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仁爱版英语七年级下册 《My home is in an apartment building》SectionA教案Word文件下载.docx

1、 能够正确使用there be句型以及表示房屋类型的表达方式等; 能够运用“谈论房屋类型、居住环境和邻里关系、出租和求租”等话题进行交流与对话操练,如:(1)What kind of home do you live in? Its a townhouse with two floors. (2)How many floors are there in your building? There are seven.(3)Do you like living there?Yes.(4)Michael is looking for an apartment near our school. .2.

2、Skill aims 能听懂简单的课堂用语并做出适当的反应; 能根据图文就居住环境等基本话题进行交流;能根据已学音标拼读单词; 能看懂简单的求租、出租房屋的广告;能根据图文理解相关话题,并根据要求进行学习活动; 能写出简易的求租、出租广告。3.Emotional aims能够在游戏、小对话、小表演等活动中,培养对学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神;能够与同伴积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践。. The key points and difficult points 1.在小组合作活动中,能掌握元音字母o,字母组合o+st/ld, oa, 和辅音字母h的发音规则并尝试辨音;2.能正确使用ther

3、e be句型和表示房屋类型的句子;3.能够就“谈论房屋类型、居住环境、出租和求租”等话题进行交流与对话操练;4.能够写简易的求租和招租广告。. Learning strategies1.能够养成运用图片、关键词、视频片段、背景知识等帮助听说的学习策略;2.能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,认真听录音和老师的发音,大胆开口,反复模仿;3.能在学习过程中养成预习和复习的学习习惯。. Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、图片、闪卡和黑板. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntrod

4、uction(5 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Individual work and pair work.3. Pair work.4. Group work.1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Do duty report. Take a picture of your home. Then show it to your partner. Try to describe it to your partner, using the expressions and phrases in Topic 1.

5、 Write a passage to describe it.e.g.This is my home. There is an apple tree in the center of the yard. On the left of the yard, there is a bathroom. On the right of the yard, there is a kitchen and a dining room.3.Take out your home pictures. Ask and answer questions with each other. A: What are the

6、re in your home?B:There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a study in my home. Do you love your home? Yes. Why? Because its large and nice.4. Sit in groups of five. Add words to the sentence like below. There is a desk in my bedroom. There is a desk and a chair in my bedroom.C: There is a desk, a

7、 chair and a bed in my bedroom.1.Get students ready for learning.2.Help the students revise the words and expressions in the last topic. 3.Help the students revise words and expressions in the last topic.4.Make the students revise “there be” structure.Presentation (10 minutes)1. The whole class work

8、 and individual work.1. Look at the pictures in 1b. Learn the new words about different kinds of homes with the help of the pictures, apartment building, farmhouse, townhouse, country, live with, look for.T: Look at Picture 1. What can you see?S1: A building.Yes. Its an apartment building. Do you li

9、ve in an apartment building? Yes, I do. Now look at Picture 2. What can you see?S2:A house in the country.Good. Its farmhouse. Do your grandparents live in a farmhouse in the country? No. They live with us in an apartment.2. Look at the picture in 1a. Try to predict what the conversation may be abou

10、t in 1a. Then listen to the tape of 1a and match the buildings with the people in 1b individually. Then check your answers with your partner.After that, make up new sentences according to the picture in 1a.Wang Wei lives in a townhouse with two floors.His grandparents live in a big farmhouse in the

11、country.Kangkang lives in an apartment. There are seven floors in his apartment building. Michael is looking for an apartment.1. Present new words of different kinds of homes with the help of the flashcards and pictures.2.Play the tape recorder and check the answers.Consolidation 1. Pair work.1. Rea

12、d 1a after the tape. Practice the conversation in pairs. Some pairs act out the conversation to the whole class. Ask and answer questions according to 1a. What kind of home does Wang Wei live in?He lives in a townhouse with two floors. Does he live with his grandparents? No, they live in a big farmh

13、ouse in the country.1.Play the tape recorder. To be a good listener. Practice3. Individual work and pair work.4. Group work and the whole class work.5.Individual work.1. Do 1c. After practicing the conversation in 1a, make up a new conversation with your partner. Then practice in pairs. Some pairs a

14、ct out the conversation to the whole class.2. Do 2. Look at an ad. about room renting. Find what may be talked about in an renting ad, the kinds of home, the price, the places, how many rooms and so on. Read the questions and answers in 2. Predict what the conversation may be about in 2. Then listen

15、 to the tape and choose the correct answers. Check your answers with your partner.3. Do 3a. Read the sentences in 3a. Then scan the ads on the bulletin board and complete the sentences individually. Then check the answers with your partner.4. Do 4a. Divide the class into four groups. Each group read

16、s one group of words. Discuss in groups and find the rules of sounds about o, o+st/ld, oa, h by themselves. Then one student in each group reads out the sound and teaches the sound to the whole class. Then the whole class listen to the tape recorder and check the sounds. Read the sounds and words al

17、oud after the tape.5. Do 4b. Read the words in 4b by yourself. Then listen to the tape, check your answers and repeat after the tape. 1.To be a good listener. 2. Help students learn to predict before listening.3. Learn to get information from ads.4. Make the students learn the sounds in group work b

18、y themselves.5.Make the students learn to read the words with the help of sounds. Play the tape recorder. Check the answers.Production 1. Group work and individual work. 1.Sit in groups. Suppose you want to rent a house from/to others. Discuss how to write an ad and then write it down. After that, s

19、how your ads to the whole class.1. Make the students learn to use what they have learned in real situation.2. Assign the homework:Review the words and practice the conversations in Section A with your partner;Go on making ads about renting a house from/to others with your partners. Then report it to

20、 the class next day;Preview Section B.Teaching reflection:在本课中,学生学会了许多不同类型的房屋的表达,这些房屋有的在我们身边随处可见,比如公寓房、农舍等。因此教师可引导学生观察身边的房屋类型,可以用画画或者拍照的方式,带到课堂上来展示,加深学生对房屋类型的掌握。但是townhouse“排房”在我们中国就较为罕见,因此教师可引导学生到网络上去搜索、了解更多关于国外“排房”的信息,拓宽学生的视野,同时也进行跨文化的渗透教育。. Blackboard designTopic 2 My home is in an apartment building. Section A1. What kind of home do you live in? townhouseIts a townhouse with two floors. farmhouse2.Do you live with your grandparents? countryNo, they live in a big farmhouse in the country. apartment3.Michael is looking for an apartment near our school. rent quiet month for rent

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