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1、Admission FeeOneday TicketCNY370 on ordinary daysCNY499 on weekends,public holidays,July and AugustTwoday TicketA 5% discount on the basis of the original prizeNote:Children between 1and 1.4meters tall and seniors aged over 65 can enjoy a 25% discount on the ticket price21What does the underlined wo

2、rdbazaarin Paragraph 2 probably mean?_Aclub Bmarket Cagency Dcottage22Where should you go if youre interested in traditional Chinese culture?ATomorrowland BMickey Avenue CGardens of ImaginationDAdventure Isle23How much is the admission for a young couple and their son (1.2m) on Sunday?ACNY998BCNY1,1

3、22.75CCNY1,322.35DCNY1,372.2524Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with natureHowever,whether you are on the mountains,in the waves,or on the grassland,you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environmentSome sports are resourcehungryGolf,as you may k

4、now,eats up not only large areas of countryside,but also tons of waterBesides,all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场)in good conditionThis causes major environmental effectsFor example,in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain,golf is often held responsible

5、for serious water shortage in some local areasThere are many environmentfriendly sportsPower walking is one of them that you could take up todayYou dont need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you dont have to worry about resources and your purseSimple and free,power walking can

6、also keep you fitIf you walk regularly,it will be good for your heart and bonesExperts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious,sleep well and have better weight controlWhatever sport you take up,you can make it greener by using environmentfriendly equipment and buyi

7、ng products made from recycled materialsBut the final goal should begreen gymsThey are better replacements(代替物)for traditional health clubs and modern sports centersMembers of green gyms play sports outdoors,in the countryside or other open spacesThere is no special requirement for you to start your

8、 membershipAnd best of all,its free24Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of?APlaying basketball in a gym BMotor racing in the desertCCycling around a lakeDSwimming in a sports center25What do we know about golf from the passage?AIt is popular in Portugal and SpainBIt needs wa

9、ter and electricity to keep its courses greenCIt pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastesDIt causes water shortages around the world26The author uses power walking as an example mainly because_Ait uses fewer resources Bit improves our healthCit is an outdoor sport Dit is recommended by experts27

10、The author writes the passage to_Ashow us the function of major sportsBencourage us to go in for green sportsCdiscuss the major influence of popular sportsDintroduce different types of environmentfriendly sports28Joanna Cole,born on August 11,1944in Newark,New Jersey,has been credited to be one of t

11、he most popular childrens authors of all timeShe has written over 250 books and is famous for writing one of the most popular childrens book seriesShe knew as early as early as 5th grade that she was interested in writing and scienceCole has owed a large part of her passion to one of her elementary

12、school teachersJoanna Cole continued her education by attending the University of Massachusetts and IndianaShe would eventually earn a bachelors degree in psychology from the City College of New York in 1967after graduation,Cole decided to take some education courses to become a librarian at a Brook

13、lyn elementary school in 1967Eventually,she would take jobs working for Newsweek,Seesaw book clubColes passion for writing and science was still alive and well during this timeIn 1971she decided to write her first book,CockroachesShe did some research and discovered there hadnever been a book writte

14、n for children about cockroachesSo she thought she would be the firstCole struck gold when she wrote the first Magic School Bus in 1985The book would go on to be published the following year and quickly became book series and cartoon series due to its successCole continued to write both nonfiction a

15、nd fiction books for childrenShe writes in a way that will hopefully inspire children to think like a scientistShe does this by writing ideas instead of just factsShe also tries to ask questions in her books that require children to think and discover the answers as they readThis creates an engaging

16、 experience for children,so it is no wonder why younger readers are hooked on her books28When Joanna Cole was young,she_Awas very popular with children Bgot inspired by one of her teachersCbegan her career of writing novels Dknew what she would do in the future29What does the underlined phrase proba

17、bly mean?Amade a fortune Bmade a promise Cgot ideas Dobtained help30What do we know about Joanna Cole?AShe is the most famous woman writer in AmericaBShe writes novels not only for kids but for adultsCShe is an expert at getting science across to readersDShe has made great contributions to science31

18、What kind of person is Cole in the passage?Apositive and brave Bpopular and reliableCserious and honest Dtalented and creative32David Cameron is urging todays youngesters to abandon French to concentrate on the tongue of the futureMandarin(普通话)Cameron said:I want Britain linked up to the worlds fast

19、growing economiesAnd that includes our young people learning the languages to seal tomorrows business dealsBy the time the children born today leave school,China is to be the worlds largest economySo its time to look beyond the traditional focus on French and German and get many more children learni

20、ng MandarinTo strengthen his message,he quoted Nelson Mandelathe former president of South Africa who saidIf you talk to a man in a language he understands that goes to his head; if you talk to him in his own language that goes to his heartCameron said that a partnership between the British Council

21、(英国文化协会) and Hanban will double the number of Chinese language assistants in the UK by 2016 and provide increased funding to schools of offering Mandarin as a language choiceIn a development of the UKChina School Partnership programme,funding will also be provided for 60 headteachers to make study v

22、isits to China in 2014In recent research the British Council found only 1% of the adult population speaks Mandarin to a level that allows them to conduct a basic conversationJust 3,000 pupils in England,Wales and Northern Ireland entered for Chinese languages GCSEs in 2013,putting it far behind the

23、traditional choices of French with 177,000,Spanish with 91,000 and German with 62,000 entrants(加入者),as well as Urdu,Polish and ArabicProfessor Dame Helen Wallace,the British Academys foreign secretary,said,a lack of qualified teachers could be a barrier to improve its popularityLaura Chan,one of the

24、 cofounders of a bilingual MandarinEnglish primary school,said the prime ministers announcement was good news for the status of MandarinShe said,Its a great helpIt will increase peoples awareness of Mandarin as a language they can learn32What is the text mainly talking about?ADavid Cameron calls for

25、 British students to learn MandarinBDavid Cameron has visited China for three daysCChinese language is very popular with British peopleDThe cooperation is important between the UK and China33Why does David Cameron urge students to learn Chinese?ABecause Chinese will be a widelyused language in the w

26、orldBBecause there are many Chinese people living in BritainCBecause he thinks China will become the largest economyDBecause only a few of British people can communicate in Chinese34What is the writers attitude to the popularity of Mandarin?AIts wonderful but it also has some problemsBIt can be a gr

27、eat waste of time and energyCIts only a design for the youngsters laterDIts only a way to help students to travel abroad35What is the purpose of David Cameron by quoting Mandelas words in Paragraph3?ATo compare different ideasBTo show his rich knowledgeCTo share Mandelas opinionDTo persuade people to learn Mandarin 第二节(满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项36Whether youre a child,teenager,young adult or are middleaged,res

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