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本文(英语流行口语对话 TalkingAboutWeather谈论天气.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

英语流行口语对话 TalkingAboutWeather谈论天气.docx

1、英语流行口语对话 TalkingAboutWeather谈论天气英语流行口语对话 TalkingAboutWeather谈论天气 随着全球经济的快速发展以及到了21世纪以后英语的广泛使用,可以看出英语的重要性,那么关于讨论天气该如何表达?以下是给大家的英语流行口语对话: Talking About Weather 谈论天气,希望可以帮到大家 (Its) a lovely day,isnt it? 天不错,啊? A:(Its) a lovely day,isnt it? A:天儿真不错! B:Sure.Its quite clear. B:可不是,真晴朗。 A:I think it will c

2、ontinue to be fine. A:我觉得天气变不了。 B:I hope so. B:但愿吧。 Fairly warm this morning,isnt it? 今天上午真暖和,是吗? A:Fairly warm this morning,isnt it? A:今天上午真暖和,是吗? B:Youre right.The air is so warm and everything looks so fresh and green. 是啊,天气暖洋洋的.一切看起来都那么清新,那么翠绿 A:Say,how about a walk along the river? A:去河边散散步怎么样?

3、 B:Marvelous idea? B:太妙了! I like this kind of weather. 我喜欢这种天气。 A:I like this kind of weather. A:我喜欢这种天气。 B:Yes,a little breeze and a lovely moon. B:是啊,微风徐徐,皓月当空。 A:And its calm.I like the peace. A:还静静的,我很喜欢这种宁静。 B:Me,too. B:我也是。 It seems a glorious day today. 看来今天是晴天。 A:It seems a glorious day toda

4、y. A:看来今天是晴天啊。 B:I agree. B:我也这么想。 A:Its beginning to spot. A:开始下零星小雨了。 B:Just now we both thought it would be fine. 刚才我们俩还都认为天会不错呢。 The autumns marvelous here. 这儿的秋天真美。 A:Its nice and bright today,isnt it? 今天真是阳光明媚,天气宜人。 B:Yes,the autumn is marvelous here. 是啊,这儿的秋天美极了。 A:Tomorrow will be fine too,I

5、 think. A:明天天气肯定错不了。 B:I hope so. B:但愿吧。 The sun is shining. 阳光灿烂。 A:The sun is shining. A:阳光灿烂。 B:But therere some mares tails. B:但是有些马尾云。 A:Thats the sign of wind. A:那是有风的征兆。 B:Oh,really,I thought it was a sign of rain. 哦,是吗,我还以为是要下雨呢。 Its clearing up. 天晴了。 A:Look!Its clearing up. A:瞧,天晴了。 B:I can

6、 see the sun now. B:太阳出来了。 A:I like summer as long as its bright like this. 只要天气像这样晴.我还是喜欢夏天的. B:Anyway,I dislike summer here.Theres too much rainfall. 我可是不喜欢这儿的夏天,雨水太多. Its better than yesterday. 今天的天气比昨天好。 A:Its getting warm today. A:今儿天转暖了。 B:Yes,its much better than yesterday.But I still feel ch

7、illy. 对,比昨天强多了,可我还是感觉有点凉. A:Its fairly warm for this time of the year. 对这个节气来说已经是够暖和的了. What lovely weather! 天真好! A:What lovely weather! A:天儿真好! B:Its so pleasant after the bad weather weve been having. B:这么长时间没有好天气,今天可真痛快。 A:Lets go out and enjoy the fresh air. A:出去呼吸一下新鲜空气吧。 B:All right.Lets go. B

8、:好啊,走吧。 The rain is letting up. 雨小了 A:What a heavy thunder storm just now! A:刚才的暴风雨真大啊! B:But its let up. B:现在小了。 A:Look!What a beautiful rainbow! A:瞧,多漂亮的彩虹! B:Yes,its sunny again. B:是啊,天又放晴了。 I think its going to rain. 我觉得要下雨了。 A:Look at the thick clouds,I think its going to rain. 看!那去层厚厚的,我想是快要下雨

9、了吧 B:That is whats technically called cumulonimbus. B:它的学名是积雨云。 A:Whats that? A:什么是积雨云? B:The clouds that produce thunder-storm. B:它的学名是积雨云。 A:It doesnt look promising today. 今天的天儿看起来不太好。 B:What does the forecast say? B:天气预报怎么说的? A:They say today will be fine. A:说今天是晴天。 B:But therere already snow fl

10、akes falling. B:可是已经飘起雪花来了。 Its too cloudy,isnt it? 天阴得很沉啊。 A:Its too cloudy,isnt it? A:天阴得很沉啊。 B:Yes,its getting dark. B:是啊,天儿越来越暗了。 A:I feel suffocated. A:我感到很闷。 B:Its going to be a heavy rain. B:可能会有场大雨。 The rain is so heavy. 雨太大了。 A:Gosh,the rain is so heavy! 天哪,雨太大了! B:So heavy?It rains cats an

11、d dogs! B:太大了?科简直是大雨倾盆! A:Everything grows hazy,I cant drive. 一切都模模糊糊的,车开不了了。 B:How about a rest? 休息一下吧。 Im freezing. 我快冻僵了。 A:The cold was simply awful,Im freezing. A:冷得要命,我快冻僵了。 B:Were going to have cold spell,I hear. B:听说寒流要来了。 A:You mean itll get even colder? A:你是说开儿还要更冷吗? B:Yeah. Theres too muc

12、h sun outside. B:不错。外面太晒了。 A:Theres too much sun outside. A:外面太晒了。 A:Id better stay in. 那我还是呆在屋里吧. B:Good boy. 好孩子. Its been like this for. 这样都了。 A:Look!Its raining again. A:看,又下雨了。 B:Its been like this for a fortnight. B:这样都两周了。 A:I wonder when itll clear up. A:不知道什么时候能放晴。 B:The weatherman says itl

13、l still last for four more days at least. 预报说这种天气至少还要持续四天. The weather forecast says theres a hail tonight. 天气预报说今晚有冰雹。 A:Im freezing.Its terribly cold these days. A:我快冻僵了,这些天太冷了啊! B:The weather forecast says theres a hail tonight. B:预报今晚有冰雹。 A:I wonder when the cold spell will pass. A:不知到寒流什么时候过去。

14、B:It says the spell will last another 6 days. B:据说还要持续六天。 I cant stand the cold here. 这儿太冷,我受不了。 A:I cant stand the cold here. 这儿太冷,我可受不了。 B:Neither can I,especially the wind. 我也受不了了,这风尤其难熬. A:The north wind is biting and Im frozen to the bone.A 北风刺骨,我都快冷冻透了. The snow is setting in. 开始下雪了。 A:Look,the snow is setting in! A:瞧,开始下雪了。 B:What beautiful snow flakes! B:多美的雪花啊! A:Lets go out and play with the snow. A:我们出去玩儿雪吧。 B:Great!I enjoyed playing

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