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1、不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第I卷(两部分,共105分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节。满分55分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题l5分,满分l5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1“What a miracle!”said the baker,looking at finished cake with satisfactionAa;the Bthe; C;a Dthe;a2一Are you satisfied with his grades?一YesIn fact,he couldnt have a resultAgood Bbett

2、er Cworse Dbad3 too early for his appointment,Winston decided to read the magazines to kill the timeAArrive BArriving CTo arrive DHaving arrived4Hey,where are you?At the railway stationMy train at 8:30 in the morningA1eaves Bis leaving Cwill have left Dwill leave5Was it on that lonely island he fami

3、ly finally settled down?Awhen Bwhere Cthat Dwhich6Its hard for elderly people to see convenience a smart phone can bring to us Awhich Bwhose Cwhat Dhow7They could have attended the awarding ceremony,but their flight due to the bad weatherAwas delaying Bhad been delayedChas delayed Dwas delayed8The s

4、cenic spot can attract 10,000 tourists every year, up to half are foreigners Aof which Bof whom Cin which Dfor whom9No matter appealing an advertisement is,remember that there is no such thing as a free lunchAwhat Bhow Cwhen Dwhich10We have booked two tickets for Romeo and Juliet ,sir.AIm sure BMy p

5、leasure CIts all right DIll check 第二节 完形填空(共30小题;11至20题,每小题1分;2140题,每小题15分。满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。AA fire completely destroyed my mobile home last yearFour months after I 11 the loan,I had to rebuild 12 what little I had savedI knew what I had in the bank woul

6、d not be enough l3 I began to rent out my RV,recreational vehicle(休旅车),as a way to help ends meetOne woman who had 14 a week in the RV called and told me she just found out from her 15 that she had cancer and that her husband thought they probably should not be spending unnecessarily but saving for

7、doctor billsHe felt that they should 16 the trip I could hear the disappointment in her 17 as she told me that she thought the trip was just what she and her family neededThen she asked me how much it would 18 if they only took the RV for a few days 19I was so moved by her story that I told her not

8、to worry about the 20I told her I wanted to give her and her family the trip for freeShe broke down into tears at the offerIt was a beautiful moment I would never forget11Atook over Bgot through Cpaid off Dlooked up12Awith Bthrough Cby Don13Aor Bso Cbut Dyet14Abought Brepaired Coffered Dreserved15Aa

9、dvisor Bdoctor Cdriver Dguide16Asupport Bsponsor Ccancel Ddamage17Adisease Bvoice Cfamily Dhealth18Aspend Btake Cearn Dcost19Aeither Bthough Canyway Dinstead20Areward Btreatment Cprofit DpaymentBOn a cold winter day in Denver,I waited in line to see my hero,Jack Canfield,the coauthor of the bestsell

10、ing Chicken Soup for the Soul series,aan 21 to thousands of peopleHe was wise,kind and 22 ,a visionary for what is possible in the worldI thought, “If I can get to know him,I will become thatWhen I saw the opportunity,I 23 itDuring his presentation,Jack reached for his wallet, 24 out a hundreddollar

11、 bill,and said “Who wants this?” Hands 25 up in the audience;people leaned forward to see who Jack would chooseBut I leapt up,ran up the stairs to the stage,and grabbed the 26 from his handAs I took the bill,he turned to me and said,“Yes,thats it! We cant 27 the opportunities to come to usWe must ta

12、ke action to 28 what we want!”After this talkI waited in 29 to meet Jack and asked for his personal e-mail addressOver the next several months,I sent him e-mails 30 my vision and dreamsHe kindly e-mailed back simple 31 such as “Keep thinking and playing bigger;its much more fun that wayLove,Jack” Th

13、en my life got 32 with other thingsI lost sight of my inspiration and I 33 e-mailing JackA year later,my dream gradually fadedI had this idea if I got back in touch with JackI 34 him again and again-but got no 35As I sat down at my computer to check my email for the fifth time,I 36 woke upWhat was I

14、 doing? Was I waiting for the 37 of life? Instantly,an inspiration came like lightning:We all have a “Jack” for whom we 38. Why not write aan 39 about this waiting and call it “Waiting for Jack”Three years later,Waiting for Jack is a bestseller on Amazon! And I have grown in ways I 40 expected21Aapp

15、roach Binspiration Cstrategy Dexperiment22Adoubtful Bavailable Csuccessful Ddemanding23Aseized Bdrew Cmissed Dsought24Afound Bmade C1et Dpulled25Aknocked Bturned Cpicked Dshot26Awallet Bticket Cbill Dchange27Aexpect Ballow Crecommend Dinstruct28Adetermine Bdestroy Cexchange Dcreate29Areturn B1ine Cv

16、ain Dadvance30Adisplaying Bsharing Cplanning Darranging31Aencouragements Bcomments Cconclusions Dquestions32Aeasy Bempty Chappy Dbusy33Achecked Bcontinued Cstopped Denjoyed34Atelephoned Bemailed Cread Dsearched35Arespect Bmercy Cresponse Ddirection36Agradually Bstrangely Ccarefully Dsuddenly37Abirth

17、 Bend Ctrouble Dprize38A1ive Bwait Cwork Dhunt39Abook B1etter Cemail Dnote40Aeven Bnever Cnearly Dalways第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 For most people,belowfreezing temperatures generally put a stop to outdoor exercise,but Siberian native Boris Fyodorov

18、is not most peopleMinutes after the calendar ticked over to this past 2014 New Years Eve,Fyodorov set off on a solo,outandback marathon run from his home in the Siberian village of Oymyakon,completing the 262-mile course-his first marathon-in just over five hoursDuring the run he experienced tempera

19、tures as low as -38oCAnd that was just the way he wanted it“I heard about other marathons around the globe,naming themselves the coldest,like the most recent North Pole marathon with runners going at -28oC Fyodorov told the Siberian Times“I thought surely this cannot be rightOur Oymyakon is the cold

20、est inhabited place in northern hemisphereWhy dont we arrange a marathon here?Oymyakon is widely considered to be one of the coldest places on the planet,and its record-low temperature of-68oC, recorded in 1933,is tied for the coldest recorded temperature for any inhabited place on EarthThe average

21、January temperature in the area is -50oCNot only did Fyodorov finish the marathon in high spirits,but he also wants it to be colder the next time he tries it“I really want to organize next Oymyakon marathon in January when the air goes down to -50oC or -60oC,”he saidFyodorov is not the first person

22、to take on a coldweather athletic challenge like thisIn addition to the North Pole Marathon that he mentioned,the Antarctica Marathon is held every year in late February,taking runners on an outandback tour from Russias Bellingshausen StationA second Antarctica eventthe Ice Marathonhas been held一80F

23、 degrees south since 200641Whats the best title of the passage?AHow cold is too cold for an ice runner BSports in cold areas of the worldCWhere iS it too cold for humans DThe Antarctic Ice Marathon42What does Fyodorov think about the North Pole Marathon?AThe runners are too slow BThe distance is a l

24、ittle shorterCIt is not cold enough DIt set a new world record of marathon43Why did Fyodorov plan his marathon in Oymyakon?ABecause Oymyakon is one of the coldest places in the worldBBecause Fyodorov is more popular in OymyakonCBecause Fyodorov loves Oymyakon and plans to live thereDBecause Oymyakon

25、 has the best route for a marathon44We can learn from the last paragraph that .AAntarctica Marathon is held in Russia every yearBthe Ice Marathon is the coldest marathon in the worldCsimilar marothons take place in cold parts of the worldDFyodorov are planning an Antarctica Marathon45Which part of a

26、 newspaper does the article come from?AHealth BEducationCCulture DSportsThroughout life,change is the only thing that seems constantChange has come to my 1ife many ways,in myself,and in my surroundingsAt the same time,some things stay the sameThis is when traditions are formedI am often reminded of

27、this by the photograph that sits by my bedIt all began with a kiss on my very first day of schoolI remember dancing around the mirror,watching as my dark blue dress created a teacup around my waistI admired the little ruffle(褶边)of my shirt collar and how it matched perfectly with the trim at the bot

28、tom of my dressI knew I would be the envy of all my classmates But somehow,something was missingI reached under my bed for the large box of bows(蝴蝶结),in every color imaginable,that I was famous forI picked out a white one that would match my shirt and carefully ran to my momShe fastened the finishin

29、g touch to my short brown hair and I was ready for my very first day of school After admiring myself in the mirror,I heard my mom yell,“picture time!” I dashed downstairs where my mum led to the spotI absolutely loved getting my picture takenAfter several individual shots and some with my older sist

30、er,Katherine,my dad came for a picture with us togetherAs I climbed onto my dads lap,he wrapped his arms around Katherine and me and we both leaned in to kiss him on the cheekAt that moment,mum snapped the shot and our tradition beganFrom them on,every year when the first day of school rolled around,we continued our tradition of pictures in the yardThe picture grew

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