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大学英语精读第一册 unit4Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、教学楼314Unit 3Unit 4Unit 7Unit 9Review3第 章4第 节课 时10普通教室教学目的To learn the appropriate communicating ways;To master the key words and phrases;To master the text organization and key language points of the text;To grasp the writing skill. 重 点Question for discussion:What are the usual ways to judge the peo

2、ple we first meet?Suggested answers: We judge them from their physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expression through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others.Words and expressions : range fromto react to be absorbed in conscious encounter w

3、ith focus on persuade sb. to do sth. depress address oneself to etc难 点The structure of the text and the expressions of long sentencesWriting skill讲授内容: How to Make a Good ImpressionBackground information:Words are not only part of the communicating tools people use. Scientific study reveals an appea

4、ling fact that up to 93% of communication is conducted by non-verbal means, for example, tone of voice, eye movement, posture, hand gestures, facial expressions and more. Non-Verbal Communication sometimes conveys a stronger message than verbal communication.Text organization:Part I (Para.1-2): Rese

5、arch shows that we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.Para. 1: You make up your mind about people through unspoken communication within the first seven seconds of meeting them. It is during the first seven seconds that you show your tru

6、e feelings and thus causing a chain of reactions.Paragraph 1 QuestionsMain Question: Can we communicate without words?(Yes. Words are only part of the communicating tools people use. Scientific study reveals an appealing fact that up to 93% of communication is conducted by non-verbal means, for exam

7、ple, tone of voice, eye movement, posture, hand gestures, facial expressions and more.)Q1 How long can we make up our minds about people? (7 seconds)Q2 How do we show our true feelings? (S2)-ExpressionsS1s meaning: Research shows within the first seven seconds when we meet sb., we form our opinion a

8、bout him or her through nonverbal communication.1. make up ones mind (to)=decide (to) e.g. I havent made up my mind where to go. He made up his mind to be a doctor. Make up ones mind about people/sth. form the opinion about peopleS2s meaning: Whether we are aware of it or not, we use our eyes, faces

9、, bodies and attitudes to express our feelings. This causes a sequence of various reactions from comfort to fear.2. a chain of = a sequence of a chain of thoughts一连串想法a chain of bad luck一连串倒霉事 a chain of events一系列事件a chain of accidents一系列意外事故 3. range from to/between means occur between certain limi

10、ts e.g. Prices ranged from 5 dollars to 10 dollars. 价格自五至十美元不等-Words1.impression n. e.g. What were your first impressions of London? 你对伦敦的最初印象如何? Its my impression that he doesnt want to come. 我好像觉得他不想来The thief had left an impression of his foot in the garden. 小偷在花园中留下一个脚印 *be under the impression

11、that 认为; 觉得e.g. Im under the impression that *make an/no impression on 对.有(没有)印象/影响 e.g. What I said made practically no impression on him.我的话对他简直不起作用 (Ex) impress vt. *impress on (upon) 使得深刻印象; 在. 盖印 e.g. His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话使我深深铭记心头 *impress with 使对.留有深刻的印象; 盖上., 印上.

12、e.g. impress us with the high speed of development2. conscious adj. e.g. I was conscious of her presence. 我知道她在场He was conscious that he must do all this.他知道必须干这些事 (Ex.) unconscious adj. /n. 心理潜意识consciously adv. -unconsciously adv. consciousness n.- unconsciousness n.self-conscious adj. e.g. a self

13、-conscious teenager一个怕难为情的少年 self-consciousness n. 3. reaction n. e.g. What is his reaction to your proposal? 他对你的建议有什么反应 The writer has a reaction against his usual style. 反抗, 反对 An acid can have a reaction with a base to form a salt. 酸和碱起化学反应成盐4. range v. e.g. Prices ranged from 5 dollars to 10 do

14、llars. 价格自五美元至十美元不等(变化)They ranged the books by size 按书的大小排列The children ranged the hills. 孩子们在小山中漫游n. e.g. What is the range of your gun? 你的枪的射程有多远? a range of buildings 一排楼房the annual range of temperature每年的温度变化范围-Translation 如何给人留下好印象有研究显示,我们对他人的判断是根据我们最初遇到他们的七秒钟里所进行的无言交流形成的。无论是有意识还是无意识,我们都会用我们的眼

15、神、面部表情、形体动作和态度来表现我们的真实情感,从而使他人产生从舒适到害怕的一连串反应。Para. 2: It gives us some examples to illustrate the point of Para.1. Paragraph 2 Questions How long does it take us to judge the people we meet?(According to the passage, we judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them. But things ar

16、e not always the same with everybody. As far as I am concerned, I wont make a thorough judgment of others until Im very familiar with them. However, I must admit that the first impression is really very important. It can greatly affect my judgments on others.)Q1 Which meetings could be unforgettable

17、 by the author? (s1)S1: 1. think about v.考虑, 回想e.g. They are thinking about moving.他们正考虑搬迁事宜2. introduction is often followed by “to” e.g. give me an introduction to a professor; introduction to radio 无线电入门S2: focus on=pay attention toS4s meaning: How did you understand the information about the oth

18、er people. “read” = learn about the information5. introduction n. 6. spouse n. a husband or wife -couple n. a husband and a wife7. interview inter-互相+view见 n./vt. (Ex.) interviewer n. 接见会见, 采访者 interviewee n.被接见被会见, 被采访者8. encounter n. /vt. e.g. I encountered an old friend on the street.在街上偶然遇见一位老友

19、I had an encounter with an old friend. (Ex.) *by chance偶然, 意外地 I met him by chance. 我偶然遇到了他*by any chance 万一, 或许 Is he, by any chance, her brother?他可能是她哥哥吗?9. focus v. e.g. All eyes were focused on the speaker. 大家的目光都集中在发言人身上 I think you forgot to focus the camera. 我想你是忘了给照相机调焦距 (Ex.) He got used to

20、 the life under focus lamp聚光灯.-Translation 想想那些让你最为难忘的会面:被介绍给你未来的配偶,一次求职面试,与陌生人一次邂逅。将注意力集中在最初的七秒钟,你当时有何感想?你是如何解读他人的?你认为他又是如何解读你的?Part II (Para.3-15): The four qualities we can use to impress others:you are the message; be yourself; use your eyes; lighten upBody 1 (Para.3-5): You are the message.Para

21、. 3: The writer tells us from his own experience that the secret has always been “you are the message”.Paragraph 3 Questions Whats the authors experience? Whats the secret of making good impression?(The author worked with thousands who want to be successful. He has helped them make persuasive presen

22、tations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively.) Your eyes, face, body, and attitudes-the whole you sends the information about you.S3: 1. make/give a presentation of=give a speech on sth.S4: 2. secret秘诀- the best way or the only way to achieve it e.g. What is the secret of his s

23、uccess? 他成功的秘诀是什么?10. persuasive adj. e.g. a persuasive argument 令人信服的论据(Ex.)persuasion n. e.g. After a lot of persuasion, she agreed to go. 经过多次劝说后,她同意去了 persuade v. e.g. He persuaded her to go to school. I am almost persuaded of his honesty. 我几乎相信他是诚实的。 *persuade sb. into doing sth. v.说服某人做某事11. p

24、resentation n. e.g. gave a presentation on drug abuse开办关于毒品滥用问题的讲座 (Ex) present v. present flowers 献花 present a new play 上演一出新戏 present reasons 提出理由 presented prizes颁奖Allow me to present Mr Black to you. 请允许我向您介绍布莱克先生你本人就是信息。25年来,我在工作中和数千个想要成功的人打过交道。我帮助他们使他们所作的演讲有说服力,教他们如何回答不友好的提问,以及如何与人更有效的沟通。而所有这一

25、切的秘诀都在于要懂得你本人就是信息。Para. 4: It continues to list what your message is. Your message includes physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expression through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others.Paragraph 4 Questions What are the good qualities if

26、 you want others to be with you and help you?(They include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expression through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others.) 1. quality n. e.g. a watch of good quality品质好的手表qualities of leadership 领导才能 2. ba

27、se on v.基于Judgment should be based on facts12. physical adj. (antonym) chemical adj. spiritual / mentally adj. (Ex.) physician n. 内科医师 surgeon n. 外科医生13. rate n. e.g. The rate of inflation decreased to 10% last year.去年通货膨胀率降低为百分之十death rate 死亡率 rate of exchange 汇率The train was going at the rate of 8

28、0 kilometers an hour. *at any rate = at any cost=at any price 无论如何14. pitch n. 沥青, 深黑色 *as black as pitch 漆黑的15. tone n. e.g. deep tone深沉的声音sweet tone优美的声音the tone of a market市场的情况angry tone愤怒的语气soft green tone浅绿的色调 *in a tone 一致-Translation如果你能利用你的优点,别人就会愿意跟你在一起,并且愿意帮助你。这些优点包括:外表、活力、语速、语音语调、手势、眼神,以

29、及使他人对你保持兴趣的能力。别人对你的印象就是根据这些因素形成的。Para. 5: It comes to a conclusion that you are successful when you use your own message and lost all self-consciousness, committing yourself to what you are talking about.Paragraph 5 Questions There are times you make a good impression. Whats the reason? (s3) 1. be c

30、ommitted to=give attention to= commit oneself to=be absorbed in 专心致志于 He committed himself to the business.= He was committed to the business.16. absorb vt. * be absorbed in 全神贯注在., 一心从事, 热衷于 e.g. The writer was absorbed in his writing. 作家全神贯注地进行写作(吸引) * be absorbed by被.吞并, 为.所吸收 e.g. All of my time was absorbed by this job. 这件工作占有了我的全部时间(吸收)想想有哪几次你确切知道你给人留下了好印象。你成功的原因又是什么?那是因为你对你所谈论的事情非常投入,你当时完全沉浸其中,以至于已经完全没有了羞涩的感觉。Body 2 (Para.6-9): Be yourselfPara. 6: It argues against one pi

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