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1、5.They are used for (改变鞋的式样)。6.The (电池供电的)tennis racket is Li Mings invention.四句型转换(改为被动语态)1.We use stamps for sending letters.2.Chinese speak English as a second language.3.I told him about it yesterday.4.Teachers should allow teenagers to wear their own clothes.5.We can see stars at night.6.She ha

2、s made some mistakes.7.Kate took good care of the baby yesterday evening.8.His aunt bought him a bicycle.Section A 3a4一 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。1.begin 2.take 3.go 4.have 5.make 7.bring 8.teach 9.give 10.leave 14.prefer 16.paly17.plan 18.write 二用所给词的适当形式补全句子1.-When the tel

3、ephone ?-I think it in 1876.(invent)2.-What are microwave ovens used for?- They are used for (scoop)really cold ice cream.3.Many beautiful presents (buy)for the teachers last Sunday.4.The thief (catch) by the police at last.5.The new computers (give) to the village school as pressnts last month.三句型转

4、换。1.She was seen to come out of the library by him.(改为主动语态)He out of the library.2.When are trees often planted?(改为主动语态)When people often plant?3.Did the students wear the school clothes a lot? (改为被动语态) The school clothes a lot?4.Our swinmming pool was built in 2008 .(就划线部分提问) our swinmming pool bui

5、lt?5.When are the flowers often watered? (改为主动语态)When often the flowers?6.We must take good care of the books.(改为被动语态)The books must good care of. 四 翻译句子1. 计算机是何时发明的?2. 谁发明了计算机?3. 计算机是用来做什么的?4. 你认为什么是最有用的发明?5. 它能够给人们更多时间工作和玩耍。Section B 1a2c1.hear 3.sit 4.get 5.know 6.choose e 8.sleep 9.keep

6、10.say( )1.The box can a used to used by used in used as( )2.This kind of car is made B.of C.from ( )3.Look! Here comes our school bus. -No hurry.Dont get on it it has stopped.A.after B.until C.since D.when( )4.He is often heard playing the piano.A.practi

7、cing B.practice C.practices practice( )5.It was Edison who the light bulb.A.found B.made C.invented D.produced( )6.I dont like eating chocolate.The taste is too .A.crispy B.salty C.sour D.sweet( )7.Our classroom every cleaning cleaned C.are cleaned D.cleans( )8.Yesterday I too

8、k Toms schoolbag mistake mistake C.with mistake D.for mistake1.We saw Mr Chen walk into the teaching building.(改为被动语态)2.They were invented last year .(就划线部分提问)3.Students should write something in library.(改为被动语态)4.were, they, by, invented, Julie Thompson. (连词成句), told, was, good

9、, she, as soon as, the, arrived, she.(连词成句)三.完成句子。1.顾客最后终于高兴了。The customer was happy .2.这个顾客说这个薯条不够脆。The customer said that the potato chips werent .3.乔治想让顾客高兴。George wanted the customer .4.薯条是一个名Crum的厨师发明的The potato chips a chef Crum.5.昨天这个厨师往鱼上面撒了许多盐。The lots of salt the fish yesterday.Section B 3

10、aSelf Check1.偶然 2.被带到西方世界3.被发现 4.一个古老的传说5.在一户外火堆上 6.一棵附近的灌木7.注意到某人做了/正在做某事8.产生一种令人愉悦的气味9.一种的混合物10.从到 11.把扔给某人12.掉进水里二.单项选择( )1.My mother often does the shopping in Yiyou Department Store.A.near B.nearby C.nearly to( )2.The band played many songs, some of my favorites.A.including B.include C.i

11、ncluded D.includes( )3. it rained yesterday, I went on a trip.A.Although B.But C.Because D.And( )4.He was boiling water an open fire yesterday.A.on B.over D.above( )5.He worked very hard.he got good grades in the final examination last year.A.In this way B.On the way C.By the way D.All the way

12、( )6.“”means any kind of drinks except water.A.Beverage B.Food C.Fruit D.Vegetable( )7.The chef some pepper on the chicken just now.A.sprinkled B.threw C.made D.cooked( )8. our football team won.A.By the end B.In the end C.At the end of D.Final三根据句意及汉语提示补全句子。1. (扔)the ball to your sister.2.There are

13、 two (面包房)near my house.3.You have been in prison six times (根据)our records.4.Its said that tea was invented by an emperor (偶然).5.Do you often play with (飞碟)?6. (柠檬)is a kind of beverage.7.A (世纪)is a hundred years.8.Flowers always produce (令人愉快的)smells.9.The (传说)has a long history.10.Confucius lived

14、 in (古代的)China.Reading1.这项深受喜爱且有活力的运动 2.创造某物 3.木头地板4.与某人相撞 5.把分成6.的目标 7.从篮下投篮 8.朝移动 9.发展某物10.从那时以来 11.篮球的普及12.的数量( )1.Your city looks beautiful! -Yes.Lots of trees and grass last year.A.are planted B.have planted C.were planting D.were planted( )2.To make our city more beautiful,we must remember tha

15、t rubbish (垃圾)into the river.A.neednt be thrown B.mustnt be thrown C.cant throw D.may not know( )3.If you want some more salt,just some them.A make,on B.leave,in C.keep,in D.sprinkle,on( )4.English is widely used travelers and business peple all over the world.A.for ( )5.What is the m

16、ost helpful invention? -I think the most helpful invention is the think B.I think do think you think( )6.What is mom cooking in the kitchen? -Chicken, I guess.How nice it !A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.tastes( )7.The teacher the students two teams.A divide,to B.divided,into C

17、.divided,in D.divide,into( )8.Answer the question according the B.for D.to三完成句子1.他掉进河里了。He the river.2.一直到1610年,茶才传到西方国家。 Tea the western world 1610.3.这个故事是中国一个古老的传说。This story is legend.4.什么时候发现新大陆的?When the New Land ?5.它们是用来照明的。They are used for .6.你认为什么发明是最有用的? do you think is inve

18、ntion?7.电灯可以延长人们每天工作和玩耍的时间。Light bulbs can give people and every day.Unit 1 What would you do单元过关测试笔试部分(120分)I.单项选择(10分)( ) 1. Ia big house for my family if Ia lot of money.A. would buy。 have B. would buy。 had C. will buy。 had D. will buy。 will have( ) 2. If Iyou, Ithe job.A. am。 will take B. was。 w

19、ould take C. were。 would take D. are。 will take( ) 3. Without electricity human lifequite different today.A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be( ) 4. Ill be back before Christmas.I wish youback before Thanksgiving.A. come B. would come C. will come D. came( ) 5. The number 2,340,000 is rea

20、d as.A. two million three hundred and forty thousandB. two millions three hundreds and forty thousandC. two millions three hundreds forty thousandD. two millions three hundreds forty thousands( ) 6. I dont know if Ianyone at the party this evening. If Ianyone, I will get nervous.A. will know。 wont k

21、now B. will know。 dont knowC. know。 wont know D. know。( ) 7. I dont knowto do next.A. what B. how C2 where D. why( ) 8. If someone get into , we should help him.A. terrible B. trouble C. an argument D. habits( ) 9.I think they are hardly tired, _?A. arent they B. are they C. dont I D. do I( ) 10. Yo

22、u didnt embarrass me.A. in slight B. in the slight C. in the slightest D. at the slightestII.完型填空(10分)Alice and Mike are riding on Mikes motorbike and talking about Alices problem.Mike: Whats the matter with you, Alice? You look very 1 today.Alice: Its my neighbors 2 . He keeps barking and barking.

23、I couldnt sleep last night. Thats too 3. Have you talked to your neighbor about this problem? Im afraid to. He looks rough. 4 of his neighbors would like to talk to him. Sounds bad! 5 is a real problem in our life today. 6 . Another of my neighbors plays his TV set loudly late into the night, and st

24、ill another neighbor plays his CDs loudly, too. I feel sorry for you. My neighborhood is 7 , but where I work, its always noisy. It seems theres construction (建筑) going on all the time, inside the building and outside. Well, I guess unless we move to the 8 , were just going to have to get used to al

25、l the noise. 9? I said, well have to get used to this city noise. Speak louder! I cant 10 you. My motorbike is too loud!( ) 1. A. pleased B. nervous C. tired D. well( ) 2. A. dog B. baby C. telephone D. parrot( ) 3. A. late B. bad C. nice D. early( ) 4. A. All B. Most C. Some D. None( ) 5. A. Rubbis

26、h B. Voice C. Noise D. Sound( ) 6. A. I dont believe you B. I fully agree with you C. I hope so D. Tell me something else( ) 7. A. quiet B. dirty C. noisy D. clean( ) 8. A. city B. center C. town D. countryside( ) 9. A. Where B. What C. Why D. How( ) 10. A. hear B. call C. answer D. tellIII.阅读理解(28分

27、)A. A woman was at the cinema,and she was enjoying the film very much,but there was a man in the next seat,and he began looking on the floor under him.The woman was angry and whispered “What are you doing there?What are you looking for?” “A piece of hard chocolate(巧克力),”the man whispered to her.“I dropped it on the floor.” “A piece of chocolate?” the woman said angrily.“Its dirty now! Take this and be quiet,please! Im listening to the film!” She gave the man a big piece of chocolate.“But,” the man said,“my teeth are in the piece on the fl

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