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1、 The _-_boy ran into the road and pushed the child out of the way of a speeding car. The_-_son was the tallest of the brothers . Youre so _-_you never stop to think before you act. 常见的合成词有: air conditioner空调机air raid空龚 alarm clock闹钟arms race军备竞赛 assembly line装配线baby-sitter看孩子的人 bank account银行帐户birth

2、 control节制生育 blood donor献血者blood pressure血压 book case书柜bookmark书签 brain drain人才流失burglar alarm防盗警报器 bus stop公共汽车站can opener开罐器 car park停车场contact lens隐形眼镜 corporal punishment体罚cotton wool药棉 credit card信用death penalty死刑 estate agent地产经纪人fancy dress(ball)化装舞会 generation gap代沟greenhouse effect温室效应 heal

3、th center医疗中心heart attack心脏病发作 heart failure心国衰竭hire purchase分期付款 income tax所得税labour force劳动力 labour market劳动市场letter-box信箱 mail order邮购定单mineral water矿泉水 mother-tongue母语nail varnish指甲油 news bulletin新闻公报package holiday一缆子度假计划 pen friedn笔友pocket money零用钱 police station警察分局post office邮局 sign language

4、手语soda water苏打水、汽水 sound barrier音障table tennis乒乓球 tea bag袋泡茶tea-table茶几 telephone number电话号码toilet-paper卫生纸 unemployment benefit失业救济金welfare state福利国家 X-ray X光youth hostel青年旅舍 central bank中央银行civil rights公民权力 compact disc激光唱盘current affairs时事 dry cleaning干洗fast food快餐 first-aid急救French fries炸薯条 gene

5、ral knowledge人所共知的事general public公众 higher education高等教育high heels高跟(鞋) high jump跳高high school中学 human being人human rights人权 industrial relations劳资关系modern languages现代语言 musical instrument乐器natural history自然历史 natural resources自然资源nervous breakdown神经失常 old age老年old hand老手 open air露天open letter公开信 per

6、sonal computer个人电脑polar bear白熊,北极熊 public sector公营部门remote control遥控 social security社会保险social services社会服务(事业) social studies社会研究social work(er)社会工作(者) solar system太阳系stainless steel不锈钢 vocal cord声带yellow pages (电话簿)黄页部分)合成词比较,2)同根词语比较,如NSEFC3,UNIT1P4Ex.1 Which of these words can become adjectives

7、with the-ous or-al ending?Which can become nouns with the- (a)tion ending? Choose the correct ending for each word and then write out the new words. Use the dictionary to help you.religion _ culture_ produce_ danger_ nation_ educate_ humor_ season_ celebrate_ courage_ origin_ predict_ 如M9,P.77,Ex.2.

8、 In pairs,make nouns form these verbs .Then complete each of the sentences with a noun or a verb from your list.explore-irrigate_restrict_evolve_It hasnt rained for months.As a result ,the govermment has put a _on the amount of water we can use .1 For a week we _the coasrt,camping in the most beauti

9、ful places wed ever seen.2 I am very interested in how plants and animals have changed over time .In fact, I think Ill study _when I go to university .3 To save water, Im going to set up an _-system in the garden.3)派生词比较语中的派生词的构成主要有三种:合成(由两个或两个以上的单词合成的单词);派生(指一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成的单词);转化(一种词性转化成另一种或几种词性的单词)

10、。常见的前缀 :1. dis- 表示意义相反,主要用在动词之前,间或用于名词或形容词前。如: appear (v.出现) disappear (v.消失),dislike不喜欢discover 发现disobey不遵从disbelieve 不相信dishonest(adj.)不诚实的disadvantage (n.) 不利条件,缺点2. in-, im-, un-, il-, ir-用在形容词前,表示否定意义。 indirect 间接的incorrect 不正确的inactive 不活动的impossible不可能的unable 不能的unhealthy 不健康的unsuccessful 不成

11、功的uncommon不普通的unpleasant令人不快的unfortunate不幸的irregular不规则的illegal非法的invisible看不见的 3. re- 表示“重新,再”, 用在动词前。rebuild 重新建造recycle 再循环reconsider 重新考虑review 复习常见的后缀 I形容词后缀 1. -able (n./v.adj.)表示“可以的;显示性质”。 如: respectable 可敬的eatable 可吃的comfortable 舒服的 valuable 有价值的fashionable 时髦的loveable 可爱的 2. -ful (n./v.adj

12、.) 表示“充满的”。 beautiful漂亮的 successful 成功的wonderful 精彩mouthful 满嘴的shameful 可耻的hopeful 充满希望的 3. -less (n.adj.) 表示“没有的”。 jobless 无业的cordless 无线的 homeless 无家可归的helpless 无助的 4. -ous (n.adj.)表示“具有性质的”。 nervous 紧张的famous 著名的dangerous 危险的poisonous 有毒的mountainous 山区的humorous 幽默的 5. -y (n.adj.) funny 滑稽的sunny 阳

13、光明媚的cloudy wealthy 富有的 6. -ly (adj.adv. / n.adj.) nervously 紧张地oisily 吵闹地finally最后quietly 安静地lovely 可爱的friendly友好的fatherly 父亲般的manly 有男子气概的 7. 其它形式:-ish, -ic, -ical, -ive, -al(n.adj.)foolish 愚蠢的basic 基础的scientific 科学的medical 医药的expensive 昂贵的selfish 自私personal 个人的educational 教育的political政治的 progressi

14、ve进步的 II名词后缀 1. -er 表示人或物。 speaker 演讲者,扬声器passenger 旅客fire fighter 消防队员owner 所有者 2. -or (v.n.)表示人,置于动词之后。 competitor竞争者director 董事editor 编辑operator 接线员 3. -ist表示“从事者”。 chemist 化学家journalist 记者 typist 打字员scientist 科学家 4. -ness (adj.n.)表示性质,状态。 business 商业darkness 黑暗weakness 虚弱 5. -ment (v.n.) 表示方式,结果

15、,状态。 agreement 同意disappointment 失望announcement宣布treatment 疗法employment 雇佣 encouragement 鼓励 6. -dom 表示状况,领域。 freedom 自由wisdom 智慧kingdom 王国 7. 其它形式:-th,-ty,-ence (ance) death 死亡length 长度width宽度truth 事实honesty 诚实difficulty 困难ability 能力poverty 贫穷importance 重要性performance 表演silence 沉默difference不同 III动词后缀

16、1. -fy (n./adj.v.) 表示“使成为,使进入状态”。 beautify 美化horrify 使恐怖specify 指定purify 净化2. -is(z)e (adj./n.v.)表示“使成为,使化”。3. memorize 记住apologize 道 歉realize实 现modernize 使现代化 -en表示“使”,置于形容词或名词之后,也可以置于形容词之前作前缀。 widen拓宽blacken 染黑enlarge 扩大enrich 使丰富encourage 鼓励,如M6,P.42,Ex.1, One way to increase your vocabularyis to

17、 learn words in families. Make sure you know what each word means. In groups make a collection of the words with the same root.predict(v) production(n) exhibit(v)_(n) impress(v)_ (n) possess(v)_(n) civilize(v)_ (n) realize(v)_(n) profession(n)_ _ (adj) convention(n)_(adj) prefer(v)_(n) differ(v)_(ad

18、j) _(adj)evidence(n)_(adj) permanence(n)_ (adj)fragrance(n) distant(adj)_(n) controversy(n)_(adj) industry(n)_(adj)如M8,P.4,Ex.1. 1 Complete the following chart with new words from the text. Find more examples of word formation after studying the whole unit.Adjective Noun Adjective Nounmajor Italianh

19、ard Korea race Pakistandistinct Denmark2,近义词(意义相近)比较,如M7,P.71,Ex.2, Find the words in list A in the Students Book Unit4.Look at the context of each word. Then match each one with a word or a phrase in list B that has a similar meaning in the same context. Use your dictionary if necessary.A: donate d

20、istribute remote purchase security catalogue weekly participate tailor voluntary trunk assistance operate toast B: heated bread done willingly dressmaker distant give hand out every week take part work safety list support large suitcase buy如M9,P.77,Ex.2. In pairs,make nouns form these verbs .Then co

21、mplete each of the sentences with a noun or a verb from your list.explore- irrigate_restrict_ evolve_ It hasnt rained for months .As a result ,the govermment has put a _on the amount of water we can use . For a week we _the coasrt,camping in the most beautiful places wed ever seen. I am very interes

22、ted in how plants and animals have changed over time .In fact, 4I think Ill study _when I go to university . To save water, Im going to set up an _-system in the garden.3,反义词(意义相反或相对)比较,如M9,P.15,Ex.2, Find the words form the reading passage that are the opposite of these compound words._anywhere _up

23、load _inward _unreliable _land flower _strong point如M9,P.61,Ex.1. Look at each sentence .Complete it with a word opposite in meaning to the one underlined in the sentence.EXAMPLE:The retun voyage was calm ,but during the out ward voyage we had one storm after another. When the dawn appeard and outli

24、ned the African mountains ,they were very buautiful,but at _the mountains apperared dark and very frghtening. On the arrival of the Queen of England everyone bowed,but on her _everyone waved her goodbye instead. Relaxation exercises are a good way to calm ones mind ,but too much exercise brings too

25、much _ When climbing the mountain we had to slow down before we reached the top,but on the way down we _all the way . To buy a new car every year would represent a life of luxury ,but not to have one is no _when there are so many buses and taxis4,动词搭配(动词和宾语的搭配),如M5,P.4,Ex.3, Sometimes in English we put the verb make with a noun instead of using a simple verb;for example, make a mistake instead of to mistake. Look at these simple verbs and make another construction using makeanoun. Add one more of your own._to suggest _to decide_to play _to contribute_to speak _to be noisy _

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