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新高考英语模拟分项专题训练第1期7 完形填空一原卷版Word文档格式.docx

1、24Apull Bstretch Cpush Dcarry25Amature Bdetermined Cavailable Dready26Abraved Bimproved Cpredicted Didentified27Aworking Brefusing Cbleeding Daching28Aprogress Bpromises Chistory Defforts29Ahobby Badventure Cadvantage Daward30Acomplex Bbeautiful Camazing Dvaluable31Adelivered Bposted Cdeclared Drema

2、rked32Acomments Bsuggestions Cconcerns Dgreetings33Agym Bfield Ckitchen Doffice34Aunwillingly Bcasually Csecretly Dproudly35Aski Bwalk Crun Dcycle 二、(福建省龙岩市2021届高三质检) Giorgio is among the countless people who have made videos on the TikTok platform during the pandemic. Little did he know where they

3、would lead, but surely they bring a touch of 41 to the fight against the suffering days.In January, Giorgio would 42 hear muffled(低沉的)melodies through the wall of his home; it 43 that his neighbor was playing the piano. Giorgio was really enjoying the music and began 44 videos in which his neighbors

4、 talents could be heard.In February, he posted a video saying he left a/an 45 to his neighbor asking if the 46 person could play the famous melody My Heart Will Go On. The neighbors answer was 47 when the piece came from the other side. So began a 48 . In another note, Giorgio 49 that they play The

5、River Flows In You as a duo(二重奏).The Italian was at first a little 50 when he started, but he felt happy the moment he heard the music coming from the other side.The two went on to play many more duos but Giorgio stayed curious about his unknown neighbor. Finally, they 51 . It was Emil and he was 78

6、 years old. 52 from Poland, Emils wife had just passed away and he was staying alone in a temporary accommodation. The only 53 left to Emil was his piano.But, on March 14, the sad news of Emils death 54 him. “Dear Emil, he wrote 55 his neighbor. knew very little about you, but you gave me back my pa

7、ssion, and we shared that with the world. Youll be in my heart. Bye, my friend, Emil.”41Abravery Bpositivity Chonesty Dsecurity42Afrequently Bexcitedly Csurprisedly Doccasionally43Ahappened Bseemed Cturned out Dwent out44Aselling Bsharing Cpurchasing Dadvertising45Anote Bletter Cinvitation Drequest4

8、6Ahappy Bemotional Cprofessional Dmysterious47Avague Btimely Cself-evident Dnegative48Alegend Bfriendship Cconcert Djourney49Asuggested Bwished Cordered Ddecided50Ainnocent Bserious Cnervous Dscared51Adeparted Breunited Cresponded Dmet52AEspecially BOriginally CRoughly DSimilarly53Aaffection Bhope C

9、bond Dcomfort54Areached Btroubled Chorrified Dclouded55Ain return for Bin place of Cin memory of Din response to三、(福建省三明市2021届高三质检)Judy Heumann grew up in Brooklyn, New York. She 21 Polio(小儿麻痹症) at just 18 months old. Although she 22 , the virus paralyzed her, making her have 23 use of her hands and

10、 legs. At the time, it wasnt 24 for parents send their disabled children to an institution. However, her parents refused to send their daughter 25 . They just decided that they were going to 26 their daughter. Her mother tried getting her 27 to kindergarten, but many schools rejected her, claiming H

11、eumann was a potential danger. 28 , she received 2 hours of homeschooling a week until she was in the 4th grade.Eventually, Heumann was accepted into a New York City public school program for students with disabilities, but her life was 29 normal, disconnecting from the rest of the school. She persi

12、sted, becoming the first 30 from her grade school program to go to high school and eventually college. Her dream was to become a teacher. But since thered never been a teacher hired in New York City who used a 31 , she knew there would be more 32 to overcome. She was 33 her teaching license by the B

13、oard of Education. Fortunately, a reporter 34 to her, and soon, two articles about her experience were 35 . Then, at age 22, Judy became the first teacher using a wheelchair hired in New York City.21Ahad Bbrought Ctouched Dinfected22Aescaped Bhurt Csurvived Drecovered23Alittle Blimited Cfull Dflexib

14、le24Aimpossible Babnormal Cimmoral Duncommon25Aaway Bout Coff Dover26Acare Bleave Cabandon Dsupport27Aadjusted Baddicted Cadmitted Dadopted28AInstead BBesides CMoreover DOtherwise29Anearly Bmore than Crather Dfar from30Ateacher Bstudent Cvolunteer Dvisitor31Awalking stick Bwheelchair Cdeaf-aid Dguid

15、e dog32Abarriers Bweaknesses Cdifferences Dfailures33Apresented Boffered Cdenied Dawarded34Abroke in Breached out Ccame over Dtook apart35Acovered Bdelivered Cpublished Dmade四、(福建漳州市2021届高三质检)Michael S. Megonigal wanted to help people who lost their jobs but wasnt sure about how to do it. When he sh

16、opped at the supermarket in a blue-collar community where many people live in poverty, an opportunity 21 : A customer couldnt 22 everything and was about to put an item back. Megonigal 23 paid for her groceries. Then Megonigal told the rest of people in line he would pay, too.At first, some customer

17、s were 24 or disbelieving. Some tried to pay until Megonigal explained what was going on. Some, who had 25 only a few items they needed, returned to the shelves for more at Megonigals 26 . An hour passeduntil the 27 bill came to $ 2,523.32. All 28 and applauded as Megonigals free-for-all ended. At l

18、east 30 people received free groceries that day, moved by the 29 of generosity, for their source of 30 had possibly dried up.Megonigal has found other ways to help people in his neighborhood 31 money, bicycles and the like. The 32 pleasure he felt in laying down his credit card for others almost too

19、k him by surprise, as did the depth of peoples 33 .“It was enjoyable to watch the people when they didnt realize it, and they were looking around, going, What?” Megonigal 34 . “It was 35 . I cant wait to do it again.”21Awaited Bescaped Creturned Dcame22Afind Bafford Ccarry Dorder23Asecretly Bproudly

20、 Cimmediately Dexcitedly24Adisappointed Bembarrassed Cconfused Dfrightened25Aselected Bexchanged Clisted Daccepted26Aconvenience Bmercy Cservice Drequest27Atotal Badditional Coriginal Ddetailed28Acelebrated Bcheered Cnodded Dshouted29Aexplanation Bfun Cdisplay Dduty30Aenergy Binformation Cwisdom Din

21、come31Apreparing Bdonating Creceiving Dborrowing32Agreat Bexpected Climited Dbrief33Atrust Badmiration Cpassion Dgratitude34Aguessed Banswered Crecalled Dimagined35Areasonable Bawesome Cromantic Dchallenging五、(广东省清远市2021届高三模拟)Fourth-grader, Sarah Haycox, made it her mission to right a wrong. And in

22、doing so, she has shown the world what one 21 person, with passion, can do.One day, when 22 by an athletic field near her school, Sarah noticed a small 23 with the name Edwin T. Pratt and the year 1930 - 1969 on it. She 24 who he was and what he did.After some 25 , she learned that he was a civil ri

23、ghts leader who had done many good things to 26 others. Sadly, he was 27 just because someone disagreed with what he was doing.Feeling that the small memorial was 28 big enough for a man who had so much 29 on others, Sarah 30 to do something!There was a new 31 going up nearby for young kids. She fou

24、nd out who were 32 the building project and asked them if it could be named after Mr. Pratt. Through great efforts, her vision came to reality! Almost 50 years after his death, Edwin Pratts life and impact will be celebrated as the name of the new school.Most kids simply had walked by the memorial w

25、ithout thinking about who Mr. Pratt was. But Sarah had the 33 to learn more, the vision to imagine something better and the courage to 34 her idea. Her amazing actions have 35 many other young people around the world.21Ahonest Byoung Cclever Dshy22Awalking Brunning Criding Ddriving23Amuseum Bchurch

26、Cboard Dmemorial24Aforgot Brealized Cwondered Dexplained25Adiscussion Bresearch Cpractice Dthought26Ateach Brescue Chelp Drepay27Akilled Bpunished Cblamed Darrested28Ararely Bsimply Cmerely Dhardly29Aimpact Bimpression Creflection Ddependence30Astopped Bdecided Chappened Dannounced31Alibrary Btheatre Cschool Dhospital32Ain need of Bin search of Cin favour of Din charge of33Acuriosity Bconfidence Cchance Denergy34Aprove Bchange Cpresent Dpursue35Aastonished Binspired Cattracted D

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