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1、7. HowlongdoesittakeJimtogoschool? A.Five minutes B.Tenminutes C.Fifteenminutes.8. Whendidconversationplace? A.Inanartclass B.InMrs.Wangsclass C.After9. Howgirlmeetinglast A.Fivedays B.Sevendays C.Fourteendays.10. Whatdotheywant A.Watchacartoon B.Watch a film C.Watchmatch11. Wherewillstudentsgetinfo

2、rmationinfuture?books B.Innewspaper C.OnInternet.12.Whatcanwelearnfromconversation? A.Jacktookpartbirthdaypartyyesterday. B.Jackhastoothache. C.Jackstayeduplatenight.第三节 (共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分) 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、BC三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白两遍。听下面一段

3、对话,回答13至15三个小题。13. Whataboutwoman? A.She wantsbuyhouse. B.Shedecided. C.Shenotdecide.14.Whoman A.The owner of the house B.Thesalesman C.Theofficer15.Howmanybig roomsaretherehouse? A.One B.Two C.Three听下面一段对话,回答16至18三个小题。16.Theinterestedwomanspeakerbecause_. A.her spokenEnglishimpresseshim B.she works

4、PekingUniversity C.she likestravelling17.WhyChina? A.Travelling B.Visitingparents C.TeachingEnglish18.Whataftergraduation? A.Helpheruncle B.Beteacher C.StayNewYorkforsomefurtherstudy.听下面一段对话,回答19至22四个小题。19.Howbottlesofmilkwant?A.Two B.Three C.Four20.Howsoonhisorder?A.In25minuteshalfhour C.Inhour21.W

5、hatknowconversationA.Nickphonenumber235-4681.B.ThelivesatNo.12,RiverStreet.C.Theorderedfourkindsfoodstotal.22.Wheretwospeakerstalkingstore B.Onstreet C.Onphone听下面一段独白,回答23至25三个小题23.poorman?A.Hegotgoldcuporange.B.Hisorangeswereasbigbaseball.kinggavehimmuchmoneyreward.24.Howrichfeellast?A.Excited B.Di

6、sappointed C.Funny25.passage?A.Theknewwouldgivemoney.wantedfootballreturn.thoughtbegladwhenhegreat第二部分笔试部分2、选择填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。将代表该答案的字母在答题卡上相应的位置涂黑。26. Im sorry to interrupt you and Max! . Were having a free talk.A. Never mind B. That would be nice C. I hope not D.

7、 Go ahead27. I hear youve got an“A”in your English test. Congratulations! .A. Youre welcome B. Take it easy C. Many thanks D. Its a pleasure28. Do you think teenagers cant have a part-time job? . They may learn from working.A. Thats all right B. Dont mention It C. Its nothing D. Hard to say29. Is Pe

8、nny here? Not yet, but she in half an hour.A. arrives B. will arrive C. arrived D. has arrived30. In the past 70 years, China historic changes and made great achievements.A. experienced B. experiences C. has experienced D. would experience31. Why is Jenny so happy today?She where she had left the ca

9、r and the police found it this morning.A. forgets B. forgot C. has forgotten D. had forgotten32. Which is your brother?The big man, smartly dressed a suit and tie.A. on B. with C. for D.in33. My friends came over on Saturday.I had an exciting but busy day.I had nothing to do. I have a nice_ weekend.

10、A. lazy B. full C.light D. difficult34. Will you remember your teaching in the mountain village?Yes.The memory will_with me for many years.A. play B. leave C. live D.follow35 The sign reads,”No person _smoke here!”Id better choose a seat in the smoking area .A. must B. shall C. will D. can36. You do

11、nt have to call an engineer.The machine _. How come?Who and when made it ?A. has repaired B. is repairing C. is repaired D.has been repaired37. Its surprising that you are playing in Alexs band. Though we really have very different ideas about music, thats another_.A. opinion B.situation C.story D.

12、color38. I searched bookstores and libraries for information,but found_.You should surf the Internet.A. anything B. none C. nothing one39. My father_ a new fence at our home.Is it used for keeping the animals outside?A. set up B. set off C. put up D.put off40. I want to know .why not ring her u

13、p to ask?A.if this hair band belongs to Aria or not B.what time is Aria arrivingC. How Aria will come to my party D. What the matter is with Aria 三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 My first job was in what they call the city center.The building was large, dark and ol

14、d and the physics lecture room was on the second floor 41 , it wasnt a lecture room at all, it was an ordinary room, but it had “LECTURE ROOM” on the 42 The students were sixteen or seventeen years old, 43 several years younger than meIn fact,some of them looked and acted even older than me sometime

15、sThe room was directly 44 the street, and had the window looking out over the street and many housesOne day, I was 45 some work on the blackboard when I heard a sudden change in the noise behind meThere was a man standing in the room with 46 an apple in his handHe looked 47 “Who threw this?” he aske

16、d, looking round the class “I beg your pardon?” I said“ 48 threw this apple out of the window,” he said“It 49 on my car” “Who threw an apple out of the window?” I 50 to the classThere was no answer “I will be waiting the fellow who threw this” said the man“I 51 outside for you” And then he left, sla

17、mming the door 52 was silence and I continued with the lessonAt the end of every lesson, a bell rang, usually the class were all 53 before it finished ringing, leaving me saying “Thats all for today” to an empty 54 This time, when the bell went for the end of the lesson, no one 55 “Thats all for tod

18、ay,” I said “You go first, sir” said one of the boysIt made a nice change, being first out41AHappily BLuckily CProperly DActually42Afloor Bground Cdoor Dwindow43Aover Bonly Cup Dalmost44Aon Babove Cbelow Din45. Agetting Bmaking Ctaking Dputting46Ahardly Balmost Chalf Dsuch47. Aangry Bkind Csorry Dha

19、ppy48AAnyone BOne CWho DSomeone49Ahit Bfell Clanded Darrived50Aasked Bsaid Ctalked Dtold51Ahate Bfind Cget Dwant52AIt BThere CThis DThat53Awalked Bleft Cgone Dended54Alesson Bclass Croom Dlecture55Aheard Bfinished Cspoke Dmoved四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。ANEWSBITECom

20、puter class with no computer?How can you learn computer science without a computer? One teacher has found a way-by drawing screen shots (截屏) on the chalkboard for his students to learn from!Owura Kwadwo teaches computer science at a rural school in Ghana,Africa.The school is too poor to buy computer

21、s for its students.So when teaching the students how to create a text document(文本文档),Kwadwo has to draw the process on his chalkboard.The method seems to be working well.His kids really enjoy his classes.Pictures of Kwadwos drawings have become popular online.People have praised Kwadwo for his dedic

22、ation(尽心尽力)and cleverness. TEENS56.We may read the above a textbook on computer science a newspaper C. on a chalkboard D.on a website57.The purpose of writing this material is to_. A.draw peoples attention to the education in poor areasB.remind student to be thankful to their tea

23、 admiration for a hard-working teacherD.Show how hard it is for teachers in African to teach computer science without computer58.Kwadwo teaches computer science creating a text document and showing the process in it B.with interesting pictures and stories added to his lessonsC.b

24、y presenting materials which are loved by all the drawing pictures of what appears on the computer screen on the chalkboard 59.The reason why students like Kwadwos classes might be that_.A.Kwadwo is very responsible and well prepared for his workB.students are always interested in comp

25、uter scienceC.students can learn lots of knowledge in his classes D.students scores have improved a lot under the instruction of him60.we can learn from the passage that_.A.Kwadwo is the best teacher in his schoolB.Kwadwos way of teaching has paid off and he should be respectedC.People seeing the pi

26、ctures of Kwadwos drawings decide to help himD.Kwadwo uses no computer in his class to save moneyBOne morning as I was sitting outside enjoying my coffee , I noticed a pigeon on the road in front of my home .After a few minutes of watching the bird, I went back inside to refill my coffee cup. With coffee in hand, I sat down on my bench and no

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