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1、53.69thus unable to put into practice what they have learned from the books.58.07As a result, when students graduate,01:00.81they get a diploma but little experience and capacity, which, however,05.61are valued by the employers.07.80In my view,09.00the solution relies largely on the joint efforts of

2、 school authorities and students themselves.15.35On the one hand, schools should provide guidance for students,19.61encouraging them to incorporate book learning into practical skills.23.99On the other hand,25.63it is advisable for students to come down to earth and accumulate experience30.01related

3、 to their future job. Only in this way,33.94can they better adapt to the society and find a suitable position in it 易考范文二02.71At first sight, the cartoon is not uncommon:08.18a man is spraying insecticide on a mass of pests12.01to prevent them from spreading diseases.14.41But on reflection,16.05we c

4、an realize it actually serves as an analogy to a phenomenon20.87that has aroused our social concerns.23.50Like these pests, product safety, especially food safety,28.41pose a grave threat to the public interest.31.69Now, some money-oriented businessmen resort to illegal means37.39in order to extract

5、 more profits from consumers.40.67They betray their conscience by injecting water into pork,45.37adding harmful substance to milk or applying too much agricultural chemical to crops.52.04Many consumers develop severe illnesses which result from eating tainted food.58.28In light of the seriousness of

6、 the problem,01.66we must spare no effort to launch a campaign against this phenomenon.06.37First of all, it is most important that a wide-ranging surveillance system be built11.95to guarantee the quality and safety of products.15.56Moreover, laws and regulations concerned should be made20.15to puni

7、sh the selfishness and irresponsibility.23.54Last but not least, it is necessary for consumers to be well-informed of the potential harm30.43brought by certain problematic products.33.39With our concerted efforts, I am convinced these “pests” will eventually go extinct.易考范文三04.25As is vividly portra

8、yed in the above drawing,09.29two men, representing the countryside and the cities respectively,14.21stride forward hand in hand. This drawing conveys a clear message that20.11the urban and rural areas should put a high premium on the common development.25.91Looking back on the past,28.21nobody can

9、deny the fact that the boom in cities can be attributed,33.13to a large extent, to labor-intensive industries,36.84which owe much to migrant workers in turn.39.91From a different perspective, many farmers swarm into the cities,45.05where they can get more job opportunities and better education,48.77

10、with the aim to improve their living standard.51.50All in all, both farmers and city residents benefit from the common development.57.08Nevertheless, we should not turn a blind eye to the uniqueness of both areas.02.88It is true that people in cities enjoy more chances,06.92better pay and more conve

11、nient transportation, but meanwhile,11.41they are rather harassed by such problems as higher living costs,15.78pollution and traffic jams.18.08In contrast, people in rural areas have better environment to live in,23.00with fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink.26.28Yet, prompt medical servic

12、es and good education may not be available.31.53Therefore, drawing on each others strong points for common progress36.67will help dwellers in both areas better enjoy the advantages while easing concerns42.79caused by the disadvantages.44.87Only in this way, will the countrys future prosperity be gua

13、ranteed易考范文四03.46What a revealing picture it is!07.84In the picture, a finger tries in vain to knock over a tumbler.12.32The words on the tumbler read “unfair regulations”,16.69while those on the finger “public”.19.21Why do these unfair terms imposed on consumers remain intact,24.46in spite of the l

14、atters repeated endeavor to sweep them away?28.51From my point of view, a number of factors are responsible for the phenomenon.33.76For one thing, some giant monopolistic industries often abuse their dominant position40.32to take advantage of consumers, who have no choice but to accept those unfair

15、deals.46.78For another, government fails to deter this problem due to its weak surveillance system,53.23which practically overprotects local enterprises for the sake of profits.58.80It is not a tough problem to tackle as long as we find its root.03.07In the first place,04.49anti-monopoly laws should

16、 be issued and enacted to ensure the consumers interest.10.51Secondly, it is imperative for the government at all levels to enhance supervision and17.51tighten restriction of the suppliers.20.24As a result, these unfair terms are bound to disappear sooner or later易考范文五04.04In the above cartoon,07.31

17、a patient who is only under the weather goes to see a doctor,11.47but when he receives his bill,13.66he is astounded by the unbelievably high fees charged by his doctor.18.69As is mirrored in the cartoon, nowadays,22.41a great many people, low-income residents in particular,26.34cannot afford medica

18、l treatment.28.75Moreover, an increasing number of medical disputes,32.36largely caused by doctors prescribing unnecessary medicine36.41or treatment merely to make money, have come to the fore in recent years.42.10Both soaring medical fees and deteriorating doctor-patient relationship47.35have drawn

19、 nationwide attention.49.86Fortunately, our government puts a high premium on this issue54.24and has begun to take effective measures to improve the situation.58.29Firstly, rigorous laws are made to prohibit some doctors and medical institutions04.19to take advantage of regulatory loopholes.07.58Sec

20、ondly, health care reform is being deepened11.30by establishing a basic medical treatment network that aims to cover everyone in China.17.97Therefore, there is still hope that the tumor threatening the stability of our society24.42will be removed in the near future易考范文六04.59In the above picture, a m

21、an drives his car to buy some soy sauce,11.14but evidently the errand takes him too long a time.15.08Amusing as the picture seems,17.60it compels us to consider this question: is private car a plus or a minus?24.49It has been a controversial issue whether or not we should possess a car.29.30Advocate

22、s say we derive numerous benefits from private cars,34.00which enable us to go anywhere at any time without relying on public transport.39.91But others hold views to the contrary.42.54They argue that traffic jams caused by the booming number of private cars47.68are driving people mad. In addition, t

23、he exhaust fumes emitted by motor vehicles,54.67most of which are private cars,56.86remains one of the primary sources of pollution in cities.01.13It seems unwise to abandon private vehicles in light of its convenience.07.03However, at least we can take actions to reduce its disadvantages.12.83Above

24、 all, we need to limit the use of private cars.17.32Private car owners in Beijing, for example,20.60are allowed to drive only on alternate days.23.77In addition,24.75it is essential to improve public transport and encourage the use of bicycles.30.00As is clearly shown in the above picture,32.95rathe

25、r than drive a car, the man may just as well ride a bicycle,37.77which will save him much valuable time in traffic congestion.易考范文七03.93In the picture, a man is standing in the boat,08.74his fingers pointing to the distance.11.14Characters in it read “scientific development”.15.08It goes without say

26、ing that this picture intends to reveal that19.67only in a scientific way can our nation develop rapidly.23.94How can we ensure that we make headway in the right direction?27.99As far as I am concerned,30.18several factors as follows need to be taken into account.34.44First and foremost, we should p

27、ut a high premium on the public interest39.69and devote whole-heartedly to it.42.21That is to say, we must put the interests of the people in the first place,47.24since the ultimate goal of the development is to50.08provide a comfortable and happy life for people.53.47Besides, it is an essential task to close the gap57.63between the wealthy and the poor.59.71In addition, seeking peoples advice can02.99prevent the government official

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