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1、 time and again相当于“time and time again”,意思是“一次又一次地,再三地”,正合题意。at times指“有时,偶尔”。for the time being意思是“暂时”。不存在b项这种表达法。3. _he speaks softly is no proof that he is kind.a.Since b.As c.That d.Because that做主语从句he speaks softly的引导词,没有实际意义。4. Being extremely_to the cold,I do not like skating.a.sensitive

2、nseless c.insensitive d.sensible a sensitive“对某事很敏感”,后跟介词to.本句意思是:“我对冷很敏感,所以不喜欢滑冰。”5. I dont feel like_anything eat b.eating c.having eaten be eating b “feel like+doing sth.”,表示“想做某事”,后面只能跟动名词形式。6. I will do the clearing if you see_the lunch.a.out d.through see to sth.“料理,负责

3、处理”;see sb.out of“送某人到外面去”;see sb. off“送站(在火车站、机场、码头等地)送人”;see through sb.or sth.“看穿某人或某事”。从句意看,显然选项c意思合适。7. It was not until she had finished all her work_.a.did she return b.that she returned c.when she returned d.that did she return “it is not until that”是强调句型,“that”引导的从句用正常语序,而以“not until”开头的句子中

4、谓语要用倒装形式。8. He didnt seem to mind_the music while he was studying.a.them listening b.them to listen to c.when she returned d.that did she return “mind+动名词”表示介意某事。表示介意某人做某事用“mind one/ones doing sth.”。另外,listen是不及物动词,后面必须跟介词to.9. It seems as if the sun_round the earth since it rises in the east and se

5、ts in the west.a.circles circling c.has been circling d.were circling “as if”“似乎,好象”,太阳并不是绕着地球转,所以后面应该与事实相反的假设,要用虚拟语气。需要特别指明的是:“如果是一般的客观规律的陈述,则用一般现在时”。10._all the representatives still not there,the meeting was postponed for several hours.a.Because b.With c.By d.Without with加名词短语,表示原因,本句意思为:“因为

6、所有的代表还没有到场,会议被推迟了好几个小时”。而because(因为)引导的是原因状语从句,其后必须是个从句。by为“到为止”。11.If he_the storekeepers scissors,he would have forgotten to buy a pair.a.would not see b.had not seen c.having not seen d.has not seen 本题测试的是虚拟语气的用法,其中的条件从句用过去完成时had done,主句谓语用would/couldmight have+done.12.Copernicus maintained that

7、the earth_round the sun.a.moves b.moved c.moving d.move 表述永恒的真理或客观规律用一般现在时,不管主句谓语用什么时态。而“地球绕着太阳转”是客观规律,所以选a13.My wallet is nowhere to be found.I_it when I was on the bus.a.must drop b.should have dropped c.had dropped d.must have dropped must have+done用于推断过去某个时间肯定发生了的事情。14.His article is better than

8、_in the class.a.anyones b.anyone else c.anyone elses d.anyones else anyone else指除了句中提到的“他”之外的任何人,本句进行比较的是“文章”而不是人,因此选用不定式所有格anyone elses.15.There isnt much milk_is left in the bottle.a.what b.which c.whatever d.that 在不定式词much,或由much修饰的名词之后一般用关系代词that引导定语从句。16.I can speak_German.a.either Russian nor

9、b.neither Russian or Russian nor d.neither Russian nor 表示否定的并列连词neithernor可以引导两个并列的名词、形容词、副词或动词。17.He was very_to go,but he had no choice.a.ready b.willing c.reluctant d.hesitant reluctant“不愿的,勉强的”:“他非常不愿意去,但他别无选择”,所以,reluctant用的本句合适。hesitant“踌躇的,犹豫的”;ready“准备好的”;willing“愿意的”。18.He drove fast a

10、nd arrived an hour_of advance b.ahead c.abreast front ahead of“提前,预先”,ahead of schedule“比规定时间提前”,正合题意。本句意为“他开得很快,比规定时间早到了1小时。”in advance“事先,提前”,后面不跟介词。in front of“在前面”,表示位置,所以此处不合题意。19.The girl who found the ring received a generous_of five pounds.a.prize b.allowance c.income

11、ward reward“赏金,报酬”主要指“做了好事时被给予的酬谢”,用在本句正合适。prize“奖品,奖金”,主要指“赢得的奖励”;allowance“补贴”;income“收入”。20.William has cut his smoking_to five cigarettes a day.a.down b.short c.away cut down“削减,减少”;cut sth. down to“把减到(什么程度)”,是固定搭配,而且符合题意。21.Those people_a general understanding of the present situation.a.

12、lack of b.are lacking of c.lack d.are in lack lack (vt.) “缺乏,缺少”,直接跟宾语。作名词用时用lack of.22.Its_my power to make final decision on the b.out c.above d.beyond beyond“在之外”,beyond ones power“超出某人的能力”。23.“It was very cold testerday.”“_.”a.So was it b.So it was c.It so was d.Was it so so当“确实如此,是

13、这样”讲,主语与上一句的主语一致时,后跟陈述语序。当主语与前句的主语不一致,表示后者也如此时,so用倒装语序。24._you understand this rule,youll have no difficulty in dealing with such problems.a.While b.Though c.Unless d.Once once意思是“一旦”。while“当时候”;though“虽然”;unless“除非”。“一旦你明白了这个规则,处理类似的问题就不困难了。”显然,d符合句子意思的表达需要。25.Your bike needs_.Youd better do i righ

14、t now.a.clean be clean c.being cleaned clean need+to be done或need+doing都表示被动的动作。类似的动词还有want,require等。他们都是后面跟动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式。26.The driver pulled_at the traffic c.up d.out pull up“(车、马)停下”,符合句意。pull in“(火车)缓缓进站,(车辆)靠边停下”;pull out“(车、船)驶出,(司机)超车”;pull off“努力实现(计划等)”。27.Both

15、 of my brothers are now married,so I have two_.a.sister-ins-law b.sisters-in-law c.sisters-in-law d.sister-in-law “名词+副词/介词”或“副词/介词+名词”的复合名词,单数变复数时,只将中心名词变复数。如:on-lookon-looks;brother-in-lawbrothers-in-law.28.Two-thirds of his property_lost in the fire.a.was b.were c.are d.have been 以分数限定的名词做主语时,谓语的

16、单复数应同该名词保持一致,而不管分数是单数还是复数。此句中property(财产)是单数不可数名词,故用单数形式的动词。29.Hes working hard_.a.for fear that he will fail b.for fear he should fail c.lest he fails d.for case he would fail for fear (that)“惟恐,以免”,引导的从句用虚拟语气should+动词原形,should可省略。lest意思及用法类似。30.The teacher gave_the examination b.over c

17、.up d.out give out“分发,用完,耗尽”,符合句意。give off“发放出(气、光、热等)”;give up“放弃”;give over“交付”。阅读下面两篇短文,每篇后有五个问题,根据短文的内容从四选项中选项一个最佳答案。Passage 1.The agricultural revolution in the 19th century involved two things:the invention of labor-saving machinery and the deyelopment of scientific agriculture.Labor-saving ma

18、chinery naturally appeared first where labor was scarce.“In Europe,”said Thomas Jefferson,“the object is to make the most of their land,labor being abundant:here it is to make the most of our labor,land being abundant.”It was in America, therefore,that the great advances in 19th century agricultural

19、 machinery first came.At the opening of the century,with the exception of a crude plow farmers could have carried pracically all of the existing agricultural implements on their backs;by1860,most of the machinery inuse today had been designed in an early form.The most important of the early inventio

20、ns was the iron plow.As early as 1790 Charles Newbold of New Jersey had been working on the idea of a cast-iron plow and spent his entire fortune in introdueing his invention.The farmers,however,would have none of it,claiming that the iron poisoned the soil and made the weeds grow.Nevertheless,many

21、people devoted their attention to the plow,until in 1869 James Oliver of South Bend,Indiana,turned out the first chilled-still plow.?1. What is the main topic of the passage?a.The need for agricultural advances to help feed a growing population.b.The development of safer machines demanded by the lab

22、or movement.c.Machinery that contributed to the agricultural revolution.d.New Jersey as a leader in the agricultural revolution. 本文围绕农业革命和机器进行了论述。2. The expression “make the most of” in Line 4is closest in meaning to which of the following?a.get the best yield from b.raise the price of c.make full u

23、se of d.earn a living on make the mast of意思是“充分利用”,意同“make full use of”。3. Which of the following can be inferred from what Thomas Jefferson said?a.Europe was changing more quickly than America.b.Europe had greater need of farm machinery than America did.c.America was finally rnning out of good farm

24、land.d.There was a shortage of workers on American farm. 第一段最后一句提到在美国首先出现了先进的农业机器。前一句说土地多的地方要充分利用劳动力,说明美国相对来说“劳动力不足,土地富裕”。4. It can be inferred that the waord“here”in Line 4 refers to_.a.Europe b.America c.New Jersey d.Indiana “In Europe”,said Thomas Jefferson,“the object is to make the most of thei

25、r land,labor being abundant;here it is to make the most of our labor,land being abundant.”It was in America,therefore,that the great advances in 19th century agricultural machinery first came.从黑体部分可以清楚看出here指代“美国”。here与in Europe构成对比句子结构。5. What point is the autor making by stating that farmers could

26、 carry nearly all their tools on their backs?a.Farmers had few tools before the agricultural revolutionb.Americans were traditionally self-reliant.c.Life on the farm was extremely difficult.d.New tools were designed to be portable. 起初农民几乎可以背得了所有的工具,说明那时候工具又少又简单,与后来的大机器形成对比。Passages 2.There are many

27、problems connected with space travel.The first and greatest of themis gravity.If you let your pencil drop to the floor,you can see gravity in action.Everything is held down to the earth by magnetic force.A rocket must go at least 2,500miles an hour to take anyone beyond the gravity of the earth into

28、 space.Another problem is the strain(作用力) that a person is subjected to when a rocket leaves the ground.Anything that is not moving tends to resist movement.As the rocket leaves the ground,it pushes upward violently,and the person in the onse cone(驾驶舱) is pushed back against the chair.During this thrust,gravity exerts a force on the body equal to nine times its n

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