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高中英语 m9u4导学案 牛津版选修9Word格式文档下载.docx

1、 I never read those ments. 真不应该!我从来没打算让她看那些评论。mean for sb to do sth I didnt mean for her to get hurt. 我并没有让她受到伤害的意思。2)意味着,意思是What do you mean by that?你那么说是什么意思?Missing the early bus .错过早班汽车就意味着再等一个小时。拓展:mean adj. 卑鄙的,不善良的,吝啬的 to eat all the food. 你把所有的食物都吃光了,你可太坏了。Dont be so mean to her. 不要对她如此刻薄!He

2、s always been mean with his money. 他对钱总是很吝啬。 决不,一点也不 通过某方法/手段2underline及物动词 vt. 1). 在.的下面划线The key words . 关键的字下面划了线。2). 强调;使突出This example underlines the consequences of bad management. 这个例子突显了管理不好的后果。3). 预告(+for)The book is underlined for publication next month. 这本书预告于下月出版。3mend ones way 改邪归正,改过自新

3、, 培养好习惯In the past, he was a troublemaker, but now . 过去,他是个惹事生非的人,但现在已经改邪归正了。Smoking cigarettes is really a bad habit. .吸烟真的是个坏习惯。你最好戒掉。mend 修理,修补,改良,改善,恢复健康,痊愈 ?你能帮我修一下闹钟吗?The child is mending nicely. 这孩子的病情在很快好转。4refer toas 称为,被说成是 . 他被说成是班上最调皮的学生。The dictionary a good helper in language study.这个字

4、典被称为是语言学习的一个好帮手。refer to 1) 提到,谈到We agreed never to refer to the matter again. 我们一致同意永远不再提这件事。Although she didnt mention any names, everyone knew . 尽管她没有提到任何名字,但大家都知道她指的是谁。2) 参考,查看,查阅plete the exercise . 请在不查阅词典的情况下完成练习。2019-2020年高中英语 Meeting your ancestors-单元教案 新人教版选修8. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTake ab

5、out archaeological evidence and knowledge Practice giving opinions and describing objectsLearn about the present perfect continuous tenseWrite a descriptive paragraph. 目标语言功 能 句 式Practice giving opinionsI think that we should. because.I suggest we.If ., then maybe we ought to.Perhaps we should /coul

6、d.We must ask for help from.What if.?Describe objectsIt seems likely / unlikely that.It looks like.It could be. because.How large do you think it is?Is there any. on the.?It may/might have been used as/for.词 汇1 四会词汇Alternative, starvation, tentative, accuracy, interrupt, acute, assume, regardless, m

7、at, quilt, beast, centimeter, sharpen, ample, messy, primitive, botany, analysis, seashell, ripen, category, significance, somehow, systematic, spit, delete, album, scratch, academy, receptionist, onion, kindergarten, skateboard, yogurt, radioactive, division, melon, wrinkle, pulse, applaud, howl, a

8、ccelerate, spear, arrest, dizzy, hammer, gay, skilful, punctuation2 认读词汇household, Pharaoh, archaeology, archaeological, archaeologist, ornament, centimeter, scraper, bead, botany, botanical, analysis, seashell, category, systematic, yogurt, radioactive, chronological, punctuation, artifact3 词组regar

9、dless of, cut up, look ahead, be similar to, look ahead, date back4 重点词汇identify, tentative, interrupt, assume, ample, preserve, specific, applaud, accelerate结 构现在完成进行时的用法重点句子1. Im sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here? P382. We have been excavating layers of ash almost six meters thic

10、k, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. P383. Yes, indeed, as the botanical analyses have shown us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake. P394. Thats why they are called hunters and gatherers. P395. Worried about the preparations for her

11、 feast, Lala quickly turned for home with her collection of nuts, melon and other fruit. P436. If only she had looked ahead and planned better! P437. Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her. P43 8. He chose one large stone and

12、began to use it like a hammer striking the edge of the scraper that needed sharpening. P43. 教材分析和教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以General knowledge of archaeology and Anthropology as well as history为话题,通过学习周口店洞穴北京人遗址、埃及古墓等古代文明,使学生了解一些考古学及人类发展变迁历史等方面的知识;激发学生热爱人类、热爱历史、热爱考古的兴趣,进而使学生懂得保护文化遗产的重要意义。通过对一些古文物的识别、鉴定和描述,使学生学

13、会鉴别、描述事物(考古现象)特征的方法。 1.1 Warming Up 给出了四幅图片,要求学生通过识别、描述古代中国、希腊、埃及的文物,使学生了解古代文明在人类社会发展史上的重大意义. 1.2 Pre-reading 要求学生能从不同侧面比较、描述现代人和北京人的不同之处,为Reading 部分的学习做好准备。 1.3 Reading 是一位考古学家和来参观周口店北京人遗址的英格兰学生之间的一段对话。 要求学生通过阅读对话,了解周口店北京人在衣食住行、使用工具上的特点;了解古人类惊人的生活和创造能力。 1.4 prehending 共设计了三部分习题。第一题是根据课文回答问题;第二题要求学生

14、在理解课文的基础上,结合生活实际,写出北京人在居住、使用工具和衣着方面与现代人的三个不同之处;第三题训练学生的概括和写作能力。要求学生通过分析归纳考古学家的介绍,写出关于周口店考古工作所经历的三个阶段的相关情况,并利用这些信息写一篇关于周口店洞穴的介绍。 1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。其中Discovering useful words and expressions 中第一题要求学生运用所给词汇的适当形式填空;第二题要求所给短语完成句子。通过这两个练习使学生掌握本单元的描述性语言。Discovering useful structures 在引导学

15、生体验、探究、归纳现在完成进行时的基础上进行任务型巩固训练。第一题要求学生在Reading中找出含有现在完成进行时态的句子;第二题要求学生通过合作学习,练习现在完成进行时态的用法;第三题要求学生在特定的语境下灵活运用现在完成进行时态。 1.6 Using Language 部分以Discussing为主要训练方式,训练学生的综合语言运用能力。第一部分Listening and discussing 要求学生在听取关于考古工作者是如何使考古资料的准确性得到保证的录音材料的基础上,先完成两个任务(Fill the layers in the “wastepaper basket” diagram;

16、 fill in the chart about he methods archaeologists use to date bones and how those methods work),了解利用地下岩层和放射二氧化碳可判断骨头的日期,然后利用这一知识来判断任务3中建筑物图片的考证顺序。第二部分Reading 是一篇关于石器时代古人类的生活纪事。要求学生在阅读文章的基础上,分析文中人物Lala与Dahu的工作类别;讨论男女之间在古代社会中已经存在的不同社会分工并完成表格;并能运用恰当的形容词来描述他们的行为特征。第三部分Speaking and wring 给学生展示出从三星堆遗址中出土

17、的四件文物的图片,要求学生在描述、鉴别的基础上讨论这些文物可能的用途并给介绍三星堆文化遗址的导游手册撰文介绍这些文物的相关情况。 1.7 LEARNING TIP 帮助学生学会用多个形容词来描述人或物品。 2 教材重组 2.1 将Warming Up, Using Language中Listening and discussing, Speaking and writing中的speaking, Workbook中LISTENING, TALKING, LISTENING TASK和 SPEAKING TASK整合在一起,上一节听说课。 2.2 将Pre-reading,Reading和pre

18、hending整合在一起,上一节阅读课。 2.3 将Learning about Language和Workbook中USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS以及USING STRUCTURES 整合在一起,上一节语言学习课。 2.4 将Using Language中Reading和Speaking and writing中的writing以及LEARNING TIP整合在一起,上一节综合实践课()。 2.5 将Workbook 中READING TASK 和WRITING TASK整合在一起,上一节综合实践课()。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st period Listeni

19、ng & speaking 2nd period Reading 3rd period Language study 4th period Integrating skills () 5th period Integrating skills (). 分课时教案The First Period Listening &Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和知识archaeology, accurate, radioactivity, chronological, excavation, identify, alternative, h

20、ousehold, date back tob. 交际用语Practice giving opinions and describing objectsIf., then maybe we ought to.Perhaps we should / could.It may / might have been used as / for.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about archaeological evidence and knowledge and learn to describe people and pract

21、ice giving opinions.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to give opinions and describe objects.Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点Learn to describe objects and give opinions.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening and cooperative learning.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape reorder, a proje

22、ctor and a puter.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Lead-inLead-in by talking about the ancient civilizations. T: Good morning, boys and girls! You must have learned history in the past years, havent you?S: Yes. Have you ever heard “Four Great Ancient Civilizations”? Yes, they are Ancient China,

23、 Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and Ancient India. What do you know about them?S1: In Ancient China, we have “Four Great Inventions”. They are the pass, printing, gunpowder and papermaking, of which we are proud, and which, in the words of Roger Bacon, “changed the whole appearance and status of thin

24、gs in the world.”S2: China was the first country in the world to make paper. Paper made during the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-16 AD) has been found in Gansu Province, Xian and Shaanxi Province as well as Xinjiang. A further development of paper was credited to Cai Lun of the Eastern Han (25-220). H

25、e used plant fiber such as tree bark, bits of rope, rags and worn-out fishing nets as raw materials. In 105, Cai presented the first batch of paper made under his supervision to the Han emperor, who was so delighted that he named the material “Marquis Cais paper”.S3: Before paper was invented, the a

26、ncient Chinese carved characters on pottery, animal bones and stones, cast them on bronzes, or wrote them on bamboo or wooden strips and silk fabric. These materials, however, were either too heavy or too expensive for widespread use. The invention and use of paper brought about a revolution in writ

27、ing materials, paving the way for the invention of printing technology in the years to e. S4: The invention of gunpowder was no doubt one of the most significant achievements of the Middle Ages in China. The correct prescription for making gunpowder with nitre, sulphur and carbon was probably discov

28、ered in the ninth century. S5: Bis printing consisted of four processes: making the types, posing the text, printing and retrieving the movable types. According to Dream Stream Essays, Bi Sheng carved individual characters on squares of sticky clay, and then baked them to make clay type pieces. When

29、 posing a text, he put a large iron frame on a piece of iron board and arranged the words within the frame. While one plate was being printed, another plate could be posed. After printing, the movable types were taken away and stored for future use. Movable type printing had a very important position in the history of printing, for all later printing methods such as wooden type, copper type and lead type printing invariably developed on the basis of movab

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