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1、旋转机械振动信号的监测,进一步地说,在确保设备的安全性和节省维修费用上设备安全性的评估起到非常重要的角色。本文整合了工业控制软件中的“配置”理念,开发出“柔性的”基于网络的在线监测和故障诊断的系统。该网络的拓扑结构、配置模块、数据库、数据采集工作站和监视组件已得到介绍。随着智能数据采集策略和强大的适应监测工具的开发应用,该系统可以应用于各种旋转机械,而且该系统的实际应用也以得到介绍。关键词:在线监测,柔性系统,智能系统,结构配置,旋转机械CONCLUSIONBased on the development trend of the network-based online monitoring

2、 and diagnosis system, this paper introduced the idea of “flexible” of ICS and the smart data acquisition strategy, developed the configurable and smart online monitor and diagnosis system with strong flexibility. The system can be applied on kinds of rotating machinery. The smart signal analysis to

3、ols can provide the appropriate diagnosis method kinds of equipment, hence can level up the accuracy of fault diagnosis and condition evaluation.基于以网络为基础的在线监测和故障诊断系统的发展趋势,本文介绍了因特网连接共享和智能的数据采集策略“柔性”的思想,开发出具有很强的灵活性的结构配置和智能的在线监测与诊断系统。该系统可以用于各种旋转机械。智能信号分析工具能为各种设备提供适当的诊断方法,因此能够提高故障诊断和工况评估的准确性。I. INTRODUC

4、TION引言With the development of the modern technology, a variety of rotating machinery (such as steam turbine, fan,wind turbine, etc.) raises the level of automatic operation.Due to the significant roles of the rotating machinery in the modern production process, to ensure the safety, reliability,econ

5、omical and optimized operation, and to evaluation of thecondition of the current equipment have become very important research fields. Thereinto, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis have been put more attention 1.随着现代科技的发展,各种各样的旋转机械(如蒸汽机,风扇,风力发电机组等等)提升了自动控制的层次。由于旋转机械在现代生产过程中的重要作用,以确保安全性,可靠性,经济性

6、和优化操作,并评价当前设备的状态已成为非常重要的研究领域。其中,状态监测和故障诊断已投入更多的关注。The database technology and network technology were introduced in the current online monitor and fault diagnosis system for rotating machinery. It not only enhanced the technology of online condition monitor and provided more sufficient and reliable

7、data for the fault diagnosis, but alsomade it possible to share the machinery information,ulteriorly to establish the fault analysis and diagnosis center in the special institute and provide the remote technique support for factory 2, 3, 4.数据库技术和网络技术已经在旋转机械当前的在线监测和故障诊断系统中介绍过,它不仅提高了在线状态监测技术和为故障诊断提供更充

8、分更可靠的数据,而且使得机械信息共享成为可能,进而在专门研究机构建立故障分析和诊断中心,为制造厂提供远程技术支持。However, for the requirements of equipment management nowadays, the current network-based online monitoring system remains some defects as follows: (a) the measure point (MP), the interfaces of the software and the hardware had been fixed befo

9、re developing of the monitoring system, therefore it was difficult to adapt the modern plant with numerous and various equipment; (b) the object of the current system was always the machinery or equipment, and it was difficult to achieve the goal of centralized management to the modern plant; (c) th

10、e data acquisition strategy was simple and cannot be changed with the change of the equipment state, and it was easily lead to the miss of the critical fault data and effected the accuracy of the fault diagnosis; (d) the tools and methods for signal analysis and fault diagnosis were simple and could

11、 not meetthe demand of information fusion5, 6.然而,对于当前的设备管理要求,目前的这种基于网络在线监测系统仍然存在一些缺陷,如下:(a)测量点(MP),在监测系统研发之前,系统的软件和硬件的接口已经被固定了,因此该系统很难适应现代工厂众多和各种各样的设备;(b)当前系统的对象仍然是机械装置或者设备,现代工厂很难实现集中管理的目标;(c)数据采集策略很简单,也不能随着设备状态的变化而变化,而且很容易导致决定性错误数据的缺失和影响故障诊断的准确性;(d)信号分析和故障诊断的工具和方法简单而且不能满足信息融合的需求。Therefore, developi

12、ng the system efficiently and reliably become a key problem in the development of modern monitoring system. The successful application of Industrial Control Software (ICS) provides a good idea for the development of network-based Online Monitoring and Diagnosis System (OMDS). Although the ICS emphas

13、ize on control function while the OMDS put more attention on the data acquisition, signal analysis and save of long-running data, the “configurable” approach during the development of ICS can make the OMDS well adapt to various machinery and become “flexible”. Additionally, the OMDS become more smar

14、ted by integrating the information fusion methods and neutral network with normal frequency-spectrum analysis methods, and enhance the capability of fault diagnosis and safety assessment for rotating machinery 7.因此,有效地和可靠地开发系统已成为现代监测系统发展的关键问题。工业控制软件(ICS)的成功应用为基于网络在线监测和故障诊断系统(OMDS)提供了一个好的思想。尽管工业控制软件强

15、调控制功能而在线监测和故障诊断系统专注于数据采集,信号分析和长期数据的保存,在工业控制软件的发展过程中“结构配置”的方法能使得在线监测和故障诊断系统很好的适应各种机械装置和成为“柔性化”。此外,在线监测和故障诊断系统通过集成的信息融合法和带有正常频谱的神经网络分析法而变得更加智能,它提高了故障诊断和旋转机械的安全评估能力。II. NEEDS ANALYSIS FOR CONFIGURABLE SYSTEM可配置的系统需求分析III. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT OF OMDS在线监测和诊断系统的实施A. The topology of the network-base syste

16、m基于网络系统的拓扑结构B. Design of the configuration module配置模块的设计C. Design of database数据库的设计D. Design of the hardware of the data acquisition(原文有误)数据采集软件的设计E. Design of monitoring and analysis module监测和分析模块的设计IV. APPLICATION OF OMDS在线监测和诊断系统的应用专业介绍:Professional introduction我的专业是机械制造及其自动化,它是将机械设备与自动化通过计算机的方式结

17、合起来,形成一系列先进的制造技术,包括CAD(计算机辅助设计)、CAM(计算机辅助制造)、FMC(柔性制造系统)等等,最终形成大规模计算机集成制造系统(CIMS),使传统的机械加工得到质的飞跃。此专业直接反映一个国家的现代化和工业化水平,它涉及到机械行业中的设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、运行管理和经营销售等诸多的方向,是社会需求很大的一个行业。My major is mechanical manufacturing and automation, it is to combine the mechanical equipment and automation by the way of com

18、puter, forming a series of advanced manufacturing technology, including CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), FMC (Flexible Manufacturing System) and so on, and finally forms the large-scale computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) which make the traditional mechani

19、cal process get a qualitative leap. This professional directly reflect the modernization and industrialization level of a country, it relates to the design of mechanical industry of manufacturing, technology development, application study, operation management and sales management and so on , it is

20、a large business of social demand .机械制造的能力,直接影响整个社会工业产业的发展。我国现在机械设计制造及其自动化水平与发达国家已经在逐步缩小。随着我国现代化建设的需要,在航天、造船、采矿等工业领域的发展,机械制造和自动化更加需要长足的发展,并且存在极大的发展空间。我们在学校期间须多学习PLC(可编程控制器),掌握弱电电器控制,伺服系统及交流伺服电机的使用,普通强电电路的设计,而且要熟悉金属材料,金属热处理及制造工艺,机械设计基础等专业知识。The ability of the machinery manufacturing, directly affect

21、the development of the whole society of industry. Recently the level of mechanical engineering and automation between China and the developed countries has been gradually reduced. With the demands of our country modernization, development in the aerospace, shipbuilding, mining industry, machinery ma

22、nufacturing and automation needs more rapid development, and has great development space. At school we must learn PLC (programmable logic controller), grasp the weak electrical appliance control, the use of servo system and AC servo motor, the general design of electric circuit, and be familiar with

23、 the metal material, metal heat treatment and manufacturing technology, mechanical design and other professional knowledge.本专业就业形势很好,与机械有关的很多企业都可以去,甚至管理的也可以。学生毕业后可从事工业生产部门的机械产品设计开发、加工制造、工装模具设计、生产过程管理、数控技术应用、工业自动生产维护管理、计算机软件应用、产品营销等方面的工作,也可在高等院校、科研部门从事教学和科研工作。The professional employment situation is

24、very good, many enterprises relate to machinery we can participate in , and even management can also do. Graduate students can engage in industrial production department of mechanical product design and development, manufacturing, tooling design, production process management, application of numeric

25、al control technology, industrial automation production management, computer software application, marketing and other aspects of the work, also can take part in teaching and research work in Colleges and universities or scientific research departments.今后的学位论文方向:The direction of dissertation in the

26、future我的研究方向是超硬纳微米PVD薄膜的应用研究,PVD是物理气相沉积(Physical Vapor Deposition)的英文缩写,它是一种在真空条件下采用物理方法,将固体或液体材料表面气化成气态原子、分子或部分电离成离子,并通过低压气体(或等离子体)过程,在基体表面沉积具有某种特殊功能薄膜的技术。物理气相沉积的方法包括真空蒸镀、溅射镀膜、电弧等离子体镀、离子镀、电子束蒸镀及分子外延等。物理气相沉积的不仅可以沉积金属膜、合金膜,还可以沉积化合物、陶瓷、半导体、聚合物膜等,是具有广泛应用前景的新材料制造技术。采用此技术制备的超硬薄膜不仅具有超高硬度,且超薄、耐高温、无污染、几乎零排放

27、,适合于工具、零件和摩擦磨损件表面的耐磨损、抗氧化、防腐蚀、自润滑等特殊性能要求,是现代表面工程技术中最具有发展前途和应用价值的一种技术。My research is superhard nano-micron PVD films applied research , PVD is the abbreviation of physical vapor deposition , it is a physical method used in the condition of vacuum , the surface of the solid or liquid material vaporize

28、d into gas atoms, molecules or parts of ionized into a plasma , and through the low pressure gas ( or plasma ) process , depositing on the substrate surface with a thin film for special functions . Physical vapor deposition methods include vacuum deposition , sputtering , arc plasma plating, ion pla

29、ting, electron beam evaporation and molecular epitaxy . Not only can the metal or alloy film be deposited, many materials like compounds, ceramics, semiconductor, polymer film can also be deposited,it is a new material with wide application prospect in manufacturing technology. The superhard film made by this technology not only has high hardness, and ultrathin, high temperature resistance, no pollution, almost zero emissions, it is suitable for tools, spare parts and abrasion resistance, anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion, self lubrication of the surface of friction and wear an

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