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1、snow/rain icy mix 冰雨加雪fog 雾 haze 薄雾 hail 冰雹 thunder 雷鸣windy rain 刮风下雪wintry mix 雨雪混合cloudy day 阴天lightening 雷电 scorching heat 炎热mist 薄雾 frost霜frosty霜冻thunderstorm雷暴mist雾dew露水freeze冰冻cold sna寒潮snow showers阵雪 light snow小雪 snow and fog雾加雪 snowfall降雪snowflake雪花blizzard大风雪snowstorm暴风雪blowing snow高吹雪drift

2、ing snow低吹雪heavy snow大雪sleet/ rain and snow雨夹雪 few snow showers 短暂阵雪阵雨showers 短暂阵雨few showers 小阵雨light rain shower 微雨light drizzle 倾盆大雨downour/drencher 暴雨downour 暴风雨rainstorms 大雨heavy rain 小雨light rain降雨rainfall雷阵雨thunderstorm毛毛雨drizzle倾盆大雨rain cats and dogs经常性的阵雨frequent showers冻雨ice rain间歇雨 interm

3、ittent rain陆风land wind飓风hurricane旋风whirlwind台风tyhoon龙卷风tornado季节风gale阵风gust of wind微风breeze暴风stormy wind信风 trade wind恒风 constant wind 逆风 headwind 无风 calm 和风 moderate breeze清风 fresh breeze强风 strong breeze西北风 northwester 疾风 near gale狂风 squall 烈风 strong gale暴风 violent storm顺风 favorable wind气象单词 高气压 hig

4、h-ressure 锋面 frontal edge气团 air mass 热浪 heat wave 雪堆 snowdrift 甘霖 welcome rain 冰柱 icicle 地形雨 local rains 雨季 rainy season 雨点 raindros 风级 wind scale 虹 rainbow 微波 riled 气旋 cyclone 微浪 smooth wavelets气压 barometric ressure 细浪 light seas 冰 ice 小浪 moderate seas 冰点 freezing oint 中浪 rough seas 大浪 very rough s

5、eas 冷峰 cold front 强浪 high seas 低气压 low-ressure巨浪 very high seas 雨量 rainfall 狂浪 monster waves 东风 east wind 火山地震 volcanic earthquake 炎热 scorching heat 暖锋 warm front 海啸 tidal wave 风眼 eye of a storm 零度 zero 山崩 landslide 零度以下 subzero二十四节气立春Sring begins雨水The rains惊蛰Insects awaken春分Vernal equi nox清明Clear a

6、nd bright谷雨Grain rain立夏Summer begins小满Grain buds芒种Grain in ear夏至Summer solstice小暑Slight heat大暑Great heat立秋Autumn begins处暑Stoing the heat白露White dews秋分Autumn equinox寒露Cold dews霜降Hoar-frost falls立冬Winter begins冬至Winter solstice小寒Slight cold大寒Great cold小阳春India summer春寒期Cold sell表示气候的词Mountain climate

7、山地气候Winter monsoon climate 冬季季风气候Monsoon climate季风气候Sub-troical climate亚热带季风气候lateau climate高原气候Littoral climate海滨气候olar climate极地气候Troical climate热带气候Temerate desert climate温带干燥气候Troical monsoon climate热带季风气候Continental climate大陆气候Desert climate沙漠气候Coastal climate 沿海气候Highland climate高地气候Marine cli

8、mate海洋气候Forest climate森林气候Temerate climate温带气候Humid climate湿润气候Temerate grassy climate温带草原气候Troical rainy climate 热带雨林气候Troical marine climate 热带草原气候谚语 There is something in the wind. 要发生什么事了。It is raining cats and dogs. 正在下倾盆大雨.Rain before seven, fine before eleven. 早雨不过午A good winter brings a good

9、 summer. 瑞雪兆丰年Tall trees catch much wind. 树大招风Save for a rainy day未雨绸缪It never rains but it ours不雨则已一雨惊人right as rain身体健康一切正常on cloud nine飘飘然如上九重天head in the cloud不切实际好高骛远chase rainbows做白日梦sail close to the wind冒险know which way the wind blows了解情况be snowed down工作太多做不过来white as snow纯洁无辜fair-weather fr

10、iend泛泛之交After a storm comes a calm weather. 亦作After black clouds comes clear weather. 雨过天晴比喻情况由坏转好A snow year, a rich year. 瑞雪兆丰年。noised abroad满城风雨 Good rain know season. 好雨知时节 即使乌云密布未必一定下雨All clouds bring no storms(亦作no rains). 星星稀好天气 Stars dilute, good weather泥鳅跳雨来到 Loach jum, the rain came泥鳅静天气晴

11、Loach static, sunny weather云绞云雨淋淋 LinLin wringing cloud, the rain clouds 云向东有雨变成风 Yun Xiang Dong, have rain into the wind云低要雨云高转晴 Cloud low to rain, cloud high clearing u 直闪雨小横闪雨大 The rain is small, straight flash rain急雨易晴慢雨不开 Torrential rains YiQing, slow rain will not oen 炸雷雨小闷雷雨大 Fry the thunders

12、torm small, stuffy thunderstorm 乌云拦东不下雨也有风 Dark clouds block east, no rain also have wind小暑一声雷倒转做黄梅 Slight heat a loud thunder, overturned do huangmei乱云天顶绞风雨来不小 Disorderly yuntian to ground, rain to co nsiderable)日晕三更雨月晕午时风-Halo around the sun or moon, rain or snow soon. 月明星稀-When the stars begin to

13、 huddle ,the earth will soon become a uddle. 早霞不出门晚霞行千里-Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor take waring. 蚂蚁搬家天将雨-When ladybugs swarm, exect a day that&s warm. 蜜蜂迟归雨来风吹-If bees stay at home, rain will soon come. If they fly away, fine will be the day.英语国家天气预报常用句学习1.

14、 There will be occasional showers in southeast England, some of them erhas heavy.英格兰东南部有短时阵雨部分地区会转成大雨。2. Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny sells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.其余大部分地区为干燥晴朗的天气局部地区有小阵雨夜间北爱尔兰地区云量会有所增加。3. Tonight has a

15、ny showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear eriods.今天夜间没有降雨将保持干燥晴朗。4. Thicker cloud with occasional rain or drizzle will sread into some western areas during the night.夜间西部地区云量增加会导致短时小雨出现。5. Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, sreadi

16、ng slowly eastwards, though many central and eastern areas should remain dry.本周六是多云的天气西部地区将有小雨而且降雨会缓慢东移不过中部大部分地区和东部部分地区仍将保持干燥天气。6. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, esecially around coasts and hills.本周日到下周二将会是多云的天气西部和西北部地区有短时小雨沿海和山区的降雨会比较明显。7. Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers ossible central and southeast England on Tuesday.其余地区主要为干燥和晴朗的天气不过下周二的时候英格兰中部和东南部可能会降大雨。

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