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1、 There are four items. Second item says “The master must know the ship thoroughly”. This means, a competent master needs to know conditions of Deck Department, Engine Department, and takes charge of safety operation and effective management of the ship. Are you satisfied with my answer? 共4项,第2项是“船长必

2、须了解全船”。这就是说,一个适任的船长应理解甲板部、轮机部的状况并负责全船安全航行与高效管理,对我的回答你满意吗? Now, lets focus on the other item. 现在我们进行下一项。Dialog B: PSC Inspection对话2: 港口国监督检查PSCO: Captain, I am afraid that ship store on forward deck has weakness. Fire extinguishers should be installed both outside and inside.港口国监督官员: 船长,恐怕船首甲板的物料间有不符

3、合项。物料间的内外都应该有灭火器。 That is designedly defective. I supposed that it doesnt need inside. Normally, we fight fire from outside to inside. 这是设计错误,但我想物料间内不需要有,一般我们从外向内灭火。 How will you take measures if crew is inside and a fire is caused? In addition, how long will crew run from bridge to ship store? 如果有人

4、在物料间时着火了,你们如何采取措施?还有,船员从驾驶台的物料间需多长时间? I guarantee that our crew rush to ship store within 2minutes. 我保证我们船员从驾驶台的物料间最多用时不超过2分钟。 2minutes? Lets check. 2分钟?我们检验一下。Dialog C: Recheck Weakness对话3: 复查不符合项Inspector: Yesterday, we checked that you didnt launch the new lifeboat into water. Now, we should rech

5、eck it before sailing.检查员: 昨天,我们检查到你们不能把新救生艇放到水中,现在我们需要贵船在开航前重新检查。Third Mate: Yes, sir. We can launch the new lifeboat as we studied the manual and have gotten well knowledge of the working principle.三副:我们可以放新救生艇了,因为我们已经研究过手册并掌握其工作原理了。 Let you start and I will evaluate. 你们开始,我评估。 OK. Get ready fore

6、and aft. Launching lifeboat. (A few minutes later lifeboat is still in launching track). 好,艏艉准备。放艇(几分钟后救生艇仍在放艇滑道上)。 I am sorry to tell you that your ship should be detained at this port for training contingency procedure. 很抱歉告诉你,贵船需要滞留于本港训练应急程序。 Could you allow us to do it again? Wait a minute. I wi

7、ll call Captain. 能让我们再做一次吗?等一会,我去叫船长。Practical Expressions 实用表达方式1.Various walkways over pipes on foredeck corroded.前甲板管道上方诸踏板腐蚀。2.Hold ventilators between No.2 and 3 holds closing devices seized.2舱和3舱之间通风机闭合装置卡死。3.Starboard side lifeboat boarding light (emergency) not working.右舷救生艇登艇应急灯不亮。4.Emergen

8、cy fire pump vacuum pump seized and can not be driven by engine.应急消防泵真空泵卡死。5.Lifeboats not in water in last 3months.救生艇在3个月内没有放下水。6.Charts for forthcoming voyage not corrected.下航次所需海图未改正。7.Port diesel generator flywheel guard missing.左舷发电机飞轮罩没有了。8.SOLAS training manuals not enough for every crew.SOL

9、AS训练手册不够人手一本。9.Gally-range hood oily.厨房后舱区域太脏。10.2182 auto watchkeeper not available.没有2182自动值班接收机。11.Main receiver antenna broken.主接收机天线断裂。12.Auto alarm antenna broken.自动报警器天线断裂。13.Radio batteries specific gravity below 1.285.报房蓄电池组电解液比重小于1.285。14.Sea anchor in starboard lifeboat rotted.右舷救生艇海锚生锈腐烂

10、。15.The antenna of master and slave transmitters slacked and liable to be shortened in current.笼中主发信机和备用发信机天线松弛,易短路。16.Offical logbook not clean.正式航海日志上有改动。17.Ladder boat deck to funnel deck portside bottem step severely corroded.从艇甲板到烟囱甲板的踏板腐蚀。18.Emergency fire pump not pumping.应急消防泵不能工作。19.Purifie

11、rs, auxiliary diesel engines tanktop oily.分油机、辅机内底太脏。20.Main deck E.R. entrance door port-door closer missing.主甲板机舱左舷入口门没有闭合器。21.Chain cables No.2 length port side and No.5& No.7 lengths starboard side to be remeasured and renewed at next docking survey as found necessary.左锚链第2节,右锚链第5节和第7节在下一次坞检时需重新

12、测量并更新。22.Biscuit in No.5 life raft expired.5号救生筏内饼干过期。23.The ships type altered from general cargo ship to training ship, all relating alteration plans designed and approved by CCS Dalian Plan Approval Center.船舶种类由杂货船改为实习训练船,所有相关方面均由中国船级社大连项目批准中心批准。24.One tier of deck hours newly built and installed

13、 on boat deck in way of Frs. Nos. 7-aft with 910074002500mm in size.艇甲板上从7号龙骨位置到船尾建设了一层甲板房间。体积是91002500mm。25.A set of fire detection and alarm system newly installed in the whole accommodation spaces as per the requirement of IIIC method (SOLAS CHII-2).在整个生活区安装了一套探火和报警系统,符合SOLAS公约CHII-2中所规定的IIIC方法的要

14、求。26.Two new lifeboats (Capacity: 65 persons each), davits and winches installed on board the ship instead of old ones. Details refer to the product cert. No; NJP98 520020-25.两个新救生艇(每个载员65人)、支艇架和绞车安装在船上代替原来旧的,详情查阅证书号NJP98 520020-25。27.After alterating, additional calculation for stability informatio

15、n carried out and approved by CCS Dalian Plan Approval Center and International Tonnage Certificate (1969) re-issued with new GRT remeasured this time.更新后稳性重新核算已进行并通过验收。中国船级社大连项目批准中心根据1969年国际吨位证书规定重新丈量并颁发新的吨位证书。28.As per the Fax instruction (No BJRRD98060) of headquarters, subdivision and stability

16、information exempted, and additional class notation for restriction of trade area on Hull Classification Certificate, i.e “sailing among China, Korea, Japan, and South-east Asia.”参照总部电传精神,进一步分舱与稳性计算免除了,但基于船体分级证书航区受限告知于贵方,也就是说“只允许航行中国沿海、朝鲜、日本和东南亚”。29.The ships owner and port of registry changed from

17、previous Tianjin Ocean Shipping Company and Tianjin to present Yucai Shipping Company and Dalian.船舶所有人和船籍港由原“天津远洋公司”和“天津”变更为现在的“育才船务公司”和“大连”。30.China cables No 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 &8 lengths port side were renewed, detailed particulars of new chain cables as follow: Total length, 627.5m. Diameter, 50mm, G

18、rade, AM2. Proof load applied, 981kN, Product cert No, JYP98320B5.左锚链第1,4,5,6,7,8节已更新,新锚链细节如下;长度全为27.5米,直径50毫米,等级AM2,最大负荷981kN,证书号码JYP98320B5。31.The fresh water high-temperature sensor of the main generator engines is not available.主发电机淡水高温传感器没有。32.When the air compressors starting, the output of oi

19、l is excessive.空气压缩机工作时,输油过量。33.The sea-water pipe outlet of air compressors fresh water cooler found leaking. 空气压缩机淡水冷却器的海水管接口处发现渗漏。34.Thermometer is not available on hot well.热水井处没有温度计。35.The high level alarm of bilge tank is not working properly.污水井限量报警装置不能正常工作。36.The roller of fairleader amidshi

20、ps not turn.两侧的导缆轮的转盘不转。37.Four steps on hatch No.1 comings deformed and dewelded.1舱有4阶舱梯变形脱焊。38.The top position of No.2 derrick post is mandering.2号吊杆柱上部位置不正。39.Chain cable is in turned condition.锚链反转了。40.Handrails is not available in the passage way of accommodation.生活区走廊里没有装扶手。41.The handle for

21、store davit not turn.备用支艇架手柄不转动。42.The door of control room leaked.控制室门不密封。43.The deck cover in Saloon and Mess room damaged.大台和餐厅屋顶破损。44.The hydraulic switch of skylight found leaking.天窗的液压开关发现漏油。45.The timer of Facsmile recorder is not correct.传真机记录器中计时装置不准确。46.The error of magnetic compass is not

22、 adjusted.磁罗经的误差没有校正。47.The steam valve of main engine fresh water heater leaked.主机淡水加热器的蒸气阀有滴漏。48.The fuel injection pump of No.4 cylinder found leaking.4号燃油注入泵泄漏。49.The filter of No.2 hydraulic pump not seal ring.2号液压泵过滤器没有装垫圈。50.The door of distribution board after galley to be rewelded.厨房后门门板要重新

23、焊接。51.The remain ballast water (30cm40cm) in No.2 WBT (p&s) can not be discharged.在2号压载水舱内残留压载水(30cm40cm)不能排放干净。52.There is a big hole on the outlet pipe of No.1 and No.2 general service pumps.1号和2号总日用泵的接口处有一个大洞。53.The position of block for opening No.2 hatch cover is incorrect and the block not tur

24、n.2舱盖开舱滑车错位,滑车不转。54.Four fixed rings need to be added on upper deck for derrick holds.吊货舱上层甲板上应装4个固定环。55.The lifejacket whistle in Chief Mates cabin missing.大副房间的救生衣哨子丢失。56.Y2K problem has been solved by our company.2000年问题已经由我们公司解决了。57.We can change to manual operation in case the Y2K problem happens.一旦出现2000年问题我们改成手动操作。58.We have obtained Y2K Compatible Certificate.我们已经获得了2000年兼容证书。

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