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1、5.All the distress message should be preceded by . (遇险信号处在-之面)6.The sea area A3 will be within the coverge of .(A3海区在-覆盖范围之内) A.MF coast station B.VHF coast station C.Inmarsat Statellite D.COSPAS/SARSAT7. Urgency message should be preceded by . (紧急信号处在-之面) A.MAYDAY(遇险) B.PAN PAN C.SECURITE D.SOS8.Wh

2、ich of the following equipment does not belong to GMDSS?下列哪个不属于GMDSS设备 A.EPIRB B.GPS C.DSC D.INMARSARF 9.The equipment carriage requirement of the ships of which sea area can be summarized(概括) as:carry VHF equipment and either a satellite EPIRM or a VHF EPIRB?(哪个海区需配置的设备:VHF设备和S-EPIRB或VHF EPIRB) A.A

3、1 B.A2 C.A3 D.A410.“CHANGED ETD PILOT STN”means .(预计离开引水站时间已经改变) A.ETD is not changed B.ETD has changed C.ETA has changed D.ETA is not changed11.What is AAIC of traffic system in China?交通部系统中国对外无线电资费结算单位代码是: A.CN01 B.CNO2 C.CNO3 D.CN0412.Which equipment is required to be carried in various sea areas

4、?(在不同海区都必须配置的设备) A.VHF B.MF C.HF D.MES13.Which of the following description about Sea A3 is correct?下列哪个对A3海区描述是正确。 area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station and one MF coast station. area , including Sea Area A1 and A2 , within the coverage of an inmarsat g

5、eostationary satellite. C. an area , excluding Sea Area A1 and A2 , within the coverage of an inmarsat geostationary satellite. D. an area , excluding Sea Area A1 and A2 , within the coverage of an COSPAS/SARSAT system14.The following radio communication system are used in the GMDSS except . (除-之外,下

6、列是GMDSS无线电通信系统) A.the inmarsat system B.VHF MF and HF terrestrial(地面) system C.The COSPAS/SARSAT system D.The FLAG SIGNAL system15.Which of the following frequency is not used for GMDSS?下列哪个不是GMDSS使用频率 A.2182KHZ B.500KHZ C.518KHZ D.2187.5KHZ16.“MEND ETA PILOT STATION”means:估计到达引水站时间已经修改 A.ETA pilot

7、station has been changed B. ETA pilot station will be given afterward以后 C. ETA pilot station was not given D. ETA pilot station is given17.Which frequency band does the 518khz belong to? 518khz属于哪个频段 A.LF B.MF C.HF D.VHF18.GMDSS is the abbreviation of .GMDSS的缩写 A.The Global Maritime Distress and Saf

8、ety System B. The Global Mariners Distress and Safety System C. The Global Marines Distress and Safety System D. The Global Marines Disco and Safe System19.If we only want to sail in A1 , which certificate will fit适合for us?在A1海区航行适合的证书20.Both the satellite communication and terrestrial communication

9、 will . 卫星通信系统和地面通信系统适用于 A.not be used in the GMDSS used only for general communications replace by Morse used in the GMDSS21.The medical message should be preceded by the word .医疗通信前面应放置 字。 A.OBS B.TMZ C.MEDICO D.N/W22.The date for entry into full effect for GMDSS is 1st February .GM

10、DSS全面实施时间 A.1999 B.1992 C.1995 D.199723.How does the GMDSS enable a ship in distress to send a message?GMDSS遇险船发送遇险报警方法 many ways a way C.only by DSC D.only by inmarsat24.In the case of a ship in Sea Area A4 , the primary means of ship-to shore distress alerts would have to be .在A4海区遇险,使用-

11、设备发送船到岸遇险报警 A.VHF DSC B.MF DSC C.406MHZ EPIRB D.Inmarsat-C25.The primary主要的 function of the GMDSS is .GMDSS的主要功能是: A.daily communication B.bridge to bridge communication C.MSI broadcast D.distress communication of the distressed ships26.If we want to communication with Guangzhou station by RT , we f

12、ind out the channel of the station in the ADMIRALTY LIST OF RADIO SIGNALS .我们要与广州台进行无线电话通信,该台的工作频道应在无线电信号书第 卷查找。 A.Volume1 B. Volume2 C. Volume3 D. Volume527.What kinds of ships may not comply with SOLAS convention?哪种船舶不适合SOLAS公约 A.cargo ships less than 300 tons B.cargo ships more than 300 tons

13、ssenger ships sail on international service D.B&C28.Every ship shall be provided with a VHF radio installation capable of transmitting and receiving on .每船必须配置VHF能够发射和接收在-频道。 A.CH70 and CH16 B.CH06 C.CH13 D.all of above29.The “on-scene”frequency 3023khz for radiotelephone is used for communication.

14、现场通信无线电话3023khz用于-通信。 A.ship-aircraft B.inter ship C.ship-shore D.bridge-bridge30.Who have primary responsibility for radio communications during distress incident? 遇险通信的主要负责人 A.the first mate B.the second mate C.the captain D.the operator31.The call sign of coast station of China are between .中国海岸电

15、台呼号在 之间。 A.BAABZZ B.XSAXSZ C.3HA3UZ D.AAAAZZ 32.Availability可靠性 of radio equipment maintenace options选择 onboard in A3 is . 在A3海区航行船舶,采用-维修放案确保无线电设备可用性。 maintenace B. shore-based maintenace C.duplication of equipment D.nominate指定的two options of above33.Regulation of the GMDSS applies to .GMD

16、SS规则适用于 。 A.all cargo above 300 gross tons B.all passenger ships on international voyages C.all ships D. A&B34.Which device装置,设备has not the function of alerting?哪种设备没有报警功能? A.EPIRB B.SART C.MES D.DSC35.The GMDSS supports two independent 独立的systems for broadcasting MSI ,via: .GMDSS由哪两种独立的系统播发海上安全信息A.

17、NAVTEX & EGC B.SAFETY & FAXC.INMARSAT-C& EGC D.DSC & NBDP36.Which terminal is used to alert to ships by distressed vessel?哪种终端设备用于船到船遇险报警37.When distressed vessel in A4 ,which terminal is used for routine communication in long range service?当遇险船在A4海区时,哪种终端设备用于远距离通信。 A.406Mhz EPIRB B. INMARSAT-F C.IN

18、MARSAT-B D.HF terminal38.Which of the following frequency is used for international distress and safety frequency on MF radio telephone?下列哪个是中频无线电话遇险与安全频率? A.2182KHZ B.2187.5KHZ C.2177KHZ D.2414.5KHZ39.Which of the following description叙述 of usage is suitable合适 for 8414.5khz frequency? 下列哪个对于8414.5k

19、hz叙述是恰当的。 A.Distress alering frequency on HF DSC B.Distress communication frequency on HF RT C.Distress alerting frequency on MF DSC D.HF NBDP distress and safety traffic frequency40.Which of the following description of usage is suitable for 2174.5khz frequency? A.MF NBDP distress and safety traffi

20、c frequency B. MF TELEPHONE distress and safety traffic frequency C. MF DSC distress and safety traffic frequency D. HF NBDP distress and safety traffic frequency41.The call sign of ship stations of China are between .中国船舶电台呼号在 和 之间。 A. BAABZZ B.XSAXSZ C.3HA3UZ D.AAAAZZ42.Which of the following freq

21、uency is used for intership MF DSC call ? 下列哪个频率用于船舶之间的中频DSC呼叫43.Which frequencies can not be used for ship-aircraft communications? A.CH06 B.3023KHZ C.2182KHZ D.5680KHZ44.If a ship is on fire in the Sea Area A3, which of the following equipments would be used to make ship-to-shore distress alerts?船

22、舶在A3海区发生火灾,使用哪种设备发送船到岸遇险报警 A.HF DSC B.406MHZ EPIRB C.INMARST-C D.ALL of above45.To insure the maintenace of the radio equipments,the vessel sailing in A1 area should select .船舶在A1海区航行,采用哪种维修方案保证设备可用性C.duplication of equipment D.any one of above46.The transition过渡 period in imprementation of the new

23、GMDSS system is years. GMDSS系统实施的过渡期是 年。A.6 B.7 C.8 D.947.What is the basic concept概念 of GMDSS? GMDSS 的基本概念 A.Shoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delay B.Search and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situation C.Shipping in the

24、 immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alert D.ALL of these48.What statement叙述 is generally correct regrading the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS?根据GMDSS规定的维修要求叙述是正确的 A.Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially部分地 meet this requirement

25、 B.Redundancy资料 of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirement Con-board maintenance provided by a person holding持有 a GMDSS maintainers license will partially meet the requirement D.ALL of the above49.What is the primary reason GMDSS imposes the carriage requirement for diffe

26、rent radio subsystems on vessels?GMDSS强制配备不同无线电分系统设备的主要原因是什么?A.Because the different radio subsystems have individual limitations with respect to the geographical coverage and services provided.因为考虑到覆盖的地理区域和提供服务单方面的限制,所以配备不同的无线电分系统。B.Redundancy in duplicating all operational functions in the event o

27、f a system failureC.Different radio systems may be usedby the various authoritiesD.The ability to communicate in all modes with any of the shore stations50.GMDSS is primarily a system based on .GMDSS基于 的一个主要系统。 A.VHF ditigal selective calling from ship to shore B.Ship to ship distress communication

28、using MF or HF radiotelephone C.The linking of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress or in need of assistance. D.Distress, urgency and safety communication carried out by the use of narrow-band direct printing telegraphy.51. is the orbit of a geosynchronous satellite whose circular and direct orbit lies in

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