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1、Do you have any experience with caring for babies? Yes, l do. Did you enjoy your college. Yes, it was rich and colorful Dont you agree that our society has changed a lot and peoples life has become more colorful? I couldnt agree more.Education is one of the driving forces in HHow about going to the

2、cinema? Sounds like a good ideaHow long have you been graduated from your college? I ve been graduated for five years.How s the movie? Interesting?Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVHow can 1 deliver my speech in an attractive way? Make sure that you are talking , not just reciting your

3、draftHow do you feel about your family life? Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother.II m sorry for breaking the cup.Ohf,o rget it I ve got plenty. -lts rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close thewindow? No, go aheadI often feel lonely when I engage in my online learning. H

4、ow do you deal with this problem? -I join the online course Community.Its raining so heavily outside. Im terribly anxious about my sons safety.Dont worry. He will come back safe anSound.Is your grandmother getting well now? Yes, she is much better now.Thank you.I think the Internet is very helpful.

5、Yes, so do I .I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. Please wait for minute. He is busy now m tryingto call Marie, but there no answesr.Really? Maybe she s outIs this the motel you mentioned? Yes, it s as quiet as we ExpectedInterestingly , 1 notice that there are some Chinese words in English as w

6、ell ! Oh , really ? Can you give me some examples ?I can imagine how happy she will be with you next time . Thanks . 1 hope my grandmother will recover soon1 find it hard to complete all the assignments while 1 am working every day. You know, good time management is very important in online learning

7、.1 have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and fall asleep. Yes, 1 understand that.LLooking after a baby is not an easy job, is it? No, it isn . Linda, whatswrongwithyourgrandmother? She hurt her leg.Must I finish the report today? No, you dont have to.OOk, I ll fix your computer rig

8、ht now. Oh, take your time. m in no hur.rySSusan, will you please go and empty that drawer? What forTThe red dress fits me very much, doesn Yes, it dto iet?s.That is the reason why I have chosen the online program OU. Thank you for your MP4 player. Ill ask Mary to take it to you soon.No hurry,Ive bo

9、ught a new one.YYour phone looks good! Can I have a look? Yes,it is a Smartphone.WWhat about leaning a foreign language in the summer holiday? lts a good idea.-Would you like to come to our party this weekend?m sorry that I wont be able to attend the party.We ve worked for a long time, what about st

10、opping to have a rest?That s a good idea.Where is John? I couldn t find him. I suppose he could have gone to the meeting room.Would you like to see the menu? No, thanks. I already know what to orderWhat if my computer doesn tA wsko rAkn?ne for help.Why do you think there is so much crime ?. In my op

11、inion , our efforts in crime prevention are not good enough 词汇用法An old lady can speak two foreign languages, which surprises all the people.A dictionary may define genetics as simply the science of the study of heredityAre you still thinking about yesterday s game?Oh, that s what makes me feel excit

12、ed .Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in conjunction with major textbook publishers.But the internet can bring some negative effects, too. The most common one, some teenagers areaddicted toBesides , modern technology also encourages innovation and creativity in the business world .Children ar

13、e exposed to too much on the Internet without appropriate supervision .In terms of Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation.mode,thereareimpromptuspeeches,extemporane ous speechesDoes the design meet the needs of our users?Due to the increasing aging population in China, demand fo

14、r the caregivers will continue to rise.Do you mind me opening window beside you.Drugoffensesandaddictioncanhaveserious consequencesfor your children.EEncouraging the elderly people to participate in games is very important.FFor there is only one thing that people can t take awayfrom you, and that is

15、 your wisdom.For instance, they are often polite in tone, formal in style.GGood friends mean sharing happiness but also sadness with each other.HHe asked me whether Zhang Hua came to school or not.He asked his neighbor to keep an eye onhis house.Hardly had the train arrived at the destination when t

16、he passengers flooded out in no time.He is worth trusting.He asked John if he could swim.He left the company by mutual consent last September.Have you found that our society has people s lives have become more colorful and more convenient in years ?Having good friends means sharing happiness and sad

17、ness with each other .It is said that approximately 2000 factories closed down during the economic crisis.I hope you are making room for continuous education in your life.l drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.-Is that why you had a few days off?1t is in the afternoon that he got the bad news.

18、I want to know what his name isI have no idea how to make my speech interesting.1 have downloaded some coursesandsoftwaretomy Smartphone1 have just finished the discussion in the online forum.I have trouble in doing my homework.It is an open secret that he is not a qualified manager.If you want to m

19、ake your presentation vivid , you may use some visual aids 1find it hard to complete all the assignments while l m working every day In my opinion, our efforts in crime prevention are not good Enough.I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and fall asleep.In the past, it used to be

20、 very difficult to start a business,I hopeyou are making room forcontinuing education yourlife.s a 1itt1e inconvenient because my mind didnt turn80 but my body did,I was sitting in this room watching te1evision when someoneon knocked the door.It helps locals set up a virtual community that they can

21、interact with from the comfort of their own home.Instead of boring old textbooks which are quickly out of date you can have an interactive learning experience JJohn asked me whether I would like to visit his uncle with him.K Don t keep water running when you are brushing your teeth or washing yourha

22、nds,Jack. OK. I know we must save every drop of water.Lily is a good student except that she is a little bit careless.Without language, there would be no way to communicate and express ourselves.MMy suggestion is that Tom go to see a doctor at once.Mr.Wang, our new teacher is coming up to us.More th

23、an 20 people showed up at the Martin Luther KingNNo more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a yearor two andthen sell or give away.Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep fitOne big disadvantage of formal education is the high cost.One of your biggest struggles

24、is to remind yourself of appropriate expectat10ns.On September 13, 2013, the State Council issued a guideline to speed up thedevelopmentofChinaselderly care services.Our son has picked up some bad habits; He says aggressive and upsetting words every day.PPeople considerfoxes as clever but sly animal

25、s.People wear formal suits on formal occasions.Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their Children.Public speeches are speechesd elivered in public for a special purpose such as open class lectures or seminars in aParents are working hard day and night for arranging money to pay the fee

26、s for theirkids university life .QQuizzes are part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them thinking ,for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered.She is a confident young woman.She said she had lost a pen.Some universities offer free, non-credit MOOCs

27、available to anyone in the world.She chose to teacher, but personally Id prefer to be a Caregivers.She told the children not to make any noise.Smartphone makes it simple for us to take a photo.The caregiver should remain connectedto the elderly people in need.The development of technology requires u

28、s to learn. something new every day just to stay current in the workplace .The birth rate of the country decreases progressively with Years.The better the elderly people are known, the happier they are.The company is trying every means to improve the quality of Products.The news came that won the fi

29、rst prize in the competition.This is an opportunity to enhance_the reputation of the Company.s faUrnmd oubtedly the number of private cars will increase sharply in the comingThink for helping me. Without your help, l would Not obtain todays success.This plant cant be exposed to strong sunshine.This

30、movie is as interesting as that one.Tom won the first prize of oral English contest, which is beyond his expectation.The caregivers hope the elderly will soon recover.The elderly like those who know them very well and show respect to them.The fact rema itnhast we are behind the other classes.Tony is a young child But do not underesti hmis abtielity to learn and reason They had just st tao rsteeardch when the dogs next door beg aton bark .The impact of technology on modern l

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