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1、s Eve party. 她全心全力筹办新年晚会。5. shoo-in长胜将军 Theres no way he can lose. Hes a shoo-in. 他不会输的,他是位长胜将军。美国口语俚语(12) 1. get the ball rolling开始 Lets get the ball rolling.让我们开始吧。2. get on the ball用心做 If you hope to keep your job, youd better get on the ball and meet the deadline. 如果你还想要你的那份工作,你最好用心做,赶上最后期限!3. l

2、ady-killer帅哥 Hes a real lady-killer. 他是个不折不扣的帅哥。4. lay off停止,解雇 Lay off! I dont need you to tell me what to do!别再讲了!我不需要你告诉我怎么去做!5. knock it off=cut it off停止 Knock it off! Im trying to get some sleep. 别吵了!我正想睡觉呢!美国口语俚语(13) 1. have a passion for钟爱 I have a passion for blue dresses. 我钟爱蓝色的衣服。2. pep ta

3、lk打气,鼓励的话 The coach gave his team a pep talk at half time, hoping to lead them to victory. 教练在半场时候给球员们打起,希望将他们引上胜利之途。3. pick someones brains请教某人 I dont understand any of this medical terminology. Do you mind if I pick your brains since youre so knowledgeable in this area?我对医学术语一无所知。你在这方面如此在行,我能不能请教你

4、一下?4. pass out醉倒了 He passed out after three beers. 喝了三杯啤酒后他就醉倒了。5. way back好久以前 Weve been friends since way back. 我们老早就是好朋友了。美国口语俚语(14) 1. hit someone with a problem让某人面对问题 Im sorry to hit you with this problem. I dont know who else to turn to. 很抱歉把这个问题抛给你,我不知道还可以找谁求助。2. have it bad for狂恋 He really

5、has it bad for her, but she has no ideas. 他狂恋着她,而她却不知道。3. hung over宿醉未醒 Dont disturb him. Hes still hung over from last night. 别吵醒他,他宿醉仍未醒。4. has-been过时的人或物 Lisa is a has-been. No one will hire her any more. 丽莎已经过时了。没人会再雇佣她。4. have a bone to pick with有账要算 I have a bone to pick with you. You still ow

6、e me the fifteen dollars you borrowed. 我有账跟你算。你向我借的十五美金还没还呢!美国口语俚语(15) 1. let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密 I wont let the cat out of the bag. 我不会泄漏秘密的。2. in the market for 想买,积极物色 People are always in the market for something new and different. 人们总想买点新奇的且与众不同的东西。3. meddle in 干涉,搅和 Harold asked his bo

7、ss stop meddling in his personal life. 哈罗德要求老板别再干涉他的私生活。4. screw loose脱线,神经不对头 Bill must have a screw loose somewhere; hes acting really strangely. Bill一定是哪根筋不对,他的行动真奇怪。5. sell someone on 以.说服某人 She sold me on her idea. I think it will work. 她用她的看法说服了我,我想那行得通。1. hang in there忍耐一下 Hang in there. Thin

8、gs will look up soon. 忍耐一下。事情很快就会好转的。2. hands-off无为而治,顺其自然 He takes a hands-off approach when it comes to raising his children. 他用无为而治的方式教养小孩。3. gag me with a spoon我快吐了 Gag me with a spoon! Please dont tell me such disgusting stories any more. 我快吐了!请别再说这么恶心的故事了。4. get a move on赶快 Get a move on. You

9、cant park your car here. 赶快!你不能在这儿停车。5. cook up想出 He cooked up a wonderful way to surprise his wife on her birthday. 他想出一个在他太太生日时让她惊喜的妙法。美国口语俚语(17) 1. roll with the punches逆来顺受 You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business. 如果你想在这一行生存下去的话,就得逆来顺受。2. right off the bat立刻 I w

10、as all prepared to put up a fight, but he gave in right off the bat. 我正准备和他大打一场,但是他马上就投降了。3. get ones feet wet参与,开始做 Its not good to concentrate all your efforts on just writing. You should get your feet wet and trying painting or dancing. 单单写作对你不好。你应该涉猎一下绘画或舞蹈。4. get after盯着,责备 Anns mother gets aft

11、er her to hang up her clothes. 安的妈妈盯着她,要她把衣服挂好。5. pan out成功,奏效 Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out. I lost a thousand dollars. 这笔生意不幸没有成功,我损失了1,000美元。美国口语俚语(18) 1. screw someone over欺负某人 After working in the office for ten years, Alice was fired for no apparent reason. How can they screw her ove

12、r like that?爱丽斯工作了十年之后,无缘无故被炒鱿鱼。他们怎么可以这样欺负她呢?2. down to the wire等到最后一刻才开始做事 Peter always waits until the last minute to do his work. I could never leave it down to the wire like that. 彼得总是等到最后一刻才开始做事。我从不想他那样等到最后一刻才开始干。3. buck抗拒 You cant buck the system. 你无法抗拒整个制度。4. blockhead笨蛋 Arnold is a blockhead

13、 if I ever saw one. 阿诺德是我见过的最笨的人。5. blow the lid off揭发(丑闻) That newspaper story blew the lid off the Senators illegal business deals. 报纸的报道揭发了参议员的非法勾当。美国口语俚语(19) 1. round up集合 Round everybody up. Its time for our business meeting. 叫大家集合,开会时间到了。2. put someone up留宿某人 I can put you up for a couple of d

14、ays. My apartment is big enough for two people. 你可以在我这里住几天。我的公寓可以住两个人。3. take care of business负责 Whos going to take care of business while I am away?我不在的时候谁负责?4. take out on拿出气 Dont take your frustrations out on me. 别把气出在我身上。5. hot stuff大人物 He thinks hes hot stuff. But everybody else thinks hes a je

15、rk. 他自以为了不得,但其他人认为他是个傻瓜。美国口语俚语(20) 1. nitty-gritty细节,基本情况 Lets get down to the nitty-gritty. I want to hear what happens next. 让我们来认真了解详细的情况,我想知道后来发生了什么。2. no good很糟 This typewriter is no good. Every time I use it, the ribbon falls out. 这台打字机很糟。每次已用,色带就掉下来。3. have someones number清楚某人的底细,看穿某人 She dar

16、e not do anything to me, I have her number. 她不敢对我怎么样的,因为我对她的底细一清二楚。4. hot number新鲜、迷人的人或事务,尤物 Tom thinks Sherry is a hot number. Tom认为Sherry是个尤物。5. off the hook逃脱,溜掉,不受罚 Ill let you off the hook this time, but dont do that again. 这次不罚你,下次不要这样干了。Gives a head-up打个招呼Seeing eye dog 导盲犬Karma因果报应Holy crap

17、靠Maxi pad 卫生棉Odd jack蠢货Across the hall对门My xx,my rule我的地盘我做主Dont get coeley别太得意Get sth srraight整理一下 里一下思绪Confiscated the smuggled goods没收走私物品High five击掌Blushing脸红Meddling 多管闲事All kidding aside单开玩笑归开玩笑Awesome棒Flip掷塞子 Tails 背面head 头Knock that dog off her head打个落花流水Obssess cleaning洁癖Really flatting受宠若惊Dont flatting 别吹牛了 过奖了

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