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牛津上海版深圳四年级下册Unit 112练习题精品Word文件下载.docx

1、四选词填空。 sour; soft; does; hard1. How does the desk fee? Its _.2. How_it feel? Its thin.3. Touch the banana. It is _.4. Taste the lemon. It is _.五连词成句,并注意大小写及标点符号。1. it; does; how; feel; is; it;thick; (?)(.)2. toy; bear; a; is; it; (.) 3. is; hot; day; Unit2 Smell and taste一判断下列划线部分的发音,相同的写(T)不同的写(F)。

2、)1.wash watch )2.she short)3.skirt shirt ()4.chair ship) 1.Mary likes eating_.A. strawberry B. strawberrys C. strawberries) 2.Do you have watermelon juice _ strawberry juice?A.and B. or C. but) 3. _it grape juice?No, it isnt.A. is B.Is C. Can) 4. Watermelons are _. Strawberries are _.A. sour; sweet

3、B. sour; sour C. sweet; sour三选词填空。 or; juice; thirsty; swim5. Do you have watermelon juice or strawberry _?6. I am _.I want some water to drink.7. Is it sweet _sour? it is sour.8. Fish can _.But it cant walk.四连词成句,并注意大小写及标点符号。;or; strawberry; grape;(?)2. sweet; and;3.can ; not; I; eat; the; Unit

4、3 Look and see) 1. phone photo ) 2.what where) 3. who when ( ) 4.whose which二读一读,填上一个适当的词完成句子。1. The sun_in the morning.2. At noon the sun_high in the sky.3. The sun_ _in the evening.4. At night the moon_high in the sky.5. How _it taste? It is sour and sweet三选择填空。) 1. The sun_in the morning.A. rise

5、B. rises C. is) 2.In the afternoon the sun is _the sky.A. on B. in C. high) 3.At_ the sun is high in the sky.A. night B. morning C. noon) 4. at night we can see many _in the sky.A. suns B. moons C. stars1.evening; sun; goes; down; in;2. the ; morning; rises;; night; moon; sky; up; high;4.shadow;

6、 short; Unit1-3) 1. shape shirt ship ) 2.who what where) 3. chick school watch () 4.where white why) 1. Can you swim? Yes, I_.A. am B. can C. do) 2.Is it _juice?A. grape B. grapes C. apples) 3.Is it sweet _sour?A. and B. or C./) 4. The sun_in the morning.A. rise B. rising C. rises) 5.Im _. I want so

7、mething to drink.A. thirsty B. tired C.hungry) 6. The sun_down in the evening.A. go B. goes C. going) 1.-Is it thin or thick?A. Its sour. B. Its sweet. C. It is thick.) 2.-Can Tom swim?A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, she can. C. Yes, he can.) 3.-Can she dance?A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, she cant. C. No, he cant.)

8、 4.-How does it taste?A. Its sour. B. Its thin. C. It is hard) 5.-_?It is thick.A. How does it taste? B. How does it feel? C. How does it smell?) 6.-Is it a toy monkey?A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, it is. A. Yes, it can.四补全对话。 fly; run; dog; taste; feelSam: How does it_?Tom: It is sweet and sour. It is thi

9、n. What is this? It is a toy_. Look at the toy dog. It can _. But it cant _.1. feel; how;(?2.moon;3.rises;; fox; thirty; hungry; Unit4 Subjects一 判断下列划线部分的发音,相同的打勾,不同的打叉。) 1. A. chick B. cock C. Jack ) 2. A. cake B. like C. make ) 3. A. what B.why C. who ) 4. A. she B.lunch C. watch 二根据问句,选出正确答语。

10、) 1.-Do you like Science,Peter?A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am. ) 2.-What subject do you like?A. PE. B. Apples. C. Rabbits.) 3.-What lessons do you have?A. Apples and pears. B. Cats and dogs. C. Arts and Music.) 4.-Is this your timetable?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, it is.) 5. -H

11、ow many lessons do you have today?A. Six. B. Nine. C. Ten.三连词成句,并注意大小写及标点符号。1. have; you; do; what; lessons;; like; subject;3.Chinese; have; we; Science;; Art; Maths; Unit5. Sport一 判断下列划线部分的发音,相同的写(T)不同的写(F)。) 1. A. Alice B. nice C. white ) 2. A. wall B. ball C. doll ) 3. A. white C

12、. bike ) 4. A. hill B.ball C. Jill 二用“do,does,doing”填空。1._you like playing football? Yes, I do.2. What lessons_we have today?3._Kitty like volleyball? No, she doesnt.4. Alice,_you have a badminton?5._she like Maths? Yes, she does.6._your father like table tennis?7. What_Lily like_? She likes swimmin

13、g.) 1. What_do you have today?A. lesson B. lessons C. Where) 2._Peter like music?A. does B. Do C. Does) 3.Do you like _football? B. some C.playing) 4. Kate _ _volleyball.A. like ; play B.likes;play C. likes;playing ) 5.Lets _ _football together.A. playing;the B. play;/ C.can;/1.does; he; playi

14、ng; football;; likes; she;(.)3.there; volleyball; club; his; school; (.); want; join;5.does; doing; Unit6 Music) 1. A. five B. like C. driver) 2. A. thick B. time C. thin) 3. A. miss B.class C. glass) 4. A. piano B.go C. do ) 1. What do you like _?A. do B. does C. doing) 2.I _Maths.

15、 Tom _Music.A. like; like B. like; likes C. likes; like ) 3.Does your brother like _basketball? Not, he B. doing C.playing) 4. Kate likes playing _volleyball.A. the B. play C. /) 5.We all like playing_violin.A. the B. / C. haveplay music Does Is Sams Whose1. _violin is it? It is _violi

16、n.2. _this your piano, Kate? Yes, it is.3. _your cousin like football? No, he doesnt.4. What_would you like to play?5. I would like to _”Good boy.”1.guitar; whose;2.Lucys; piano;; play; violin; can;4.can;5.that; guitar; your;Unit4-6) 1. A. desk B. me C. pen ) 2. A. like C. kite ) 3.

17、ll B.volleyball C. hello) 4. A.thin B.thick C. violin) 1. Do you like _basketball? B./ C.playing () 2.I _Chinese. Jim _Science.A. likes; likes ) 3.This is my book. That is _.A.Lucy B. Lucys C.Tom) 4.My cousin likes playing _guitar.A. a B. the C. /) 5. _piano is this?A. What B. Whose C. Who) 1.

18、-What can you play?A. I can play the guitar. B. I am happy. C. I can swim.) 2. -_ -Yes, it is.A. Does he like PE? B. Do you like Art?. C. Is it your football?) 3.-Do we have Maths today?A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, we do. C. No, it isnt.) 4.-How does your father like?A. She likes basketball. B. He likes v

19、olleyball. C. I am a bus driver.) 5.Whose violin is it?-_?A. They are Pats pens. B. It is Pams violin. C. It is Peter pen. ) 6.-Is this your football?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. A. Yes, it is. fathersA: Hello, little girl. _violin is this?B: It is my _.A Does he like _the violin? Yes, he _. What do you like _? I like playing table tennis.1.what; cousin;; Chinese; and(.); this ; piano ; aunts;4.likes ;5.

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