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1、 A. To a cinema B. To a store C. To the womans house5. How will the speakers go to the party? A. By motorbike B. On foot C. By bus (共15小题, 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题6. What are t

2、he speakers mainly talking about? A. An article B. A petition C. An athlete7. What did the woman think of her bungee? A.Amazing B. Scary C. Dangerous听第7段材料,回答第8至9题8. Where does the conversation take place? A. At a hotel B. At a repair shop C. At an electrical shop9. Why doesnt the mans TV work? A. H

3、e didnt switch it on B. He didnt get a card C. The satellite channel didnt broadcast.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10. What does the woman major in? A. puter B. Music C. Maths11. What is the man worried about? A. Maths problems B. Musical knowledge C. Distance learning12. What is necessary for the optional course

4、? A. Reading music B. Attendance C. puter skills听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13. What relation is the woman to the man? A. His wife B. His neighbour C. His schoolmate14. What kind of person does the woman think Leo Norris is? A. Lazy B. petitive c. Amusing15. Why cant Leo Norris move in straight away? A. The roo

5、m needs sorting out B. A baby is living in the room C. He hasnt paid the rent16. When does Leo Norris want to move in? A. On September 28th B. On September 30th C. On October 1st听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. What is the speaker doing? A. Introducing a family B. Making a speech. C. Giving a lesson18. How long

6、 is Arden Textile in business? A. About a century B. About half a century C. About a quarter of a century19. Why did Arden Textile nearly go out of business? A. They paid for the fire loss B. They spent too much building the new factory C. They paid the emplioyees regularly while rebuilding.20. What

7、 do we know about Arden Textile? A. They received an award from the public B. People had different views on the pany C. They have helped others make great profits第二部分:阅读理解( 共 2 节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Are you petitive enough to make it in America? There is an undeniable excitement about ing

8、 to study in the US, but its not all excitement. Yes, it is America; it is the land of freedom; its the place where different cultures clash and live together in peace. However, you guys might agree with me:s not easy to leave home and the security of family, friends and people who love and care abo

9、ut us. And doing it raises some questions: Is it worth it? Are you equal to the challenge? You might be sitting in front of your puter watching a documentary about America, which shows you the breathtaking views of skyscrapers in New York, the beautiful warm weather in San Diego, and the huge partie

10、s along the beaches of the Sunshine State, Florida. Just as you know, its all true. I remember how my heart was racing the first time I visited Times Square in New York. I cant find any words in the dictionary to describe how I felt at that moment. Someday, when you get lucky and go there, you will

11、know what I mean.Unfortunately, TV and movies never show the other side of what students must do to survive America. Education in the States is really different from other places. Yes, there is the traditional A, B, C, and D grading system, and you get to be on the Deans List if you have all As on y

12、our transcript. However, these grades dont just e from your test performances. The requirements of classes in the US are much more varied and this is the biggest adjustment that overseas students have to manage.Some have papers that you have to write every week; others have group projects you must d

13、o with your classmates, presentations you make in the class, or research you do by yourself to prove your own idea. There es a night when you have a couple of projects for different classes, a paper, and an exam to study for. And that night you ask yourself, “What did I get myself into?”Im not tryin

14、g to intimidate you, but you should know what it really is like to study in the States. One thing I can promise you is that it is worth all the hard work you put in. And the more time you give to your study, the more open doors you will have by the time you finish your degree.21. The author wrote th

15、is passage to _.A. help readers prepare for studying in the USB. warn people of the dangers of living in the USC. promote the US education system to overseas studentsD. make readers understand the benefits of studying in the US22. According to the author, America is _.A. a place that he could not ge

16、t used toB. a country where students can learn freelyC. a dangerous place to live in without family or friendsD. a place where people from different backgrounds get on well23. When the author first visited Times Square, he felt _.A. disappointed B. surprised C. excited D. nervous24 According to the

17、passage, which of the following is most challenging?A. Attending all the classes. B. Getting all As in the tests.C. Writing papers every week.D. Balancing different study requirements.BThe Enigma (谜)of BeautyThe search for beauty spans centuries and continents. Paintings of Egyptians dating back ove

18、r 4,000 years show both men and women painting their nails and wearing makeup. In 18th-century France, wealthy noblemen wore large wigs (假发)of long, white hair to make themselves attractive. Today, people continue to devote a lot of time and money to their appearance.There is at least one good reaso

19、n for the desire to be attractive:beauty is power. Studies suggest that good-looking people make more money, get called on more often in class, and are regarded as friendlier.But what exactly is beauty? Its difficult to describe it clearly, and yet we know it when we see it. And our awareness of it

20、may start at a very early age. In one set of studies, six-month-old babies were shown a series of photographs. The faces on the pictures had been rated for attractiveness by a group of college students. In the studies, the babies spent more time looking at the attractive faces than the unattractive

21、ones.The idea that even babies can judge appearance makes perfect sense to many researchers. In studies by psychologists, men consistently showed a preference for women with larger eyes, fuller lips, and a smaller nose and chin while women prefer men with large shoulders and a narrow waist. Accordin

22、g to scientists, the mind unconsciously tells men and women that these traits the full lips, clear skin, strong shoulders equal health and genetic well-being.Not everyone thinks the same way, however. Our hardwiredness can be changed by all sorts of expectations mostly cultural, says C. Loring Brace

23、, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan. What is considered attractive in one culture might not be in another. Look at most Western fashion magazines:the women on the pages are thin. But is this perfect body type for women worldwide? Scientists answer is no; what is considered beautiful is

24、 subjective and varies around the world. They found native peoples in southeast Peru preferred shapes regarded overweight in Western cultures.For better or worse, beauty plays a role in our lives. But it is extremely difficult to describe exactly what makes one person attractive to another. Although

25、 there do seem to be certain physical traits considered universally appealing, it is also true that beauty does not always keep to a single, uniform standard. Beauty really is, as the saying goes, in the eye of the beholder.25. Peoples ideas about beauty _.A. have existed since ancient timesB. can b

26、e easily describedC. have little influence on a persons successD. are based upon strict criteria26. In Paragraph 3, the babies in the study _.A. were rated for their appearanceB. were entered in a beauty contestC. were shown photos of a group of college studentsD. were able to tell attractive faces

27、from unattractive ones27. The underlined word “traits” in Paragraph 4 probably means _.A. qualities B. measurements C. judgments D. standards28. We can learn from the passage that _.A. the ideas of beauty vary as people grow upB. the search for beauty is rooted in lack of confidenceC. the standards

28、for beauty are based on scientific researchesD. the understanding of beauty depends on cultural backgroundsCMonitoring the mood of a pet dog could be used as an early warning sign that an elderly owner is struggling to cope, a new report has claimed.Researchers placed movement sensors (探测器) on dogs

29、to track their behavior and identified 17 distinct activities, including chewing, barking, sitting and digging.This allowed them to map the normal behavior of a healthy, happy dog, which means any changes can be monitored and could indicate an issue with their owner.Nils Hammerla, part of the teamfr

30、omNewcastle University, said, “Humans and dogs have lived together in close relationships for thousands of years, which has led to strong emotional and social mutual bonds.”“A dogs physical and emotional dependence on their owner means that theirwell-being is likely to reflect that of their owner. Any changes such as the dog being walked less often, perhaps not being fed regularly, or simply demonstrating “unhappy” behavior could be an early indicator for families t

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