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Desperate Housewives 第一季 03Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、 Lynette沉湎于启发式家长养育 -Lynette: If any of you acts up, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas. act up: 耍脾气,捣蛋 Santa: 圣诞老人 sock: 袜子 你们中任何一个再调皮的话,我就告诉圣诞老人你们不想要圣诞礼物了 -Gabrielle: I really hate the way you talk to me. talk to sb.:同说话 我真讨厌你对我说话的方式 -Carlos: And I really hate that I spent

2、$15,000 on your diamond necklace. spend on: 把花在 diamond: 砖石 necklace: 项链 我真痛心花了15000元在你的砖石项链上 while Gabrielle indulged in the company of her gardener. company: 陪伴 gardener: 园丁 当Gabrielle沉湎于她园丁的陪伴 Hi honey, youre home early. 嗨,亲爱的,你回来真早 And everybodys wondering? wonder: 想知道 每个人都在想 Oh Mary Alice, what

3、 did you do? Mary Alice,你到底干了些什么? why their best friend just killed herself. 为什么他们最好的朋友会自杀? How much do we really wanna know about our neighbors? 想要 know about: 知道,了解我们真正了解我们的邻居多少呢? Everyone has a little dirty laundry. a little: 少量,少许 laundry: 待洗的衣服dirty laundry: 字面意思为“要洗的脏衣服”,深层意思是“不可告人的秘密” 每个人都有一些

4、不可告人之事-Narrator: After I died, I began to surrender the parts of myself that were no longer necessary. begin to: 开始 surrender: 交出,交给 no longer: 不在,再也不 在我死后,我呈交出自己不再需要的部分。 My desires, beliefs, ambitions, doubts-every trace of my humanity was discarded. desire: 欲望 belief: 信仰 ambition: 野心 doubt: 疑虑 tra

5、ce: 痕迹 humanity: 人性 discard: 丢弃 我的欲望,信仰,野心,疑虑 -人性中的每一抹痕迹都被丢弃。 I discovered when moving through eternity, it helps to travel lightly. eternity: 来生 travel: 到远处去 lightly: 轻轻地 在穿越来生的时候,我发现那使我能轻装上路。 In fact, I held on to only one thing,my memory. hold on to: 保留,紧紧抓住 memory:记忆 事实上,我只保留了一样东西,我的记忆。 Its asto

6、nishing to look back on the world I left behind astonishing: 令人吃惊 look back: 回头看 leave behind:留下,落在后面 回头看自己身后的世界真是令人吃惊。 I remember it all -every single detail. single: 单个的 detail: 细节 我记得所有事情,每一个细节。 Like my friend Bree Van De Kamp. 就像我的朋友Bree Van De Kamp I remember the easy confidence of her smile, e

7、asy: 安逸的 confidence: 信心 我记得她那悠闲镇定的微笑。 the gentle elegance of her hands, the refined warmth of her voice. gentle: 温和的 elegance: 高雅 refined: 优雅 warmth: 温暖 她那举止优雅的双手,她那优雅温和的声音。 But what I remember most about Bree. 但Bree给我印象最深刻的是. Rex, wasnt that lovely lovely: 可爱的 Rex,那真是可爱,不是吗 was the look of fear in

8、her eyes. look: 神色,神情 fear: 恐惧 她眼中的恐惧 Bree had started to realize her world was unraveling, start to: 开始 realize: 意识到 unravel: 解开 Bree已经开始意识到她的世界正在被瓦解, and for a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable. despise: 轻视 loose end: 不完美结果 unacceptable: 不能接受的 对于一个凡事讲究完美的女人而言,那是无法接受的。 Rex. Rex.

9、You need to get up. get up: 起床 Rex,Rex,你应该起来了。s not even light out. even:甚至 light: 明亮的 out: 在外面 天都还没亮。 Please hurry. hurry: 赶快,赶紧 请快点。 If the kids see you sleeping down here, theyre going to start asking questions. down here: 在这里 start doing sth.: 开始做事如果孩子们看到你睡在这里,他们会开始问一些问题。 Let em ask. I dont care

10、 anymore. em = them care: 在意,关心 not anymore: 不再,再也不 让他们问吧,我不再介意了。 Well, I care. 但是我介意。 They dont need to be burden with our marital problems marital: 战争 be burden with: 【承担起,加负担于】 marital: 婚姻的 他们不应当承受我们婚姻问题的压力。 While were working things out, the least we can do is try to keep up appearances. work ou

11、t: 可以解决 least: 至少 try to: 尝试 keep up : 保持,维持 appearances: 体面 当我们解决这些事情的时候,我们至少应该试着保持体面。 Oh, yeah. Appearances. 哦,是的,体面。 I keep forgetting about appearances. keep doing: 【keep后面的动词要接-ing形式,表持续的动作】 forget about: 忘记 我一直忘记要保持体面。 Oh, Rex, you look so tired. tired: 疲惫的 哦,Rex,你看起来很累。 I didnt sleep. 我睡不着。 T

12、his damn thing is so uncomfortable. Damn: 该死的 uncomfortable: 不舒服的 这该死的东西让人真不舒服。 Well, why dont you move back upstairs and sleep in our bed? move back: 搬回 upstairs: 楼上 那你为什么不搬回楼上我们的卧室睡? Were in marriage counseling, Bree. marriage counseling: 婚姻咨询 Bree,我们在咨询婚姻顾问。 I think that would confuse things. con

13、fuse: 使困惑 我不想因此而引起误解。s just- 只是 - I miss you. 我想你。 I know you do. 我知道。 Of course, if I dont find out start getting some sleep, pretty soon. find out: 找到 pretty: 很,非常 soon: 很快 当然,如果我不能想办法睡着,很快。 Ill be forced to move back upstairs out of sure exhaustion. be forced to do: 被迫 move back: 搬会 exhaustion: 精

14、疲力竭 out of: 由于 我就会精疲力竭而被迫搬回楼上。Yes, Bree was afraid of many things, be afraid of: 害怕 是的,Bree害怕很多东西, but if there was one thing she wasnt afraid of. 但是如果说有哪样东西她不怕 It was a challenge. challenge: 挑战 那就是挑战。The day on Wisteria lane began like any other. Wisteria lane: 紫藤街 like: 如同 在Wisteria lane又一个如往常般平凡的

15、日子。 With a cup of coffee and the morning paper. morning paper: 晨报 在一杯咖啡和一份晨报中开始了。 Just give me a second. give me a second: 给我一点时间,等一下 second: 秒 等我一下下and while Lynette read the business section. business section: 经济版 当Lynette读着经济版的时候, and Gabrielle studied the fall collections fall collections: 秋季收购

16、Gabrielle计划着秋季收购。 and Bree searched for decorating ideas search for: 搜索,寻找 decorate: 装潢 Bree考虑着室内装潢的点子。 Susan scanned the front page and saw something that caught her eye. scan: 浏览 front page: 头版 catch sb.s eye: 引起某人注意 Susan浏览着头版,看到一些引起她注意的东西。-Mary Alice: Whats about time?【关于询问时间的常用语】 都什么时候了啊? Be ni

17、ce. I come bearing Snacks. Be nice: 态度好点【在这是指Susan让Alice少说废话,快来瞧瞧给她带的好吃的】 bear: 携带 snacks: 小吃 别那么鸡婆,我带了些小吃过来。 Lynette, these cards are sticky. card: 纸牌 sticky: 粘手的 Lynette, 这些牌真是粘手。 I know. Preston used the three of diamonds to take scoop jam out of the jar. diamonds: 方块牌 take.out of: 取出 scoop: 铲子 j

18、am: 果酱 scoop jam:【一种果酱】 我知道,Preston拿了三张方块牌从广口瓶中刮果酱。 Gorgeous, thankful we have 49 cards to play with. gorgeous: 好极了 thankful: 幸亏 play with: 玩 太“好”了,幸亏我们还有49张牌可以玩。 Hello. Sorry Im late 嗨,不好意思我来晚了。 So, Susan and I was just telling the girls, I want to throw a dinner party throw: 抛,投【“举办晚会”常用throw a pa

19、rty】 对了,Susan和我正在告诉大家,我想举办一个晚宴。 Really? 真的? Yes. 当然。 Well how long have we all lived on this street weve never done a big group thing. a big group:【一件大的(口语)】 我们一起在这里住了这么长时间,但从来没有一起做过一件大事。 I think its a great idea. great idea: 好主意 我想那是一个不错的主意。 Paul never likes to have people over but the heck with hi

20、m Im doing it. over:【在此处是around的意思】 heck:口hell的委婉语见鬼 Paul不喜欢家里有很多人,不过管他呢,我照样要办。 So when is this shindig? shindig: 盛会 什么时候办呢? How about a month from tonight? 一个月后如何? That would be the 16th. Good for everyone? good for:【省略句,=be good for: 适合于】 那就是16号. 大家到时候都有空吗? Works for me. work for sb.【在口语里经常用到。意思是对

21、某人来说合适,没问题】 我没问题。 Should we all make something? 我们都该准备些什么? Oh, no. This is my party. 哦,不,这次我来准备。ve been wanting to have everyone over for years. want to: 想要 have sb. over for: 邀请来 我一直期盼这么一个邀请大家过来的机会。m so happy were finally doing this. finally: 终于 我真高兴最终能实现了。s gonna be so much fun. gonna = going to 将

22、会 fun: 有趣 那将会很棒。 Hey. 嗨。 I know. Her dinner. 我知道,她的晚宴。 How could we have all forgotten about this? forget about: 我们怎么能忘记了这事呢? We didnt exactly forget, its just usually when the hostess dies the partys off. exactly: 确切地 hostess: 女主人 be off: 离开【在这是call off,取消的意思】 我们没有忘记,只是随着女主人的去世,晚宴也取消了。 Lynettem not

23、 being flip. Im just pointing out a reality. flip: 轻率无礼 point out: 指出 不是我轻率无礼,只是事实如此。 Mary Alice was so excited about it. Its so sad. excited: 兴奋的 be excited about: 对感到兴奋 Mary Alice曾对这次晚餐那么期待。真令人伤心。 I think we should go through with it. go through with: 完成,做完 我想我们继续做下去。 Wouldnt that be in poor taste

24、? poor: 低劣的,次等的 taste: 品味 你说真的? 那会不会很低俗啊? No. Its sort of a way to honor Mary Alice. It was so important to her honor: 尊敬 be important to: 对很重要 不会,那可以算是我们对Mary Alice的追思。这件事曾经对她有那么重要的意义。 We could all use a fun night. use:【在此是have,enjoy的意思】 我们可以有一个愉快的夜晚。 Well, good, because I have some new flour that

25、I have been just dying to show off. flour: 面粉 be dying to do: 渴望 show off: 展示 嗯,很好,我正好有些新面粉一直没机会展示呢。 Lynette?m in. sb. be in:【(口语)算我一个,我加入】 算我一个。ll make braised lamb shanks. braised: 炖熟的 lamb: 小羊 shank: 小腿 braised lamb shanks: 炖小羊腿 我做炖小羊腿。m still in. 也算我一个。 So how many I will be cooking for? 那么会有多少人

26、参加呢? Seven. Three couples and Susan. Does that sound right? couple: 夫妻 sound: 听起来 七个,三对夫妻,还有Susan,没问题吧? No, it sounds very, very wrong. 不,听起来有很大很大的问题。 Oh 哦? Is there somebody youd like to invite? invite: 邀请 你还想邀请谁吗? I have an idea. 我有个主意。 A dinner party. 一次晚宴。 Honey, I may be working late. 亲爱的,可能我要工作到很晚。 The Dillman proposals a complete mess. proposal: 建议 complete: 完全

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