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1、(五)10.Eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isnt a cat?(五)11. What key(钥匙) can run itself?(五)12.I can run very quickly. I have antlers(鹿角)on my head. (一种动物)(五)13.I am an animal kept(饲养) by farmers to produce(生产) milk. (一种动物)(五)14.I am not a fish but look like a large fish and live in the sea.I am a

2、 warm-blood mammal.(一种动物)热血哺乳运动)(五)15.I have a very long neck and legs.I can eat the leaves(叶子) on top of the tree. (一种动物)(五)16.I am known for my cleverness and cunning.(一种狡猾动物)(五)17.I like eating grass(草).People like to use my wool(毛) to make coats. (一种动物)(五)18.I look like a dog. But people and ani

3、mals are all afraid of(害怕) me, because I like eating them. (一种动物)(五)19.I look like a house ,but my body is covered(覆盖)by black and white stripes(条纹). (一种动物)(五)20. what man cannot live in a house?(五)21. You have itYou read itTherere some pictures in it? (一种物体)(五)22. You go to the park,and people ask

4、to show me to them.What am I?你去公园,人们要求带我去看他们。我是什么?(五)23. What always goes up(上升) and never goes down(下降)?(五)24. There are five brothers. They lives in the same house .They have different (不同的)names. They are tall or short. (一种物体)(五)25.There are two little bags.You take them with you every day.When y

5、ou leave one at home,it is very funny. (一种衣物)(五)26. Im your good friend. I live in a box. When you take out(取出) a piece of paper,I can write down your thoughts(我可以写下你的想法). (一种文具)(五)27. Its round and its bright(明亮的). In the day it hangs in the sky and gives our light.But nobody can see it at night. (

6、一种物体)(五)28.You finish(完成)in the pool.(一种体育运动)(五)29.I have two long ears. I can jump. My eyes are red.(一种动物) (五)30. I have fur, paws and a tail. I like to eat bones (我有皮毛,爪子和尾巴。我喜欢吃骨头).(五)31. Im pink. Im big and fat. I like to sleep.(一种动物)(五)32. Im small. I have a long tail. Im afraid of(害怕) cats.(五)

7、33. Dont stop chattering(叽叽喳喳), leave it to become dumb(哑巴).(五)34.Its not a bird, but it has feathers(羽毛), it flies.(一种体育项目)(五)35.The above(上面) is glad, the bottom(下面) bleed(流血)。(一种休闲运动)(五)36.Nine or seven planets(行星)are in a line(线).(一项奥运项目)(五)37.Who has the most things in mind(脑)。(打一电器)(五)38.The m

8、en in white coat help people.(打一职业)(五)39.The women in white coat help people.(打一职业)(五)40.You can take exercise in this house.(打一室场所)(五)41.You can learn knowledge(知识) with your classmates in there.(打一室场所)(五)42.We must finish(完成)it on school day.(一项任务)(五)43.It is yours, but others use it more than you

9、 do. What is it?(五)44.What has many teeth(牙齿) but never uses them for eating?(五)45.You can use number in this class.(一学科)(五)46.You can draw pictures in this class.(一学科)(五)47.You can listen to music in this class.(一学科)(五)48.You can play computer games in this class.(一学科)(五)49.In which month can we me

10、et Christmas Father?(五)50.In which month can we celebrate Childrens Day?(五)51.Which month have only 28 days?(五)52.In which month can we celebrate National Day(国庆节)?(五)53. In which month can we celebrate Teachers Day?(五)54.In which month can we celebrate New Year(五)55. In which month can we celebrate

11、 May Day?(五)56. What letter(字母) is like a Pyramid(金字塔)?(五)57. What letter (字母)you dont know?(五)58. What letter (字母)has water ?(五)59. What letter(字母) is a kind of drink ?(五)60.What letter(字母) is a part of the head?(五)61. What letter(字母) is not I nor he ?(五)62.What letter(字母) is an exclamation (感叹) of

12、 surprise(惊奇)?(五)63. We have it in December, but we dont have it in any other month. What is it?(五)64.In which day, you should eat turkey(火鸡) and say thanks to your parents ?(五)65.What is the day an old man who comes from Finland(芬兰) and bring the gifts(礼物) to each children?(五)66.Whats the festival

13、for the people coming from the site of sunup(太阳出生的地方) (五)67. A man, work only once a year, who is he?(五)68. Day after day一天又一天(五)69.Change of the garden(改变的花园)(五)70. Talk openly of probity(公开谈论廉洁)(五)71. Confucius(孔子) lived frugally(俭朴) all his life(五)72. two green leaves(叶子) to hold the rice, rope(捆

14、) a nice tie(结). (a holiday food)(五)73.What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn (五)74.What can hear you without(没有) ears and can answer you without a mouth?(五)75.What question can you never answer yes?(五)76.You talk with this(五)77.A mouse has a large pocket(袋) W

15、hat is it?(五)78.What can you catch but cannot throw(你能拿到但不能扔的是什么)?(五)79.What is deaf (聋的)and dumb (哑的)but always tells the truth(真相)?(五)80.What has a tongue(舌头) but cannot talk?(五)81.What has teeth but cannot eat?(五)82.What goes through(穿过) a door but never comes in or goes out(出来)?(五)83.What gets l

16、arger,the more you take away(拿走)?(五)84.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?(五)85.What do you know about the kings of France(法国)? 你对法国君主有什么了解?(五)86.What tree is always very sad?(五)87.What is full when its used and empty when its at rest?(什么东西在被使用时是装满的,在休息的时候是空的)(五)88.When can you ge

17、t water with a net(网)?(五)89.Why are people tired on April Fools Day(愚人节)?(五)90.What can pierce ones ears without a hole?(什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔)(五)91.Whats too much for two and just right for one?两个人太多的事,一个人就够了(五)92.What three letters turn a girl into a woman?哪三个字母把女孩变成了女人(五)93.What has two legs but cant

18、 walk?(五)94.What is pronounced(发音) like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to most of animals?(五)95. What letter is an animal?(五)96.What letter stands for the ocean? 什么字母代表海洋(五)97.What letter is a question?(五)98.What letter is your eye?(五)99.What letter is a vegetable?(五)100.What stay

19、s hot even if put it in a fridge(什么东西即使放在冰箱里也能保持热度)?(五)101.What fruit is never found singly(什么水果永远不会是单数)?(五)102.With which hand do you write?(五)103.What never asks questions but has a lot of answers?(五)104.What question can you never answer “Yes” to?(五)105.You have it.You read it.Therere some pictur

20、es in it。 What is it?(五)106. A mouse has a large pocket(袋子)。(五)107.It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel。(它有头,但没有脖子。它有一个身体,但没有温暖。没有脚,但可以旅行) What is it?(五)108.what will you break(打破) once you say it? 什么东西你说出来就打破了它?(五)109.What do every couple(夫妻) have in common(

21、共同点)? (五)110.What word is pronounced(发音) wrong,even by the best of scholars(学者)?(五)111.What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动物坐着比站着高?(五)112.What is black when its clean and white when its dirty?(五)113.What 5-letter word has 6 when you take 2 letters away? 当你把两个字母拿走时,五个字母的单词有6个(五)11

22、4.You talk with this.(五)115. What is smaller than an insects mouth?(什么比昆虫的口小)(五)116. What season is the most dangerous one?(哪个季节最危险)(五)117. What person tries to make others smile most of the time?什么人在大多数时候都想让别人微笑?(五)118. From what number can one take(拿走) half and leave(留下) nothing?从什么数字可以拿走一半,什么也不留下

23、(五)119.What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?什么有手没有脚,有脸没有眼睛,告诉但不说话?(五)120. How many months have 28 days?(五)121. Why dont babies need glasses?(五)122 .What never asks questions but always gets answers?(五)123.When Columbus(哥伦布) discovered America,where did he stand?(五)1

24、24.Who isnt your sister and isnt your brother,but is still a child of your mother and father?(五)125. What has teeth but cant eat?(五)126. Which candle burns(燃烧) longer: a black one or a white one?哪根蜡烛燃烧得更久:黑色的还是白色的?(五)127.Why does a cook wear a high,white hat?(五)128. What kind of dog never can bite(咬

25、) and bark(叫)?(五)129.What has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks?柔软的床上,但从不睡觉,大嘴巴,但从不说话?(五)130.What is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals?什么发音是一个字母,写三个字母,和属于所有的动物?(五)131. What is easy to get into(进入) but hard(困难) to get out (走出去)?(五)

26、132.What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)(五)133.What table is in the field(田)?(五)134.What stays hot even if put it in a fridge(冰箱)?(五)135.Its a fruit. Its also a color. What is it?(五)136.Dressed in green clothes, his stomach liquid(肚里水汪汪), penny more生的子多, all black faces.(五)137.Hacked-

27、at trees, rattan(弯弯树,弯弯藤,), curved vine to hang a bell crystal(藤上挂个水晶铃).(五)138.It has red face,and green leaves(叶子).(五)139.They are yellow,and kind of long.(五)140.A red coat, white body and black heart(核). -/红色的果皮/白色的果肉/黑色的核儿-荔枝(五)141.What fruit is never found singly(单个) ?(五)142.What is red or green

28、, round(圆的) and sometimes sweet and sometimes sour(酸)?(五)143.What is green on the outside and with lots of small green balls on the inside when you open it up?(五)144.What is the only vegetable that will make you cry?(五)145.What fruit is always sour?(五)146.Which do you use at Halloween?(五)147.Im wear a green shirt at outside, I got red face in it,and so many little black dots. Who am I?(五)148.What kind of apple isnt an apple?(五)149.What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?(五)150.What is smaller than an insects(昆虫) mouth?(五)151.Whats too much for on

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