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1、mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge and grasp of electronic commerce system , marketing and other related theory; at the same time, also participated in several related internships, and to practice units left a good impression. i

2、n addition, i also have good english listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other capabilities; to proficiency in a variety of computer office software. at the same time, i am done with the use of vacation time marketing-related part-time jobs, classes have been opened, not only enri

3、ch their own, but also cultivate a wide range of skills of their own. more importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude, i created a simple, steady, innovative character. today, china has more than 100 million internet users, and a long time in the rapid growth will continu

4、e at the same time, network marketing and traditional marketing is the organic integration of the achievement of each other, so that significantly reduce business costs and the benefits to open up markets than in the past three to improve the seven times. it is because the e-commerce has many advant

5、ages, so, i believe that the vast majority of e-commerce will soon become the first choice for enterprises. i look forward to on the internet such a broad platform to demonstrate their business skills, expectations have been tempered in practice and improve, so i hope to be able to join your company

6、. i will do a good job of their own, solidarity and cooperation with colleagues to make every effort to achieve good results. i believe that, after their hard work and efforts, will make due contributions. thank you for your busy schedule to give me the attention, the cause of your company is willin

7、g to success, achievements, and wish your business every success in the future!sincerely, salute!respected leaders of your company:hello!thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter pulling redundant. here, i give you their own situation to make a simple self-introduction:i am a graduating

8、graduate, called xx. xx years, i was admitted from home changchun, beijing institute of electronic engineering. xx years in the occasion of graduating with honors admitted to graduate school of chinese academy of sciences. many times when i get people undergraduate scholarships, graduate student in

9、the school due to learning and students work and social activities, the excellent performance, has been awarded three good job candidates are pre-sales technical support. this is my after work positioning and social needs in their own ability to measure, the final decision.learning the w

10、ay under my feet has been very flat, this will allow me the opportunity to further study the capital of our great motherland and get to know the best from around the country teachers and peers, and to greatly expand my horizons; the other hand also limit my thinking, i always warm in the arms of the

11、 school since that is favored. think they learn better, and has been engaged in the work of students to meet the needs of the community, is a capable person. until my friend started to society. watching them change, listening to their knowledge, i realized i was still just a student, from the needs

12、of the community there is a certain distance. so i always hope to find opportunities to complete their graduate career transition. xx march to december, i recommended by teachers in chinas major special issue, “chang-e lunar exploration project team in project management. after the contract expired,

13、 i was in the xx co., ltd. made a one-month part-time service work. after that time the practice and understanding of the workplace, i realized that their work is most suitable for pre-sales technical support. on the one hand, i have a strong ability to learn technical knowledge and perception; the

14、other hand, small to large i have been consciously or unconsciously exercise their own communication skills and presentation skills. both the capacity and quality technical support is needed for the work. in the pre-and post-comparison, i prefer the pre-, pre-sales technical and communication skills

15、 working on more demanding, and because the sales staff to help, so the team the ability to work requirements are relatively high, and my students time has been very active, participating community, students and organization members in the branch as the previous experience of team work brought me a

16、lot of joy and confidence, i have been very fond of working in teams. the combination of these considerations i put my intention to work on in the students in the united states, i feel that they have been before graduation have a clear career plan, and their ability to have

17、a clear understanding of their position very clear, how to deal with their work, how to treat customers, how treat their colleagues, how to deal with superiors. before they have been accepted into the society a good vocational education. these is what i strongly want to increase capacity. so, i alwa

18、ys wanted to have the opportunity to increase their knowledge to the united states. want to go to your practice, more in-depth understanding of your company. please give me a chance leadership! thank you!next with job-seeking resumes and hope for the interview! wish you success in your work, zhu gui

19、gong division thriving!job-seekers: xx xx years x months x daysdear leaders: my heartfelt thanks to you i am busy reading this material, and wish your organization the cause of prosperity and bright future!i am a college xx * x university graduates, since the university today, the college entrance e

20、xamination after the easy, learn the joy of taking the wind was gone, because my start and continue to strive to meet new challenges. shuttle time, i talked about this childhood dream, the ideals of young people leave school and embark on jobs. i am thinking of a four-year universities, the knowledg

21、e structure and psychological growth of the four-year maturity. benefits in the hong kong polytechnic university to study the strong and innovative atmosphere, melting of which made me to be a four-year compound talents. in school, i study hard and expertise, and strive to apply the theoretical know

22、ledge in practice, took part in the national undergraduate electronic design contest, and success. in addition i like computers, not only master the use of basic application software, and the smooth passage of the national community and the department of labor and social security information of high

23、-tech intermediate vocational qualification exams and microsoft certification exam atc. in english, through four countries in english and spoken english to participate in training. in addition, an active part in my students and student organizations, such as radio station services for students, outs

24、tanding performance, contribution to excellence has won the colonel, “miyoshi outstanding students and outstanding members,” “outstanding student leaders,” “the school radio station system” excellent work from, “and so on. ”there will be wind and waves, the white sea ji yun-fan”, i sincerely hope to

25、 join your company, i will be with full enthusiasm and tenacity of character to work hard and cooperate with colleagues for the development of your organization to make their own modest. page curriculum vitae is attached under the discretion of your survey, i urge acceptance reply is hope, i look fo

26、rward to your good news!电子信息技术专业自荐信尊敬的贵公司领导:您好!我是集宁师专物理系电子信息技术工程专业即将毕业的学生。通过多种渠道了解到:贵校有雄厚的实力和广阔的发展前景,且十分重视人才的引进,所以我十分渴望能够成为贵学校的一员,为学校的发展尽微薄之力,把我的青春融入学校的蓬勃发展之中。我是在农村长大的孩子,农村艰难的生活锻炼了我坚强的意志,也培养了我吃苦耐劳的精神,性格的原因使我具有耐心、细心、一丝不苟的学习和工作作风。吃得苦中苦,方为人上人,只要迎难而上努力去干,我相信,不管道路如何艰难,我都会取得成功。为了更好的发挥自己的才能,实现自己人生的价值。我一向十分



29、知识,成功的通过了各种等级考试。并且利用课余时间自学了会计专业的有关知识。积极参加学校组织的各种活动,大学三年一直担任班级的生活委员,带领大家在学生会组织的活动中获得优异的成绩,得到老师和同学们的一致认可。在宿舍里担任舍长,带领大家在历次卫生检查时获得优异的成绩,同时协调好宿舍里的人际关系!组织过班级的各种晚会,并多次担任主持人。担任学生会监察部干事时组织过“纪律与学习”讨论会,促进了各班级之间的交流与了解。在各种活动中培养了自己的组织领导能力,同时也提高了自己的人际交往能力!大一期间在学校机房做维护,使自己对计算机有了更进一步的了解。节假日到商场打工,为自己将来能够更好的踏上社会做准备,同时也提高了自己的社会实践能力!因此,我殷切的希望贵公司能给我一个机会,我愿与贵公司同事携手共进,共创辉煌!最后,祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上!祝您身体健康! 此致敬礼自荐人:xxx

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