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1、B. easilyC. carefullyD. usually7. A. alwaysB. neverC. sometimesD. not8. A. hardB. goodC. easyD. better9. A. to liveB. liveC. livingD. lives10. A. ButB. BecauseC. AfterD. Before【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)B;(4)C;(5)D;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】这篇文章主要讲述了像纽约、伦敦、巴黎等的一些大城市,既有很多优点,如:有很多娱乐场所和购物的地方,也存在很多严重的大问题,如:

2、生活成本高、人口多、就业问题等。因此,当人们移到大城市时应该考虑城市生活的问题。 (1)句意:有许多有趣的事情可看、可做。A、much多,修饰不可数名词,B、many许多,修饰可数名词复数,C、little少,修饰不可数名词,D、few几乎没有的,修饰可数名词,表示否定含义,这里指“许多有趣的事情”,things可数名词复数,故答案为B。 (2)句意:你可以去不同类型的博物馆看戏剧或电影。A、every每一的,后接名词单数,B、each每个,后接名词单数C、different不同的,后接名词复数,D、same相同的,这里指“不同类型的博物馆”,kinds种类,名词复数,故答案为C。 (3)句意

3、:。你也可以购买来自从世界各地的东西。A、sell出售,卖,B、buy买,C、lend借给,D、borrow借,根据前面do shopping可知这里指“买东西”,故答案为B。 (4)句意:但大城市也存在严重的问题。A、jobs工作,B、people人们,C、problems问题,D、answers答案,根据下文提到了生活成本高、人口多、就业问题等一些问题,故答案为C。 (5)句意:生活成本高,大城市的一些地方人太多了。A、cheap便宜的,B、large大的,C、tall高的,常用来指细长物体的高度,D、high高的,可以表示“抽象的”高,根据后面可知这里指“生活成本高”,故答案为D。 (6

4、)句意:每年都有许多人来到城市,因为他们可以很容易地在那里找到工作,在一所好学校学习,并得到良好的医疗护理。A、hardly几乎不,B、easily容易地,C、carefully仔细地,D、usually通常地,这里指“容易地找到工作”,修饰实义动词find,用副词形式,故答案为B。 (7)句意:但有时这些人找不到工作或住的好地方。A、always总是,B、never从不,C、sometimes有时,D、not不,根据语境可知这里指“有时”出现的状况,故答案为C。 (8)句意:这使得城市很难保持安全和清洁。A、hard难的,B、good好的,C、easy容易的,D、better更好的,根据上文

5、描述的在城市里出现的问题,由此可知这里指“很难使得城市安全和干净”,故答案为A。 (9)句意:有些人喜欢住在大城市,但也有人不喜欢。A、to live居住,动词不定式,B、live居住,动词原形,C、living居住,动名词,D、lives居住,动词live的三单形式,固定词组enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事,后接动名词,故答案为C。 (10)句意:人们在搬到一个大城市之前,他们应该考虑在那里生活的问题。A、But但是,表示转折关系,B、because因为,表示因果关系,C、After在之后,D、Before在之前,这里表示“人们搬到大城市之前”,故答案为D。 【总结】考查完形填空,

6、 首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。2.完形填空。Giant pandas are beautiful black- and- white animals. They look like 1 .They mainly live in China. They are very 2 and peaceful. They like eating 3 . They seldom eat meat. Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time 4 their mums milk more than f

7、ourteen hours a day! Mother giant 0-pandas have only one 5 two babies at a time. There are no more than 2,000 giant pandas in the world now. Sadly its very 6 for giant pandas to stay alive(活着的) in the wild. Their number is getting 7 because their living places are becoming farmlands. If farmers keep

8、 taking up the land, giant pandas wont have anywhere to live. A Also, people kill them 8 their fur(毛皮). If this goes on, then there will be no giant pandas in the world. So, what action(行动) can we take? We should 9 letters to newspapers and magazines about giant pandas in China. We should tell them

9、about the problems for giant pandas. If more people know about these. problems, then maybe they will do something 10 .1. A. bearsB. tigersC. lionsD. monkeys2. A. noisyB. sadC. quietD. naughty3. A. bananasB. flowersC. carrotsD. bamboo4. A. drinkB. drinkingC. to drinkD. drank5. A. andB. orC. butD. bec

10、ause6. A. easyB. happyC. difficultD. interesting7. A. more and moreB. less and lessC. smaller and smallerD. larger and larger8. A. withB. atC. forD. about9. A. speakB. writeC. listenD. find10. A. helpB. helpedC. helpingD. to help【答案】 (1)A;(3)D;(4)B;(5)B;(6)C;(8)C;(9)B;【解析】本文主要介绍了保护大熊猫的重要性。它们看起来像熊。根据

11、look like,可知大熊猫看起来像熊,bear熊,故选A。它们非常安静、平和。根据peaceful平静的,可知与之并列的是quiet安静的,故选C。它们喜欢吃竹子。根据常识可知熊猫喜欢吃竹子,bamboo竹子,故选D。大熊猫宝宝每天花超过14个小时喝妈妈的奶。spend time doing sth花费时间做某事,故选B。大熊猫妈妈一次只生一两个宝宝。根据one及two,可知是一个或两个,or或者,故选B。可悲的是,大熊猫在野外很难存活。根据sadly,可知是消极的方面,大熊猫在野外很难存活,difficult困难的,故选C。他们的数量越来越少,因为它们的生活场所正在变成农田。number

12、数量,用large或small修饰,根据their living places are becoming farmlands,可知因为失去居住地,它们的数量变少了,故选C。还有,人们为了它们的皮毛而杀它们。killfor为了而杀死,此处for表目的,故选C。我们应该给报纸和杂志写信介绍中国的大熊猫。根据letters,可知是写信,write写,故选B。如果更多的人知道这些问题,那么他们也许会做些什么来帮助他们。根据句子结构,可知此处应填动词不定式表目的,故选D。 【总结】考查完形填空,注意先略读文章,掌握文章大意,再分析每题的四个选项,根据上下文内容及语法知识进行选择。3.完形填空 Like

13、two different worldsI come from London in England- a very big city! Over 8 1 people live there, and its always busy with tourists. So moving to a little town 2 only 15 ,000 people was a big change for me! I am living in a little town in Germany now.In the countryside, the towns are 3 so everyone kno

14、ws each other. At home in London, I dont even know my neighbours! Another nice thing about the countryside is that its very green and theres lots of fresh air. I like nature, and its nice to see 4 the seasons change the trees. My favourite thing about living in the countryside is that at night I can

15、 see thousands of 5 . At home I can hardly see any! Thats because theres 6 light in the city, but here everything is dark and the stars twinkle in the sky.One thing I do like about living in a city is that its 7 to travel. We have the subways, buses and trains, and we even have buses that run all ni

16、ght. Here, the last train is before 9 pm, and theres only one in an hour! Another good thing about cities is that there are lots of 8 , so you can usually find what you need. Here there arent many shops, 9 I have to go to the nearest city!I always thought I was a city girl, but now I like the countr

17、yside too. They are like two different worlds, but 10 are like home !1. A. hundredB. thousandC. millionD. millions2. A. withB. fromC. likeD. for3. A. largerB. cleanerC. noisierD. smaller4. A. howB. whenC. whatD. where5. A. ducksB. starsC. lightsD. plans6. A. much tooB. too manyC. too muchD. too big7

18、. A. expensiveB. difficultD. boring8. A. schoolsB. shopsC. hospitalsD. banks9. A. soB. butC. andD. or10. A. allB. bothC. eachD. either【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(4)A;(8)B;(9)A;(10)B;【解析】本文介绍了伦敦和作者居住的小镇的区别。超过8百万人住在那里,那里总是挤满了游客。根据常识,城市的人口要超过百万,A百,B千,C百万,基数词8+million的原形,故选C。所以搬到一个只有15,000人的小镇对我来说是一个巨大的改变!A有,B来自,C像

19、,D为了,根据15,000可知是有多少人口,故是介词with , 故选A。 在农村,城镇要更小些,所以人人都熟悉彼此。A更大,B更干净,C更吵,D更小,根据人人都熟悉彼此,可知是小一些 , 故选D。 我喜欢大自然,很高兴看到四季如何改变了树木。A怎样,B何时,C什么,D哪里,根据 seasons change the trees,可知表示变化的方式,故是how , 故选A。我最喜欢住在乡下,因为晚上我可以看到成千上万的星星。A鸭子,B星星,C灯,D计划,根据 at night,可知夜晚能看到星星 , 故选B。 那是因为城市里有太多的光,但是这里一切都是黑暗的,星星在天空闪烁。A太,修饰形容词,

20、B太多,修饰名词复数,C太多,修饰不可数名词,D太大,根据light是不可数名词,可知用too much修饰,故选C。 我确实喜欢住在城市里的一点是,旅行容易。A贵的,B不同的,C容易的,D无聊的,根据 We have the subways, buses and trains, and we even have buses that run all night , 可知我们有地铁、公共汽车和火车,我们甚至有通宵运行的公共汽车很方便 , 故选C。 城市的另一个好处是有很多的商店。A学校,B商店,C医院,D银行,根据 you can usually find what you need,可知是商

21、店里有各种需要的东西 , 故选B。 这里商店不多,所以我得去最近的城市。A所以,B但是,C并且,D或者,根据这里商店不多,可知结果是我得去最近的城市,故是所以,so , 故选A。 他们就像两个不同的世界,但两者都像家!A所有的,三者以上,B两个都,C每个,D要么,根据 two different worlds,可知表示两者是both , 故选B。 【总结】考查完形填空,注意词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。4.(2020南京)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、

22、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 According to several recent surveys, some people fear public speaking more than anything else. 1 , this fear can be overcome (克服) with two simple methods: practice and using positive (正面的) energy from the audience. Practicing for a speech is essential. 2 the task of writing the speech

23、 is complete, speakers must practice, practice, practice. The more times they practice the speech, the more 3 they are discussing the topic. Using 4 such as mirrors or video recordings as they practice can show speakers what they look and sound like to the audience. Video is particularly helpful as

24、it can be 5 many times, with the presenters focusing (集中) on one part at a time. Another 6 of dealing with public speaking fears is using the audiences positive energy. Speakers need to remember that the audience wants them to 7 . Something as basic as a small nod or a smile from a member of the aud

25、ience should give 8 to the presenters behind the podium. While it is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation, using the audiences 9 will (意愿) helps much in making a speech better. All in all, these two strategies are sure to help with fear of public speaking. With

26、 proper practice and audience empathy (共鸣), it is 10 to overcome the fear of public speaking and deliver a successful speech. So there is no need to fear public speaking any more.1. A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. SadlyD. Terribly2. A. UnlessB. AfterC. Until3. A. nervousB. scaredC. comfortableD. difficult4.

27、 A. objectsB. activitiesC. signsD. instructions5. A. foundB. soldC. clearedD. watched6. A. causeB. problemC. wayD. purpose7. A. surpriseB. screamC. supposeD. succeed8. A. confidenceB. challengeC. humourD. service9. A. poorC. weakD. free10. A. necessaryB. importantC. interestingD. possible(2)B;(3)C;(7)D;【解析】短文大意:有些人最害怕公开演讲。本文讲述了克服这种恐惧有两个简单的方法:练习和利用

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