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1、However, Dr. xx is not satisfied with the current achievement and has set up his career goal. As he told me his willingness to proceed with his postdoctoral career in your vigorous laboratory, I could understand his heart of seeking more academic advancement there and applauded his strong desire and

2、 decision to take his dedications and skills to the next level. With your help, I believe this ambitious young man will be an excellent scientific researcher. I sincerely expect the information I provided above could be helpful for you to assess Dr. xxs application and consider him favorably. Furthe

3、r information is available if you need. Yours Sincerely, Dr. xxx Professor of xx University篇二:博士后求职信 what are your long term career goals? what is it that you are hoping to learn in my laboratory? given the available information on the web, what types of projects that my laboratory does interest you

4、 most? 问候语言:(微笑地)hello,*. yea, its me. you must be dr. *. how are you!*,i am fine, thank you!it was very nice to meet with you and thank you to give me this opportunity to interview. 一般老外的口头禅 actually, . basically, . . probably . . kind of . 这个老美口头上巨喜欢用 gonna, wanna, gotta, .then,. thats it./you got

5、 it. that makes/doesnt make sense. 这个绝对常用 然后老美特喜欢用thanks,有事没事经常说,非常小的事都说 questions:1, what are your long term career goals? * answer:my ultimate goal is to be a distinguished professor in my research i have the chance to your lab, i will try my best to carry out the research projects successfully. d

6、uring the postdoctoral training course, what i am expecting are not only to obtain the good research papers by my hard work, but also to have the best training in * and eich my research experiences. i think that the later is more important to me. you known that in china, because of being restricted

7、by research conditions, litter efforts were applied to studying *, so that in my institute i can not contact any relative research in *. productive in research achievements and papers as a scientist, but also be outstanding in education as a professor. as a scientist, i would pay my whole attention

8、to uncover the unknown phenomena or mechanism in *, and other relative research areas, and i will try my best to apply those findings to *. in addition, as a good professor or teacher, i want help those undergraduate students not only to be familiar with those basic theory in biological science, but

9、 to learn about the recent achievement and progresses in biological science. you known that now most undergraduate students were unwilling to study the biology science, they said that this area can not bring them higher salary in future and be so boring. so that, as a biological teacher, the most im

10、portance is to help them cultivate their interesting in science and the interesting is always the key to success in any are my mention. 2, what is it that you are hoping to learn in my laboratory? answer:first, and the most importent reason is that i am very intersted in *. my interest is uncoving t

11、he mechanism and regualtion of *. current project in my present lab focused in *. although, it is really a very interesting project,but i think this project would not bring any more break-through findings or theories in mechanism, and the findings might just testify the already known principles or p

12、henomenons. otherwise, i think the projects carried in your lab are more interesting and more beneficial to * research area. the work involving * would benefit to treat the diseases of mammalian, especial of human beings. so that, i am very hope to do some works in this is the nice work done in your

13、 lab in recent years, and the perfect research back ground and technique supports in your lab. all of them can be learned from the webpages and papers from your lab. to be honesty, like every postdoctors, i really want to do the good project under your instruction and can produce good papers, which

14、would be helpful to me finding a suitable position in anywheres. those are my , given the available information on the web, what types of projects that my 这个问题的答案是因人而异的,因老板和实验室而异的。下面是我当时准备时在网络上收集的面试经验(来源bbs):准备情况:1. 面试时手边准备一些材料:自己的resume, ps, paper,教授的基本情况,paper 2. 上网通览教授的基本材料:biography,research are

15、a,project,paper, 3. 针对教授的research复习一下专业知识,尤其是术语怎么说,一些专业常用单词 多 说几遍。4. 准备几个向教授提问的问题,最好是和学术有关的,像什么气候啊这些完全可以从网 上了解到的,要提问那些在网上找不到的问题,比如目前正在进行什么research project 未来有没有新的project啦,其实,如果你真的很想跟这个教授的话,这些问题也是自然需 要提问的。尽量多问,显示一下你的口语水平,而且听不清楚也没问题,只要最后说,sounds great就可以了。5. 每天大概2个小时准备口语,在电话面试前准备1个小时口语。一个很好的办法是 看 美国电影

16、,找一些轻松的口语不是很快的美国电影,边看边说,效果不错。6. 电话面试时的态度:坚持一个中心,两个基本点。 一个中心就是:交流为中心,两个基本点就是,诚实和自信。 诚实很重要,不要耍一些自以为聪明的小把戏,搞科学研究需要的是诚实的人格,即使 得 逞以后也会有吃亏的一天,一定要诚实。吹牛皮很重要,但是要有度,说得太悬湖了容易露 馅。自信,我们中国人喜欢谦虚,但中外国情不同,老美对你的谦虚不认可的,所以一定要 有 自信,该骄傲的时候就要骄傲, 我们自己也要学会推销自己。 有了phone interview的机会,一定要好好利用,因为这时主动权已经在你手中了, 这 时教授已经对你感兴趣了,只要你自

17、己表现的好,是完全可以拿到offer了,也祝 大家在面 试时能够做到不卑不亢,用自己的魅力征服教授。主要看逻辑组织能力和表达能力,因为大家很多出去都是先作ta的,一定要通俗易懂的 说。口语倒是其次,关键是不要着急,别克克巴巴的,慢慢说。如果你好好准备能 达到不结巴的程度,老美一定会说你口语好的。 首先是摆好自己的位置,所谓interview,inter也,即是双向交流, 偶不认为面试是在被人审问,而是在交谈中了解自己想了解的, 同时让对方了解自己想被人了解的。 其次,不用太刻意注意自己的语法和措辞。 尤其是和native american交谈, 他们比较注重你交流的能力,而不是你的语言是不是标

18、准。怎么让他觉得你将来跟他们交流不回会有问题呢, 那就是要你对他说的话做出适当的反应。 有时,即便你不知道他的某个问题怎么回答,那你也要首先让他知道你明白了他想问你什么, 再告诉他,你现在无法回答他。再就是要注意微笑, 在电话里你笑着说话,语气会显的轻松自如,对方也就不会感到拘谨, 其实大部分美国人都不喜欢过于正式的交谈的。 第四要注意的是, 你要把握主动权, 不要使整个interview变成他问你答,这样不会给他留下深刻印象的,(尤其对于那种通过interview筛人的),他对你没印象, 开会讨论的时候自然就不会特别推荐你了。 怎么给他留下深刻印象呢,最简单的办法是问有意思的、有针对性的问题

19、。 最后就是要注意开头和结尾时的气氛,尤其是结尾, 要有让大家都有一种义犹未尽的感觉,好象要不是时间有限, 恨不得说到第二天似的。对方很容易被你的这种语气感染, 这样即便挂上电话, 他也会对整个面试有个好的回味。 综上所述,to be honest, and to be yourself.还有个经验与大家分享:为了消除紧张,面试前30分钟开始放几段外国电影,听听英语 找找感觉。然后大唱“雄赳赳,气昂昂,跨过*”。电话铃响的时候先别接,大喝一声:“所 有美帝主义都是只老虎!”就不会很紧张了。 接电话的技巧:对方声音太小:could you please speak a little more l

20、oudly? i can hardly hearyou. 对方讲太快:could you please slow down? i cannot follow you. 没听懂问题:i was lost about what you said. could you repeat your question?个别单词不懂:what do you mean by “*”?或者what is the meaning of “*”? 千万要弄清楚人家说什么再回答。开头的自我介绍,扬长避短,以求在后面的 来回较量中占有主动和掌控的地位,使结果更好。要突出自己的特点,把自己和其它申请者 的不同之处表达出来,

21、尽量说你强的地方,如果实验室经历丰富发过paper,那么就说那些,之后的问题估计也会围绕你的实验经 历展开;如果gpa高,那么就说自己的学习能力很强,即使现在没有太多的实验经验,但是 只要假以时日,一定成长迅速 1背景介绍:my name is gaweitt, currently master/bachelor of xx in xxx major candidate of university of science and technology of china. formerly a student from xxx school,如果你高中比较好可以扯两句不用多;2major moti

22、ve:as you may already know from my personal statement/statement of purpose, i applied for xxx phd/master program at your school for my strong interests in this area, since xx yrs old, ive already started to. and ive also had a x-year experience in the lab.other delighted points helping your qualific

23、ations:3you can also introduce your high standard scores for toefl and gre general/subject, besides, you can talk about your extracurriculum activitiesboth on campus and out of campus to let the interviewer have a stronger impression on you. 致申请人(to the applicant) 申请人姓名 申请人电话 (name of applicant) 申请人

24、通信地址:(institution of applicant) to the referee 非常感谢您愿意为申请人做推荐人。请您在背面栏中对申请人以往科研工作及学术水平、 科研工作能力等作出评价,并按上面的地址将本专家推荐信退回给申请人。 you are named by the applicant as a referee for his/her application of postdoctoral position in the listed institution. we would appreciate your opinion of his /her academic performance capability and potential in research work. please directly send this form to the institution to which he/she is applying or return it to the applican

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