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1、保密义务 duty of secrecy保密专利 secret patent被授予专利权人姓名 name of grantee被异议人 person challanged本国商标 national mark本国申请项目 domestic filing data本国注册 home registrationindex of inventor and patentee 发明人与专利人索引index of patent specification 专利说明书索引indication of manufacture under license 特许制造标记applicant 申请人individual r

2、equest for patent family 同族专利单项服务individual survey for family 同族(专利)单项调查industrial applicability of invention 发明的工业实用性industrial design 工业品外观设计industrial development patents 工业发展专利权industrial monopoly 工业独占informal application 非正式的申请infringing use 侵权使用initial down payment 入门费abandonment of a patent a

3、pplication 放弃专利申请application awaiting examination 待审查的申请innocent infringement 非有意侵权INPADOC Data Base 国际专利文献中心数据库INPADOC Patent Gazette 国际专利文献中心的专利公报inspection of the patent register 专利登记簿的查阅institute of patent agents 专利代理人协会institute of patentees and inventors 专利权人和发明人协会institute of trademark agents

4、 商标代理人协会insufficient disclosure 不充分公开intellectual property 知识产权intention of clause 条款的意旨application document 申请案文件inter-dependence of patent 专利的互相依赖性interdependent patents 相互依存的专利interfering application 抵触的申请interfering patent 抵触的专利interfering patentee 抵触的专利权人international application 国际申请Internatio

5、nal Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks 商标注册用的商品和服务国际分类法International Convention on Patents 国际专利权公约International Patent Classification 国际专利分类international registration of marks 商标的国际注册invention and creation 发明创造invention of employee 雇员发明共同发明 joint inven

6、tion共同发明人 co-inventor/joint inventor共同申请 joint application共同申请人 co-applicant共同使用权 right of joint use共同使用人 co-user/joint userbrand name 商标名称共同市场欧洲专利公约 Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market共同所有人 co-proprietor/joint owner共同体专利 community patent共享专利协定 patent pool agreement共有专利 joint pa

7、tent构思日期 conception date雇员发明 employee invention/invention of employeebrief description of invention 发明的简要说明国别专利目录 national catalog of patents国际代理人 world wide agent国际申请 international application国际专利分类 International Patent Classification国际专利权公约 International Convention on Patents国际专利文献中心的专利公报 INPADOC

8、Patent Gazette国际专利文献中心数据库 INPADOC Data Base国家申请 national application国家收费 national fee国家注册 national registrationBritish patent 英国专利国家专利 national patent国家专利馆藏 state patent collection国内申请 domestic application合同生效 entry into force of the contract缺乏发明单一性 lack unity of invention缺乏新颖性 lack of noveltycarry

9、out an invention 实施发明确定发明人的身份 determining the identity of the inventor确立要求保护的范围 define the limite of the protection claimeddelay in issue 延迟颁发delay payment of the official 延期支付法定费用delayed examination 推迟的审查delayed filing 延迟申请admissibility of trade mark 准许商标注册的条件demand for international preliminary ex

10、amination 请求国际(申请)初步审查demand for renewal 要求续展demand the assignment of a right 要求转让权利department of patent administration 专利管理部dependent invention 从属发明dependent patent 从属专利depreciation on franchises 专利折旧deprivation of a right 权利的剥夺description of invention 发明说明书description of trademark 商标说明advanced pat

11、ent course 高级专利进修班descriptive trademark 图形商标design act 外观设计法design application 外观设计申请design law 外观设计法design patent 设计专利外观设计专利design register 外观设计注册簿designated office 指定局designation of agent 代理人的指派affixation of a mark on goods 在商品上缀附商标detailed description of invention 发明的详细说明determination of patentab

12、ility 专利性的确定determining the identity of the inventor 确定发明人的身份dicision of a patent application 专利申请的分类案diminish the protection granted to the trademark 缩短对商标的保护direct license 直接许可证disclosure of invention 发明的公开discretionary clause 自由处理条款discretionary power 自由处理权力discretionary provision 自由处理规定aggregate

13、 value of invention 发明的总价值discriminating conduct 辨别方法dispense with royalties 免除使用费distinctive feature 显着特点distinctive mark 显着的商标division of applications 申请的分案document code 文件代码domestic application 国内申请domestic filing data 本国申请项目dominant patent 主专利entry year 登记年essence of invention 发明的实质alleged new i

14、nvention 宣称的新发明essential part of mark 商标主要部分establishment procedure of the patent agencies 专利代理机构的审批权限European Patent Convention 欧洲专利公约European Patent Report 欧洲专利通报eventual utility model application 最终的实用新型申请ex rights 无权利examination as to novelty 新颖性审查examination as to substance 实质审查examination boar

15、d 审查委员会patent of introduction 进口专利patent of invention 发明专利patent of revalidation 再效专利patent of utility model 实用新型专利patent office 专利局patent owner 专利所有人patent pending 专利未决application refused 已被拒绝的申请patent policy 专利政策patent pool agreement 共享专利协定patent pool 专利共享patent pooling system 专利共享制度patent propert

16、y 专利产权patent protection 专利保护patent register 专利登记簿patent regulation 专利实施细则patent renewed 续展专利patent report 专利报告application regulation 申请规则patent royalty 专利权使用费patent rules 专利实施细则patent search 专利调查patent specification 专利说明书appointed date 指定日patentability 专利性patented article 专利物品patented invention 专利发明

17、patented inventor 自称的发明人patented method 专利方法an application filing 提出申请filing date of application 申请提出日filing office 受理处filing patent applications in foreign countries 向外国申请专利final date 最终日final fee 最後年费final registration 最後登记final term 最终期限find anticipation 发现占先first application 第一次申请first foreign a

18、pplication 第一次国外申请announcement of invalidation of patent right 宣告专利权无效first inventor 第一个发明人first period of protection 第一个保护期first to file system 先申请制first to file 先申请first to invent principle 先发明原则first to invent system 先发明制first to invent 先发明first using right 先用权foreground invention 前景发明foreign app

19、lication 外国申请annual maintenance for a patent application 专利申请的每年维持费foreign filing authorization 授权向国外申请foreign patent 外国专利foreign protection 外国保护foreign protective right 外国的保护权forfeited application 已丧失的申请form of application 申请表form of request 请求书格式formal examination 形式审查former proprietor of a right

20、权利的前所有人former states 在先的状态anticipate an invention 占先的发明correspending report 相应的报告转让申明 declaration of assignment转让申请 assign an application转让手续费 transfer fee转让专利 assign a patent转送费 transmittal fee准许商标注册的条件 admissibility of trade mark准许申请 allowing an application资料交换协议 date exchange agreement自称的发明人 pate

21、nted inventor自留本 本国副本nhome copyadditional application 增补申请corresponding patent search 相应的专利检索发明的工业实用性 industrial applicability of invention发明的公开 disclosure of invention发明的简要说明 brief description of invention发明的利益 benefit of invention发明的利用 exploitation of invention发明的实质 essence of invention发明的特点 chara

22、cteristic feature of invention发明的详细说明 detailed description of invention发明的新颖性 novely of inventionabuse of monopoly 独占权的滥用持有人发明的性质 nature of invention发明的总价值 aggregate value of invention发明构思 inventive concept发明人 auther of inventioninventor发明人的确证 corroboration of invention发明人的声明 declaration of inventor

23、ship发明人姓名 name of inventor发明人与专利人索引 index of inventor and patentee发明人证书 inventor certificatebelated opposition 延误的异议发明说明书 description of invention发明物 invention发明项目 object of invention发明摘要 abstract of invention发明者 inventor/originator发明专利 patent of invention发明专利权 patent for invention发现占先 find anticipa

24、tion发行年 year of issuebenefit of invention 发明的利益发证费 issuance fee发证日 date of issue法定权限 official competence方法专利 process patent防卫性公布程序 defensive publication program放弃申请 abandend application放弃专利权 abandonment of a patent植物专利 plant patent纸面专利 paper patent指定国 designated state指定局 designated office指定日 appoint

25、ed date指定日期 appointed daycomptroller general of patent 专利局长制造厂商标 manufacturers brand中国专利权 Chinese patent right终止和期满的专利 patent ceased and expired终止专利 lapsed patent重复授予专利 double patent主权标志 emblem of sovereignty主任审查员 examiner in chief主申请 main applicationparent application主要名称 main titleconception date

26、构思日期主专利 dominant patentmain patentmaster patentprinciple patent主专利的开始日 date of commencement of the main patent注册簿 register注册登记 registerregistration注册登记号 number of registration注册期间 period of registrationconcurrent application 同时(提出的)申请注册日 date of registration注册申请 application for registration注册所有人 own

27、er of registration专利(权,证,品,件,证书,发明) patent专利案件 patent case专利保护 patent protection专利保护范围 scope of patent protection专利保护类别 categories of patent专利报告 patent report专利标记 patent markingconditions of patentability 专利性的条件专利表格 patents sheet在本国申请 application in home country在後的申请 later applicationcomplete application 完整的申请在後的选定 later election在商品上缀附商标 affixation of a mark on goods在审案的文档 files of the case in court在先的发明人 prior inventor在先的专利 prior patent在先的状态 former states在先申请人 prior applicant在先要求 prior claiming在专利局听证 hearing before the patent office在专利中要求保护 claimed in a patentcomplete description 完整的说明

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