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1、 What colour is it?它是什么颜色的。 Its black and white.它是黑色和白色的。 3、May I have a look?我可以看看吗? Sure. Here you are.当然可以。给你。 4、How many English books can you see?你能看见几本英语书? I can see .Sorry, too many.我可以看到.对不起,太多了。 5、My schoolbag is heavy.我的书包太重了。 Whats in it?它里面有什么? Many books.有许多书。how many后面接可数名词复数和不可数名词 Uni

2、t 3 My friendslong长的short 短的矮的hair头发thin瘦的strong 强壮的 quiet文静的music 音乐science科学sports运动painting画画 computer game电脑游戏 teacher老师student学生boy男孩girl女孩friend朋友 1、My friend is strong. 我的朋友很强壮。 He has short hair.他有短头发。 2、Who is he?他是谁?He is my friend .他是我的朋友 3、My friend likes music.我的朋友喜欢音乐。 Shes quiet.她很文静。

3、 4、Whats her name ?她的名字叫什么? Her name is Amy.她的名字叫Amy. Shes Amy .她是Amy. 5、Whats his name ? His name is Zhang Peng .他的名字叫张朋。 Hes Zhang Peng .他是张朋。 6、This is his photo.这是他的照片。 A Chinese friend?一个中国朋友? Youre right!你说对了。1.have的用法:原形have 单三形式has 2.be动词用法:am,is,are Unit 4 My homestudy 书房bathroom 浴室bedroom

4、卧室kitchen 厨房 living room 起居室(客厅) phone电话bed床 sofa 沙发shelf书架fridge冰箱table桌子 home家room房间school学校classroom教室 desk课桌chair椅子window窗户bed床 1、Is this your bedroom ?这是你的卧室吗? Yes , it is .是的,它是。(肯定回答) No , it isnt .不,它不是。(否定回答) 2、Where are the keys?钥匙在哪里? Are they on the desk ?它们在桌子上吗? Yes, they are . (肯定) No

5、, they arent.不,它们不是。(否定)Theyre in the door.它们在门里。 3、Is she in the living room?她在起居室里吗? No, she isnt.不,她不是。Shes in the kitchen.她在厨房里。 4、What can you see in the room ?你能房间里看见什么? I can see a bed and a phone .我看见了一张床和一部电话。 5、You can see a bedroom.你可以看见一个卧室。 6、Shes here.她在这儿。 7、Open the door, please.请打开门

6、。 一般疑问句最基本的变法:be 提前用问号读升调 Unit 5 What would you like ?rice米饭fish鱼noodles面条beef牛肉vegetables蔬菜 soup汤knife小刀chopsticks筷子spoon勺子plate盘子 fork叉子 rice米饭fish鱼beef牛肉bread面包milk牛奶 egg鸡蛋water水chicken鸡肉 1、Can I have some noodles, please?我可以吃一些面条吗? Sure. Here you are. 当然,给你。 2、Im hungry.我饿了。 Whats for dinner? 晚饭

7、吃什么? Chicken and fish .鸡肉和鱼 3、Wait and see.等等看吧。 4、What would you like for dinner(breakfast/lunch)?你晚餐(早餐、中餐)喜欢吃什么?Id like some rice and soup.我想吃些米饭和汤。 5、Everythings ready.一切都准备好了。 6、Can I help you?我能帮助你吗? Pass me a plate, please.请把盘子递给我。 7、Dinners ready. 晚饭准备好了。 Help yourself.请随便吃。 8、I can use chop

8、sticks.我会用筷子。 Let me show you.让我展示给你看。 9、I like Chinese food. 我喜欢中国食物。 We had a good time.我们度过了一段美好时光。 See you tomorrow.明天见! Unit 6 Meet my familyfamily家庭parents父母uncle叔叔;舅舅aunt姨,姑 baby婴儿baseball player棒球运动员 sister姐妹brother兄弟father父亲mother母亲 driver司机doctor医生farmer农民nurse护士 二、句型: 1、How many people ar

9、e there in your family?你家里有多少人? There are three .有3人。 2、Who are they ?他们是谁? They are my parents and me .我的父母和我。 3、Come and meet family! 来见见我的家庭。 My family has seven members. 我家有七口人。 4、Whats your father ?你爸爸是干什么的? Hes a driver .他是一名驾驶员。 5、Is this your father?这是你的爸爸吗? Yes, he is.(肯定)是的,他是。 No, he isnt

10、.(否定)不,他不是。 6、Are they farmers?他们是农民吗? Yes, they are.(肯定)是的,他们是。 No, they arent.(否定)不,他们不是。 7、Whos this man?这个男人是谁? Hes my uncle.他是我的叔叔。 一、语音 1. Aa: cake snake grapes face /apple bag cat hat 2. Ee: we me we he she / egg bed desk pen 3. Ii: bike rice kite ice-cream / milk fish pig windows 4. O hole h

11、ome nose rose /box fox orange lock 5. Uu: student cute music tube / umbrella toothbrush cup bus 二、词汇 (一)四会单词1、computer board fan light / this is my that your teachers desk picture wall floor / yes it 2、one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Math Chinese English P.E. music / what time its=i

12、t is oclock for class 3、jacket shirt skirt dress T-shirt red blue yellow green white / no not colour 4、warm cold cool snowy sunny / today Jeans pants socks shoes / lets=let us play football 5、big small long short / how much apple banana pear orange watermelon / are they 6、horse cat rabbit pig duck d

13、og eleven twelve thirteen fifteen twenty / how many there arent=are not (二)听、说、认读词汇 1、playground / garden / teache rs office / library / canteen Welcome to our many class at please art room / computer room / washroom / music room / gym / TV room 2、lunch English class music class breakfast dinner P.E

14、. class Get up go to school go home go to bed ready 3、weater shorts so theyre=they are 4、hot weather rainy windy cloudy hello hi bye 5、colourful pretty cheap expensive help sneakers slippers sandals boots For all right them 6、sheep hen lamb goat cow fat tomato cucumber potato onion carrot 三、句型 (一)Le

15、ts learn部分 1、Where is the canteen? Its on the first 。 Where is the art room? Its on the second floor. 2、What time is it ?s nine oclock. Its time for English class . Its time to go to school. 3、I like the white sweater with the green skirt. I like the blue dress. Where are my socks? What colour? Whit

16、e. 4、This is the weather report. Its cool in Lhasa . Heres the world weather . Its rainy in London. 5、Look at that dress. Its pretty. Yes.It is . Can I help you? Yes.I want a pair of sneakers. 6、What are they? They are goat. (二)Lets talk部分 1、Welcome to our school! This is the teachers office. How ma

17、ny students are there in your class? Forty-five. Do you have a library? Yes. This way ,please. Is this the library? Yes, it is. Is that the art room? No,it isnt. Your school is beautiful /cool. 2、School is over. Lets go to the playground. OK. Lets run. Hurry.s time to get up. Breakfast is ready!s ti

18、me for English. Im ready. 3、Whose is this ?s your baby brothers. Where are they? These are your baby pants. Wow! Theyre so small. Our neighbour has a new baby. 4、Can I wear my new shirt today? No,you cant. Its cold. What are you doing? Not much. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its snowy today. Wh

19、ats the matter?s windy now. I have to close the window.s colourful. Its very pretty. Yes ,please. What size? Size five. How much is this dress ?s eighty-five yuan. Well take it. Oh,thats too expensive. Are they all right? Yes ,they are. 6、Oh, this farm is so big. Are they sheep/horses/donkeys? No, t

20、hey arent. How many cows do you have? I dont know./One hundred. Are these tomatoes? Yes, they are. /No,they aren Are those potatoes? What are they?re onions. Are those cucumbers? Yes, they are. (三)Read and write部分 1、This is my computer. That is your computer. Is this a teachers desk . Yes ,it is .s

21、two oclock.s 9:45. Its time for math class. 3、Is this your T-shirt? No,its not. What colour is it ?s white. 4、Its warm today. Lets play football. Its cool. Is it cold? 5、How much is it ?s ten yuan. How much are they? Theyre three yuan. 6、Are they ducks? No, they arent. How many hors es are there? Tw

22、elve. 四年级英语(上册) 单词大分类: 规则动词过去式: 1:直接在动词词尾加ed. cook-cooked 2: 以e结尾的动词加上d. phone-phoned 3: 以y结尾的动词变y为i 加上ed. cry-cried 不规则动词的过去式: 1. gowent 2. see-saw 3. eat-ate 4. have-had 5. buy-bought 6. fall-fell 7. learn-learnt 8. take-took 9. make-made 10. say-said 11. run-ran 12. come-came 13. win-won 14. put-

23、put 15. cut-cut 16. is-was 17. are-were 18. break-broke 19. hurt-hurt 20.give-gave 动词词组: 1. read a letter 读一封信 2. be from 来自 3. on Saturday 在星期六 4. on Saturdays 在每个星期六 5. a photo(picture)of sb 某人的一张照片 6. have got 有(has got 第三人称) 7. tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事 8. in April 在四月 9. clean my room 到扫我的房间 10.

24、 finish my homework 完成我的作业 11. wash my trousers 洗我的裤子 12. help my mum 帮助我的妈妈 13. cook noodles 煮面条 14. phone sb 给某人打电话 15. watch TV 看电视 16. paint a picture 画一幅画 17. play the flute 吹笛子 18. play with sb 和某人玩 19. play football 踢足球 20. play with her toys 玩她的玩具 21. ride a bike 骑自行车 22. talk on the phone 电

25、话聊天 23. stay at home 待在家里 24. get up 起床 25. invent sth 发明某物 26. print sth 印刷某物 27. make a cake 做一个蛋糕 28. go to the Great Wall 去长城 29. go to +地点去某地 30. climb mountains 爬山 31. climb to the top 爬到顶端 32. lots of =a lot of 许多 33. eat biscuitsapples 吃饼干(苹果) 34. eat+sth 吃. 35. have a good time=have fun 玩的开

26、心 36. buy a present 买一个礼物 37. a school trip 一次学校旅行 38. go on a school trip 参加学校旅行 39. go ice-skating 滑冰 40. fall over 摔倒 41. learn to do sth 学着干某事 42. go out 外出 43. climb up the Great Wall 爬上长城 44. takeaway 把带走 45. be bad to 对不友好 46. run away 跑掉 47. come back 回来 48. come out 出来 49. Dont worry 别担心 50. in fact 事实上 a gold cup 赢得金杯 a competition 赢得一场比赛 53.fall off 从上跌落 54go for a bike ride 出去骑自行车 55. take medicine 吃药 e in 请进 57.go home 回家 58. knock on the door 敲门 59. practise a lot 多加训练

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