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1、Use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose. 赶快往最近的紧急出口去。Walk quickly to the nearest emergency exit.好好走,不要跑! Walk! Do not run!不要去拿你的个人财物。Do not take your personal belongings.马上离开这栋大楼。Get out of the building now! 不要试图从大楼上跳下来。Do not attempt to jump off of the building.Answering the Case Callers回复报警人W

2、eve established the case. 我们已经立案。Are you Catherine who called for emergency police service?你是凯瑟琳,刚才打的报警电话?Weve caught the suspects and found your bag.我们已经抓获了犯罪嫌疑人并找到了你的包。Can you come to our police station to help identify the suspects, check up your stolen things and make a record of your case?你能不能跟

3、我们去警署帮助辨认嫌疑人,核查被盗的东西和做有关这件案子的笔录。We need your cooperation. 我们需要您的合作。Declining the Phones婉拒电话 We are sorry. We are not familiar with the situation. Would you mind consulting a relevant branch? The phone number is XXXXXXX.对不起,我们不了解情况,请您向相关部门去咨询一下。他们的电话是。What you said is beyond our duty. Would you pleas

4、e contact ? 您所反映的情况,不属于公安机关的职能范围,请与单位联系好吗?We are not in charge of your case. Please contact XXX for help.您反映的情况不归我们受理。请您打另外的电话.。Certain department is in charge of this matter. Please contact that department directly. 您投诉的事由某部门负责。请您直接到那儿联系。Youve got the wrong number. This is the Police Service Center

5、 with the phone number 110.您打错了,我们这里是110报警服务台。Key words and structures:盗匪burglary抢劫robbery 盗窃 theft店内偷窃shoplifting 勒索blackmail 强奸rape扒手pickpocket 被殴assaulted 绑票kidnap 损毁criminal Damage 非礼indecent Assault 打架斗殴 scuffle请描述歹徒相貌特征 Please describe the suspect 身高height体重weight肤色skin Color 发色hair Color 性别se

6、x 衣着dress 特征significance 车型model 车牌号码plate Number这里是110报警台。Here is 110 police service. /reporting line.请等一会儿. Please hold on.请问你能说汉语吗? Can you speak Chinese?我能帮助您什么吗? Can I help you?您有什么麻烦吗? Whats the matter?我想要报案 I want to report a crime. 你要报什么案? What do you want to report?何时发生?何地发生?When did it hap

7、pen? Where did it happen?有没有目击证人? Any witness?损失了什么财物?What properties did you lose?你的姓名、地址、电话?Whats your name, address, and telephone number?是。什么地址? Yes. Whats the address?请将您的准确地址告诉我。Please tell me exactly where you are.我可以知道你的名字吗?May I know your name?你的姓名是什么? Your name, please?请拼写出来。Please spell y

8、our name.或Spell it please.你从哪打的电话? And where are you ringing from?有人受伤吗? Is anyone injured?有没有看到歹徒用的车辆 Did you see suspects vehicle?请问事态(火势、伤势、病情)是否严重?Is the situation (fire, injury, illness) serious?请问受伤者的人数。 How many people are injured?死亡人数是多少? How much is the death toll?您受伤了吗?是否需要救护车?Are you inju

9、red? Do you need an ambulance?我听不懂你的话。你能否请当地人帮你陈述?I cant understand your words. Would you please ask a local person to indicate the detail for you?对不起,请您讲慢一点。Excuse me, a little slower please.或Excuse me, would you mind speaking a little slower?对不起,请您重复一遍。Sorry, I beg your pardon.请别着急。Dont be nervous

10、.或Dont be anxious. Take it easy.我们已经接到报警。Weve received the report for police service.谢谢。我们马上就到。Thank you. Well be arriving very soon.请在原地别走开,我们就到了Please stay where you are. Well be present right away.请你稍等,我们很快就到。Just a minute, please. Well get to the scene very soon.对不起,电话太多,让您久等了。I am sorry for kee

11、ping you waiting so long, but the line has been busy.请稍候,警察将会尽快赶到。Just a minute, please. The local police officer will hurry to the scene as soon as possible.对不起,很报歉,我们不了解情况,请您向相关部门去咨询一下。他们的电话是XXXXXXX。您反映的情况不归我们处理。请您打另外的电话xxx。We are not in charge of your case. Please call xxx for help.我们对权限以外的事情帮不了你

12、忙。We can do nothing in a case which is out of our jurisdiction.很报歉,我们尽力为您联系一下,请您也向相关部门求援。re very sorry. Well try to help you as much as we can. We also advise you do to ask a department concerned for help. The phone number is XXXXXXX.Youve got the wrong number. This is the Police Service Center with

13、 the phone number 110.非常乐意为您服务,请别客气。You are welcome. Its our pleasure to help you.感谢您的监督。Thank you for your advice.谢谢合作。Thanks for your cooperation.Oral practice:1. 外:是110吗,我的钱包被偷了。警:请问您的名字是什么?现在哪里?我在解放路的西部酒城。你的钱包里有多少钱?还有其他东西吗?有1000美金和护照。请稍等,我们马上就派人过去。F:Is that the 110? My wallet was stolen.P:What i

14、s your name and where are you?I am at western club, JieFang road.How much is there in your wallet? Anything else?There are $1000 and a passport.Just a minute, the police will come right away.2、有件事要麻烦您,我的手提包丢了。你的包内有何物?里面还有什么东西?现金的金额是多少?还有什么别的吗?有10张面值100的美金和5张面值100的人民币,还有2、3枚25美分的硬币和其他硬币。请详细介绍你何时何地钱包丢

15、失的。请留下详细地址,以便和您联系。F: Would you help me? I have lost my handbag.P: What is in your handbag? Did you have anything else in it? How much did you have in cash? There are ten $100 bills, five 50RMB bills, two or three quarters and some other coins. Please explain in detail when and where and how you lost

16、 your purse. Please leave your full home address so that we can get in touch with you.3. A: 喂.是警察局吗?B: 这里是警察局.有什么事吗?A: 我要报警.我家被抢劫了.强盗抢走了我的金项链和5万元. 好.请告诉我你的名字和住址. 我叫迈克.住在格林大街80号. 谢谢.警察20分钟后到. Hello, is that the police? Police here. Can I help you? I want to report a robbery in my room. The robber has

17、 taken my gold necklace and 50,000 dollars. B:Right. Can I have your name and address, please? My name is Mike and my address is 80 Green Street. Thank you very much. The police will be at your house in about 20 minutes. 4. 劳拉:警官,我想报案。警察:请坐,您叫什么名字?是哪国人?您来中国的身份是什么?劳拉:我叫劳拉,是加拿大留学生。发生了什么事?晚上9点钟,我正在和朋友在

18、裕民路散步,一个年轻人从对面走过来,我们都没在意。突然,他抢了我的手包就路。我边喊:“站住!”边追他,但是没追上,只得来这儿报案了。那个年轻人长的什么样?天黑我没看清楚,他又高又瘦,大约1.8米。你的包是什么样的?是个棕色的手包。包里有什么?我的护照和一些钱。包里有多少钱? 劳拉:大约1000元。 警察:还有什么吗?没了。我们会尽力调查,并且解决它。请看一下询问笔录,如果没有错误,请签名。好的。Lora: Sir, I want to report a robbery. Police: Sit down please. Whats your name, nationality and pers

19、onal status for coming to China? My names Lora. Im a Canadian student. What happened? About 9 oclock in the evening, when I was having a walk with my friend along Yu Min Road, a young Chinese fellow walked right up to us. We didnt pay any attention to him. Suddenly he snatched my handbag away and ra

20、n off. I shouted: stop. while running after him, but I failed to catch up with him and had to come here to report the case. What does the young fellow look like? I didnt see him clearly because it was so dark. He is tall and thin, about 1.8 meters.s your bag like? It is a brown handbag. What is in t

21、he bag? My passport, and some money. How much money is in the handbag? About one thousand yuan. Do you have anything to add? Nothing. OK. Police: Well do our best to look into the matter and handle it conscientiously. Please read this record of inquiry. If there is no mistake, please sign it.5. 110吗

22、?我的小孩走失了。你孩子是男孩还是女孩?多大了?何时丢失的?穿什么衣服?何时走失的?姓名?年龄?家在哪里?我们尽力找。四岁的女孩,上着红衬衣,下着花裙子。不要急,民警马上就帮您寻找。Foreigner: Is that 110? My baby has been lost his way.Policeman: Is your child a girl or a boy? How old is she? When she was lost? What was she wearing? When did he lose his way? What is his name and how old i

23、s he? And what is your home address? We will do our best to find him. A girl of 4 years old, she was in a red blouse and a colorful dress. Dont worry. We will get our colleagues help to look for her.6. A:您好,110报警台。 B:我要报案,我们家对过的大楼起火了。 A: 请您告诉我确切的地址。 B: 好的,我的地址是*区*街*号。 您能大致描述一下火势情况吗? 好的,大楼的三层在着火。看到有些

24、人困在里面,有些人在挥动着白色的毛巾,人们呼喊着求助。你们能快点吗? 好的,我们的民警和消防员马上就到,谢谢您打电话报警。 Hello, this is the emergency centre. I want to report an urgent case. A fire broke out in the building just opposite my house. Can you give me the address? Yes. The address is No. XXX, XXX Road, XXX District. Can you briefly describe the situation? Oh, yes. The third floor of the building is on fire. I can see some people trapped inside. Someone is waving a white towel. People inside are calling for help. Can you hurry? Yes, the police and firemen will be coming right away. Thank you for your call. Thank you!

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