, B, C and D . Identifythe one that needs correction and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet .51 .Last night I saw a wonderful film, that is ab

17、out a British woman in the Second World War .A B C D52 .Never before he has seen such beautiful clothes designed by such a young lady .53 .The pupils wer e made r epeating the teacher􊳰s word s many times until they couldA B Csay them fluently .D54 .The problem now is not why I should study

18、English , but how to get the best r esultsin the short possible time .55 .Anybody who k nows anything can see that this elephant like a snake .56 .The nurse added some s ugars to the medicine to make it easy for the child to take .57 .I can􊳰t remembe r whether this was happened last year or

19、 the year before .58 .The child avoided to be punis hed by running away quickly .59 .Please come the downstairs for br eakfast afte r you have finished washing .60 .The star s we see at night ar e really h uge sun s like our sun , but they ar e more far awayin s pace .61 .If I had known all this bef

20、ore , I would not speak to him that way .62 .It was the United States that they came to know each other and got mar ried .63 .I don􊳰t mind work too ha rd all the week , but I refuse to work on Su ndays .64 .He asked me if the room was big enough for us three to live . 160 65 .The sitting ro

21、om would be much improved if you put a furniture in tha t corner .Part . Cloze Test ( 20 points)For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below andmarked A, B, C and D .Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackeningA hobby can be almost anything a

22、 person likes to do in his spare time . Hob byists build66 ships , watch birds , climb mountains and r aise flowers . Hobbyists also 67 picturesand per form on musical 68 .T hey collect everything from stamps to coins . People take up hobbies becau se these activities69 enjoyment , f riends hip , kn

23、owledge and r elaxtion . Hobbies 70 people relaxafter periods of hard work , and also of fe r interesting activities for persons who ar e 71old to work . Anyone , rich or poor , old or young , sick or 72 , can follow a satisfyinghobby .Doctor have found that hobbies ar e valuable in improving patien

24、ts􊳰health . Hobbies givethem something to do, and provide inter ests that keep them 73 thinking about themselves. Many hospitals 74 patients by having them take up inter esting hobbies .A famous Canadian doctor expres sed the value of hobbies by saying ,“ 75 man is reallyhappy without a hob

25、by .66 . A .model B .sample C .example D .false67 . A .make B .create C .dr aw D .design68 . A .tools B .meters C .devices D .inst ruments69 . A .contain B .offe r C .supply D .s how70 . A .bring B .cause C .help D .force71 . A .very B .quite C .rathe r D .too72 . A .well B .good C .health D .happy7

26、3 . A .to B .from C .of D .against74 . A .see B .cure C .afford D .tr eat75 . A .Not B .Without C .No D .NonePart . Reading Comprehension (45 points)There are three reading passage in this part . Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A,

27、 B, C and D . Choose onebest answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .Passage OneAlmost eve ryone k nows the meaning of Mr ., Mr s . and Miss . Mr . is used befor e the 161 names of men . Mrs . is for ma r ried women and Miss is for single women . But wha t is Ms . ?For some

28、time, busines smen in the United States have used Ms . befor e a woman􊳰s namewhen they do not know whether the woman is ma r ried or not . Today , however , manywomen pr efe r to use Ms . r ather than Mrs . or Mis s . T he word Mr . does not tell u s whethe ror not a man is ma r ried . Many

29、 women think this is an advantage for men . They want to beequal with men in this way . These women feel that it is not important for people to knowwhether they a re mar ried or not .T her e a re some problems with Ms ., howeve r . Not all women like it . Some like the older way s of doing advantage . Some find it difficult to pronounce . (Ms . sounds like“miz .)Generally , young women like it bet ter than older women d

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