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1、送养 place out children for adoption监护人 guardian社会福利机构 social welfare institution收养人 adopter被收养人 adoptee无子女 childless收养协议 a written agreement on adopotion公证 notarize二、 短语和例句1. 享有独立监护权的父母 the parents entitled to sole custody of the child2. 同意申请人对小孩的监护申请 be consent to the childs adoption by petitioners3

2、. 该孩子是领养的适合主体 The child is a proper subject for adoption.4. 领养人有能力适当照顾并养活该未成年人 The petitioners are able to support and care properly for the child.5. 领养人的家对该未成年人来说是合适的 The petitioners home is suitable for the child.6. 领养人承诺在各个方面都会像照顾自己的合法子女一样照顾该领养孩子。 The petitioners agree to treat the child in all r

3、espects as their own lawful child.7. 各领养人同意另一方对该孩童的收养行为 Each petitioner consents to the adoption of the child by the other.8. 领养人和被领养人之间形成并维持一种法律上的父母、子女关系。由此,也享有父母、子女间相互享有的权利,负有父母、子女关系所应负担的义务。 Each petitioner and the child shall sustain toward each other the legal relation of parent and child, and h

4、ave all the rights and be subject to all the duties of that relation.9. 有抚养教育被收养人的能力 capable of rearing and educating the adoptee10. 收养人收养和送养人送养,须双方自愿 Adoption of a child and the placing out of the child for adoption shall both take place on a voluntary basis.三、中华人民共和国收养法Adopting Law of the Peoples

5、Republic of China第一条为保护合法的收养关系,维护收养关系当事人的权利,制定本法。 Article 1 This Law is enacted to protect the lawful adoptive relationship and to safe-guard the rights of parties involved in the adoptive relationship.第二条收养应当有利于被收养的未成年人的抚养、成长,保障被收养人和收养人的合法权益,遵循平等自愿的原则,并不得违背社会公德。Article 2 Adoption shall be in the in

6、terest of the upbringing and growth of adopted minors, in conformity with the principle of equality and voluntariness, and not in contravention of social morality.第三条收养不得违背计划生育的法律、法规。Article 3 Adoption shall not contravene laws and regulations on family planning.第二章 收养关系的成立CHAPTER II ESTABLISHMENT O

7、F ADOPTIVE RELATIONSHIP 第四条下列不满十四周岁的未成年人可以被收养:Article 4 Minors under the age of 14, as enumerated below, may be adopted:(一)丧失父母的孤儿;(1) orphans bereaved of parents;(二)查找不到生父母的弃婴和儿童;(2)abandoned infants or children whose parents cannot be ascertained or found; or(三)生父母有特殊困难无力抚养的子女。(3) children whose p

8、arents are unable to rear them due to unusual difficulties.第五条下列公民、组织可以作送养人:Article 5 The following citizens or institutions shall be entitled to place out children for adoption:(一)孤儿的监护人;(1) guardians of an orphan;(二)社会福利机构;(2) social welfare institutions;(三)有特殊困难无力抚养子女的生父母。(3) parents unable to re

9、ar their children due to unusual difficulties.第六条收养人应当同时具备下列条件:Article 6 Adopters shall meet simultaneously the following requirements:(一)无子女;(1) childless;(二)有抚养教育被收养人的能力;(2) capable of rearing and educating the adoptee; and第七条收养三代以内同辈旁系血亲的子女,可以不受本法第四条第三项、第五条第三项、第九条和被收养人不满十四周岁的限制。Article 7 Any chil

10、dless citizen who has reached the age of 35 may adopt a child belonging to a collateral relative by blood of the same generation and up to the third degree of kinship, irrespective of the restrictions specified in Item (3), Article 4; Item (3), Article 5; and Article 9 of this Law as well as the res

11、triction of a minor under the age of 14.华侨收养三代以内同辈旁系血亲的子女,还可以不受收养人无子女的限制。An overseas Chinese, in adopting a child belonging to a collateral relative by blood of the same generation and up to the third degree of kinship, may even be not subject to the adopters childless status.第八条收养人只能收养一名子女。Article

12、8 The adopter may adopt one child only, male or female.收养孤儿、残疾儿童或者社会福利机构抚养的查找不到生父母的弃婴和儿童,可以不受收养人无子女和收养一名的限制。Orphans or disabled children may be adopted irrespective of the restrictions that the adopter shall be childless, reach the age of 35 and adopt one child only.第九条无配偶的男性收养女性的,收养人与被收养人的年龄应当相差四十周

13、岁以上。Article 9 Where a male person without spouse adopts a female child, the age difference between the adopter and the adoptee shall be no less than 40 years.第十条生父母送养子女,须双方共同送养。生父母一方不明或者查找不到的可以单方送养。Article 10 Where the parents intend to place out their child for adoption, they must act in concert. I

14、f one parent cannot be ascertained or found, the other parent may place out the child for adoption alone.有配偶者收养子女,须夫妻共同收养。Where a person with spouse adopts a child, the husband and wife must adopt the child in concert.第十一条收养人收养与送养人送养,须双方自愿。Article 11 Adoption of a child and the placing out of the ch

15、ild for the adoption shall both take place on a voluntary basis.收养年满十周岁以上未成年人的,应当征得被收养人的同意。Where the adoption involves a minor aged 10 or more, the consent of the adoptee shall be obtained.第十二条未成年人的父母均不具备完全民事行为能力的,该未成年人的监护人不得将其送养,但父母对该未成年人有严重危害可能的除外。Article 12 If the parents of a minor are both pers

16、ons without full civil capacity, the guardian(s) of the minor may not place out him (her) for adoption, except when the parents may do serious harm to the minor.第十三条监护人送养未成年孤儿的,须征得有抚养义务的人同意。Article 13 Where a guardian intends to place out an orphaned minor for adoption, the guardian must obtain the

17、consent of the person who has obligations to support the orphan.有抚养义务的人不同意送养、监护人不愿意继续履行监护职责的,应当依照中华人民共和国民法通则的规定变更监护人。Where the person who has obligations to support the orphan disagrees to place out the orphan for adoption, and the guardian is unwilling to continue the performance of his guardianshi

18、p, it is necessary to change the guardian in accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Law of the Peoples Republic of China.第十四条继父或者继母经继子女的生父母同意,可以收养继子女,并可以不受本法第四条第三项、第五条第三项、第六条和被收养人不满十四周岁以及收养一名的限制。Article 14 A step-father or step-mother may, with the consent of the parents of the stepson

19、or step-daughter, adopt the step-son or step- daughter, and such adoption may be free from the restrictions specified in Item (3), Article 4; and Article 6 of this Law, as well as from the restriction that the adoptee must be under the age of 14.收养查找不到生父母的弃婴和儿童的,办理登记的民政部门应当在登记前予以公告。Article 15 Whoeve

20、r adopts an abandoned infant or child whose parents cannot be ascertained or found or an orphan in the care of a social welfare institution shall register the adoption with a civil affairs department.收养关系当事人愿意订立收养协议的,可以订立收养协议。Apart from the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a written agreement

21、on adoption shall be concluded by the adopter and the person placing out the child for adoption in accordance with the terms on adoption and on placing out a child for adoption provided by this Law. The adoption may also be notarized. 收养关系当事人各方或者一方要求办理收养公证的,应当办理收养公证。If the adopter or the person plac

22、ing out the child for adoption wishes that the adoption be notarized, the adoption shall be notarized.第十七条孤儿或者生父母无力抚养的子女,可以由生父母的亲属、朋友抚养。Article 16 Orphans or children whose parents are unable to rear them may be supported by relatives or friends of their parents.抚养人与被抚养人的关系不适用收养关系。The adoptive relat

23、ionship shall not apply to the relationship between the supporter and the supported.第十八条配偶一方死亡,另一方送养未成年子女的,死亡一方的父母有优先抚养的权利。Article 17 Where a spouse places out a minor child for adoption after the death of the other spouse, the parents of the deceased shall have the priority in rearing the child.第十九

24、条送养人不得以送养子女为理由违反计划生育的规定再生育子女。Article 18 Persons having placed out a child for adoption may not bear any more child, in violation of the regulations on family planning, on the ground of having placed out their child for adoption.第二十条严禁买卖儿童或者借收养名义买卖儿童。Article 19 It is strictly forbidden to buy or sell

25、 a child or to do so under the cloak of adoption.第二十一条外国人依照本法可以在中华人民共和国收养子女。Article 20 A foreigner may, in accordance with this Law, adopt a child (male or female) in the People外国人在中华人民共和国收养子女,应当经其所在国主管机关依照该国法律审查同意。收养人应当提供由其所在国有权机构出具的有关收养人的年龄、婚姻、职业、财产、健康、有无受过刑事处罚等状况的证明材料,该证明材料应当经其所在国外交机关或者外交机关授权的机构认

26、证,并经中华人民共和国驻该国使领馆认证。Article 21With respect to the adoption by a foreigner in the Peoples Republic of China, papers certifying such particulars of the adopter as age, marital status, profession, property, health and whether subjected once to criminal punishment shall be provided. Such certifying pape

27、rs shall be notarized by a notarial agency or notary of the country to which the adopter belongs, and the notarization shall be authenticated by the Embassy or Consulate of the Peoples Republic of China stationed in that country. 该收养人应当与送养人订立书面协议,亲自向省级人民政府民政部门登记。The adopter shall conclude a written

28、agreement with the person placing out the child for adoption, register in person the adoption with a Chinese civil affairs department and complete the procedure for notarizing the adoption at a designated notarial agency. The adoptive relationship shall be established as of the date of the notarizat

29、ion.第二十二条收养人、送养人要求保守收养秘密的,其他人应当尊重其意愿,不得泄露。When the adopter and the person placing out the child for adoption wish to make a secret of the adoption, others shall respect their wish and shall not make a disclosure thereof.第二十三条自收养关系成立之日起,养父母与养子女间的权利义务关系,适用法律关于父母子女关系的规定;养子女与养父母的近亲属间的权利义务关系,适用法律关于子女与父母的

30、近亲属关系的规定。Article 22 As of the date of establishment of the adoptive relationship, the legal provisions governing the relationship between parents and children shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between adoptive parents and adopted children; the legal provisions governing the re

31、lationship between children and close relatives of their parents shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between adopted children and close relatives of the adoptive parents. 养子女与生父母及其他近亲属间的权利义务关系,因收养关系的成立而消除。The rights and duties in the relationship between an adopted child and his or her parents and other close r

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