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1、刘学杰 教授专业:机械电子工程摘要:物理气相沉积(PVD)技术作为薄膜材料制备的主要方法之一,其在机械制造业中的应用主要集中在切削刀具表面的强化。Ti-Si-N纳米复合薄膜由于比单一TiN薄膜具有较好的综合机械性能,因此成为硬质薄膜材料研究的主要方向之一。本课题以Ti、Si、N三种粒子共沉积形成的纳米复合硬质薄膜为研究对象,初步尝试用计算机来模拟在单质Ti薄膜和Ti-Si-N三元薄膜生长过程中,入射粒子的吸附、扩散、凝聚成核、团簇长大等行为。通过对模拟结果的分析,来研究沉积过程参数的变化对薄膜微观组织及形貌的影响。本文在总结蒙特卡罗(MC)和分子动力学(MD)这两种计算机模拟方法各自特点的基础

2、上,采用将微观粒子动力学与Monte Carlo方法相结合的KMC(Kinetic Monte Carlo)方法来做为本课题研究的计算机模拟方法。该KMC模型引入了活粒子的概念,充分考虑了表面所有活粒子都有发生迁移运动的可能,同时也考虑到每次跃迁运动发生后所引起的周围近邻粒子运动状态的变化。通过给每个团簇赋以不同的颜色,得到了所需的团簇统计数据。本仿真软件的设计是在Visual Basic6.0的集成开发环境中进行,用户可方便地输入待考察的参数值,并实时观察表面粒子的运动状态。模拟结果表明,在金属Ti膜生长过程中,当基底温度较低时,成核数目较多,但团簇尺寸较小;当基底温度较高时,形成大尺寸团簇

3、的概率增加,团簇之间的空隙较小。模拟数据也显示薄膜表面粗糙度随温度升高而变得光滑。随粒子入射速率的增加,薄膜生长呈现三维岛状生长模式,薄膜表面粗糙度也随之增加。另外,统计结果也显示出,沉积粒子与基底粒子结合力较强。在金属Ti膜仿真结果的基础上,在此项研究中对Ti-Si-N三元薄膜的生长进行情况进行了初步的计算机模拟试验(包括换位机制和不换位机制、激活能参数调节、温度调节等),这使我们对Ti-Si-N形成纳米复合相的机制有了一些了解,并且为进一步的研究奠定了一个很好的基础。关键词:物理气相沉积,计算机模拟,薄膜生长,团簇,动力学蒙特卡罗方法ABSTRACTOne of important app

4、lications in machine manufacturing of physical vapor deposition (PVD) is the wear resistance coatings of cutting tools. The study on Ti-Si-N ternary nanocomposition coatings becomes a hot research point for searching novel hard coatings because it has good mechanical properties than simple binary al

5、loy TiN. In this research, we try to simulate film growth process of Ti coatings and Ti-Si-N coatings which formed by co-depositing Ti, Si and N particles, including adsorption of incidence particle, diffusion, nucleation, growth of cluster, and so on. The effects of process parameters on microscopi

6、c structure and morphology of coatings are discussed by analyzing the simulation results.We try to improve the simulation algorithm, make own KMC programs, and simulate the movement of adsorption particle on the surface, which based on an understanding of the characteristics and limitations of Monte

7、 Carlo method and Molecular Dynamics method. In our model, the concept of active particle is introduced. We consider not only the hopping possibilities of all the active particles on the surface but also the interaction changes happened between near neighbour particles after every hop. We get statis

8、tic data of clusters by distinguishing different colors which clusters possesed. This software is designed under the Visual Basic6.0 environment. User can input variables conveniently and watch the movement of particles.For the deposition process of metal Ti, the simulation results showed that the n

9、umber of nucleation point is relative large and the size of clusters is small when temperature is low. By contraries, the possibilities of forming larger cluster increased and spacing between clusters diminished with clear crystal boundary. And data displayed that roughness became smooth. The growth

10、 of film was in the model of 3D Volver Weber and the surface roughness increased with incidence velocity raising. In addition, statistical data showed strong interaction force between adatom and substrate. Based on Ti films growth simulation, we executed the simulation of Ti-Si-N ternary film growth

11、 under different conditions, from which we have got better understanding about the formation of Ti-Si-N nanocomposition coatings. Key words: Physical Vapor Deposition(PVD), Computer Simulation, Film Growth, Cluster, Kinetic Monte Carlo Method(KMC)基于订单生产的面向地方中小型制造企业系统的研究与开发 Research and Development o

12、f ERP System for Local Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprise of Make to Order董晓慧 杨建鸣 教授ERP,即企业资源计划,是二十世纪九十年代发展起来的综合企业管理信息系统。它代表了未来企业管理的发展方向和必然趋势。随着信息技术的不断发展,中小型制造企业信息化建设变得越来越重要,为了适应当前信息社会激烈的市场竞争,中小型制造企业有必要实施先进的ERP系统来提高企业自身的竞争力,同时,许多中小型制造企业采用的是基于订单生产的生产模式,强调以销定产。那么,如何有效的解决基于订单生产的中小型制造企业资源计划问题,把客户

13、订单的信息有效地导入到生产企业的ERP系统,并及时地生产出客户需要的产品显得尤其重要。本课题针对这一主题展开研究,开发了一套基于订单生产的面向地方中小型制造企业的ERP系统。论文首先介绍了ERP的发展历程、作用、趋势以及制造业生产类型,特别阐述了基于订单生产的面向地方中小制造企业的ERP软件的开发与研究的内容和目标。重点介阐述了ERP系统的需求分析,系统结构设计,重点是B/S模式和C/S模式相结合的信息系统开发技术,数据库设计,模块结构设计,部分功能界面设计和程序代码实现。之后,本文介绍了所开发的ERP系统的实施,ERP系统的运行、使用和维护方法。最后论文提出了进一步的研究方向。ERP 订单生

14、产 C/S B/S 数据库 实施ERP, that is Enterprise Resource Planning, is a synthetic enterprise management message system developed in the 90s of 19# century. It shows the direction and tendency of enterprise management in the future. With the development of information technology, information small and medium

15、 manufacturing enterprise become more and more important. In order to adapt to the current intensive market competition, the small and medium manufacturing enterprise should boost their competitive ability by putting the enterprise resource planning system in practice. At the same time currently man

16、y enterprises activities are based on the mode of make to order. They emphasize on the need of customers. So it is important for us to effetely solve the enterprise resource planning of make to order based small and medium manufacturing enterprise. In other words, we should effetely put the customer

17、s order information into the ERP system and then the enterprises quickly make the specific products that customers have required. The main idea of thesis is study and explore of system geared to local small and medium manufacturing enterprise of make to order.At the beginning of this thesis ,it intr

18、oduces the development、function and tendency in the function of ERP and the manufacturing types, especially deals with contents and aims of make to order based local small and medium manufacturing enterprise ERP system. The main contents include: ERP system demand analysis, system construction desig

19、n, especially is information development technology combining B/S with C/S patents, database creation, system model construction design and parts of function surface design and program code write.After those, the thesis introduces the implement, utilization and maintenance of the small and medium en

20、terprise ERP. In the end of this thesis, conclusions and prospects are given. ERP Make to Order C/S B/S Database Implement超磁致伸缩换能器系统特性的建模与实验研究 The Research of Model and Experimental in Magnetostrictive Transducers System Character金 璐 张玉宝 副教授超磁致伸缩材料是一种新型的稀土功能材料,具有磁致伸缩应变大、响应速度快、能量密度高、输出力大等显著特点,它以其优异的性

21、能和良好的应用前景而得到了世界各国研究者们的普遍关注,其相应的理论和应用研究正广泛进行,各种应用器件的开发正成为人们研究的热点。本论文从课题组现行研制的超磁致伸缩换能器出发,进行了换能器输入输出特性的理论研究与实验研究,力求得到超磁致伸缩换能器更为普遍意义上的数学模型,从而为超磁致伸缩器件的设计提供理论依据与方法,指导超磁致伸缩器件的设计与优化。论文首先对超磁致伸缩材料的特点、特性、器件开发现状、理论研究现状作了详细论述,然后在下面几个方面作了进一步研究:1. 采用有限元软件模拟了E效应对超磁致伸缩棒纵振基频的影响,并定量分析了各种因素对磁场均匀度的影响大小。2. 利用压应力下材料的磁致伸缩与

22、磁化强度的关系,模拟了课题组研制的换能器中超磁致伸缩材料的磁致伸缩性能。3. 根据磁致伸缩产生的机理,结合材料力学及有限元中轴对称结构离散化的相关公式,推导出超磁致伸缩换能器的静态输入输出模型。并利用现有的有限元分析软件ANSYS模拟了换能器输入电流与输出位移的关系曲线。4. 对超磁致伸缩换能器基于物理规律建立起动态特性的数学模型和仿真模型,通过仿真得到系统的响应曲线及各主要参数对换能器动态特性的影响规律。5. 对课题组研制的超磁致伸缩换能器进行了实验研究,检验了静态特性模型与动态特性模型建立的正确与否,同时通过实验找到了现有设计中存在的问题。超磁致伸缩换能器;系统特性;数学模型;有限元分析;

23、仿真模型;磁机耦合The giant magnetostrictive material is a new functional material,which has high magnetostriction、rapid response velocity、great energy density,as well as big output forceBecause of the choiceness properties of the GMM,many researchers of the world countries now have taken part in studying it

24、In the mean time,its corresponding theory and applications studies are being processedIn this thesis,the input-output characteristics of great magnetostrictive transducer are discussedThe purpose of reaseach is to get universal mathematical model of great magnetostrictive transducer,which can provid

25、e a theoretic basis for the design of magnetostrictive instrument Firstly the thesis has a discussin about characteristic and performance of the giant magnetostrictive material 、the actuality of instrument exploitation and the state of academic studies in detailMoreover,it has further discussions in

26、 the following aspects:1. Simulate the influence that E offect act on magnetostrictive rod by the limited cell software and Analyse the influencing factor about the magnetic field equality2. Simulate the magnetostrictive capacity of the exploying magnetostrictive rod by making use of the relation be

27、tween magnetostriction and magnetization intensity3. According to the magnetostrictive machanism and the related formulas that are in THE MATERIAL MACHANICS and THE LIMITED CELL,deduce the static state input-output model of giant magnetostrictive transducer and simulate the relative curve between st

28、atic input signal and output signal by using ANSYS software4. Establish the dynamic state model about giant magnetostrictive transducer system that are based on the physical disciplinarianGain the system response curve and the effect law of diversified parameter that is acted on gain magnetostrictiv

29、e transducer5. Based on the existing giant magnetostrictive transducer,does a experiment about static state characteristic and dynamic state characteristic,which can verify the legitimacy of transducer mathematical modelKey words:giant magnetostrivtive transducer;system characteristic;mathematical m

30、odel;the limited cell analysis;simulation model;the coupling of magneticmachanism基于神经网络的质量诊断理论的研究与应用The Research and Applications of Quality Diagnosis Theory Based on Neural Networks刘 华 王建国 教授产品质量的优劣,是衡量一个国家生产力发展水平以及技术、经济发展水平的重要标志。随着社会的进步和科学技术的发展,人们对产品的质量提出了越来越高的要求。在质量控制过程中,当发现质量发生异常波动时,为了能够及时调整过程参数

31、使得生产过程恢复到正常状态,有必要利用质量诊断方法对生产过程进行诊断。为此,本文针对多指标(变量)多工序过程对质量诊断方法进行了进一步的研究。本文的研究工作主要包括以下几个方面:(1) 绪论中对质量的概念以及质量科学的形成和发展做了简单的介绍;接着分别介绍了单变量统计过程控制的一些方法,主元分析的基本理论和基于主元分析的多变量统计过程控制及其一些改进方法;最后对统计过程诊断的发展状况作了简单的叙述。 (2) 介绍了两种质量诊断理论的基本原理,并指出了它存在的一些不足,根据它的不足提出了基于神经网络的两种质量诊断理论,最后将新方法进行仿真研究以验证该方法的有效性。(3) 根据费歇判别分析的基本原理提出了基于费歇贡献图的过程参数诊断方法,并将该方法和主元贡献图方法应用到四水箱过程进行过程参数诊断;最后通过诊断结果比较这两种方法的性能。(4) 简要介绍了CSP生产线的生产流程,并将基于神经网络的质量诊断方法应用到CSP生产线中进行可行性和有效性验证。最后对全文作了总结,并提出了展望。质量诊断,主元分析,神经网络,费歇贡献图The quality of pr

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