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1、 D. pain“疼痛”,动词或名词,此句也可以说 My finger is in pain.我手指疼。 4. A lorry_Janes cat and sped away. A. ran over B. ran through C. ran into D. ran down 答案为【A】 (CET-4, 99-6) 【解析】 run into 遭遇(困难等);偶然碰见; run over 在上驶过,(撞倒并)碾过; 把很快地(或粗略地)过一遍; run through 贯穿,普遍存在于;匆匆阅读, 把略略过目;排练;挥霍(金钱); The interpreter _the French w

2、ords for the Chinese visitors. A. interpreted B. interrupted C. interfered D. interviewed Interpret 【解析】 interpret解释,翻译 interrupt 打断 interfere干涉; interview会见 Without guidance, we could not _with the chapter, so we had to pause for the teacher. A. pursue B. pursuit C. persist D. push Pursue 题意:没有指导那一

3、章我们读不下去,我们只好停下等老师来。pursue 与carry on 同义,意为“继续下去”;pursuit n. 追求。其他两项不合题意。 The birds _at the sound of the gun. A. spread B. scattered C. filed D. sped Scatter 题意:听到枪声,鸟四散飞去。scatter散开;spread传 播,蔓延;filed是file(把归档)的过去分词. sped 是 speed 的过去时。 We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield _ any mi

4、litary threat. A. up B. to C. in D. at 答案为【B】 (CET-4, 98-1) 【解析】give in与yield to 同义,但give in为不及物动词短语“做出让步”,yield to为及物动词短语“向做出让步”。give up 为“放弃”之义。 Petrol is refined from the _ oil we take out of the ground. A. crude B. fresh C. rude D. original答案为【A】 (CET-6; 1997,6)【解析】crude oil 意为原油,未加工的油。fresh 意为新

5、鲜的,rude 意为粗鲁的,而original 意为处于事物最初阶段的、原始的东西。依题意应选A. The 215-page manuscript, circulated to publishers last October, _an outburst of interest. A. flared B. glittered C. sparked D. flashed答案为【C】 (CET-6;【解析】flare指(暴乱等)突然爆发。 flash 表示掠过,闪现,倏忽发出。glitter 指闪烁着辉煌的或灿烂的光辉。 spark 指触发,引起。依题意,应选C。 Care should be ta

6、ken to decrease the length of time that one is _ loud continuous noise. A. subjected to B. filled with C. associated with D. attached to答案为 【A】 (考研:1994) 【解析】 filled with 意为“使充满”,associated with意为“与联系起来”,attached to 意为“连在上,附属于”,只有subjected to 意为“使遭受”。依题意,应选A. The wood was so rotten that, when we pul

7、led, it _ into fragments. A. broke off B. broke through C. broke away D. broke up答案为【D】 (CET-6: 2000,1) 【解析】 break off 意为中断,突然停止;break through 意为取得突破性成就;break away 意为突然离开,强行逃脱;break up打碎,粉碎。依题意,应选D。 The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state _. A) pensions B) earnings C) salaries D) do

8、nations答案为【A】 (CET-6:2000-6)【解析】该题目的考点是根据句义选择适当的词。句中说:“俄国的老人们靠政府的养老金难以度日”,因此选pensions。earnings是“收入,所赚的钱”;salaries是“薪金,工资”;donations是“捐赠的财物”,这些都不符合句义。 Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled _ a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery. A) to B)wi

9、th C)for D)on 答案为【A】 (考研:2000年)【解析】该题目考查介词与动词的搭配问题。句中说如果你和保险公司没有签订为你的货物保险的合同,就无权要求偿还在运输过程中受损货物的货款。entitle常用的搭配为“be entitled to do sth/to sth.”。因此选A。其它几个介词都不是entitle的合适搭配。 Without telephone it would be impossible to carry on the functions of _ every business operation in the whole country. A. practic

10、ally B. preferably C. precisely D. presumably1998年)句中说如果没有电话,全国几乎所有商业运作都将无法正常运行。practically在此意为almost,是正确答案。preferably意为“较合适地,更可取地”,precisely意为“精确地”,presumably意为“可能地”,都不符合题意。 There is supposed to be a safety _ which makes it impossible for trains to collide. A. mechanism B. accessory C. machine D. a

11、ppliance 答案为【D】 (CET-6:【解析】句中说:应该有个安全装置以避免火车相撞。mechanism意为“机械”(working parts of a machine),accessory意为“配件,附件”,都不符合题意。正确答案为appliance。 The timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once _. A) swelled B)thrived C)prospered D)flourished 答案

12、为【B】 (考研:2001)【解析】句中说响尾蛇现在已上了濒危动物名单,而且在以前盛产响尾蛇的东部两个州已经灭绝了。thrive意为“兴盛,(动、植物)茁壮成长”,为正确答案。swell是“膨胀,肿”;prosper 是“成功,繁荣”;flourish是“兴旺,(人)健壮有力”,这些都不符合句义。 At the end of his trial, he was _ of murder. A)convicted B)convinced C)sentenced D)condemned答案为【A】 题意为:审判结束时,他被判犯有谋杀罪。be convicted of “被宣判有罪”为正确答案。con

13、vince是“确信”;sentence是“判决”;condemn是“谴责”,这些都不符合句义。 If I were you, I wouldnt get _ in their problems. A. invested B. related C. enclosed D. involved答案为【D】 【解析】该题目的考点是动词和介词的搭配问题。句中说如果我是你,就不会牵扯到他们的问题中去。Involve意为“使卷入,牵扯”,后接介词in。其余选项都不符合题意。 The car _ halfway for no reason. A) broke off B) broke down C) brok

14、e up D) broke out 答案为【B】 (CET-4:1998-1)【解析】该题目的考点是形近短语辨析。汽车半路无缘无故地抛锚了。四个短语的意思分别为:break out 爆发; break up拆散,打碎;break off中断(工作),断绝关系;break down发生故障。因此答案为broke down。 The detective and his assistant have begun to _ the mysterious murder. A) look into B) see to C) make over D) come through 2000,1)【解析】该题目的

15、考点是短语辨析。句意是:侦探和他的助手已经开始调查那起神秘的谋杀案。look into调查,相当于investigate; see to处置,处理;make over重新来;come through公布,颁布。因此答案为look into。 Theres a whole _ of bills waiting to be paid. A. stock B. stack C. number D. sequence 答案为【B】 (CET-6:1995-6) 【解析】该题目的考点是根据句义选词。stock是“库存,存货”;stack是“一堆,一叠”;number是“数量,数目”,a number o

16、f意为“许多,大量”;sequence是“序列,次序”。根据句义“有一大堆待付的帐单”,答案应选。 People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in _ populated areas. A. densely B. intensely C. abundantly D. highly 1999年)【解析】该题目要求结合句义选择适当的词。densely是“密集地,稠密地”;intensely是“极端,精深细致地”;abundantly是“丰富地,充裕地”;highly是“高度地,非常”。根据句义

17、“住在小城镇的居民常比住在人口稠密地区的人显得更加友好”,答案应选A。 The travel company had _ three aircraft for their holiday flights. A. rented B. leased C. chartered D.let 答案为【C】 【解析】该题目考察近义词辨析。租房用rent和lease都可以;包租汽车、船或飞机只能用charter;let指“出租房屋”。结合句义“旅游公司为假日订了三架包机”,答案应选C。 Bruce Stephen gripped the _ wheel hard as the car bounced up

18、and down. A. stirring B. driving C. steering D. revolving 答案为【C】 (CET-6:【解析】该题目的句义为“汽车上下颠簸,斯蒂芬紧紧地握住方向盘”。英语中方向盘的说法是steering wheel,而不是driving wheel或revolving wheel,答案应选C。 The _ of the light depends on the wattage of the bulb. A. intensity B. density C. humidity D. temperature intensity是“强度”;density是“浓

19、度,密度”;humidity是“湿度”;temperature是“温度”。根据句义“光线的强度由灯泡的瓦数决定”,答案应选A。 The _ of his trip to Beijing was the visit to the Forbidden City. A. lightest part B. highest part C. highlight D. most highlight 【解析】该题目题意为“他的这次北京之行最精彩的部分当数参观紫禁城了”,这里highlight = the most interesting part, 最精彩的部分,答案应选C。 The driver of a

20、car should not take _ at high speed. A. drifts B. pitches C. curves D. harnesses 【解析】该题目的题意为“汽车驾驶员不应在高速行驶时转弯”。drifts是“漂流”;pitches是“沥青”;curves是“曲线,转弯”,;harnesses是“马具”。根据句义,答案应选C。 Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn, the Irish milkmaid fought hard to _ her laughter. A. hold back B. hold

21、 on C. hold out D. hold up 1996 )hold back是“抑制,克制(情感)”;hold on是“等一会儿;握住不放,坚持住”;hold out是“伸出,维持,坚持”;hold up是“举起,抬起”。根据句义“看着我笨手笨脚地把牛往圈里拉,那个爱尔兰挤奶女工费了好大劲才忍住没笑出声来”,答案应选A。 The patients health failed to such an extent that he was put into _ care. A. tense B. rigid C. intensive D. tight 答案为【C】 (CET-4:1998.6

22、) 病人的情况不妙,因此需要精心护理。A. tense为“拉紧的,(精神、感情、气氛等)紧张的”;如:The rope was tense. 绳子拉紧了。a tense expression 紧张的表情。B. rigid为“刻板的,严厉的,僵化的”;His mind is rather rigid.他的思想很僵化。C. intensive为“精心的,深入细致的”;intensive reading 精读/intensive farming精耕细作。He made intensive inquiries. 他仔细地打听过了。D. tight为“(衣服,时间)紧的,密封的(指不透水/空气)”;ti

23、ght trousers绷紧的裤子,a tight schedule紧张的日程。The roof is tight. 屋顶不漏水。 The mayor was asked to _ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions. A. compress B. reduce C. conduct D. condense答案为【D】【解析】题意为:人们要求市长缩短讲话,以便让听众提问题。A. compress意思为“压紧压缩”,指压缩某物以便置于较小空间。B. reduce意思为“减少缩小”,指数量上的减少。C. cond

24、uct意思为“引导、指导、传导”。D. condense意思为“浓缩压缩”,指液体之浓缩,或将长篇文章通过适当删节而缩短。 If we lose the contract, hundreds of jobs are at _. A. danger B. stake C. loss D. threat答案为【B】如果我们签不成合同,就有可能失去数百个就业机会。A)用介词in与danger搭配,意为:“有危险”;B. stake 与介词搭配成短语at stake意为:“濒临危险,得失攸关”;C) loss与at连用的惯用语为at a loss,意为“不知所措”;D)threat一般不与at搭配,常

25、用under the threat of,意为“在威胁之下”。 The _ on this apartment expires in a years time. A) treaty B) lease C) engagement D) subsidy答案为【B】 CET-6,2000-6 这套公寓的租约为期一年。A) treaty协议,条约;B) lease租约,租赁;C) engagement正式的承诺或保证;D) subsidy津贴,补助金 If you _ causing troubles, the company will have to dismiss you. A) persever

26、e B) persist in C) insist with D) insist in如果你执意要惹麻烦的话,公司就只好把你开除了。A)persevere in/with坚持(持续)某种具体行为,不屈不挠,常用于褒意;B)persist in指坚持,持续做某事,常用于贬义;D) insist in/on指坚持某种意见,主张。 In a time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid change of society. A) step B) progress C) pace D) touch答案为【】 (CET-4:1999-1)【解析】题意为:在社会变革过程中,人们思想状态的变化与社会的迅速变化趋于一致。keep pace with为固定搭配,意为:与齐步前进,与

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