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1、 Ann, you look upset. Whats the matter with you? I dont know how to increase my writing speed.5. M: I study for a test by working with a group. What about you? I think the best way is by asking the teacher for help.第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第8三个小题。M:

2、Sue, Id like to talk with you about your school report. Yes, Dad. Im not happy about it. You got a C in the chemistry exam. What will you say about that? Im sorry. Thats not good enough. Your teacher says you are clever but lazy. Dont you think its important to work hard? Yes, but I spent a lot of t

3、ime swimming last term.听第7段材料,回答第9至第11三个小题。 Hello! This is English-help Center. Can I help you? Yes. I have some trouble with English. And what is your trouble? First, I cant speak English well. Dont worry. Why not join an English club to practice English? OK, Ill try it. Also I cant understand the

4、teacher when she talks to the class. Listening to more tapes will help a lot. Thank you very much. Ill do that as much as possible. Youre welcome. Wish you good luck.听第8段材料,回答第12至第15四个小题。 Lily, I started to learn English four years ago. Wow! Li Lei, thats not a short time. But I cant always improve

5、my grades. Whats difficult for you? Grammar. I dont know how to make up sentences. I think you should have some right ways to learn grammar. Oh? Could you give me some advice? Sure. First, learn some grammar rules. Next? Next, take grammar notes in class. You can also ask the teacher for help after

6、class. Hmm. Ill try to do that. And you could do grammar exercises. Thanks, Lily! Our English class begins at 8:30. We have only 5 minutes left. Lets hurry up. OK.听第9段材料,回答第16至第20五个小题。 (M) As a teacher for many years, I want to say something about good reader. A good reader is very much like a drive

7、r. He must change his reading speed to fit what he is reading, just as a driver does fit the road situation. A good reader may be able to read 1,000 words per minute, but he wont use that speed for everything he reads. A good reader may read at the speed of 1,000 words per minute as he looks for som

8、ething for his report in the library. But once he finds what is useful to him, he may need to slow down to 100 words per minute. A good reader may read newspaper and magazine articles at 600 words per minute. But it may take him 150 words per minute to read his science or math texts.Unit 2 Did you g

9、et any “lucky money” during the festival? Sure. Also, I ate lots of delicious dumplings. I went to Singapore this Spring Festival and Lin Tao visited Macao. What about you, Helen? Li Dong, I traveled to Thailand. Im going to Australia in July. To Australia? I believe that July is the coldest month o

10、f the year there. Do you like Halloween and Thanksgiving? Yes. But my favorite festival is Christmas. How nice the zongzi and the dumplings look! What will we buy? I think we should buy the mooncakes instead of them. Good evening, Mary. Im glad you can come. Thanks for inviting me, Wu Dong. You re w

11、elcome. Here are mooncakes. Would you like to have one? Yes, thank you. Look! It has fruits in it. Wow! How delicious! Would you like another one? May I .? Thanks. Oh, this is more delicious. Whats in it? Something yellow inside is an egg. Oh! Is it? Could I have one more? Linda, May Day is coming.

12、Are you going back to your hometown? Probably not. We only have three days off and it takes me almost a day to get back. Thats a pity. Do you miss your family? I surely miss them. I havent been back for five months. Thats a long time. It means you didnt go home for the Spring Festival either! Why? I

13、 went to the UK on business. Oh, I see. Have you heard that there would be a Dragon Boat race this afternoon? Yes, Sarah, it is a part of the Dragon Boat Festival, right? Yes. By the way, will you take part in it? Yes, seven girls and eight boys in my class will take part in the race. Sounds great!

14、Yeah, after the race, we will go to the restaurant nearby to have a big dinner. Huh. You must eat zongzi. Yes. You really know a lot about the Dragon Boat Festival. How do you know? From the radio this morning! All the news is about it! (W) Dear Sophie, Ive got your letter last Friday. Im very happy

15、 to hear that youre doing well. Its been about two months since you left. Im very glad to hear that your new job is interesting, but Im sorry to hear that you dont like Washington. I think youll like it better once you make more friends there. Good luck to you!Thank you very much for your invitation

16、, but Im very sorry that I cant go to your Christmas party on December 24th because my grandfather will come and visit my family that day. Im very sorry about that! I hope you can come to New York and spend the New Year holiday with us. Yours LucyUnit 31. W: Oh, I dont want to try the ride. It looks

17、 pretty scary. Cindy, I promise itll be fun and exciting.2. W: Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to the Sun Hotel? Sure. Turn right and then you can see a supermarket. The hotel is just on its left.3. W: Lets go there, OK? It serves delicious hot dogs. That sounds great.4. W: Bob, I think t

18、he amusement park is small but uncrowded. But its not clean. I dont want to go there again.5. W: I wonder if the bookstore closes at 5:00 p.m. On weekdays it does, but it closes two hours later on weekends. Excuse me, I wonder where I can get a toy. Go to the second floor and then turn left. Is it j

19、ust there? No. There, you can see a bookstore. Go past it, and you will see a toy store. Thanks. Could you tell me where the restroom is? Pardon? I wonder where I can find a toilet. Go to the third floor and then turn right. Mom, how can I get to the nearest post office? Go along Jianshe road; take

20、the second turning on your left. The post office is just next to the cinema. How long does it take me to get there on foot? About 20 minutes. Its 4:30 now. I remember the post office closes at 5 oclock. Youd better hurry up. Well, then I will go there by bike. OK. Take care of yourself on your way!

21、Could you please tell me where you live, Gina? Its between a police station and a supermarket. In an apartment or a house? In an apartment. Houses are too expensive. Whats your apartment like? Its small and old, but its convenient. Its very near my office. Which floor do you live on? The second floo

22、r. Quite good. Last Sunday, while I was waiting in line to buy some magazines in the post office, a thin old man in a dirty coat, came up to me. I could see easily that he was a countryman working in the city. He asked me, “Excuse me, could you tell me what I should write on the money order?” He wan

23、ted to send some money home but didnt know how to send it. Hearing his words, I said nothing and left the post office quickly.Ive been sad about this these days. I want to say sorry to him. I hope to feel better by doing this.Units 1-3 Cindy, do you learn about the Mid-Autumn Festival by watching TV

24、 or using the Internet? Neither. I get some information about it from my Chinese friends emails. Mary, do you think Christmas and Easter are both interesting? Of course. But I dont think theyre funnier than April Fools Day. Helen, what about going to Space World or WaterWorld? Lets go to Animal Worl

25、d instead. Excuse me, could you tell me where I can get some magazines? Sure. Go straight and turn left. You can see newspapers in the first store, magazines in the second store and novels in the third store. Alice, what do you think of your English teacher? He speaks too quickly and I cant understa

26、nd what he says. Gary, where did you go during the Spring Festival? I went to Taiwan. Really, is it beautiful? You know, Ive never been there before. Yes! The people there are very friendly and the food is very delicious. I eat six meals a day! I wonder if I will go there again. Actually, Im plannin

27、g to go there this summer holiday. Why dont we go there together? Hi, Sandra. Im calling to say hello to you. Hi, Peter. Is everything going well with you? Yes. Im having a good time in Paris. How is the weather there? Its very warm. Oh, its quite cold in Beijing. Would you like to come here for a vacation? Id love to. My father is going there on business next month. Maybe I can go with him. Great. I hope to see you soon. Hi

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