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1、Many people went to the party,me included(including me)许多人参加了聚会,包括我在内。contain/include辨析(1)contain指作为组成部分而被“含有”或“容纳”在内,是内容物的包括。(2)include指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去,是范围的包括。(1)This atlas(地图册)_40 maps,_3 of the Great Britain.Acontains;including Bincludes;containingCcontains;containing Dincludes;including(2)At lea

2、st twenty people were injured in the car accident,three children_.Acontained Bincluding Cwere included Dincluded3.celebrate vt.&vi.庆祝How do people celebrate New Year in your country?你们国家的人怎样庆祝新年?celebration n 庆祝;典礼;庆祝会celebrate Christmas/ones birthday 庆祝圣诞节/某人的生日have/hold a celebration 举行一个庆祝会in cel

3、ebration of. 为了庆祝congratulate sb on sth /doing sth 祝贺某人某事/做某事congratulations to sb on sth /doing sth 祝贺某人某事/做某事congratulate/celebrate辨析(1)congratulate的意思是“祝贺”,其宾语必须是人,使用congratulate sb on sth 结构;也常用其复数形式congratulations。(2)celebrate的宾语是物,如节日、结婚纪念日、生日等令人欢乐的事情或日子。用congratulate,celebrate填空(1)We held a p

4、arty in_of this victory.(2)I offered my_on his success.(3)We held a_to_his birthday.(4)In the_,we_him on his promotion.4.darkness n黑暗I can see nothing in the darkness.在黑暗中我什么也看不见。The city centre was plunged into darkness by the power cut.市中心因停电变得一片漆黑。darkness/dark辨析darkness与dark没有绝对的区别。但darkness常指一时

5、的黑暗;dark表示经常或长时间的黑暗,用时须加the,另外它与介词at,before,after连用表示“黄昏”“傍晚”。keep sth in the dark 暗中做某事keep sth dark 对某事保密keep sb in the dark 对某人保密用dark的有关短语填空(1)They all knew the truth.Only I was _ _ _.(2)Its wrong for them to keep it _ _ _.5.destroy v破坏,毁坏The building was pletely destroyed by fire.这个建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。

6、All my hopes were destroyed by his letter of refusal.他回信拒绝,我的希望完全破灭。They have destroyed all the evidence.他们销毁了一切证据。destruction n 破坏,摧毁destructive adj. 造成毁灭或严重破坏的destroy/damage/harm辨析(1)destroy常指毁灭性的破坏。(2)damage可指不同程度的损害、破坏。(3)harm一般指身心、健康、名声的损害。(1)The noises not only make it difficult to sleep,but t

7、hey are _ damage to our houses and shops.Adoing Bmaking Cputting Draising(2)The heavy rain_the hope of a picnic.Adamaged Bdestroyed Charmed Dhurt(3)He was lucky enough to escape being killed in the accident,but his car was pletely_.Adamaged Bstruck Cfailed Ddestroyed6.serve(1)vt.为服务,效力We should serv

8、e the people heart and soul.我们应该全心全意为人民服务。(2)vt.接待,招呼(顾客等)The shop assistant is serving a customer.商店服务员正在接待一位顾客。First e,first served.先来者先被接待。(先来后到)(3)vt.端上(饭菜),供应饮食serve sb with sth 拿来招待某人;供应The waiter served us with wine.服务生给我们倒酒。(4)vt.&vt.服刑,服役,担任职务The soldier has served in the army for 3 years.那

9、个士兵已服3年兵役。The man served a long sentence in prison for his crime.那个人为他犯的罪要长期服刑。(5)serve as 担任(某职务),充任;权当,当用He served two terms as president.他担任过两届总统。When they slept in the open,dry leaves served as blanket.当他们在野外睡觉时,干树叶就当毛毯用。翻译句子:(1)他服侍主人多年。_(2)他拿出水果来招待我们。7.swallow(1)vt.& vi.吞;咽He had a sore throat

10、and found it difficult to swallow.他嗓子疼,觉得咽东西困难。(2)vt.吞没;吞噬The waves swallowed up the boat.浪涛吞噬船只。(3)n.吞;Take the medicine at one swallow.一口把药吞下。(4)n.燕子One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。(谚语)完成句子:(1)Its difficult for you to _(吞下整个鸡蛋)(2)洪水吞没一切挡在它路上的东西。8.mess n混乱 in a mess乱七八糟 make a mess 搞乱Your

11、books and magazines are almost in a mess; go and put them in order.你的书和杂志简直乱七八糟,去把它们整理一下。Margies bedroom was in a _, with books and papers covering every possible surface.Alitter Bdisorder Cmess Drubbish 9.adopt v采纳;收养Our school has adopted a new teaching method.我们学校采用了一种新的教学法。They are not my real p

12、arents; I am adopted.他们不是我的亲生父母,我是被收养的。Those children had to _ their parents suggestion.Aadmit Badopt Cadapt Dadd10.honour n荣誉v给予某人荣誉an honour to sb 给予某人荣誉have the honour to do sth have the honour of doing sth 有做的荣幸in honour of sb / sth 向表示敬意;为纪念Will you honour me with a visit?可否请您光临?He was honoured

13、 as a man of courage.他被尊为勇者。She is an honour to our school.她是我校的光荣。May I have the honour of dancing with you?我有荣幸与你跳舞吗?(1)I feel greatly honoured _ into your group.Ato wele Bweling Cto be weled Dweled(2)The street was named after a great man_ his great contributions to the city.Ain honour of Binstea

14、d of Cin case of Din need of答案:1.A句意:我们办公室有这样一个惯例,那就是当有人过生日的时候,他们会带块蛋糕来和我们一起分享。tradition 传统;balance 平衡;concern 关心,担心;relationship 关系。(1)traditional(2)tradition2.(1)A(2)D3.(1)celebration(2)congratulations(3)celebration;celebrate(4)celebration;congratulated4.(1)in the dark(2)in the dark5.(1)A(2)B(3)D6

15、.(1)He has served his master for many years.(2)He served us with fruit.7.(1)swallow a whole egg(2)The flood swallowed everything in its way.8.C句意:麦奇的卧室乱七八糟,书和纸弄得到处都是。mess意为“零乱状态”;litter意为“废纸屑,垃圾,破烂”;disorder意为“杂乱,混乱,无秩序”;rubbish意为“垃圾,废物”。9.B句意:那些孩子不得不采纳父母的建议。admit 承认;adopt 采纳;adapt 适应;add添加。10.(1)C句

16、意:受到你们组的欢迎是我莫大的荣幸。wele 与I之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故wele 须用被动语态形式。(2)A句意:那条街以一个伟人的名字命名的,是为了纪念他对这个城市所作的巨大贡献。2019-2020年高考英语高频词汇必背及训练51.surprise n惊奇,惊奇的事I have got a big surprise for you.我给你带来了一个大的惊喜。v使吃惊What surprised us most was that she had such a sweet voice.最让我们感到惊讶的是她有如此甜美的嗓音。to ones surprise 令人吃惊的是To my surpr

17、ise, he finished the task only in a few days.令我惊讶的是他竟然在几天之内就完成了任务。注意:surprising 表示令人惊讶;主语通常是使人惊讶的事;surprised 表示主语本身产生的情绪,主语是人。What youve told me is surprising.你给我讲的情况真令人吃惊。The news made us surprised.这消息使我们很惊讶。Though _ to see us,the professor gave us a warm wele.Bsurprise Bwas surprised Csurprised Db

18、eing surprised2.disaster n灾难,不幸,祸患Fires,floods and earthquakes are disasters.火灾、水灾和地震都是灾难。This is one of the worst natural disasters ever to befall the area.这是该地区所经历的最严重的自然灾害之一。disasteraffected area受灾地区a traffic disaster 交通惨祸a disaster to sb 某人的灾难escape disaster 逃避灾难die in the disaster 死于灾祸The voyag

19、e to the Atlantic Ocean ended_.Awith disaster Bin disaster Cwith destroy Din fail3.promote vt.(1)促进,增进Exercise promotes health.锻炼可增进健康。The organization works to promote friendship between nations.该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。(2)使(某人)升级,擢升(某人)至(to)The boy was promoted to the fourth grade.这个男孩升到四年级。The young army o

20、fficer was promoted to the rank of captain.这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。(3)(在宣传上)促销,推销(商品)Do you have any idea how to promote the sales of this product?如何来推销这种产品你有什么办法吗?promote.as把推广为promote sb to the post of 升某人担当职位promote sb to. 晋升某人为promote sb to之后表职位的名词不加冠词。(1)我们的老师已被提升为校长了。Our teacher has _ _ _ headmaster.(2)这

21、家公司在电视上宣传他们的新产品。The pany are _ _ _ _ on television.(3)他晋升为新工厂的经理。He _ _ _ of the new workshop.4.expect v盼望;认为;预料The rent was much more than we had expected to pay.租金比我们预计要付的多得多。He didnt expect to see me.他没有料到会碰见我。expect代词/名词/that从句 盼望;expect to do sth 盼望做某事expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事than expected 比预

22、料中的I expect so. 我想是这样的。I expect notI dont expect so. 我认为不是这样。I dont expect that. 我认为不(否定前移)Ive worked with children before,so I know what_in my new job.Aexpected Bto expect Cto be expecting Dexpects5mit vt.(1)犯(罪、错等)They mitted many horrible crimes against the people.他们对人民犯下许多可怕的罪行。If we dont unders

23、tand this,we shall mit mistakes.我们如果不理解这一点,就会犯错误。mit suicide 自杀mit crimes 犯罪mit mistakes 犯错误(2)交托;交付;移交(为保管或处理)The boy was mitted to the care of his uncle.这个男孩被委托给他的叔叔照管。He mitted himself to the cause of education.他投身于教育事业。(3)承诺;受誓约的约束He refused to mit himself to any sort of promise.他拒不作出任何承诺。翻译句子:(

24、1)The hero in the novel mitted suicide at the end of the book.(2)I mitted the matter to the care of a friend.6.injury n损伤,伤害Dont do that.Youll do yourself an injury.别那样做,你会把自己弄伤的。Several train passengers received/sustained serious injuries in the crash.在这次撞车事故中火车上几名乘客受重伤。do sb an injurydo an injury

25、to sb 伤害某人the injured n. 受伤的人,伤员injury/wound/hurt/harm/damage辨析(1)injury n指平时的大小创伤或伤害。He got serious injuries to the legs at work.他干活时腿受了重伤。(2)wound指战斗中刀或枪的创伤,伤口。The soldier received two wounds in the battle.这位士兵在战斗中两处受伤。(3)hurt尤指精神上和感情上的伤害,肉体上的伤痛。The hurt to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body.他在感情上受到的伤害比身体上的伤痛更严重。(4)harm;damage指损失,损害,不表示伤痛。The storm did great harm to the cro

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