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1、o SCCm Io be in a really good moodI finished mv last Z todav. ! NOW n free.A W*ha( a Pity B. What a cjcC vc got it D vc missed IhC POint2 II、VlVI(I descriptions Of COUnlry IifC quickly became popular, WhlCh CSIabhShCd his as OnC OfAmCnca,b greatest WntCr5A trust R COntaCt (,. reputation I), theory3

2、YOll have SCOIdCd him Ibr his PoOr PCrlbrmanCC AAcr all, he had done his bestA.msi B. ShOUId C muslrfl D ShOllldnet英洛 Ti第、 I 1?4 ThC COmPany is WlIIing to the new technology if it Can be ShOWn to reduceProdUCtiOn COStS-A. IookOer B. bring In C PUt aside D knock OUt5. in 1931. the Umpire SlaIC BUildI

3、ng. the highest SkySCraPCrUntll 1954. inspiredIhC IInagInatIOn Of (he VVOrIelA Having UOmPICtCd B BCing COnPICtCd(? COmPlCled D COmPICting6.ModCm WOmCn arc CnCrgClie, ambitious, and most OfaII. PCrSlStCnt (heir goalsA. In PUrSUlt Of B. In return for C m IOUCh WIth D. In COntraSt to 7 Mr. SmIth OWned

4、 IlnS oil PaintIng UntiI Ihe early 1990s, he gave it lo hisgrandson.A WhiCh B. WhCn C. WhClC D. WhO8 Don,t be IatC IQr IhC 9 OO meeting because I am and have to CalCh the 11:(X)trim.A. on a IiIniIed budget B In IHglI SPQrItSC. On a tight ChedUIe D In deep doubt9 一ThC machine is WOrking again!YC、 it

5、broke down yestcrday. bui A. has been HXCd R is being fixedC had been (IXed D would be fixed10.With Ihe WideSPread USe Ofthe InternetV COmrnunICAtiOnS across the WOfld have developed OVCr the years.A Steadily B. ChfferCmly C mdcpcndcnrly D Ibnnally11. suny CalTiCd ou( IaM year showed Ihal 80% Cf IhC

6、 middle-aged in hi CiIy In favour OfthC PrOPOSal On health CarC reformA is B. are C WaS D. WereI2 My grundmother helped me believe bA. IlIarSiI B GiVC il H lrC lt*s settled D YouYc kidding meI5 he COUIei give hcrsympthy any PraChCtfI help aSaImOSt beyond him.A B. SInCC C人IIhOUgh L UntIl第二快完形境空f20小艺:

7、阿小& 1.5分.満分30分llT文.节那只犬E 然后从16 35 Wrtft(rjA.臥C. DPq个逸顶中. iit.FOr the PaSt ICn years. Iny dad and I have attended IhC SamC SChOOI he as an adnslrator and ! as a student. OUr rclalonship In and OUt Of SChoOI, has been totally UnPrCdtCtable.WhCn I w5 younger, all ba( my dad Mid was doctrine (f r and an

8、ything he did I. 16 copied. W e PIayCd .rr 、 lMulhu. al -1. c UP IatC reading bvdt c StonCS I COUId 17 my dad Iakint me to SChOOL running into him 18 during the day and 门ding IIOrne Ullh him eCry afternoon.AS I grew older. WC WCrC not as 19 as WC UsCd Io be HC vns t CoOl any more. Ile Wole his SoLkS

9、 Ioo high, IISlened Io 20 CoUntry music and IaUglIed IlM) IDUdly In front Of mv fends. He became a total embarrassmentHowever, IhC 21 IhiH OeCUrrCd In SChool were :VCn WOronald Duck, guitar in hand Singing SilIy songs. JUSI kill me! I WantCd to ran away.I hIh 23 COnIInUCd IntO high SChOoI, bul WC So

10、InCllw began Io Ilnd a balance. ThingS ManCd io 24 UrOUnd the time Ot my I(Xh gradC Phio PrOjCCt ThC 25 Wah Io build a W(XXi bridge With the b( ilrcngthto-wcigjt ratio I ll the SIUdCnIS andPhySiCS teachers 26 SO did my CiiUL the onl administrator! Embarrassed* aUMML I 27 Ihe SCCnC、 28 IillCr WhCn I

11、lcrncd from my cnds that my dad 29 all COmPelltOrS and WOn everones admiral onv I IbUnd that mixed In With my 30 WaS “ to dad. It UaSnl the IaLt that hcd won; WaS more flun that. I began to that We have many Of the SameValUCj; and SOmClimeS IhC anc opinions. NO natlcr how much I IUd tried to 33 hin

12、HC StIII InIIUenCCd me.I feel 34 to have SUCII an UnUSUal father. ThC 35 I have developed WKh myCldd OVCr IhC ycar IIaS CnablCd me to IWk back and ZX hw Vc grown.19.A ClOSCB. reliableC. gccrnD.ConiidCnt20.A. CrCatiVCB. familiarC IfeornbleInc21.A IailUrCSB COInCiCiC(KCSC COInPClilknsCiiMMCrSA. drcsci

13、 IiPB. bokcn dour(,.SCtlICd d(nI).MgnCd UP23.A debateB. PanyC progressSfnIgglC24A. happenB. CIMngeC. g! UWDdsappeu25.A i、GlleH. USk( lesionPrOCedUre26.A PIrtlCaiedB. ProteStCd hesitatedCXPlored27.A cdB IrtvestigatedC. PlCtUredmade28.A InsteadH. OIhCriSC IhCrCrOreHoVKCVCr29.A. conmeedB. defeatedC Ign

14、OrCdCSdlUJtCd10A COnfUSlOnB CnCOUrgcnntC. CmbmZmCfnIascinauon31.A. teum)cndcdB. tolcrcdC. IIOubICCiappreciated32.A. recognizeB. demandC. argueCStlmate33.A approachB. IImllC. resistbelieve34.A puzzledB. totuu(eC. c!KeeJaskurd35.A strategyB. hahtC. relation sb ipPntentIal第-麻分:Mi*PfJW (X20小题;每小825分.满分5

15、O5)Wit FH*t 从 VoU a、a SIudCnl at the ITniXCri( Ot BOltOn It WlIl 卩ro IdC you Wilh access o IlnlXCrMly aclhes MIClI IMCdSC cjj oui INlli UIlh ou 乙 1 MII lnc. Do not IOXC our Card Or Iend It 10 others YoUr CarCl IS VaIKi during the UhHC time ol your studies. It ICnUn)S Ihe PlOPeny (i ) Of Ihe UmxerMty

16、 OfBOlIOn at all IimCSZx KuldCllIS PhO(OgrMPh%You WIll be VTqUeSled to UPIOad a ImPOrT sized PhOwgraPh a Part Ot Ihe Onllne rcgitralon process. IhI n Ild beJPg hie U Ilh a MZC of no more Ihan I MB XOUf PhOloJJraPh ShoUki be U Portralt image In ProPortlOn i ,.) to a 6 4 * PortraIt photograph.1( hould

17、 be UkCn In COlOUr Und ul not huc been bcautticd i(Ii InUgC fl(crh T.试 3U页 A2)RCPhCCIIlCIIl rd、If your StUdCnI ID Card no IOngCr WOrk5 Or has been damaged. Or if you have ChangCd your personal Or PrOgrammC details, you should call into IhC Sludcni AdmIniSIraliOn (ClHrC (SAc) to request a HCW One- PI

18、eaSe CnSUrC that you bring VoUl CXIStlng CaTd WIth you. YOUr replacement Card Wlll be produced free Of CIUrgCIryoUr Catd has been feported l Ihe PolICe as SlOIen PleaSe also Call Into Ihe SAC to request a replacement, bringing Wlth you a COPy ol your POIlCC ( me KePOn PaPerWOrk VOUr Card Will be Pro

19、dllCed tree OfChargeIf your Card has been lost, a tee Of t5 恬 ChaIged for the PrOdUCtIOn Of a rqlacemcnt card YOU arc requested Io USC OUr OnlinC PayTlICIIt SCn ice.Sole: RCPkICCmCnl card UlIl be available io you to COIkCt seven WOrklng days after InakJng the request. AS a SCCUrily measure you arc r

20、equested 2 COllCCt your Card In PCrSOn al IhC SAC.36. WhiCh OfIhe following IS a function OrIlr SliIdent ID CanI?A TO remind MUdCntS to ProtCCt PUbhC PToPCrty-B TO CnablC StUdCntS to USC resources in the IibaryC. TO help StUdCntS (IemonStraIC【heir ComPU(Cr SkIIlD TO PlOVidC IntbrmatiOn about CanIPu、

21、Iacilitics.37 Iu cl IhC rcquirencnls Of IhC PhologTaPh On IhC hludcnl ID curd, U new SlUdCnI ShoUld UPIOad A an InIage SaVed as a PDE fileB.a COIoUr PiCtlIre OrthClr PaSSPortC.2 PhOtO beautted by a PhotOgraPhCrD.a POrtraH PhOlOgrUPh Ot ProPer ProPorItOn38 In WhiCh CaSe docs a StUdCnl have Io Pay for

22、 Ihe replacement OfthC student ID card?A.I he lle Ol the Card has been OnlICtally proved.B ThC card holder has Changed his Or her major.C. ThC Ciifd dropped OtTln(O a Lkc by MeidCrU.D ThC Cdrd (ails to WOrk PrOPCTIy39.0 COlICCI your rcplaccmciil Card. you ShOUId A tch i at (he SAC PCrSonaIlyB go thr

23、ough a SCCilnty ChCCk firstC. CaIl the POIICC StatJon In advanceD WaIt Ior KCVen duys be lore getting itOne Of the InOSt StrefUI dayj Of Susun MCbredenCk,s IifC vas WJlChlng her SOn get heeled away for SurgCnlr hours after he WaS bom in 2011But after the OPeratIOn. SUSan burst Into tenr tor a dtYere

24、nt reason across the CUt On their newborn SOneS back UaS a Sweet U lnIer SCene. hand-drawn On his bandages (细%).*,erc WCrC rolling hilk Of SnoW. a PlnC tree Und a SnOUman With a hal and broom he recalled. MI U aS extremely touching and CoInfbrllng lo know that SOlnebIMly hud taken IhC time to do Iha

25、l for Iny family Il WaS a moment ll never forget ,SUSan SOon ICamCd the ast WaS her son,s SUrgCOn. RobCrt Parry. WhO discocred another Wdy to u%c hi% IUIndS In the mid-1980s CiIlrlng hr internship (实习 KH) at a ChildrCnS InCdICal center, UhCrC he %a OnC Of ls COIlCagUCS CUt OUt heart and Shark ShaPCN

26、 Io decorate Childrcn b;IndagOOMy first reaction WaSl *Wht is he doing? UCy that*s kind Of neat/ *, Parry recalled, *fcl CSPCClally IlkCd the reactions Of IlIC ParCntS and the PatICnIS WlICn they SaW his artwork. TbC MnllO took everyones attention from the urgcry TllCn I decided to IblloW suit MParr)- quickly graduated trom hi“ Carly hearts and SharkS. and SUrlCd to SU

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