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1、1.Attemptin g(attempt) to cha nge some one elses attitude towards life is a waste of time and en ergy.2.Celebrities and public figures(figure) support the eve nt by making appeara nces on comic TV shows.3.It is now still impossible tD_predict(predict) when and where an earthquake will break out.4.As

2、 a child without parents, Jerry was_adopted(adopt) by a rich couple when he was five.5.The Students Union appeals (appeal) to us students to do housework in our spare time.拓展单词 n.信任;信心;信念faithful adj.忠实的;守信的faithfully adv.忠实地2.possess/t.拥有;具有;支配possession.(尤作复数)所有;财产3. coincidenee n.巧合(的事);(事

3、情、 口味、 故事等)相合coincident adj.同时发生的4.prefer v.更喜欢;偏爱preferencen.喜爱;偏爱5.aim n.目标;目的 vi.& vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力aimlessadj.无目标的; 无目的的aimlessly adv.漫无目的地;无 目标地6.sign v.签名signature n.署名;签字1.Ihave faith in him because he has served us faithfully for many yea,and I think he is a faithful and honest friend.(faith)2.

4、I was walking aimlessly in the street when I came across Joh,who led an aimless sort of life without any aim. (aim)3.With his bus in ess going on wel, he at first possessed big housescars, and later he took possession of stocks of different companies.Thqn he found that everything he had dreamed of w

5、as in his possession (possess)4.As far as rm concerned we give preference to those with some experienee while they prefer to take on the fresh.(prefer)阅读词汇1.abstract adj.抽象的;深奥的2.sculpture n.雕塑 n.美术陈列室;画廊4.conventional adj.常规的; 传统的; 因循守旧的5.technique n. 技术; 方法; 技能6.shadow n. 阴影; 影子7.ridiculo

6、us adj.荒谬的; 可笑的8.con troversial adj .争论的; 争议的9.specific adj.确切的; 特定的10.delicate adj.脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的11.allergic adj.过敏性的;过敏的12.bunch n.束;串13.avenue n.林荫道;道路;大街14.fragile adj.精细的; 易碎的; 脆弱的15.visual adj.视觉的; 看得见的16.permanentadj.永久的;持久的拓展联想1 .常见英语反义形容词面面观abstract抽象的on crete具体的positive积极的 negative消极的 optim

7、istic 乐观的 pessimistic 悲观的4 active主动的 passive被动的2.“相信”家族1faith n.信任faithful adj.忠实的 faithfully adv.忠实地2believe v .相信belief n.信念 believable adj.可信的un believable adj .不可思议的3.“财产”集合1bel ongingsn.财物2possessi onsn.财产3property n.财产4estate n.房产熟词生义你知道下面句子中黑体词的汉语意思吗?1.(2017 匕京卷)Horridge was convicted of atte

8、mpted murder and sentenced to life impris onment.未遂的;未得手的2.(2011 辽宁卷)1 was just going to call the police for help, when I saw a strange figure dressed in stra nge orange clothes 人影3.What impresses people most is that these men aaggressivdn their career, resp on sible for their families and respectfu

9、l to females.有进取心的短语多维应用高 频 短 语1 .scores of .大量:许多2.appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 a consequenee 结果4.concentrate on 全神贯注于; 专注于5.attempt to do sth.尝试做 某事语境运用选用左边短语的适当形 式填空。Nowadays, modern artists paint many abstract pain ti ngs.These paintings just concentrate on the qualities of objects and not a

10、ttempt to paint objects as we seeAs a consequence most of them cant appeal to us.6.leado导致7.a_great_deal 大量;非常 coincidence 巧合地;偶然地9.depend/rely on 依靠;依赖10 on the other hand (可是)另一方面Li Fang fell in love with the western paintings by coincidence. She totally6depended_on herself to lear n to paint.

11、Since then, her life has changed7a great deal which led to her success in her painting career.拓1. “v. + to(介词)”短refer to 查阅 by cha nce偶然地展语荟萃apply to 适用于 by desig n故意地联lead to导致2. “by+ n.”短语全 by mistake错误想add to增加;增添扫描地object to反对 by coin cide nee 巧 by necessity 必然stick to 坚持合地by accide nt偶然地句式结构仿写教

12、材原句背诵句式仿写应用1. without引导虚拟语气。Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.直到那时我才意识到没有平时的努力,我就不可能在考试中表现得那么 好。Only the n did I realize without daily efforts, I could not have performed so well in the exam.2.完全倒装。Am

13、ong the painterswho broke away from the traditi onal style of painting were the Impressionists who lived and worked in Paris.体育馆门前站着很多手拿鲜花的学 生,他们在等待贵宾的到来。In front of the stadiumstood many students holding flowers wait ing for the arrival of the honored guests.3.v.-ing作结果状语。Henry Clay Frick , a rich

14、New Yorker, died in 1919, leaving his house furniture and art collection to the American people.有些学生花了太多的时间玩电脑,这让老师和家长很担忧。Some stude nts spe nd too much time play ing computers,making their teachers_and parents wo rried析老点*重难探究I精讲4个考纲单词1. aim n.目标;目的vi.& vt瞄准;旨在;(向某方向)努力1(2017 全国卷 川)1 am writing to

15、sincerely invite you to join the table tennis team in our school aimed(aim) at develop ing our in terests and impro ving our skills.2There was a time when he had nothing to do wandering aimless in the street all the day.aimlesL aimlessly(2)链接写作句式升级(普通表达)This activity is aimed at improving the studen

16、ts ability of listening and speak is very popular.( 高 级 表 达 )Aimed at improving the students ability of listening _and_speaking this activity is very popular.(过去分词作状语)先理解再牢记(1)achieve on es aim达到某人的目的;实现某人的目标take aim at 向 瞄准with the aim of 以 为目标;意在 (2)aim at doing sth./aim to do sth.意欲/企图/旨在做

17、某事be aimed at 目的是; 旨在(3)aimless adj.漫无目的的aimlessly adv.漫无目的地2 .adopt vt.采用;(1)单句语法填空1The family have adopted a homeless child_as their own.2Pare nts who have an adopted (adopt) child want to know whether they should tell the child he or she is adopted.(2)链接写作词汇升级(普通表达)lts high time for us to take di

18、fferent approachesto solving the social problem.(高级表达)lts high time that we adopted different approaches to solving the social problem.(1)adopt .收养/挑选某人为 adoption n.收养;采用;通过(3)adopted son/daughter 养子 /养女;义子 /义女佳句背诵In the face of great pressure I think , we should adopt an optimistic attitude.名

19、师点津adopt与adapt在拼写上只有一个字母之差,但在意义上却大相径 庭。adapt意为“(使)适应;改编”。3.possesvt(不用于进行时)拥有;支配(1)单句语法填空/单句改错1Although he does nt possessmuch mon ey, he is possessed(possess) of good health.2As the saying goes “A true friend is the best possession (possess)”3With the development of peoples living conditions,more a

20、nd more people possess of their own cars去掉第二个 of(2)链接写作一句多译据我所知,他拥有一个大公司。1As far as I know,he is in_possession of a large company.2As far as I know,a large company is in the possession of him.3As far as I know,he possesses a large company.(1)be possessed o拥有;具有(某品质、能力等)(2)possessionn.(尤作复数)所有;in pos

21、session of 占有; 拥有; 持有in the possessi on of si为某人所有have/take possession of 拥有; 占有名师点津(1)in possession of表示主动,意为“拥有 ;占有 ”,主语通常为表示人的词语;(2)in the possession of表示被动,意为“被 占有”,主语通常为表示物的词语。4.attempt n.努力;企图 vt尝试;1He was as proud as a peacock whe n he passed his driv ing test at the first attempt.2He attempt

22、ed to_compete (compete) for the positi on of chairma n of the Stude ntsUnion.我试图让她相信他是诚实的,但是徒劳无果。(attempt)1rve attempted to convince her of his honesty but in vain.2Ive made_gp_attempt_to_convince her of his hones,but in vain.3Ive made an attempt at convincing her of his honesty but in vain.(1)make

23、an attempt to do sth试图做某事make an attempt at doing sth试图做某事(2)at the first attempt 第一次尝试(3)attemptedadj .未遂的联想发散“努力做某事;企图做某事”的其它表达形式:try to do sth.; seekto do sth.; intend to do sth等。诠释2个核心短语1. on the other hand可是)另一方面1For one thi ng, we dont have eno ugh mon ey, and for another we dont have eno ugh

24、time.2To improve your En glish, firstly , you should liste n more; sec on dly, you should read more.(2)链接写作完成句子一方面,它们有助于提高我的书写技能和开阔我的眼界。另一方面,它们能丰 富我的生活,并且给我提供极大的乐趣。On the one hand, they help to improve my writing skills and broaden myhorizons.On_the_other_hand they_can_enrich_my_life and provide me

25、with great fun.on (the) one han d.; on the other han d.一 方面 ;另一方面 (去卩)first(ly) . .; sec on d(ly).第一 ; 第二 ; for onethin g.; foranother.一贝 U ; 二贝 U 2 .appeal to(对某人)有吸引力;1(2017 全国卷 川)lm sure it will appeal to you , for you have been enthusiastic about sports.2Sport has become an important form of ent

26、ertainment appealing(appeal) to both men and wome n.作者向我们呼吁要对动物更加友好。1The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals.(appeal.)2The author makes_an_appeal_to_us_to be more kind to animals.(appeal )(1)appeal to sb.for sth./to do sth向某人呼吁 /恳求(做)某事(2)make an即peal to do sth乎吁/恳求某人做某事(3)appealin

27、g adj.有吸引力的;恳求的突破1个高考句型(教材 P2)Without_the_new paints_andthenew_technique we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famO没有新的 颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。要点提炼without引起的含蓄虚拟条件。 Without your ticket, I would nt be able to go to the con cert tomorrow. Without the

28、 teachers praise I would nt have made(make) so much progress.没有你的帮助的话,我上周可能就通不过考试。1Without your help, I would_have_failed the exam last week.2Ifithadnt been for your help, I would have failed the exam last week.(if 从 句)3But_for_your_help, I would have failed the exam last week.(but)“without / but fo

29、r +名词”可取代if引导的虚拟条件从句,主句用虚拟语气,表示所说内容与事实相反(2)除了 without, but for之外,otherwise, but等也常用来表示虚拟条件。佳句背诵 Without excellent education, there would be no advancedscienee and tech no logy.【单句练习一夯实基础】I .单句语法填空1.Without your timely treatme nt, I would nt have_survived (survive).2.So far, we have adopted (adopt) a number of measures to treat his disease.3.Many elderly people expressed a strong preference (prefer) to live in their own houses

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