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1、信任reliabilityn可靠性,可信赖性,确实性13.displace vt.移动的位置displacementn移位,平移断层14.mass n团,块,堆,大量massiveadj.大量的,大规模的15.disappear vi.不见,消失disappearancen不见,消失16.admirable adj.可钦佩的;值得赞赏的admirevt.钦佩1.The air pollution and water pollution have endangered (danger) the life of the rare animals in the forest. 2.China is

2、known for her massive (mass) land and abundant natural resources.3.He turned around, went into the dark, and disappeared (disappearance) gradually.4.We must work hard, but equally we must get sufficient (sufficiency) rest.5.When the explosion broke out, I was almost scared to death, and the alarm sc

3、ared the hell out of many people.(scare)6.Several bombs exploded near the car and the explosion caused two deaths.(explode)7.John is very reliable if he promises to do something he will do it, so you can rely on him to help you when you are in trouble.(rely)8.Seeing a truck coming directly from the

4、opposite direction,_the car driver turned sharp right to avoid a headon collision.(direct)9.Tu Youyou is an admirable scientist in many peoples heart and we all admire her for her achievement in medicine.(admire)1.“惊讶”名词小结shock震惊,惊愕surprise 惊奇,诧异amazement 惊异,惊愕astonishment 惊讶2归纳“主要的,首要的”形容词chief 主要的

5、;main 主要的;最重要的major 主要的;主修的principal 主要的;leading 主要的;3.聚焦en前缀动词endanger危及enlarge 扩大enrich 丰富encourage 鼓励ensure 确保enable 使能够enforce 强制执行engage 参加;吸引4.否定前缀dis单词荟萃disappear vi.消失dislike v. 不喜欢disagree/disapprove v. 不同意discourage vt. 使泄气dishonest adj. 不诚实的disability n. 残疾;无能disadvantage n. 不利条件discomfor

6、t n. 不舒服二、短语用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.be_supposed_to_do被期望或要求;应该2.make_a_promise 答应,许诺3.show_up 露出,露面,出现4.break_out 突发,爆发5.be_in_danger 在危险中,垂危6.tower_above_. 大大高出;远远胜于7.draw_back 缩回,后退;收回(诺言等)8.take_away 拿走;使停止;减去;剥夺9.at_other_times 另一些时候10.up_to_. 多达,直至11.pull_sb._off_. 把某人从拉走12.for_the_most_part 通常,多半1.To

7、ms father made_a_promise that he would give him a reward if he passed the College Entrance Examination.2.If you take_away the attributive clauses, the sentences still make sense.3.Its reported that an armed conflict is likely to break_out between the two countries.4.Up_to now nobody has been able to

8、 do this better than Charlie Chaplin.5.Seeing a snake in the grass, the cat drew_back with fear.1.“makean.”短语集锦make a promise许诺make a face 做鬼脸make a difference 有影响make a bet 打赌make a decision 作出决定make a joke 开玩笑2.“v.back”短语一览draw back 缩回;后退call back 回电pay back 偿还,报答look back (on) 回顾hold back 控制住put

9、back 放回原处give back 归还,还给三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1. . rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.匆忙跑到他儿子就读的学校,却发现学校已被夷为平地。“onlyto do”作结果状语。我匆忙地赶到飞机场,却发现我的钱包丢了。I hurriedly got to the airport, only_to_find_my_wallet_lost.2.As he looked

10、at the pile of ruins that once was the school, he felt hopeless.当看着曾经的学校成为一片废墟时,他感到很绝望。as 引导时间状语从句。当火灾发生时,所有的学生正在熟睡。As_the_fire_broke_out,_all the students were sleeping soundly.3.No matter what happens, I know youll always be there for me!无论发生什么事情,我知道你总是和我在一起!“no matter特殊疑问词”引导让步状语从句。无论他说什么,不要相信他。D

11、ont trust him, no_matter_what/whatever_he_says.第一板块核心单词归纳集释1direct vt.对准;指路;指挥;导演adj.径直的;直接的;直率的adv.直接;亲自教材原句He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning.他开始将注意力对准他每天早上步行送儿子去学校上课的地方。(1)direct sb. to do sth.指示/命令某人做某事(2)direction n. 方向;方位;指点;指示;常用复数

12、说明书in all directionsin every direction 朝四面八方in the direction of . 朝方向(3)directly adv. 直接地,径直地 conj. 一就His boss directed him to_cancel (cancel) the meeting.老板指示他取消这次会议。Its only a small improvement but at least its a step in the right direction (direct)虽然这只是一个小小的改进,但至少是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步。名师指津direct作副词时,表示“亲

13、自,直接 (不经中间环节)”,相当于directly。作副词的 direct 通常位于动词后,而 directly 则既可位于动词前又可位于动词后。2scared adj.惊恐的;恐惧的;害怕的高考佳句Tony was scared and began to cry. (2015全国卷)托尼感到害怕,开始哭起来。(1)be scared of sb./sth.害怕某人/某物be scared of doing/to do sth. 害怕做某事be scared that . 害怕be scared to death 吓得要死(2)scare vt. 使恐惧,惊吓scare .away/off

14、把吓跑scare sb. into doing sth. 恐吓某人做某事He was scared to_stay (stay)outside after 19 oclock because he was scared of being robbed.19点以后他不敢待在外面,因为害怕被抢劫。It is not wise for parents to try to scare their children into behaving well.对父母而言,试图用吓唬的办法让孩子守规矩是不明智的。3rescue n/vt.营救;高考佳句I didnt become a serious climb

15、er until the fifth grade, when I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.(2014浙江高考单选)直到五年级的时候我才成为一名真正的攀登者,当时我去树上拿卡在树枝里的风筝。rescue .from .从中援救/救出come to ones/the rescue 前来救援/帮助某人go to ones rescue 去救援/帮助某人Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning buildi

16、ng.直升机从失火大楼的楼顶上救出了将近20人。We were about to close down the business, but the bank went/came_to_our_rescue with a huge loan.我们几乎要停业,但银行借出了一大笔钱救了我们。4mass n团,块,堆,大量经典例句The hill appeared as a black mass in the distance.远远地看去,那座山是黑压压一片。the mass of大多数a mass ofmasses of 许多,大量the masses 民众,平民Ive a_mass/masses_

17、of_things_to_do this morning.今天上午我要处理很多事。The mass of people in that country are (be) Christians.那个国家的大部分人是基督教徒。名师指津“a mass of/masses of/the mass of名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数与后面名词的数一致;the masses作主语时,谓语动词用复数。.基础点全练(单句语法填空/补全句子)1We are looking for someone who is reliable (rely) and hardworking.2I am shocked at the

18、 news that many pupils were killed in the terrible traffic accident.3Shortly after suffering from a massive (mass) earthquake and being reduced to ruins, the city took on a new look.4As shots rang out, the crowd ran screaming in all directions (direct)5The young dancers looked so charming in their b

19、eautiful clothes that we took masses of pictures of them.6On one hand, it is more convenient for people to get to Shanghai Museum which is_located_in (位于) the center of the city.7Its likely that this kind of disease will_endanger_your_life (将危及你的生命).重难点多练1scared多角度介、副词填空The high price is scaring awa

20、y/off possible buyers.I was nearly scared to death when hearing that big noise.Dont be scared of asking if you need any help.The salesman scared the old lady into signing the paper by threatening to take away the goods.2rescue全接触(1)单句语法填空They were trying every possible means to_rescue the miners tra

21、pped underground.A fireman rescued the two little children from the burning building.(2)根据汉语提示完成片段As soon as the accident happened, the rescue team came/went_to_the_victims_rescue,_and didnt give up any hope of rescuing_them_from danger.事故一发生,救援队就去营救受害者,并且不放弃拯救他们脱离危险的任何希望。.阅读词汇专练根据语境选出pile的词性和词义 A n

22、.堆 B n.大笔钱财 C v.堆积1He must have made a pile in his younger days as a successful businessman._B_2We put the books in piles on the floor._A_3The little boy is piling up his building blocks._C_ 第二板块短语句型归纳集释1be supposed to被期望或要求;应该,应当高考佳句As young people, we are supposed to work hard and enjoy our work,

23、no matter how ordinary it is.(2013广东高考写作)作为年轻人,我们应该努力工作,从工作中得到乐趣,无论它是多么平凡。(1)be supposed to do sth.应该做某事be supposed to have done sth. 本应该做某事(实际未做)be supposed to be . 被认为是(2)suppose/supposing (that) 假定/假如(3)I suppose so. 我认为是这样。I suppose not.I dont suppose so. 我认为不是这样。All his workmates suppose him to

24、_be (be) an expert in this field.他所有的同事都认为他是这个领域的专家。Will she come with us?No, I_suppose_not/I_dont_suppose_so.她会跟我们来吗?不,我想不会吧。名师指津suppose/supposing (that)以及assuming (that), providing/provided (that), given (that)可以作连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“如果,假如”,表示一种假设条件。2break out突发,爆发教材原句Fires are breaking out, explosions

25、are happening everywhere.火灾正在爆发,到处在发生爆炸。break into破门而入,强行闯入(后接宾语);突然开始(哭、唱等)break in 闯入;插话,打断break away from 突然挣脱,摆脱break down 出故障;(身体)垮掉;分解break up 结束;粉碎,破碎;解散Oldfashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters.(2013福建高考单选)在灾难中,当无线网络出故障时,老式的电话就变得重要起来。The ice will break up when

26、 the warm weather comes.天气转暖,冰层就会破裂。3As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, he felt hopeless.当看到曾经的学校成为一片废墟时,他感到很绝望。句中as意为“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。as作为连词的用法主要有:(1)“当的时候;一边一边;随着”,引导时间状语从句。They sang songs as_they_were_doing_farm_work.他们一边干农活,一边唱歌。(2)“如同;按照”,引导方式状语从句。When in Rome, do as_Rom

27、ans_do. 入乡随俗。(3)“因为;既然”,引导原因状语从句。As_all_of_you_are_in_favour_of_the_plan,_why not carry it out?既然你们都赞同这个计划,为什么不付诸实施呢?(4)“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。Tired_as_she_was,_she insisted on looking after her sick son by herself. Although/Though she was tired, she insisted on looking after her sick son by herself.尽管她很疲惫,但

28、她坚持亲自照顾生病的儿子。名师指津as意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句时,需将表语、状语等提前,其他成分保持陈述语序;名词提前时,去掉冠词。.基础点全练1单句语法填空When the fire broke out,_many people were shopping in the supermarket.Mr. White should have arrived at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up.Whether or not she will go is up to her to decide.The police came running and broke up the crowd.They reached the company out of breath, only to_be_told (tell) they were fired.The little boy was once in danger of losing his sight, but the doctor had helped him out of danger.2运用所学短语完成片段A big fire broke_o

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