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英语高考一轮复习 单元练习 选修六 Unit 3Word文档格式.docx

1、答案Atake the risk of.“冒着(做)的危险”;at risk“处于危险中;处境危险”。3(2014杭州学军中学模拟)I havent seen_ Maggie since I came here.Aas lovely a girl as Bso a lovely girl asCgirl as lovely as Das a lovely girl as答案A句意:自从来到这里,我还从未见过像马吉这么可爱的女孩呢。“so/as/how/tooadj.a/ann.”或“sucha/anadj.n.”为固定结构。4He felt_of cheating in the exam,de

2、ciding never to do such things again.Ashame BashamedCsorry Dshameful答案Bbe/feel ashamed of“因而羞愧”,符合题意。shame不用于此结构;sorry应与介词for连用;shameful用来形容事物,意为“令人感到可耻的”。5(江苏卷)So far we have done a lot to build a lowcarbon economy,but it is_ideal.We have to work still harder.Anext to Bfar fromCout of Ddue to答案B句意:

3、到目前为止,我们已经做了很多工作来打造低碳经济,但是还远不理想。我们还必须更加努力工作。next to意为“几乎,差不多;紧邻着”;far from意为“远非;远离”;out of意为“自离开;出于”;due to意为“由于”,相当于because of。6(天津卷)We feel_our duty to make our country a better place.Ait Bthis Cthat Done答案A考查代词it的用法。句意:我们感到使我们的国家变得更好是我们的责任。句中使用了“feelit宾语补足语to do”句式,其中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语to make ou

4、r country a better place。故选A。7Are you ready to leave?Almost.Ill be ready to go as soon as I_ putting the clean dishes away.Aget through Bgive upCgo on Dset about答案Aget through完成,接通电话,经历;give up放弃;go on继续;set about开始,着手做。你要离开吗?马上,我把盘子放好就走。8Usually what the teacher says will have a deep_on a child.Ama

5、rk BeffectCsatisfaction Dexpression答案Bhave a deep effect on对产生深远影响。考查短语中的介词搭配。9Like some of my classmates,I cant live up to my teachers expectations;_,I let them down.Ain other words Bafter allCwhats more Dmore or less答案A下句解释上句讲的意思时,用thats to say或in other words表示。10(2014浙江省浙东北三校模拟)Im sorry that I ca

6、nt go to your party tonight._?Havent we agreed on it?AWhat is it BWhy dont youCWhat do you think DHow is it答案D考查交际用语。对不起,我今晚不能参加你的宴会了。怎么会这样呢?我们不是说好了吗?11_your advice,I would have been caught in the traffic and I wouldnt have been there on time.AIn spite of BBut forCDue to DAs for要不是因为你的建议,我就会遇到交通堵塞不会

7、按时到那儿了。A项,尽管;B项,要不是;C项,因为;D项,至于,关于。12Those who become too_to cigarettes will find_hard to give them up.Aaddicted;that Baddicted;itCrelated;that Drelated;那些对香烟成瘾的人发现很难戒掉。become addicted to“对上瘾”;find do sth“发现干某事”。13Do you feel like_there or shall we take a bus?Id like to walk,but since there

8、 isnt much time left,Id rather we_a taxi.Ato walk;take Bwalking;tookCto walk;took Dwalking;take答案Bfeel like doing sth.想做,愿意做;would rather后引导从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气,即要用一般过去时,表示“宁愿做”。14David felt_of the foolish thing he had done in the classroom.Ashameful BashamedCshamed Dshaming答案Bshameful通常用来作定语;be ashamed of

9、感到惭愧;shame作及物动词时,表示“使感到羞愧”,C、D是其两种分词形式,一般不构成固定搭配。结合语境和空格后的介词可知应选B。15How do you find Qingdao,Mary?Its a beautiful seaside city.I have_it for my next holiday.Adecided on Btried onCtaken on Dcarried on答案Adecide on选定;try sth on试穿(衣物);take on呈现;carry on进行某事,继续做。结合空后面的for my next holiday,可知选A。16(2014浙大附中高

10、三质检)They are quiet, arent they?Yes.They are accustomed _ at meals.Ato talk Bto not talkCto talking Dto not talking答案D句意:“他们挺安静的,不是吗?”“是的,他们习惯吃饭时不说话。”be accustomed to.“习惯于”,其中to是介词,接动词时须用动词的ing形式。17_ the heavy rain and flooding, lots of people have been forced to leave their homes.AIn spite of BDue t

11、oCBecause DSince由于大雨和洪涝造成许多人被迫离开他们的家园。in spite of“尽管;不管”和due to“由于”后接名词或短语,because和since后接句子,故选B项。18Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people _ smoking.Aquit Brefuse Cignore Dprevent答案A医生们正在做研究,目的是弄清楚当人们停止吸烟时身体会发生什么变化。quit意为“放弃;停止”,符合句意。19(2013四川卷)The traffic on the

12、main streets has a longer green signal than_on the small ones.Aone Bthis Cthat Dit答案C句意:主街上的绿灯信号比小街道上的绿灯信号时间长。本题考查代词的用法。由空格后on the small ones表特指,排除A、B,同名异物故排除D项。20John was seriously injured in a car accident this morning and was in danger._ He was well when I met him yesterday.AYou dont say!BI could

13、nt agree more.CYou can say that again!DNothing to say.答案A约翰今天早上出了一场严重的车祸,生命垂危。真的吗?昨天我见他时他还好好的。根据“He was well when I met him yesterday.”可知说话人很惊讶。A项表示惊讶,意为“不会吧”,符合语境。B项意为“完全同意”;C项表示赞同,意为“说得好”;D项意为“无话可说”。.完形填空When I was a young child,my parents often told me that it is time that teaches a man everythin

14、g.I didnt understand and wondered why _1_had such a big influence_2_a person.I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult.But now,_3_I come to knock at the door of adulthood,I feel_4_to express my own _5_on this saying.I know that Im just a high school student with very_6_ experience

15、s.There are still many things _7_me in the future,yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice.I once read this sentence:To make this world a happy place to live in,youd better_8_yourself and your heart,instead of the whole world.I was shocked.It made me think about life_9_There are so man

16、y things around us that _10_our will.We cant force life to _11_ our wishes.The earth wont stop turning no matter whether we _12_ it or not.What we can do is just to make ourselves _13_the world.I think we should learn to accept _14_life gives us,no matter whether its the spring sunlight or the winte

17、r snowfall,and try to be happy.Deeply moved by the pop song Grandmother(by Jay Chou),I always try to _15_every pleasant thing in my life,but now I see I dont catch most of the pleasant moments.It is more_16_that they slip by and leave you feeling _17_I realize that Im not just living for myself and

18、that there are the others around me I should _18_They all pay attention to my growing up,even if its just a little progress.Everyone has his or her own attitude towards life whether it is positive or_19_ .It doesnt matter,I think.There is one _20_that should be obeyedand thats to make this world bet

19、ter.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文中的“我”从父母告诉“我”的一句话中学会了生活,懂得了生活,学会了适应社会。许多时候我们还是要改变自己来适应这个世界,而不是改变世界让世界来适应自己! Btime Cthing Dparent答案B由上文“it is time that teaches a man everything”可知,此处是指“我”想知道为什么时间对一个人会有如此大的影响。2A.about Bwith Con Din答案Chave an influence on sb/sth意为“对有影响/作用”。3A.before Bafter Cas Dwhen答案A下文

20、中提到“我”还是中学生,故此句应表示“我”尚未成年,即在“敲成年的大门之前”。4A.anxious Bworried Ctired Dglad答案A此处是指现在不到成年“我”就急于表达自己的想法。anxious“渴望的”,be anxious to do sth“渴望做某事”。worried“担心的”;tired“疲倦的”;glad“高兴的”。 5A.beliefs BopinionsCconfidences Dexpressions答案B这里是指“我”想要发表自己的观点。belief“信任,信仰”;opinion“观点”;confidence“信心”;expression“表达,表情”。下文

21、“express myself in a childish voice”也有提示。6A.a few Blittle Cfew Da little答案C空格后是可数名词,首先排除B和D。“我”是名中学生,不可能阅历丰富,故答案为C。7A.waiting for Bsticking withCdealing with Ddoing with答案A“我”是名中学生,人生路长,所以将来还有许多事等着自己(去做)。stick with“紧跟,不离开(某人,以便得到帮助)”;deal with“处理,对待,涉及”;do with“处理”。8A.ask BchangeCexchange Dforce答案B根

22、据下文语境可推知,要使这个世界成为可以快乐生活的地方,你最好改变自己和自己的内心而不是改变整个世界。ask,exchange和force均与语境不符。9A.myself BitselfConeself Dthemselves答案B依据语境,此处是指想到生活本身,而非想到了自己。10A.go with Bgo alongCgo ahead Dgo against答案D由下文“We cant force life to_11_our wishes.”可知此处表示人生总有一些不如意的地方,go against意为“违背,不利于”,符合语境。 Bstate Carouse Dfo

23、llow我们不可能强迫生活遵循我们的愿望。follow ones wishes意为“遵循某人的愿望”。12A.receive BacceptCrefuse Dapprove答案B前句说“The earth wont stop turning”,故此处是指无论我们接受这个事实与否,它都不会改变。receive“收到,接待”;accept“接受,接收”;refuse“拒绝”;approve“批准,同意”。 Bsuit Cbeat Dmatch答案B由上文内容可知,此处表示“我们能做的只是使我们适应这个世界”。suit“满足(某人)需要,合(某人)心意”;fit多指大小适合,吻合;ma

24、tch指大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或相称;beat“打,击败”。14A.what Bwhere Cwhich Dwhy答案Awhat引导宾语从句,且在从句中作“gives”的宾语。15A.miss Bcatch Cescape Dlose答案B下文“.but now I see I dont catch.”有提示。16A.probably BlikelyCpossibly Dunlikely答案BIt is likely(adj.)that从句表示“很可能”。17A.regretful BawfulCsuccessful Dterrible答案A快乐时光溜掉了,留下的是遗憾。regretfu

25、l“遗憾的”;awful“可怕的”;successful“成功的”;terrible“可怕的”。18A.think of Bcomplain ofCdream of Dspeak of答案A由“Im not just living for myself”可知,此处是指“我”还应想到周围的其他人。19A.wrong BfalseCnegative Dtrue答案Cor前后表示的意思相反(积极的态度还是消极的态度),故答案为C。20A.point Brule Cthing Dword答案B注意空格处与obey的搭配。point“点,要点”;rule“规则,准则”;word“字,话,消息,诺言”。.

26、阅读理解STUDENT LIFE AT CANTERBURY COLLEGE Most of the courses at Canterbury College only take up four days of the week, leaving one day free for independent study. The atmosphere at the College is that of an adult environment where a relationship of mutual respect is encouraged between students and tut

27、ors.Canterbury is a student city with several institutes of further and higher education.The city centre is just a fiveminute walk from the Canterbury College, easily accessible in lunch or study breaks. Canterbury College has developed strong international links over the years and, as a result, man

28、y students have the opportunity of visiting and working in a European country in the course of their studies.Students Union and SRCAll students are automatically members of the Canterbury College Students Union (CCSU) and can attend meetings.The Union is very active and is run by an Executive Committee elected by students in the Autumn Term.The President is elected every summer term t

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