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1、1. Hush now.安静!2. Fair enough.有道理。3. Head on home.回家吧。4. Youre all lame.你们真逊!5. Quite the temper.脾气不小啊!6. No turning back.没得反悔了。7. Call it a hunch.就当是直觉吧。8. Well, the verdicts in.有结果了。9. Dont be an ass.别那么蠢。10. Dont leave out the hard part.不要避重就轻。11. If you want to make an omelet, you have to break

2、a few eggs.舍不得孩子套不住狼。1. Stefan: I listen to the words that come out of your mouth, and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body. And when that clock ticks down.Im going to have to feed on you.我想听清你口中说出的话,却只听见你的心脏泵血到你全身的脉动声。随着时间推移,我将不得不喝你的血。2. Klaus: Now this is fascinati

3、ng. Ive never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. Why dont you turn it off?实在太妙了,我还从没见识过,唯一比你的嗜血欲望更强烈的,竟然是你对这姑娘的爱。干嘛不封闭你的感情?3. Bonnie: You dont want to be a part of all this, Matt. You are the only one of us who actually gets to live

4、your life like a normal person. No matter how lost you feel, dont forget that.你不会想牵涉到这些事当中的, 马特。你是我们当中唯一一个能像普通人一样生活的。不管你感到多么失落,别忘了这点。金装律师 第二季 第五集1. You walk in and you scare the crap out of me.你走进来差点把我吓死。2. You shouldve done from day one.你从一开始就该做这件事。3. Your backs against the wall.你走投无路了。4. Money is

5、no object.钱不成问题。5. Nine times out of ten, he backs down.十有八九,他退让了。6. I take care of my business.我管好我自己的事。7. You want payback for what was done to you.你希望让自己的遭遇得到偿还。8. Do you think I was born yesterday?你觉得我是昨天才出生的吗?(表示我没那么好戏弄)9. Im sorry to rain on your parade.我很抱歉泼你冷水。10. She was backed into a corne

6、r.她被逼上了绝路。11. Your actions have left me no choice.你的行为让我无从选择。1. Marco Mendoza: Look, Ive been playing tennis since before I could walk. When I was six, I was crushing kids in high school. I dont play cards, I dont drink. What I do is win.听着,我从学会走路前就一直在打网球。我六岁的时候,就击败了高中生。我不打牌,不喝酒。我只赢比赛。2. Rachel: Her

7、es your goddamn birthday card. I dont appreciate you coming into my office saying that no one at the firm has what theyre supposed to have, and I dont know what crawled up your ass today, but I take care of my business.这是你该死的生日贺卡。我并不喜欢你走近我办公室抱怨公司里没有人得到了他们应得的东西,我不知道今天你哪根筋搭错了,但是我只管好自己分内的事。3. Donna: We

8、ll, thats easy. You dont give a shit about me or Harvey. This is a witch hunt, and Im not gonna sit in this room for another minute.好吧,这很简单。你根本就不在乎我和Harvey。这是一场政治迫害,我不会再在这间屋子里多呆一分钟。4. Harvey: You think I didnt think I was smarter than the guy I started working for? I did, and I was, and I waited my

9、goddamn turn.你觉得我以前没认为自己比我的第一个老板要聪明?我确实这么认为,并且我就是,我只是在等待一个华丽的逆转。5. Daniel: Dont try to pass it off as a courtesy. Youre trying to humiliate me, like you did by summoning me into your office.不要试图装好人转移注意力。你试图羞辱我,就像你召唤我来你的办公室一样。越狱 第一季 第一集1. Im not playing games.我没有开玩笑。2. You can still put the brakes on

10、 this thing.你现在阻止这件事还来得及。3. We gotta make a decision sooner or later.我们迟早要做决定的。4. I mean, are you having second thoughts?我的意思是你是不是后悔了?5. Where is this coming from?你到底怎么了(你这股火气从哪来的)?6. May God be with you.愿上帝和你同在。7. Dont you think it would be better.?你不觉得这样会更好吗?8. Anything you want, he can get it for

11、 you.你想要什么东西,他都可以帮你弄到。1. Donovan:t have a violent bone in your body.你天性善良。2. Bellick: The Ten Commandments dont mean a box of piss in here.十诫在这里狗屁不是。3. Abruzzi: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.离你的朋友近些,离敌人更近些。广告狂人 第一季 第一集1. save the day挽救大局(反败为胜)2. Our hands are tied.我们束手无策(我们一点办法也没有)

12、3. Im not done here.我还没讲完呢4. Dont take this the wrong way.不要误会5. How do I put this?怎么说呢?(还有个问题,怎么说好呢?)6. I pulled it out of thin air.我凭空捏造出来的7. Im not really big on those things.我对那些事情没多大兴趣。8. Tell me about it.(口语,表赞同意见)可不是嘛9. Patch things up (with sb)和好(和某人修复关系)10. You are good with words.你真会说话11.

13、Im gonna be direct.我就直说了(我就不拐弯抹角了)12. You are way out of line.你太过分了。13. make hash of it(把事情)搞砸,弄糟精彩语录:1. Don与Lucky Strike客户在会议上的对话Client: But everybody elses tobacco is toasted.但其他公司的烟草也是烘培出来的。Don: No. Everybody elses tobacco is poisonous. Lucky toasted.错了,其他公司的烟草是有毒的,而Lucky Strike的烟草是“被祝福

14、的(烘培过的)”。 Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.And you know what happiness is?Happiness is the smell of a new car.Its freedom from fear.s a billboard on the side of the roadthat screams with reassurancethat whatever youre doing.its okay.广告就是建立在一件事情上:幸福感幸福是什么?幸福,是新车的气味,是无所畏惧的自由,是路边的一块广告牌,而那块广

15、告牌让你尖叫和惊叹,并向你保证无论你做什么.都是没有问题的。 You are okay.你们,没有问题。 Its toasted. I get it.是“被祝福的(烘培过的)”。我明白了。2. Don跟Rachael Menken讲述他对“爱”的看法 Oh, you mean love.You mean the big lightning bolt to the heart where you cant eat and you cant work and you just run off and get married and make babies.噢,你说“爱”。你说的“爱”是击中心灵的闪

16、电,既不能吃也不能用,你只能跑开,然后结婚、生小孩。The reason you havent felt it is because it doesnt exist.你感受不到爱,是因为爱根本不存在。What you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons.你所谓的“爱”是我这些卖尼龙的人发明出来的。Youre born alone,and you die alone,and this world just drops a bunch of rules on youto make you forget those facts,

17、but I never forget.你孤身来,又孤身走,这个世界只是丢给你一堆规则和定义,让你忘记事实,但我从来没有忘记。Im living like theres no tomorrow.because there isnt one.我把每一天都当作最后一天来生活因为根本没有明天。别对我说谎 第一季 第一集1. He is kind of intense.他有点神经兮兮。2. You are one of the naturals.你的天赋异禀。3. Watch yourself .说话小心点。4. Move past your fear.战胜你的恐惧。5. Clear your head

18、 for an hour.让大脑休息一小时。6. We gotta be real careful here.我们必须非常小心。7. Looks that way.貌似是那样。8. Use your words说话呀。9. No offense taken.我不介意。10. Nothing came of it.没有任何结果。11. Truth or happiness, never both.真相和快乐不可兼得。12. I dont go for married women.我对已婚女士没兴趣。1. Cal: This case is a land mine.这个案子很棘手。2. Its m

19、urder one.这是一级谋杀。3. Gillian: Liars rehearse their stories in order. They dont think to rehearse them backwards.撒谎者按顺序编故事从没想过倒过来顺一遍。老友记 第一季 第十一集1. I think shes a blast.我认为她是一流的。2. What is with you tonight?你今晚怎么了?3. He doesnt have anyone.他身旁没人照顾。4. The high today was 45.今天最高气温是45度。5. Way too special.太

20、特别了。6. Im famished.我饿死了。7. I think you need to come out of your shell.我觉得你需要敞开心扉。8. We kind of just, you know, Iost track of time.我们有点忘了时间。9. I thought Id give it a shot.我想要尝试一下。10. That makes more sense.那样说更有理。11. You broke the code.你违反了规定。12. Im scum.我是人渣。13. Sounds like you two have issues.你们似乎有点

21、争执。14. I guess Ill see you around.我想那就再见了。15. What did you do with him?你把他怎么了?1. Mrs. Bing: You okay, slugger?你还好吗,猛男?2. Mrs .Bing: Hes just a complication you eventually kill off.他终将会被你解决掉的。3. Ross: Okay, I think were getting into a weird area here.好吧,我觉得我们愈说愈离谱了。4. Ross: But we dont have to go dow

22、n that road.但我们不必继续说下去了吧。5. Chandler: No one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you.我和我妈之间的那些麻烦事,没有人比你更清楚的了。6. Ross: I cant believe we are having this conversation.没想到我们竟然会谈论这个。豪斯医生 第一季 第一集1. Thats a law of nature.这是人之常情。2. If youre going to fire me, have the guts to face me.如果你要炒了我,有

23、胆量就当面告诉我。3. Its a long shot guess.这只是个不大可能的猜测。4. Got change for a dollar?有一块钱零钱吗?5. I want you to do your job.我希望你能尽职尽责。6. Okay. Ill give you a for instance.好吧,我来给你举个例子。7. Hi! Look whos here!嘿,看看是谁来了!8. Everybodys in their seats?大家都到齐了吗?9. Really?s odd.真的吗?那就怪了。1. House : We can live with dignity. W

24、e cant die with it.我们只能带着尊严活着,无法带着尊严死去。2. Cameron : House doesnt believe in pretense. Figures lifes too short and too painful, so he just says what he thinks.豪斯痛恨矫揉造作,他认为人生苦短,所以总是有话直说。3. House : Truth begins in lies.真相始于谎言。4. House : No. Treating illnesses is why we became doctors. Treating patients

25、 is what makes most doctors miserable.你错了,治疗疾病才是我们做医生的原因。治疗病人是让医生痛苦不堪的原因。5. House : As the philosophers Jagger once said,You cant always get what you want.就像哲人贾斯汀曾说过的,世事并不总遂人愿。新闻编辑室 第一季 第一集口语精华1. Try not to make a scene.尽量别大吵大闹。2. You are getting so worked up, Sharon. Im afraid youre gonna start sho

26、oting light out of your ass.你太激动了,Sharon. 我觉得你就要从屁眼里喷火了(后面半句强调说某人太激动了。3. You were talking into my ear. /You were yakking in my ear.你在我耳边不停的絮叨。re too big an asset to screw around with.你太重要了,不能随便对待。5. Gotta be blunt.我直说了。6. Youre spinning out of control.你完全失去控制了。7. Its time for Don Quixote.是时候学学唐吉可德的不

27、切实际了。8. And if you let me, I can prove it.如果你给我机会,我能证明给你看9. Your guy here is a pain in the ass.这家伙很烦人啊!10. Then screw it去死吧。11. I want a human moment from you.我想听到你人性化的回答。ve longed to hear those words.我一直期盼着听到那些话。13. Youre being sarcastic.你在讽刺我14. I really cant pinpoint the time.我确实说不出准确的时间。经典台词1. Yeah, I get that there are moments, small mome

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