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1、 resistible adj. 抵抗的住的;可抵抗的 resistless adj. 不可抵抗的;不可避免的3suspect vt. 猜想,疑有 n. 嫌疑犯 adj. 可疑的【例句】 I have no reason to suspect his honesty. 我没有理由怀疑他的诚实。. The suspects are kept under the polices observation. 嫌疑犯在警方的监视之下。 His statements are suspect. 他的陈述很可疑。【搭配】suspect sb. of sth. 疑心某人(做过)某事,怀疑某人有罪 suspect

2、 sb. to be 疑心某人(做过)某事,猜想/认为某人 suspect that 怀疑, 认为/猜想【派生】suspected adj. 被怀疑的;被怀疑可能存在的 suspect able adj. 可疑的 suspicion n. 怀疑,涉嫌 【辨析】 suspect , doubt suspect “怀疑”,“疑心” 指对某人或某物非常怀疑或不相信。 I suspect that he is not telling the truth. 我怀疑他在说谎。 doubt “怀疑”, 指对某事不能肯定 I doubt that it will rain. 我不相信天会下雨。4invest

3、vt. 投资 投入(时间、精力等) 【例句】 The state has planned to invest two million in the dam. 国家计划投资两百万修建这座大坝 She invested a lot of emotional energy in that business. 她为那桩生意费尽心血。【搭配】 invest in 投资(金钱)(于) , 耗费(时间、力气等)(于) Be invested with 笼罩在, 被授予/赋予 【例句】 He has heavily invested in the stock market. 他将大量的资金投入了股市。 The

4、 mayor has been invested with full authority to act. 市长已获全权进行处理。【派生】investor n. 投资者 investment n. 投资5illustrate vt. 举例说明,阐明 给.作插图说明【例句】 Let me use another example to illustrate this difficult point. 我用另一个例子来解释这个难点。 If you illustrate the book, it will be more expensive. 如果你给这本书配上插图,它就更贵了。【搭配】 (be) il

5、lustrated with (by) 以. 说明之【例句】 The book was illustrated with color photographs. 这本书配上了彩色照片。【派生】illustration n. 说明,图解 illustrative adj. 说明性质的,作为例证的 illustrator n. 说明者;插图画家6profit n. 利润,盈利,收益 vi. 得利,获益 vt. 有益于,有利于【例句】 There is no profit in running a cinema in this town. 在这座城市设影院是无利可图的 He hoped to prof

6、it from his investment. 他希望从投资中获益。 It will profit you nothing to repeat that experiment. 重复做那个实验对你无益。【搭配】 profit by sth. 从(经验、失误)中吸取教益 profit from sth. 得益于某事;得到某事物的帮助【例句】 A wise man profit by his mistakes. 聪明人从自己的错误中获益。 I have profit great from your advice. 你的建议对我很有好处。【派生】 profitable adj. 有利可图的,有益的

7、profitably adv. 获利地,有益地 profitability n. 有利,有用 profiteer n. 投机商,奸商 profitless adj. 无利可图的;无用的 7. digestn. 文摘;摘要 vi. 消化,理解;融会贯通【例句】 This is a digest of the weeks news. 这是本周的新闻摘要。 Fish is easy to digest when you re ill. 生病时吃鱼容易消化。 The report contains too much to digest at one reading. 报告内容太多,读一次无法全部领会。

8、【派生】 digestion n. 消化 digester n. 消化剂;汇编者,摘要者digestive adj. 有关消化的;助消化的 digestible adj. 可消化的;易消化的 8. improvement n. 改进,改善 【例句】 There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 你的书写需要改进。【搭配】 be an improvement on/upon/over 比 好, 比 有改进 make an improvement 改进 improve on/upon 在原有的基础上改进,改良 【例句】 This editio

9、n is an improvement over the previous one. 这一版本比上一版本好。 An old house can be made modern by making an improvement. 通过整修可以使旧房子现代化。 Im unable to improve on his suggestion. 我提不出比他更好的建议。9pursuevt. 从事;继续; 追赶,追踪;追逐 追求【例句】 He pursed his studies with seriousness. 他认真从事研究。 The policemen pursed the bank robber.

10、 警察追捕银行劫匪。 She pursed the goal of perfection in her art.在艺术上她追求达到完美的境界。【搭配】in pursuit (of ) 追捕;追随;追求 In hot pursuit 穷追不舍【例句】 His car race through the street in the pursuit of another car. 他的车在街上飞驰,追赶另一辆车。 The pop star ran from the theatre to her car, with dozens of fans in hot pursuit. 那位歌星从剧场跑向她的轿车

11、,后面紧跟着几十个狂慕者。 【派生】 pursuit n. 追求,寻求;追赶,追逐 pursuer n. 追赶者,追捕者10. supplement n. 增补(物);补充(物) (报刊等的)增刊,副刊vt 增补,补充【例句】 These reading materials are used as the supplement to Book One. 这些阅读材料是对第一册的补充。 This magazine has a supplement about new cars. 这本杂志有关于新车的副刊。 She supplements her diet with vitamin pills.

12、她服用维生素丸以补充营养。【搭配】supplement to 的补充(物) supplement sth. by / with 通过 补充【例句】 She has been ill and must have supplements to her ordinary food. 她生病了,除了日常饮食外必须吃些补品。 Kate supplements her regular salary by tutoring in the evenings. 凯特通过晚上做家教补充日常收入。 【派生】 supplementary adj. 增补的,补充的,追加的 supplementation n. 增补,补

13、充,追加词组11get by 过得去,尚可 通过【例句】 Her old pension gives her barely enough to get by. 她的养老金只够她勉强糊口。 He should just about get by in the exam. 他这次考试能勉强通过。12get through 干完,完成 (使)通过(考试),(使)(议案等)获得通过 度过(时间)【例句】 Ill be with you as I get through with this work. 我已完成这项工作就去见你。 Do you think the bill will get throug

14、h Parliament? 你认为那项议案能获得议会通过吗? Its going to be hard to get through the next couple of days. 以后的几天日子将很难熬。13aside from 除了,除了 以外(尚有)【例句】 Aside from the Joneses, I dont know anybody in this village. 除了琼斯一家外,这村子里我谁也不认识。【同义】 apart from , except for, in addition to, besides 14. pick up 付(帐) pick sth. up 拿起

15、,检起 pick sb. /sth. up(停下来)把(人或东西)带走(取走)【例句】 After lunch in the restaurant, Uncle Tom picked up the check. 在餐馆吃完午饭,汤姆叔叔掏钱付了账单。 Please pick up all these pieces of paper.请把这些纸都捡起来。 Ill drive over and pick you up on the corner. 六点钟我会开车在拐角处接你。15. cut back (on) 减少,削减 急忙返回【例句】 Many universities are cutting

16、 back on staff at the moment. 目前许多学校正在削减员工。 We cut back into the wood and hid there till it was dark. 我们急忙返回树林躲起来直到天黑。【搭配】 cut back (on ) sth. e.g. cut back (on ) production 缩减生产 cut down (on ) sth. 缩减,削减16on balance 总的来说【例句】 On balance, he will gain more than he will lose. 总的来说,他的得到的将比失去的多。【搭配】 in

17、the balance (生命等)在危机状态中,(命运等)未定;悬而未决的 keep / lose ones balance 保持/失去 平衡 off balance 不平衡 【例句】 The outcome of the basketball game was in the balance until the last minute. 那场篮球赛直到最后一分钟尚未决出胜负。 I found it hard to keep my balance on the icy path. 我发现在满是冰面的小路上很难保持身体平衡。He was caught off balance by the sudd

18、en wind and nearly fell. 突然一阵风吹得他东倒西歪险些摔倒。句子结构1 when it comes to 涉及;谈及;到达;获知when it comes to sth. / doing sth. 用于引导一个话题或涉及(做)某事【例句】When it comes to tennis, you cant beat her. 说到打网球,你是赢不了她的。2 not all / everyone/ everything 不定代词all, every, each, both, many, much, everybody, everyone, everything 等与not

19、一起构成部分否定。not 可以置于上述各词之前,也可放在谓语中。【例句】 Not everyone can answer the question. 并非人人都能回答这个问题。 Every student cannot be hardworking. (Not every student can be hardworking). 并不是每个学生都很努力。Unit two重点词汇和词组1. abolish v. 废除(法律,习惯等) 【例句】 There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished.许多不良习俗和法律都该废除。

20、【派生】abolition n. 废除,废止 abolitionist n. 废除论者,尤指废除死刑者【辨析】abolish annul extinguish Abolish 指“消除长期存在的风俗、习惯”等 【例句】 These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible. 这些迷信做法应尽早废除。Annul 指“通过权势取消”、“宣告(法律、契约等)无效。【例句】The judge annulled the contract because one of the signers was too young.

21、 由于签署人中有一位年纪太轻,法官宣告合同无效。Extinguish 指“用牙复兴的武力手段使之毁灭”。【例句】You may extinguish a nation, but not the love of liberty. 你可以消灭一个国家,但不能消灭对自由的热爱。2. confident adj. 有信心的,确信的【例句】 He is confident of victory. 他对胜利充满信心。【辨析】 confident confidentialConfident 意为“有信心的,充满自信的”【例句】Peter is confident of winning the post as

22、 the assistant to the managing director.彼得确信他能获得总经理助理的职位。 Confidential意为“机密的,亲信的” 【例句】He works as a confidential secretary. 他是机要秘书。 【常见搭配】 be confident of / about sth.(doing sth.) 【派生】 confidence n. 信心 confidential adj. 秘密的,机密的3. capture v. 俘虏,捕获 引起(注意)并吸引住【例句】 The police are trying their best to ca

23、pture an escaped convict. 警察全力追捕逃犯。【例句】 Tales of adventure can capture the imagination. 探险故事能引起想象。【派生】 capturer n. 捕获者 ,俘虏者4. disguise v. 假扮,化装;伪装 掩盖,掩饰 n. 用来伪装的东西;伪装,掩饰【例句】 She disguised herself as a man with a false beard. 她戴上假胡须,女扮男装。 He disguised his handwriting by writing with his left hand. 他用

24、左手写字来掩盖自己原来的笔迹。 Nobody saw through his disguise. 没有人识破他的伪装。【常见搭配】a male in female disguise 男扮女装 In the disguise of 伪装成5. exploit n. (pl.) 业绩,功绩,功勋 v. 剥削;利用,开发,开采【例句】 The daring exploits of the parachutists were much admired. 跳伞者大胆的冒险动作令人赞叹不已。 We are trying to exploit the oil under the sea. 我们试图开发海底石

25、油。【派生】 exploitable adj. 可利用的,可开发的 exploitation n. 开发,利用,剥削 exploiter n. 开拓者;开发者6. historic adj. 在历史上重要的,有历史影响的【例句】 It is a historic meeting between the two leaders. 这是两位领导人的具有历史意义的会见。【派生】 historian n. 历史学家 historical adj. 历史的【辨析】historic historicalhistoric adj. 指历史上有重要意义的;也用于形容那些因与历史事件或人物有联系而有名或有趣的事

26、。 【例句】 This is a historic first voyage to outer space. 这是一次具有历史意义的首次太空旅行。 We have visited a historic house. 我们曾参观了一个故居。historical adj. 历史的 指不管重要与否而在过去存在的所有事物;也指与历史或对过去的研究有关的事物。【例句】Chairman Mao is a historical character. 毛泽东是个历史人物。有时可以换用,如:historic times 或 historical times.7. impose v. 强制实行;强加;强迫 征收

27、(税等)【例句】 Dont impose yourself on people who dont want you. 不要勉强和不需要你的人在一起。 New duties were imposed on wines and spirits. 酒类被加征新税。【搭配】impose on (up on) 强加于;利用;欺骗 Impose oneself on (up on) sb. 硬缠着某人;强迫某人接纳自己【例句】 she would never think of imposing herself. 她绝不想强迫别人接纳自己。8. transport v. 运输,运送 n. 运输,运输系统,运

28、输工具【例句】 Wheat was transported from the farm to mills. 小麦从农场晕倒了面粉厂。 My car is being repaired so Im without transport at the moment. 我的车正在修理,所以现在没有代步的工具了。【派生】transportation n. 运送,运输系统,运输工具【易混】transmit v. 播送,传送 transplant v. 移植 transfer v. 迁移9. starve v. 挨饿 可望获得某事物【例句】 Thousands of people are starving. 成千上万的人民在挨饿。 Children are starving for affection. 孩子们渴望受人疼爱。【搭配】starve for 渴望得到 starve sb. into sth. /doing sth. 是某人挨饿以迫其作某事They tried to starve the army into surrender. 他们试图使守军饥饿而投降。【派生】starvation n. 挨饿,饿死10. be intent on/upon(sth. /doing

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