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学年八年级英语下学期期中试题 人教新目标版Word文档格式.docx

1、matterwithDavid? A.Hehasaheadache. B. Hecough. C. Hesorethroat.( )12.didCindydoatoldpeoples home?Shesangsongs. B.readnewspaper.C.cleanedroom.( )13.Jimmyhavetofirst?Tofoldclothes. washsweepfloor.( )14.isKimsadviceforKelly?GivingHelencall. WritingletterHelen. Sendingane-mailHelen.( )15.Mary8:00yesterd

2、aymorning?Doingherhomework. BMakingbreakfast. Listeningmusic. 长对话理解(共5小题; 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。( )16.5oclockafternoon? Ahis BHelpinghousework.CReadingbook.( )17.Whowritingreportthen?Billfather. B.Billsbrother. C.sister.听下面一段对话,回答第18至20小题。( )18.whatTony?headache.stomachache.toothach

3、e.( )19.Tonyeattoday?A. Ice-creamandapples.B. Ice-creambread.Bread( )20.doctoraskdo?takerest.morefood.somemedicine. 短文理解(共5小题; 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。( )21.WhereNancycomefrom?Canada. B.England. C.America.( )22.shegetshomeinhelpsclothes.cleanhouse.cookdinner.( )23.H

4、owlongithomework?Thirtyminutes. B.Sixtyminutes. C.Ninetyminutes.( )24.Whengopeopleshome?OnSaturdaymorning. B. Onafternoon.Sunday( ) 25.feelaboutlife?Busytired.buthappy.CrazyV.信息转换(共5小题;你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。InformationSheetItsuddenlybeganrain(26)_ oclockafternoon.OurChineseteacher(27)

5、_ toofficethattime.Someboysweregoing(28)_ andtheygotwetrain.Manystudentstalkingbad(29)_ inclassroom.Thestopped(30)_ minuteslater.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分)VI单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )31.-Mom, shall we go to the beach tomorrow? -It _ the weather. A. carries on B. live

6、s on C. depends on D. holds on( )32. Accidents always happen _, so be careful while youre on the streets. A. hopefully B. suddenly C. usually D. luckily( )33. Mr. Green gets up at 6 oclock every day_ he can get on the early bus. A. so that B. in order to C. as long as D. as soon as ( )34. Mum got th

7、e feeling of _ when she knew I did well at school. A. situation B. discussion C. invitation D. satisfaction( )35. Since you are too busy, you could _ a few of your activities. A. cut up B. cut out C. cut off D. cut into ( )36.- Could you come and spend the weekend with us? -_ I have to prepare for m

8、y coming exam. A. I hope so. B. I agree. C. Im afraid I cant. D. Good idea. ( )37. - Could I borrow your CD player? -_. Ann borrowed it from me yesterday.A. Yes, you can. B. Sorry, you cant. C. Yes, you could D. What a( )38 - We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet.-Really? Will you pl

9、ease show me _? A. what to use B. how to use it C. how can I use it D. Sorry, you couldnt( )39. _Damings help , the problems are solved successfully . A .As for B Thanks for C Thanks to D Without ( )40.It is not enough _ only the classroom clean.A. keeping B. to keep C. kept D. keeps( )41. -Would yo

10、u like the red shirt or the black one?-_. Id like the white one. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None ( )42-What should I do if I have problems _ ? -You should take some medicine.A. breathe B. to breathe C. breathing D. breathes( )43 Our sports meeting _ for three hours.A. finished B. continued C. e

11、xplained D. returned( )44.-Ted wanted to see you ten minutes ago. -I _ soccer in the playground with my friendA. played B. play C. playing D. was playing( )45.Parents often _ their children _some good living conditions.A. offer; to B. provide; for C. offer; for D. provide; withVII完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,

12、满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AOnce there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered (坏脾气的) and never gave way to46. One day the father 47 to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He48 his son to buy some meat in town. When the son walked towards the town gate(大门), a man was coming

13、 from the outside. The gate wasnt 49enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But neither of50 would give way to the other. They stood straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. But the father was worried. What shall I do? My son hasnt 51yet. I cant wait any more. He wanted to k

14、now what was the52 with his son. So he left his friends at home, and went to town53his son. You may first take the54home for my friends. Let me55here against him instead. he said to his son when he knew what had happened. ( )46. A. one B. another C. other D. others )47. A. decided B. decides decide

15、D. decision)48. A. hopedB. toldlet D. tells )49. A. longB. wide high D. tall )50. A. their B. theyC. themD. theirs )51. A. goneB. boughtC. returned D. been )52. A. wrongB. accident C. thingD. matter )53. A. to look for B. look forC. to find D. found )54. A. meatB. dinner C. bread D. money )55. A. st

16、oodB. standsC. standD. standingBIt was time to make dinner at Joey and Lucys house. Lucys mom was busy_56_ dinner. She was cooking chicken, rice, mashed potatoes(土豆泥),and salad for dinner_57_it began to rain. Lucy was helping her mom_58_ the mashed potatoes, and Joey was putting tomatoes in the sala

17、d. When dinner was ready, Lucy called for Dad to come to the dinner table to eat. To her surprise, she saw her father _59_ against the window! “Dad, dinners ready,” said Lucy. “Come and _60_us, please.”Soon they all sat at the table to eat dinner. Everyone finished all of their dinner except(除.以外) J

18、oey, who wouldnt touch his salad. “I dont like salad,” he said. “You should eat _61_.” said Mom. “ Its healthy for you.” Joey tried not to eat salad_62_, but finally he had to finish the rest of his food without saying anything. When dinner was over, it rained_63_. Dad and Lucy were doing the dishes

19、_64_ Mom and Joey were relaxing in the living room. They had to wait for the rain to _65_ so that Lucy and Joey could play outside.( )56. A. make B. to make C. making D. made( )57. A. when B. while C. after D. before( )58. A. cut B. buy C. beat D. make( )59. A. sleeps B. sleeping C. sleep D. to slee

20、p ( )60.A. rise B. join C. help D. remember( )61. A. them B. one C. it D. something( )62.A. at last B. at first C. right now D. in silence( )63.A. heavily B. heavy C. strong D. strongly( )64.A. but B. although C. until D. while( )65. A. come out B. walk by C. make sure D. die down第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45

21、分)VIII补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,期中有两个选项为多余选项。A. Were you carrying an umbrella? B. No, it wasnt C. Did you walk home alone? D. What were they doing?E. I dont think youre telling the truth. F. I was seeing a movie in the cinema. G. When did the movie start?A: Now, Mr. Green, wh

22、at were you doing between 7:00 and 9:00 last night?B: 66_ Were your wife and children with you? No, they werent. 67_. They were watching TV at home. I see. Now, was it raining when you went into the cinema? Yes, I think so. 68_ No. It wasnt raining heavily. Was it raining when you left the cinema? 6

23、9_ And was your wife waiting for you outside? No, of course not. 70 _. Someone saw you outside the cinema, in the rain carrying an umbrella, with your wife-and it was 7:30 p.m.!IX阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)The train started moving. There were many people of all ages. Most of them were working men and wo

24、men and young college boys and girls. Near the window sat an old man with his son, who looked about thirty years old.As the train moved, the son was filled with joy because he was very excited at the scenery(风景)outside. He said in a high voice, “See, Dad, the green trees and the scenery are very beautiful!” It made the other people feel very strange. Everyone started talking in a low voice about the old mans son. A few minutes later it started raining. Raindrops fell on the travelers through the opened window. Seeing the rain, the old mans son said happily, “See ,Dad, how beautif

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