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1、B. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Then5. A. canceledB. rememberedC. preparedD. missed6. A. onceB. againC. stillD. instead7. A. quieterB. easierC. fasterD. shorter8. A. gamesB. classesC. speechesD. practices9. A. storiesB. questionsC. worriesD. suggestions10. A. evenB. justC. alwaysD. yet11. A. visitorsB. pat

2、ientsC. childrenD. foreigners12. A. usuallyB. immediatelyC. occasionallyD. really13. A. planeB. trainC. busD. taxi14. A. unlessB. butC. soD. if15. A. hideB. relaxC. payD. see16. A. nowhereB. somewhereC. anywhereD. everywhere17. A. officesB. friendsC. seatsD. families18. A. pointing toB. looking forC

3、. thinking aboutD. dreaming of19. A. certainB. acceptableC. comfortableD. special20. A. importantB. luckyC. hopefulD. right【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)C;(5)A;(6)D;(7)B;(8)D;(9)C;(10)B;(11)A;(12)D;(13)A;(14)B;(15)D;(16)A;(17)C;(18)B;(19)C;(20)D;【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,明尼阿波利斯圣保罗国际机场为有飞行障碍的人组织了体验活动,以减轻这些人乘坐飞机旅行的焦虑

4、。 (1)考查形容词。A:brave“勇敢的”;B:hard“艰难的,坚硬的”;C:harmful“有害的”;D:clever“聪明的”。根据上文中的Flying on a plane for the first time can be frightening及本句中的children who have autism可知,对于有自闭症的儿童来说,首次乘机出行尤为艰难。故选B。 (2)考查动词。planning“计划”;spending“花费”;booking“预定”;enjoying“享受,喜欢”。 根据She called Minneapolis-St Paul International

5、Airport (MSP) to see what could be done可知,Linda Diaz四年前打算坐飞机去迪斯尼世界旅行,她想让自己罹患自闭症的儿子Andy有一次良好的飞行体验。故选A。 (3)考查形容词。long“长的”;common“共同的”;good“好的”;personal“个人的”。根据故选C。 (4)考查副词。Moreover“而且”;Therefore“因此”;However“然而”;Then“然后”。根据语境可知,设空所在句与上一句之间是转折关系,故选C。 (5)考查动词。canceled“取消”;remembered“记住,记起”;prepared“准备”;m

6、issed“错过,想念”。the airport didnt have programs to help Andy可知,明尼阿波利斯圣保罗国际机场没有相关项目能帮助Andy,因此Diaz取消了一家人的航班,改作驱车1500英里前去奥兰多。 (6)考查副词。once“从前,曾经”;again“再,又”;still“仍然,一直”;instead“代替”。故选D。 (7)考查形容词,A:quieter“更安静的”;easier“更容易的”;faster“更快的”;shorter“更短的,更矮的”。 根据下文中的It helps them to be less frightened of flying

7、可知,该项目旨在帮助像Andy一样的孩子们,使他们的乘机出行变得更容易一些。 (8)考查名词。games“游戏,比赛”;classes“班,课”;speeches“演讲”;practices“练习,时间”。He went through a practice with his family提示了,故选D。 (9)考查名词。stories“故事”;questions“问题”;worries“担心”;suggestions“建议”。本空是对下文they are not as worried中的worried的同根词复现。 (10)考查副词。even“甚至”;just“刚刚,只”;always“总是

8、”;yet“但是”。根据上文中的anyone可知,这一项目并非只针对自闭症患者。 (11)考查名词。visitors“游客,来宾”;patients“病人”;children“孩子”;foreigners“外国人”。 本空对下文passengers went to their中的passengers的同义词复现,故选A。 (12)考查副词。usually“通常”;immediately“立刻,马上”;occasionally“偶尔”;really“确实”。Airline workers.get used to the airport and planes可知,航空公司的工作人员帮助有飞行焦虑的

9、人熟悉机场和飞机,当这些人实际乘机旅行时,就没有先前那么焦虑了。故选D. (13)考查名词。plane“飞机”;train“火车”;bus“公共汽车”;taxi“出租车”。Andy的首次乘飞机旅行已经安排就绪。 (14)考查连词。可知,进行参观体验的各个家庭上了一架飞机,但是该飞机哪儿也不去,他们只是进行观摩来了。 (15)考查动词。hide“躲藏”;relax“放松”;pay“支付”;see“看见”。 根据上文中的 (16)考查副词。根据上文中it was not going anywhere可知,这趟航班无处可去。 (17)考查名词。offices“办公室”;friends“朋友”;sea

10、ts“座位”;families“家庭”。下文中的Once seated提示了本空,故选C。 (18)考查动词短语。pointing to“指向”;looking for“寻找”;thinking about“考虑”;dreaming of“梦想”。根据上文Frightened by his new surroundings可知,Andy对新环境感到不适,在飞机走廊里跑来跑去,试图寻找出口。 (19)考查形容词。certain“某种,确信的”;acceptable“可以接受的”;comfortable“舒服的”;special“特殊的”。 根据下文Andy was quiet and kisse

11、d his mother on the face. He felt better about flying now可知,有志愿者建议,头排座椅可能对Andy来说是最舒服的,事实证明,志愿者们是对的。 (20)考查形容词。important“重要的”;lucky“幸运的”;hopeful“充满希望的”;right“正确的”。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选

12、项。 Each year her husband sent her valentine roses, tied with pretty bows, and a card. The card would 1 say, I love you even more than last year on this day. The year he 2 , the roses were delivered to her door as usual. The card said, Be my valentine. My love for you will always 3 with every passing

13、 year. She thought this was the 4 time that the roses would appear. She 5 he ordered roses 6 without knowing that he would 7 .He always liked to do things ahead. Then, if he got busy, everything would work out 8 .She put 9 in a very special vase, and then placed the vase beside the portrait of his s

14、miling face. She would sit for hours, staring at his picture and the roses. A year went by, 10 it was tough to live without him. Then, on Valentines Day, the doorbell rang, and she saw roses sitting 11 her door. She brought the roses in, and then looked at them in surprise. Later she 12 the flower s

15、hop and asked them to explain 13 valentine roses were sent to her. The owner replied,I know your husband passed away a year ago. The flowers you 14 today were paid for two years ago. Your husband always planned ahead. Here is 15 of many years. Youll get them every year till. and he also wrote a spec

16、ial little 16 for you.he did this years ago. He said, If you find out that Im no longer here, the card should be sent to my wife the following year. She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears 17 her face. She found a card among the roses and read it slowly, Hello, my love. I know its been a ye

17、ar since I was gone. I hope its not too hard for you to overcome. I know you must be 18 and the pain is real. The 19 we shared made everything so beautiful in life. I loved you more than 20 can say. Please try not to be too sad. That is why the roses will be sent to you for years.1. A. sometimesB. a

18、lwaysD. rarely2. A. diedB. returnedC. disappearedD. retired3. A. comeB. plantC. growD. leave4. A. firstB. secondC. lastD. every5. A. guessedC. decidedD. informed6. A. in returnB. in addition toC. in realityD. in advance7. A. live throughB. pass awayC. break downD. leave behind8. A. freeB. earlyC. qu

19、ietD. fine9. A. oneB. someC. themD. it10. A. butB. andC. thenD. therefore11. A. byB. outC. insideD. upon12. A. visitedB. wentC. cameD. called13. A. whenB. whetherC. whyD. how14. A. sentB. receivedC. possessedD. accepted15. A. an orderB. an excuseC. a proposalD. a program16. A. letterB. articleC. not

20、eD. card17. A. coming intoB. running downC. going outD. getting away18. A. crazyB. cautiousC. lonelyD. embarrassed19. A. marriageB. lifeC. loveD. family20. A. flowersB. rosesC. cardsD. words【答案】(1)B;(13)C;(15)A;(16)D;(17)B;(18)C;【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个感人至深的爱情故事,文章中两位主人翁非常相爱,丈夫去世之前就事先预定了多年的情人节鲜花送给妻子,希

21、望妻子在他去世以后不要难过。(1)考查副词。A. sometimes“有时候”;B. always“总是,一直”;C. occasionally“偶尔”;D. rarely“很少,罕见”。每年她的丈夫都会送她情人节玫瑰和卡片,卡片上总会写着“我比去年的这一天更爱你”,本句使用always介绍她的丈夫一直所写的卡片内容。(2)考查动词。A. died“去世,死亡”;B. returned“归还,返回”;C. disappeared“消失”;D. retired“退休”。今年她丈夫去世了,但是玫瑰还是和往常一样送到她的门前。根据下文“A,_ 10 _it was tough to live wit

22、hout him.”可知她的丈夫去世了。(3)考查动词。A. come“到来”;B. plant“种植”;C. grow“成长,生长”;D. leave“离开”。这年的卡片上写着:我对你爱每一年都在增加。使用动词grow表示丈夫对她的爱变得更浓。(4)考查形容词。A. first“第一处”;B. second“第二次”;C. last“最后一次”;D. every“每一”。她以为这是最后一次收到丈夫的玫瑰了,她猜想这是丈夫生前预订好的。(5)考查动词。A. guessed“猜想”;B. remembered“记得”;C. decided“决定”;D. informed“通知”。(6)考查介词短语。A. in return“作为回报”;B. in addition to“除.之外”;C. in re

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