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本文(四川省广安市邻水县岳池县前锋区学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题 doc文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

四川省广安市邻水县岳池县前锋区学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题 doc文档格式.docx

1、每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When should the games start at first?A. 8:05. B. 8:10. C. 7:50.2. How is the woman going to Fuzhou?A. By train. B. By taxi. C. By car.3. Why cant the man get a table?A. The woman is busy at lunch time.B.

2、Theres no free table at the moment.C. Theres a traffic jam at the moment.4. Why wont the woman go to the library?A. Shes going there with Joe. B. She has to wait for Joe. C. She doesnt have a car.5. What is the man going to do now?A. To go to Jeans birthday party.B. To help his mother do some shoppi

3、ng.C. To buy a birthday present for Jean.第二节 (共15小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题,听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. What s the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and studen

4、t. B. Husband and wife. C. Interviewer and interviewee.7. What do we know about the man?A. He has lots of working experience.B. He wants to earn more money.C. He began drawing in primary school.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. How old is the mans sister?A. Two years younger than the man.B. Twelve years younger th

5、an the manC. Two years older than the man.9. How do the man and his sister keep in contact usually?A. By sending letters or cards every weekB. By writing e-mails almost every day.C. By calling each other every day10. What are the two speakers probably doing now?A. They are talking on a TV show. B. T

6、hey are talking in the street. C. They are talking on a radio program听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. When does the conversation take place? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.12. Whats the mans health insurance number? A. 2658A. B. 88564802. C. 5559008.13. Whats problem? A. His back hurt

7、s. B. He has a fever. C. He has a stomachache.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What was the woman looking at? A. A map of the city. B. A list of restaurants. C. A schedule of activities.15. What season is it? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.16. What day and time is it now? A. Monday at 4:15 p.m. B. Sunday at 4:

8、15 p.m. C. Sunday at 5:00 p.m.17. Why is the man happy? A. He likes helping visitors. B. He just saw a concert in the park. C. He will take a walk with the woman.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. How many ways are mentioned to solve personal problems?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.19. Why does the writer suggest sta

9、ting the problem in a few words? A. To draw other peoples attention. B. To know where the problem is. C. To find a solution to the problem. 20. What is the best way to solve problems? A. Finding the cause of your unhappiness. B. Facing the problems bravely. C. Making direct attack. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分4

10、0分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOn a freezing afternoon, I picked up a wallet in the street. There was no identification(身份证) inside. Just three dollars, and an old letter that looked as if it had been carried around for years. I opened the letter and saw th

11、at it had been written in 1924almost 60 years ago. I read it carefully, hoping to find some clue to find the wallets owner.It was a “Dear John” letter. The writer, in a delicate script(娟秀的字迹),told her lover, whose name was Michael, that her mother did not allow her to see him again. It was signed Ha

12、nnah and her phone number. So I called.“No, of course! We bought this house from Hannah thirty years ago. Hannah had to live in the nursing home many years ago. Maybe you can go there.”Then I phoned the nursing home and was told, “Yes, Hannah is with us. Hannah was a sweet, silver-haired old-woman w

13、ith a warm smile and friendly eyes. ”I went up to the third floor of the nursing home. I showed her the wallet and the letter. The moment she saw it, she took a deep breath. “Young man,” she said, “this letter was the last contact I had with Michael. ” She then said deeply: “I loved him very much. B

14、ut I was only sixteen and my mother felt I was too young. I never did marry, I guess no one ever matched up to Michael.”I took the elevator to the first floor. As I stood at the door, holding the letter to the guard. He looked at it closely and said, “Hey, I know ,the letter is Mr. Goldsteins. Hes a

15、lways losing it.”“Whos Mr. Goldstein?” I asked. “Hes one of the old-timers on the eighth floor. Thats Michael Goldsteins wallet, for sure. We went there where Michael Goldstein was reading a book. I told him I know where Hannah is.”He grew pale. “Hannah? You know where she is? How is she? When that

16、letter came, my life ended. I never married. I guess Ive always loved her.”“Michael,” I said. “Come with me.” We three took the elevator to the third floor. We walked toward the Hannahs room, still watching TV. Michael Goldstein went over to her.“Hannah,” he said softly. “Do you know me? Hannah, Im

17、Michael, Michael Goldstein. Do you remember?”“Michael? Michael? Its you!”He walked slowly and they embraced(拥抱)tearfully. A perfect ending for a love affair that had lasted nearly 60 years.21. What do you think is the best title of the passage?A. Forever Love. B. A Beautiful Girl.C. Kindness and Cha

18、nce D. A Great Story.22. A “Dear John” letter is a letter for_?A. love B. marriage. C. refusing D. party.23. According to the story, we learned that_.A. when in Rome, do as the Romans do B. Rome is not built in one day C. All shall be well and Jack shall have Joe D. Practice makes perfect24. The wri

19、ters purpose of writing this story is to_A. show how great and how royal the real love is B. show where there is a will there is a wayC. prove what a surprise Hannah got D. prove how they regretted to see each other.BSummer camps for children of all ages are being offered in 2016 by Extended Studies

20、 at the University of Nevada. Reno (UNR). Registration for camp sessions (时间段) is available online and also by phone.Kids UniversityJune 16 - August 1, 2016. Kids University is a summer day camp for kids entering 2nd through 8th grades and features week-long camp sessions in the arts, writing, scien

21、ce, math, literature, history, web design, cultural exploration, sports and games, and many more. There are both full-day and half-day sessions. Fees (费用) are from $140-$160 per week. The phone numbers is (800) 233-8926. Sessions are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 pm.Wolf Pack Sports CampsJun

22、e - August, 2016. Summer Wolf Pack Sports Camps are offered for 9th through twelfth grade children. The camps are hosted by Nevada Wolf Pack coaching teachers and players. The sports offered include baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball, track and field, and volleyball. Full-day, half-day

23、, and overnight Wolf Pack camps are available. Time tables and fees vary with each camp. Visit Nevada Wolf Pack camps for details, session descriptions, and registration information, or call (775) 784-4050.Lake Tahoe Music CampJuly 6 - 12, 2016. The 59th Lake Tahoe Music Camp invites middle school t

24、hrough high school student musicians to participate in a week of music-making, workshops, performances and fun, The camp is led by award-winning UNR teachers and local educators, professional jazz musicians and more. The fee is $550 per camper. Information is available online or by calling (775) 784

25、-4046.Learn more about other camp information like Girl Scout Camp, etc by calling (800) 233-8928. Because of limited space, registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.25. If a kid has many interests, he will probably participate in _A. Wolf Pack Sports Camps B. Girl Scout CampC.

26、 Kids University D. Lake Tahoe Music Camp26. It can be inferred from Wolf Pack Sports Camps that _A it lasts for a month B. it offers six kinds of sportsC. it is fit for kids who have time at night D. its fees are very high27. The music camp will invite middle and high school students _A. who only l

27、ike to listen to music B. who have never learned musicC. whose dream is to become a musician D. who are expert in music28. If you need the information about Girl Scout Camp, you 11 call _.A. (775) 784-4050 B. (800) 233-8928C. (775) 784-4046 D. (800) 233-8926CMy grandfather Andy Anderson is 99. His l

28、ife story is one for the big screen - he met my grandmother on a Saturday, and they married on the following Saturday. They stayed together until my grandma died 67 years later.Without going to college, Andy worked his way to the top. He became the manager of the dairy department of Safeway. He earn

29、ed the nickname Mr. Cheese, which eventually turned into Grandpa Cheese among the family. He has taught me a lot and here s what he has learned in his 99 years.Always maintain a good sense of humor. Find something humorous in every single situation. Never be too good to start at the bottom. Exercise

30、 every day, even when you don t feel like it. Dont spend more money than you make. Save your money now and spend it later.You must be able to forgive, even if it s difficult to do. Love is not always easy; sometimes you have to work at it. Your family is the most precious thing you will ever have in life.If you are faced with a problem, don t delay trying to figure it out. But if theres no way to figure it out, you have to forget about it. Make sure you re doing what you

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