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1、 1) how did the world react to the lunar landing? the us newscaster walter cronkite wiped away his tears; people gatheredaround televisions from china to brazil; pavements outside tv shops crammed as people watched in awe. 2) what did aldrin say to armstrong after they saw how the world reacted aldr

2、in said, “neil, we missed the whole thing.” because aldrin thought that they were the only ones who never had the chance to see themselves carrying out the moon-landing mission. 3) what really awed the astronauts when they were orbiting the moon on christmas eve of 1968? their real wonder was at the

3、 vibrant blue earth in the distance, not at the dead gray planet beneath them. 4) what does it mean to be human? to be human means to be restless. curiosity is never satisfied. it merely finds new targets. 5) what did astronaut al bean do when he sat in shopping malls after he had returned to the ea

4、rth? al bean would simply marvel at the variety of human life. 6) what did astronauts feel about the earth when on the moon? they felt deeply that the earth is both beautiful and fragile. the earth needs more care and protection. 7)to what movement did apollo missions give a big boost? what details

5、does the text mention?the apollo missions gave a big boost to green movement. the apollo missions had deep and lasting effect on many environmentalists. an organization called “friends of the earth” was founded after the astronauts first walked on the moon. the inaugural earth day happened a year la

6、ter. 8) what is the greatest reason to celebrate the 40th anniversary of moon landing? why does the author state this? the greatest reason to celebrate the 40th anniversary of moon landing is personal, because the celebration is a good opportunity for everyone on the earth to think more about his re

7、sponsibility in protecting and prospering this planet. related readingtask 2 1. read the text carefully and then fill in the blanks with the main ideas for each part. 1) the launch of solar-sail spacecraft 2) will be launched 3) human beings dream of navigating space like they navigate oceans 4) an

8、anonymous donor 5) has given birth to the idea of solar sails and their experimental launch 6) has long supported the idea of solar sails 7) continues to work for his dream 8) momentum carried by solar lights9) how to stretch sails to absorb solar lights 10) not only energy but also momentum 11) dri

9、ving force for solar sails 12) robots or human genomes 13) do anything a regular sail can do 14) a big problem for solar sail project 15) the shortage of money 16) preparing with great enthusiasm for the flying of lightsail-1 2. translate the following passage into english. about a year from now, sc

10、ientists will launch a special box, which unfurls four triangular sails and rise on a sunbeam. this is a new spacecraft dubbed as lightsail-i. this spacecraft will sail a few hours in space and gain a few miles in altitude. the planetary society would be taking baby steps to build and fly a series o

11、f solar-sail spacecraft. ms. druyan, widow of carl sagan, who had long supported the notion of solar sials, called the solar sail program “ a taj mahal” for her husband. the theory of solar-sail spacecraft is not complicated. because light carries not just energy but also momentum. a big enough sail

12、 could reach speeds of hundreds of thousands of miles an hour with the help of constant force from solar lights. taking weight control and space radiation into consideration, the only passengers on a solar-sail spacecraft were likely to be robots or genomes. right now, one key technological problem

13、forsolar-sail spacecraft lies in how to efficiently uoll solar sails in space. part iv exercise 1 3. complete the sentence (page 20) 1. reveal the shape of that strange basin 来揭示那个奇怪盆地的形状 2. vibrant space exploration program 生动鲜活的太空探索项目 3. a violent restless nature 狂暴的、躁动的自然 4. cited the benefits of

14、 cloning at the conference 在大会上提到了克隆技术的好处 5. what counted most was their motherlands advance and prosperity 最重要的是祖国的发展和繁荣 6. had ceased fire in order to watch the world cup soccer matches 为了看世界杯一停火 7. the essence of his argument 他论点的核心 8. signing off即将播完 gained a deeper perception about earths fragi

15、lity 对地球的脆弱有了更深刻的理解 9. read a retired astronauts autobiography in awe 满心敬畏的读了一位前宇航员的自传 fired my curiosity about space 点燃了我对太空的好奇心 made me a space enthusiast 使我成为太空发烧友 10. were feasible 是可行的 unpredictable dangers 无法预测的危险 none of them was willing to be left out 他们中没有一个愿意被排除在外 orbit the earth 环绕地球【篇二:新

16、核心大学英语2课后翻译答案】trange basin 来揭示那个奇怪盆地的形状 2. vibrant space exploration program 生动鲜活的太空探索项目 3. a violent restless nature 狂暴的、躁动的自然 enjoy the landscape on the moon 在月球上欣赏风景 p48 1. various household appliances 各种家用电器2. as it produces no pollutants 因为它不会产生污染物 3. consumption of wood for fuel 消耗木材用作燃料4. wit

17、hstand the recent rise in oil 抵制最近的油价上涨 5. are operating reliably and efficiently 正在可靠、高效地运行6. a fixed capacitor is usually installed 通常安装固定电容器 7. the causes of the war lie in 战争的起因在于8. a modest decrease in house prices 房价略有下降 9. cut down (on) their energy usage 减少能源的消耗10. pose a serious threat 造成严重

18、的威胁 p73 1. prone to all kinds of infections 容易受到各种各样的感染 2. overwhelming evidence indicates 众多证据表明 3. make them vulnerable 让他们易受伤害的4. was shown to be defective 被证明有缺陷 5. at a disadvantage in longevity 在寿命尚处于劣势 6. the downfall of the ancient roman empire 古罗马帝国的覆灭 7. common anxiety dreams that plague b

19、oth genders 通常困扰两性的焦虑梦境 8. in light of local conditions 根据当地情况 9. ideals and struggle are an intimate couple 理想与奋斗是亲密伴侣 10. recall them more readily when they awaken 当她们清醒的时候更容易回忆起来 p99-100 1. undergo medical treatment 接受医学治疗 2. akin to the mainstream microsoft office suite 与主流的微软办公软件相识 3. undermine

20、 computer security and stability 破会计算机的安全与稳定性 4. make the best use of internet technology 充分利用互联网技术 5. the new version of the software 这个软件的新版本6. took apart his webcam 把他的网络摄像头拆开 7. factors in the gross national income per capita 把人均国民总收入计算在内 8. disclosing classified information 揭露机密信息9. in language

21、s that are foreign to them 用他们不熟悉的语言 10. more likely to neglect information security 更有可能忽视信息安全 p127 1. the necessary calculations take so long that they are impractical 所需的计算要花费的时间太长,以至于这变得不切实际 2. whether an alteration of diet in individuals has any effect on 个体饮食的习惯是否影响到 3. chinas heavy-duty truck

22、ing industry has seen rapid development 中国重型卡车工业已取得了迅猛的发展 4. ranging in age from seven to thirteen 年龄从7岁到13岁 5. while the superconducting cable can carry very high currents 虽然超导电缆能够传导强大电流 6. it is hardly credible 几乎使人难以相信 7. shields the earth from the suns ultraviolet rays 保护地球不受太阳紫外线的辐射 8. a railwa

23、y system or railway line is electrified 一个铁路系统或者一条电气化铁路线 9. will become more reliant on it 将会更加依赖技术 10. to compress video into digital flow 将视频压缩成数字流 1.hit upon the idea of transplanting animal organs 偶然想到移植动物器官这个想法 2.should be familiar with the normal behavior of the species应当熟悉该群体的一般行为 3.integrate

24、d into the new colony 融入到新的动物群体之中 4.adapted for surviving long periods in desert regions 适于在沙漠地区长时间生存 5.recruit other honeybees to observe the newly found food source 动员其它蜜蜂去观察新近发现的食物源 6.recent studies have indicated that 最近的研究业已表明 7.confirmed cases of h1n1 infection感染h1n1的确诊病例 8.manipulate animals

25、serve their own purposes利用动物为他们服务 9.failed to return their former habitat 未能回到先前的栖息地 the absence of light and oxygen 在没有光和氧气的情况下 task2 一、 1、the us newscaster walter cronkite wiped away his tears; people gathered around televisions from china to brazil; 2、aldrin said, “neil, we missed the whole

26、 thing.” because aldrin thought that they were the only ones who never had the chance to see themselves carrying out the moon-landing mission. 3、their real wonder was at the vibrant blue earth in the distance, not at the dead gray planet beneath them 4、to be human means to be restless. curiosity is never satisfied. it merely finds new targets. 5、al bean would simply marvel at the variety of human life. 6、they felt deeply that the earth is both beautiful and fragile. the earth needs more care and protection

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