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1、revision rv()n n. 修正visible vzbl adj. 明显的;看得见的lorry lr 卡车moderator mdret n. 调解人,缓和剂virtual vtjl adj. 虚拟的test this outstressful stresfl; -f()l adj. 紧张的proceedings prsidz n. 诉讼;行动, 会议记录recall rkl vt. 召回;回想起unreliable nrlab()l adj. 不可靠的;cross-examination krsig,zminein 盘问;交互讯问problematic prblmtk adj. 问题

2、的;有疑问的be it ideas or objectsskew skju 歪斜的or distortdsttsort things outproactive prktv adj. 有前瞻性的debris debri 碎片,残骸alleyways lwe n. 胡同;小巷agreeable grib()l adj. 令人愉快的get out and aboutdata gathering exerciseplot plt vt. 密谋diagrammatic ,dagrmtk adj. 图解的formunder the new grading systemretrospective retr(

3、)spektv adj. 回顾的falsely f:lsli 错误地exaggerate gzdret; eg- vi. 夸大;夸张lifting the gradesurban b()n adj. 城市的development is going on at a great pacebushland blnd n. 未开垦森林地带agricultural rkltrl 农业的;农艺的on the other side of the debatesprawl sprl vi. 蔓延childless taldls 无子女的malaria mler 内科 疟疾;瘴气infectious nfeks

4、 adj. 传染的more surprising perhaps is the fact thatunreliable nrlab()l adj. 不可靠的narrator nret n. 叙述者first-person charactermicroscope makrskp 显微镜magnification ,mgnfke()n n. 放大astonishing stn 惊人的;令人惊讶的 seismic sazmk adj. 地震的waveinternal ntn()l adj. 内部的structure of the Earthorganisms rgn,zm n. 生物 生物体irid

5、escence rdsns n. 彩虹色anti-reflective rflektv抗反射的coatings kutiz n. 涂料moth m n. 蛾it doesnt end therebio mimicry生物拟态interesting field of studysolar sl adj. 太阳的energyin full swing 活跃deadlines are fast approaching prt vt. 接近proofreading prufrid vt. 校对,校勘luxury lk()r n. 奢侈,奢华ofeliminate lmnet vt. 消除;排除cita

6、tionssate()n n. 引用,引证stakeholder stekhld(r) n. 利益相关者co-author ku: n. 合著者more down-to-earth daunt: adj. 实际的;现实的and less bureaucratic ,bjrkrtk; wayit has not been functioningf(k)()n as it shouldbear the brunt brnt n. 冲击;主要冲力 of .We are a relatively small conservatoire knsvtw n. 艺术学校;公立音乐学校alumni lmna

7、n. 男校友(alumnus的复数)The high demands that the course will put on themanthropologists ,nrpldst n. 人类学家;人类学者archaeologists,kldst n. 考古学家a window into our ancestorsnsest n. 始祖,祖先evolutioncomplement kmplm()nt n. 补语;余角;补足物scant sknt adj. 不足的informationexcavated ekskvet vt. 挖掘;开凿objectsrecurring rk adj. 循环的

8、motifsmtif n. 主题;动机outlinethousands of years priorstagsstg n. 牡鹿;不带女伴的舞客Both regions were inhabited nhbt vt. 栖息;居住于by hunter-gathererterrain tren n. 地理 地形,地势Barred owls大林鸮 tend to nest in the cavities kvti n. 洞of the numerous njum()rs adj. 许多的,很多的willow wl n. 柳树 oak k n. 橡树treesdense dens adj. 稠密的fo

9、restsThey feed on small mammals mml n. 哺乳类Reptiles reptal n. 爬行动物adaptable dptb()l adj. 适合的nocturnal nktn()l predator predt n. 捕食者old-growth forestFar from being endangered, the owls have expanded their range.Conservationists knsve()nst n. 自然资源保护论者oyster st n. 牡蛎mussel msl n. 蚌divers often descended

10、 to depths of over 100 feet on just one single breathconserve knsv vt. 保存heatpearl pl n. 珍珠divingcultured kltd adj. 人工培养的pearl farmstelecommuting telk,mjut n. 远程办公done properly, telecommuting makes good business sense and companies can make huge savings on their overheads vhedz n. 企业的日常管理费用a very ef

11、fective lure l(j) n. 诱惑to recruit rkrut vt. 补充;聘用;征募quality employeesenter into telecommuting agreementThe arrangement breaks down quickly if people start feeling isolated asletd adj. 孤立的;分离的or limited in their chances of moving up the ladder if they arent physically fzkll adv. 身体上in the office.fore

12、sight fsat n. 先见,远见It is vital to screen skrin vt. 筛选employees carefully to determine who will be able to prosper working away front the officeBe comfortable with that type of set-upIt is counterintuitive ,kantrntjutv adj. 违反直觉的We have choice overload vld n. 超载and it overwhelms vwelm vt. 压倒consumers

13、woven beehive bihav n. 蜂窝;蜂箱incrementally ,inkrimntli adv. 递增地;增值地 smallercarry it through to fruition fr()n n. 完成,成就;结果实embody mbd; em- vt. 体现hangover hv n. 宿醉;残留物encounter nkant; en- vt. 遭遇,邂逅;Individual roles need to be assigned san v. 分配the study of humanities hjmntz n. 人文学科intrinsic ntrnsk adj.

14、 本质的,固有的valueThat is an idea that still holds sway swe 影响;摇摆Better problem solvers slv n. 解决者conflict knflkt n. 冲突,矛盾 resolution rezlu()n n. 分辨率a pastime pstam n. 娱乐,消遣 for the Hawaiianskeep chiefs tif n. 首领in top physical conditionThis might have a knock-on effect on mate choicecichlid skld fish热带淡

15、水鱼sociologists,ssldst n. 社会学家running a community fete fet n. 祭祀;庆祝an indicator ndket n. 指示器for how healthy a community isHow trusting they are of othersinquiry nkwar n. 探究;调查;质询module mdjul n. 计 模块;组件;模数campaignskmpen vi. 作战;参加竞选;参加活动psychology sakld n. 心理学overdue vdju adj. 过期的;迟到的incur nk vt. 招致 产生

16、 a daily fineproposal prpz()l n. 提议,建议tide is turningNot only does homework have very little impact on childrens learning but it also puts unnecessary obligations blge()n n. 义务and responsibilities onto the parents.offspring fspr n. 后代,子孙reconcile rek()nsal vt. 使一致;使和解it with traditional scholarly pr

17、acticesdiscipline dspln n. 学科;纪律mpt adj. 狭窄的living conditionphysical or mental ment()l adj. 精神的well-beinganguish gw n. 痛苦;苦恼overcrowd vkrad vi. 过度拥挤vt. 使过度拥挤educational attainment tenm()nt n. 达到;成就synthetic snetkeco-tourism n. 生态旅游sustainable sstenb()l 可持续的, nature-basedwell-founded welfaudid adj. 有

18、根据的;理由充足的viable vabl adj. 可行的a marketing ploy pl n. 策略;活动;工作which supposedly spzdl adv. 可能;按照推测protect the environmentto name just a fewlegitimately liditimitli adv. 合理地;正当地conclusively knklu:sivli adv. 最后地;决定性地200 years ago roughly rfl 粗糙地coincides ,knsadwith the beginning of the industrial revolut

19、ion in the northern hemisphere hemsfn. 半球get going开始;出发;着手accelerate kselret vt. 使加快;使增速to my mindA subject thats probably close to all your heartshuman grader gred n. 分级机;分类机endangered ndendd adj. 濒临灭绝的speciesspiiz n. 物种;种类cod n. 鳕鱼;愚弄;哄骗Sharks are not able to repopulate ,ri:ppjuleit or reproduce r

20、iprdjus vt. 复制;繁殖themselves quicklyslow breeders brid n. 饲养员gestation deste()n n. 酝酿;怀孕;妊娠期 periodinnate net; net adj. 先天的;固有的upbringing pbr n. 教养;养育genealogy dinld; den- n. 宗谱;血统pedigree pedgri n. 血统;家谱or our ancestry nsestr n. 祖先;compilation kmple()n n. 编辑be traced back todomain d()men n. 领域recent

21、 new findings have been the talk of the anthropological ,nrpldkl adj. 人类学的community.previously envisaged nvzd; en- vt. 正视,面对It is highly improbable mprbb()l adj. 不大可能的the fires were started naturallytoss ts vt. 投掷the bones into the firedissertations,dste()n n. 论文,专题too broad and needs to be refined

22、rfand adj.精确的repeatedly rpitdl adv. 反复地principle prnsp()l n. 原理,原则aimfacilitate fsltet vt. 促进as alwaysthe expressive kspresv; ek- natureverbally adv. 口头地excavator ekskvet n. 挖掘机findbe skeptical skptkl adj. 怀疑的about the authenticity entst n. 真实性lifelong lafl learningembark mbk; em- on vi. 从事,着手;上船ent

23、husiastic n,juzstk; en- adj. 热情的learnerattributes trbjut n. 属性;特质multiple mltpl adj. 多重的locationsbirds cover long distances during their seasonal migration magre()n n. 迁移;移民separate sep()ret vt. 使分离extension ksten()n; ek- n. 延长;延期approach prt n. 方法;途径neighborhood neb,hd n. 附近;街坊cooperativekprtv adj.

24、 合作的; schemes skim n. 方案,计划environmentally sustainablesstenb()l adj. 可以忍受的serve a practical functionconventions knvnn惯例;会议rhythm r()m n. 节奏;韵律tutorial tjutrl adj. 辅导的;家庭教师的warehouse wehas n. 仓库remarkable rmkb()l adj. 卓越的untouchable nttb()l adj. 达不到的hands-on exhibits izibits n. 展览instruments nstrmnt n. 仪器of social changegraffiti grfit n. 墙上乱写乱画的东西(graffito的复数形式)beg to differbus shelter elt n. 庇护tags tg n. 标签scribble skrb()l n. 潦草写成的东西-likeaesthetic isetk; es- appeal adj. 美的;美学的scourge skd vt. 鞭打n. 鞭;灾祸many a town=many townsforerunner frn n.

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