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1、在所有的画中谁的画最好? (2)形容词最高级的构成方法一般是在形容词词尾加-est . (三)Its the most popular. 他是最受欢迎的。 Most popular 是 popular 的最高级。 多音节和部分双音节的形容词的最高级, 在原级前加 most , 在句中使用时,还要在最高级前加 the . Be popular with .意为 受。的欢迎 。【自主互助学习】 一、 认真阅读课本94至95页上部分的内容,完成下列问题。1.写出下列单词的最高级。big_; beautiful_; short_; easy_; white_; happy_;good_;cool_;h

2、eavy_;hot_.heavy_; athletic_;smart_;expensive_;old_;calm_;funny_;outgoing_;wild_;quiet_;thin_; serious_;2.核对你所填写的最高级并弄清如何朗读它们。3.最高级表示_ 者或_者以上的人或物比较,其中一个在某一方面超过其他几个。形容词的最高级前边一般要加_, 后边可带of (in)表示比较的范围。基本结构是: He is the tallest in our class A + . . + the + 形容词副词的最高级+ in(of) . . (A在. .中是最. .)4.将课本71页中词组中

3、的形容词圈出并将它们的最高级形式写在它们的旁边,然后同老师同学核对答案并弄清它们的发音。5.弄清1a题意并按要求完成。然后,根据汉语提示填写表格。表格见下一页。受欢迎的最受欢迎的友好的服务最友好的服务舒适的座位最舒适的座位离家近距离家最近大屏幕最大的屏幕新的电影最新的电影便宜的最便宜的在城里一个好玩的部位最好玩的部位二、听力。1.弄清1b题意,然后熟悉右边黄色框里的movie theaters(电影院)。 2.听磁带,完成匹配。然后,在小组中核对答案。三、根据听力信息,效仿1c中的对话,同搭档制作对话,轮流评估各家电影院。练习完成后,争取机会向老师同学展示你们的评估对话。【课堂练习】 一、写出

4、下列各词的比较级。happy_;good_;hot_.athletic_;smart_;expensive_;outgoing_;quiet_;serious_;二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.In my opinion, English is _(popular) than Chinese.2.This TV drama is as _(boring) as that one.3.Shanghai has _(large) population than Beijing.4.Yao Ming is much _(tall) than Xiong Tianping.5.This book is

5、 very _(interest).6.Im _(heavy) than other teachers in our school.7.My _(good) friend Tom is going to be a violinist when he grows up.8.He does his homework as _(care) as I do.9.She did _(well) in math than I did two years ago.10.Tina is _(friend) than any other girls in our class.11.Its much _(cold

6、) than yesterday. Perhaps It will snow tomorrow.12.Which school is _(close) to your house in Zhanyi?13.I think summer is _(hot) in a year.14.Of all the dishes, chicken is_(delicious).15.Who is _(good) student in your class?三、单项选择。1.Which movie theater do you think has _in our town? A. comfortable se

7、ats B. the most comfortable seats C. the more seats D.most comfortale seats.2.He wants to buy a flat in _part of of town. A. the funnest B. the most fun C. most fun D.the funnier part.3.I like to eat in the restaurants who has _ service. A. the friendlyest B. the more friendly C. the friendliest D.

8、the most friends4.My house is _ than any other students. A. father B. farther C. fathest D. farthest5.What animals do you like _? A. well B. better C. best D. wellest【要点归纳】 形容词、副词最高级的变法;可通过什么指标评估电影院?【课后反思】 我的收获:_我的不足:我的疑问: SectionA2a-2c(2)(1课时)1.识记并能运用表示服装店、收音节目指标的词组。2.学会使用最高级对城市中的服装店及收音节目做出客观的评估。3.

9、提升自己的听说能力。服装店及收音节目名称的发音及翻译;使用最高级自由讨论服装店及收音节目的好坏。1.认真阅读学习目标,牢牢把握学习要求。2.依据导学案知识梳理,牢牢把握学习要求。3.将学习中遇到的疑难问题用红笔标识出来以备上课集体讨论,突破。1.独学(5分钟)检查点评学习效果,达标率75%。2.对学(5分钟)了解学习效果,解决独学时存在的问题,达标率85%。3.组学(10分钟)了解学习效率,解决对学时存在的问题,达标率90%。4.展示(20分钟)老师点评学习效果,解决共性问题及生成问题。 Can I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗? Can 用于表达请求对

10、方的允许,多用于疑问句中。 Can 的用法 (1)表达能力, “能,会” 的意思 I can sing the song .我能唱这首歌。 (2)表示请求允许, 意为“ 可以” Can I use your computer ?我可以用你的电脑吗? (3)表示猜测,意为“ 可能”He cant have slept through all that noise.那么吵他不可能睡得着觉。(4)can 可用于提出建议。We can eat in the restaurant if you like .如果你愿意的话,我们可以在餐馆吃饭。一、 认真阅读课本71页上的内容,完成下列问题。1.匹配服装店

11、的名称并熟读它们。时尚少年服装店 贾森服装店牛仔一角服装店流行时尚服装店2.弄清2a、2b题意,然后听磁带。3.核对听力答案,对错误的地方要求老师再次播放磁带并注意改正。二、对话练习。1.根据听力所记录的信息,效仿2c的对话,对镇上的服装店进行评估。 2.根据下列表格信息及对话提示,对镇上收音节目进行评估。Comment(评论)Radio station Reasons (理由)Best radio station Jazz 107.9Has the most interesting musicPretty badOldies 102.1 FM Has the worst musicPopul

12、ar Easy Listening 97.9It is said(据说)many people like it The most popular All Talk 970 Has better commercials(广告) A: Whats the best radio station? B: I think Jazz 107.9. Why? Because it has the most interesting music.三、根据你们学校所在地方的各家餐馆实际,填写下列图表,然后效仿上边的对话,使用最高级对它们进行评估。你可能会用到的理由:has the most comfortable

13、 tables and seats; has the most delicious dishes(菜);the quietest environment(最安静的环境);the most expensive /the cheapest;the closest to school;has the friendliest service;the cleanest;the spiciest dishes(最辣的菜)RestaurantBest restaurant Worst restaurant Most popular restaurant一、写出第一段词的最高级并翻译第二段。1.Friendl

14、y_;cheap_;popular_;close_;big_;comfortable_;good_;bad_;far _;athletic_.2.最好的服装店_ 牛仔专卖店_;时尚少年服装店 _;流行时装店_;电台_; 质量好的服装_;最好的商店_;在镇里_自由论谈_。二、单项选择。1.Hainan is the second _ island in China. A. large B. larger C. largest D. most large2.Of the five singers, who do you think is _one? A. successful B. success

15、fulest C.the most successful Dthe most success3.Prefessor Wang always goes to have classes _ breakfast. Its not healthy for his health. A. with B. eating C. for D. without4.The weather in Yunnan is quite different from _in Anhui. A. weather B. it C. one D. that5.Their hair is _longer than _. A. Lucy

16、 B. Lucys C. Lucys D. Lucys hair.6.The children put all the oranges on the table and _with a knife. A. cut them up B. cut up them C. cut it up D. cut up it7.They didnt play basketball _ bad weather. A. because B. for D.because of 8.It _ him five months to read that novel. A. spent B. cost C. pa

17、id D.took.三、找出与划线部分意义相近的选项。( ) 1.Jim is too young to go to school. A. too small B. old enough C. not old enough D. heavy enough( )2.My foreign teachers are friendly to us. A. kind B. helpful C. polite D. kindly ( )3.My school is close to my house. A. far from B. near C. a long way from D. not open(

18、)4.He is more athletic than any other boys in our class. A. the most athleticest B. the most athletic C. much more athletic D. a lot athletic( )5.Town Cinema has the highest price in our city. A. is the cheapest B. is the most expensive C. is more expensive D. is cheaper四 根据句意及首字母填空。1.He is a report

19、er.He works at the r_ station.2. Please sit down and make yourself c_.怎样去评估服装店、广播电台或者其他的事物? 【课题】Unit12 Whats the best radio station? SectionA3a-4(3)(1课时)【课型】读写课1.学会对自己所生活的地方的饭馆、收音电台、服装店等场所进行调查汇总并使用最高级将调查写成文章介绍给人们。2.提升自己的说和写的能力。将不同场所的调查结果汇总,使用最高级撰写清晰简洁的文章。 (一)We did a survey of our readers and this i

20、s what we learned .我们对我们的读者做了一个调查。 Do a survey of 或 make a survey of 意为“对做调查” What we learned 在此做is 的表语,是表语从句。 That is where I was born . (二)The most popular clothing store is Jasons .最受欢迎的服装店是贾森服装店。 Jasons =Jasons store (shop)当名词所有格限定的是表示住宅,诊所,商店等的名词时,名词往往省略。 They are at the doctors .他们在医生的诊所里。(三)h

21、ow much is the meal?一顿饭多少钱? How much 用来询问价格。如果询问单数意义的商品的价格,用 how much is 答语用 Its ,如果询问复数意义的商品价格 how much are ,答语用 Theyre How much is the fish? 这鱼怎么卖? 对价格询问时还可以用 Whats the price of ? 使用这一句型时,无论被询问的商品是单数还是复数,be 动词都用is .其答语为 Its , Whats the price of the books? 这些书的价格是多少? Its ten yuan. 【自主互助学习】一、认真阅读课本73页上的内容,完成下列问题。1.仔细阅读3a中的文章,填写课本上3a下边的表格。2.在小组中核对答案,并根据你所填写的表格练习复述课文。3.思考:作者使用了哪些句子和单词,让这篇文章从头至尾都是那么的清晰流畅。根据3b题意,先填表,再做对话。三、根据4的题意,完成表格,然后练习对话。请效仿3a中的文章,对你所生活的地方的餐馆、服装店、和理发店在同学间进行调查并结合你自己的感受,先在下表中填写信息,然后在将它们汇总,使用最高级及你所认为能让文章流畅、清晰的句子或者单词,写出清晰

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