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1、教学目的:To help students understand the importance of technical documentsTo help students see the characteristics of technical documents学时:2 hours教学内容:通信、信息交流、编写技术文件是每个科技工作者的日常工作,有许多事不能用电话或口头谈话解决。即使是网上作业,无纸文件还是离不了文字写作,只不过是在屏幕上写而已。科学技术文件越来越显得重要,如任何工程设计必须有完整清晰的说明书,任何科技工作都必须有精确完整的报告。正如些科学论文是科学研究工作者的必要工作,写

2、报告是科技工作者的日常事务。技术文件的重要性可概括性如下。1.1字和图像是信息的基本载体(Basic vehicle for communication)很自然地想到音响是传播信息最直接的工具,确实如此,人类在没有文字以前只能用声音传递信息。有了文字之后,音响的地位就被替代了。即使今天已经可以把音响记录下来,仍然以文字和图像作为信息的基本载体。因为听觉的功能无论如何不能与视觉相比。1.2 好的文件意味着高质量的产品(Good documents implying high-quality products)从产品开发阶段就注意到正确描述产品的结构与功能,直到最后形成完整的技术文件,这是现代文化

3、文明生产的必由之路,它本身就是不断的提高与积累经验的过程。技术人员都明确地认识:技术资料是产品研究与开发的不可缺少的组成部分,而不是它的附属物。1.3 写作的现代化更提高了技术文件的重要性(Hardware and software improvements elevating the importance of technical documents)文字及图像处理软、硬件进展显著,大大提高了处理文字、图像的功能与效率,近年来由于计算机辅助科技写作进展及网络化,科技文件更便于贮存,更便于国际交流,更能发挥其作用。2 科技应用文写作特点(Characteristics of technical

4、 writing)每一种科技应用文都有特定的目的和阅读对象。如果主要阅读对象是中学水平的,内容要浅一点,甚至要从宇宙速度开始讲;如果对象是一般工程师,内容不必太浅,似乎应该更多地讲一点。由此可见目的与对象是密切相关的。总之,技术文件的特殊要求就在与写作目的与对象的协调,下面再进一步阐述“目的”与“读者”的含义。2.1 目的及关键信息(Purpose and key Message)任何技术文件总有特定的目的。使读者了解或相信某些事物,从事某项工作,解决什么问题。文件中必须提供这些事物、工作、问题的关键信息,有效的表明文件的目的,简明清晰的陈述相应的关键信息,就是技术文件写作的核心。技术文件的写

5、作往往是一个集体创作,因为各个篇章可能涉及的多方面的要求和技术内涵,需要各方面提供信息或参加写作。无论是写作的作者、还是编辑者都必须对文件的目的有共同的认识。2.2 读者(Audiences)开始写作之前,首先要明确:谁是文件的读者?读者的要求是什么?然后回答如下读者的问题:读者需要哪一类信息;读者需要的信息量:详细说明还是一般介绍;读者对该问题的知识水平、技术水平。适应不同类型的读者的特点:管理人员更关心的是一般特征、历史背景、总体效益;技术人员更有兴趣的是技术细节,创新性,实用性与可靠性;普通用户最注意的是可靠性与性能价格比;年轻读者欢迎流行的、非正式的语言;年长者倾向于正轨,严谨的风格。

6、单位)简介、产品说明(Company/product introduction/description)To help students understand how to write Company/product introductionTo help students see the characteristics of each kind of description单位(公司)的一般介绍,产品性能说明。这是每个单位、产品不可缺少的技术资料。如果不含技术内容,就是一般广告。这份资料是一个单位的形象,反映一个单位的水平。不言而喻,这是一份十分重要的资料。写作风格和内容,应符合科

7、技写作要求。其严谨程度比科学论文一点也不逊色。由于这类文件往往有很高的技术含量,通常是有精通本行又熟悉英文科技写作的人员来起草。3.1 功能与格式 (Function and Format)There is a variety of ways of writing introduction /advertisements to introduce companies. While some introductions /advertisements are very short and brief, others are long and detailed. As for the conten

8、ts of the introductions /advertisements, however, they usually cover the following aspects, though the order may be different:1. General introduction(information) 概述1)Identity/Nature/history of the company 公司的性质2)Scale(Status)of the company 公司的规模(地位)3)General principle and aims of the company 公司开展业务

9、的宗旨2. Scope of business of the company 经营范围3. Information for further communication 联系地址及电话、电传号码等厂商介绍常用套语举例:The following expressions are often used to give the identity, principle, scale and scope of business when introducing a company.1.Nature of the companyis a specialized corporation engaged in

10、is a joint venture with independent legal person qualification invested (approved) byis a state-owned (private-owned) enterpriseis a company registered officially inis a legal entity with the authority to handleis one of the national first class enterprises. is a specialized foreign trade company di

11、rectly authorized by is a comprehensive business corporation with the status of a legal entityIt has been ranked one of the top 500foreign trade companies.2. scale of a companyOur company has set up branches or joint ventures in We have established steady business relations with clients in more than

12、 50 countries.hassubsidiaries across the country.has offices inhas been expanding extensively into a3.Principles of a companyThe guiding principle of our company isWe aim principally atThe company will follow its mottoWe will persist in (adhere to) the principle ofFollowing the principle of, the com

13、pany will has adopted a consistent policy ofBy adhering to and under the guidance of the principle of 4. Scope of a companyThe scope of our business isOur company mainly deals inOur business scope includesOur business line covers:这类文件趋向于采用统一的格式:标题、正文、结束语。标题与结束语往往只有几个字,不成句子。但是要写得妥帖、地道,必须精雕细刻,必须对文字的写作

14、目的与对象有透彻的了解。正文切忌冗长,空话套话连篇。要条理清晰,一句话一个意思。Applied Writing exercise in class: phrases writing/translation1.于香港开业 2. 扩大业务范围3. 指导原则 4. 创建初期5.以为首要目标 6.经营多种进出口和转口业务7.一贯秉持 原则 8. 真诚待客、信守诺言、服务周到9.优质/名牌食品 10.食用油11. 土产,畜产 12.农产品和海产品13.以生产优质食品为宗旨 14.不断努力15.达到/符合国际标准 16.建立良好信誉17.农业资源丰富 18.积极参与19.利用天然优势 20. 促进国际贸易

15、21.与保持密切联系 22.复合 精神23.同行 24.为 提供精心服务Homework:1译写出下列公司简介:中国太平洋保险公司是交通银行投资设立的股份资本保险企业。公司在全国有50多个分支机构。中国太平洋保险公司是具有法人地位的有限责权经济实体,实行董事会领导下的董事长管理体制。公司由总部统一领导,各级分别自负盈亏。2)大庆石化经济技术开发股份有限公司隶属于中国石油大庆石化总厂是1995年经过黑龙江体改委批准成立并在大庆高新技术产业开发区注册的股份制企业。公司位于大庆市龙凤区。现有生产及辅助装置18套,固定资产1.5亿元人民币。现有员工620人,其中具有中级以上技术职称22人。公司牢固树立

16、“爱国、创业、求实、奉献”的企业精神,广纳社会贤才,深入挖掘内部潜力,把最好的产品和最优良的服务奉献给社会作为企业追求的最终目标。公司坚持以“企业信誉谋生存,产品质量求发展”,于2003年通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证。2.每人找出至少一份产品简介(中英文都有),并总结出常用词语,(will be presented next time by students)3.2 练习Exercise 1 Liebherr- Aerospace 公司简介实例(有关用户服务部分)In addition to new structures for field assistance, on-time de

17、liveries, technical support and short repair turn-around-time, further development of Customer oriented skills and practice is taking place:Anticipation and imaginationResponsibility from the design of a product to the end of its life ContractsHelp the Customer by listening to its demands and sales.

18、As the original equipment manufacturer, they provide:24 hours/365days per year serviceTrainingReliability studiesMaintenance manualsService engineeringCustomer ServiceSpare manufactureListening to both, the aircraft manufacture and Airlines or Operators, the Liebherr- Aerospace company are offering

19、a dynamic Customer Service from a global network.We, the Liebherr-Aerospace companies, take care of the most valuable assets: Our Customers.文章是严格地按照科技文件的要求来写的,简明、扼要而有特色。Exercise 2写作实践:用英文写出下列公司简介:Transn(传神)联合信息技术有限公此是互联网时代新型语言服务提供商,效力于成为客户的虚拟语言部门(VLD),最大幅度降低客户的资金成本和时间成本,增强客户本地化和国际化过程中的竞争力,帮助客户更好地实现价

20、值。传神联合有着丰富的行业经验和积累,独创翻译过程管理(TPM)质量管理体系,将先进的管理技术、信息技术和互联网技术成功应用于翻译及本地化的过程控制及质量管理,依托分布全球的优秀语言专家,实现规模吞吐和系统化的质量控制,成为领先的产业化语言服务企业。公司秉承“专业、诚信、及时、增值”的服务理念,为国内外客户提供一流服务。参考答案:As a new type of language service provider in the internet era, TRANSN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD. is committed to serve as the Vir

21、tual Language Department of its clients. TRANSN provides its clients with instant translation service and let those clients spend less and get more, as well as enhance clients competitiveness in the business of localization and internationalization.With its rich experiences, TRANSN has a unique TPM

22、system that integrates advanced management, information and internet technologies for quality and process control of translation and localization tasks. Thanks to its numerous language experts strategically positioned all over the world, as well as its vast capacity with quality and process control

23、through IT system, the company is an established leader of industrialized language services.Adhering to the business philosophy of “Professionalism, Honesty, Timeliness, and Value-added,”TRANSN is poised to offer its first-class services to clients in both China and the rest of the world with guaran

24、teed satisfaction.EXERCISE 3Complete the following introduction /advertisement by translating the parts given in Chinese:China Pacific Insurance Company Ltd.General Introduction1. _(中国太平洋保险公司是一家股份有限公司). It is the second nationwide insurance company in China, the registered capital of which is one bi

25、llion yuan(Renminbi). Its Head Office is situated in Shanghai.2. _(中国太平洋保险公司在全国各地设有五十多个分支机构). The head office has appointed more than one hundred agents at various important ports and cities in over sixty countries and districts throughout the world to conduct survey on cargoes, settle claims and ef

26、fect recoveries on its behalf. And now it has offices in New York, London and Hong Kong.3. _ (中国太平洋保险公司将永远奉行自己的宗旨):Serve its Chinese and foreign clients with first rate service quality, first rate work efficiency and first rate company reputation.4. _ (业务经营范围):1) To underwrite different sorts of ins

27、urance, either in Renminbi or foreign currency.2) To transact reinsurance business at home and abroad and statutory insurance.3) To invest in securities and deal with other financial transactions.4) To establish agency relationship with Chinese and foreign insurance institutions and participate in i

28、nternational insurance activities.No.3 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, ChinaTel:2863010Fax:2865680Exercise 4译写出下列公司简介:大庆石化经济技术开发股份有限公司隶属于中国石油大庆石化总厂是1995年经过黑龙江体改委批准成立并在大庆高新技术产业开发区注册的股份制企业。DaQing Petrochemical Economic Technique Development Incorporated Company is a subsidary of PetroChina Company Limited DaQin

29、g Petrochemical Complex, which is a share system business enterprise that was approved by the system reforms the committee of Heilongjiang Province in 1995 and was registered in DaQing High-Tech Park. The company lies in the LongFeng district, DaQing City. Currently it owns 18 sets of production equipment and accessorial production equipment, 0.15billion CNYS of capital asserts. The company has 620 personnel in the staff , of whom 22 a

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