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1、25. How did you enjoy the concert last night? _.My favorite singer lost her voice and didnt even make an appearance.A. What a disappointment!B. What a failure!C. Awful!D. Very dissatisfactory!26. _, mother will wait for him to have dinner together. A. However late is he B. However he is late C. Howe

2、ver is he late D. However late he is 27. The pianos in the other shop will be_, but_. A. cheaper; not as better B. more cheap; not as better C. cheaper; not as good D. more cheap; not as good 28. The first textbooks_ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 1 6th century.A. having

3、written B. to be written C. being written D. written29. _a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly.A. Having been given B. Having given C. Giving D. Being given30. Walking down the street the other day ,_.A. I saw unusual something happened B. A terrible accident happ

4、ened C. Something unusual was seen by me D. I saw a terrible accident31. With his lips still_, he couldnt say a word.A. trembling B. tremble C. to tremble D. to be trembling 32. Some workers fear the loss of social identity that can _not having a job.A. result in B. result from C. bring up D. bring

5、on 33. The doctor was always_ the poor and the sick, often giving them free medical services. A. reminded of B. absorbed in C. tended by D. concerned about 34. _is the best will suit me fine.A. Anyone B. Whichever C. That D. Anyone of them 35. But that she was afraid at that time, the _no to the pla

6、n.A. would have said B. did say C. should say D. might say第二节:完形填空Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they 36 . Yet, all living things still show the 37 of aging, which will eventually 38 deaths. Aging is not a disease, b

7、ut as a person passes maturity(成熟期),the cells of the body and the 39 they form do not function as well as they 40 in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less 41 against disease and is more 42 to have accident.A number of related causes may 43 to aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly

8、 long life, but they are not 44 when they die . As a person ages, 45 of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. 46. body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the 47 cells may not be as workable or as capable 48 growth as those of a young person.Another 49 in aging may be chang

9、es within the cells 50.Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known to 51 with age and become less elastic(有弹性的).This is why the skin of old people wrinkles(皱纹)and hangs 52 . This is also the reason why old people 53 in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Som

10、e complex cell chemicals, such as DNA an RNA, store and 54 information that the cells need. Aging may affect this 55 and change the information-carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well. 36. A. would B. be used to C. used to D. used 37. A. function B. effect C. affect D

11、. sign 38. A. lead in B. give in C. run into D. result in 39. A. hands B. feet C. heart D. organs 40. A. made B. took C. did D. remembered 41. A. energy B. protection C. vigor D. power 42. A. likely B. probable C. possible D. alike 43. A. attend B. contribute C. add D. devote 44. A. replaced B. rebo

12、rn C. recovered D. surrendered 45. A. a number B. the amount C. the number D. a great deal 46. A. The others B. the other C. Another D. Other 47. A. old B. left C. new D. other 48. A. to B. for C. of D. in 49. A. factor B. effect C. reason D. element 50. A. it B. them C. themselves D. that 51. A. be

13、come B. turn C. change D. get52. A. loose B. high C. large D. fat 53. A. increase B. shrink C. lengthen D. decrease 54. A. pass away B. pass by C. pass off D. pass on 55. A. improvement B. procession C. approach D. process 语法填空Several men hit the Sao Paulo Museum of Art just before dawn on Thursday,

14、 December 20th, 2007. Authorities said that 31 thieves must have been well prepared, as 32 took them just three minutes to steal paintings 33 two world-famous artists, Pablo Picasso 34 Candido Portinari, which are worth millions of dollars. Images from the security camera show that three men began t

15、heir action at 5:09 am, 35 the guards in the museum were going through their shift change (换岗). They broke through two glass doors, 36 (run) to the museums top floor and grabbed the two paintings from different rooms, somehow 37 (avoid) nearby guards. The alarm never rang, and by 5:12 am, they were

16、making their escape. After that, the police were interviewing the 30 museum 38 (employ). “Everything indicates thieves were sent to do it by some wealthy art lover for 39 own collection. He was not rich enough to buy the paintings, 40 he was wealthy,” said the lead police officer, Marcos Gomes de Mo

17、ura. 第三节:阅读理解A A couple of years ago, I received a $ 600 insurance dividend (保险股息).Sitting at the kitchen table, my wife and I discussed what we might do with the money. I realized now that the refrigerator overheard our talk. The very next day it went wrong. The repairman told us we needed a new un

18、it. Cost:$600. Not long after that, we got a refund(赔偿金)from the shop, enough to pay for a trip to Mexico. “Ive something to tell you,” I said to my wife in a low voice. “How about the living-room?” she suggested. I remembered the color TV set was there. “No, not there. Lets go out.” I showed her th

19、e check as we stood on the driveway. We held each other excitedly and hardly noticed the rain. My car was parked within5 meters. I didnt think anything about it at the time. As I started for the airport the next day, the car began making strange sounds. Changing the engine cost about $ 1, 000.Then I

20、 looked through our financial records. I discovered that during the last ten years we spent all our “found money” repairing a hot water heater, a television and a stove.I never mention money in front of our mechanical equipment. But if this article is published and I am paid for, the word processor(

21、文字信息处理机)is going to go for sure. Itll know. 56. What went wrong first as the writers? A. The refrigerator B. The stove C. The TV set D. The engine of the car57. What has been repaired and still remains all right? A. The car B. The color TV set C. The stove D. The hot water heater 58. Which statement

22、 is wrong according to the passage?A. There are many pieces of modern equipment in the writers home B. The writer often discusses with his wife on how to spend their money.C. The writer has gone into a lot of trouble to repair his things D. The writers refrigerator can overhear himB Although man has

23、 known about asbestos for many hundreds of years, it was not until 160 years ago that it was mined for the first time on the North American continent. H. W. Johns, owner of a New York City Supply Shop for roofers, was responsible for (对负责)the opening of that first mine. Mr. Johns was given a piece o

24、f asbestos which had been found in Italy. He experimented with the material and then showed its surprising powers to his customers. After putting a pair of asbestos gloves, which looked much like ordinary work gloves, he took red-hot coals from the fireplace and played with them in his hands. How as

25、tonished the customers were to discover that he was not burned at all. You can well imagine that he had increasing business in asbestos roofing materials. However, because it was very expensive to transport(carry) them from Italy to the United States, Mr. Johns sent out a young scientist to seek a s

26、ource nearer home. This young man found great vein(岩脉)in the province of Quebec in Canada. Ever since 1881, Quebec has led the world in the production of this unusual mineral, which is made up of magnesium, silicon, iron, and oxygen. When it is mined, the asbestos is heavy, just as you would expect

27、a mineral to be. When it is separated, a strange thing happens: the rock breaks down into fine, soapy fibers(滑腻的纤维)。 Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into threads(线),but they have found thousands of uses for this fireproof material, often called the “cloth of stone”.59. Th

28、e title that best expresses the main idea of the passage is _. A. Asbestos mined in Canada B. Fireproof matter C. A “wonder” mineral D. A new roofing material 60. Johns proved his ability (能力)as a salesman by_.A. going into the roofing business B. carrying asbestos from ItalyC. sending a trained sci

29、entistD. showing the use of asbestos gloves61. Which is the most important character of asbestos that the author wants to show us? A. It is like thread B. It feels soapy C. It bums easily D. It is unusually heavy62. The authors main purpose in writing this passage is to_.A. show the need for more sc

30、ientists B. compare asbestos with other minerals C. increase the sales of asbestos D. present facts about asbestos CTwo Englishmen were traveling in France when a policeman stopped their car and gave it a search. He found a bag of white powder, which looked suspicious(可疑的). “Drogue?” asked the policeman who was sensitive to heroin(海洛因). “Yes, dog”, the two replied, having the least idea of their misunderstanding of the French word;

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